Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn
Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn (ドラゴンボールZゼット 復ふっ活かつのフュージョン!!悟ご空くうとベジータ Doragon Bōru Zetto Fukkatsu no Fyūjon!! Gokū to Bejīta, lit. Dragon Ball Z: The Rebirth of Fusion!! Goku and Vegeta), also known as Dragon Ball Z: Revival Fusion, is the fifteenth Dragon Ball film and the twelfth under the Dragon Ball Z banner. It originally released in Japan on March 4, 1995, and also had a limited theatrical run (as part of a double-feature with the U.S. premiere of Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler) on March 17, 2006. These were the first Dragon Ball-related movies to receive a theatrical release in the United States.
Timeline placement
The movie's events occur during the Majin Buu Saga, roughly before the Majin Buu Conflict reaches its climax with the advent of Super Buu. When Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan 3, he says the fight with Majin Buu was the only time he had ever been pushed so far. It is shown on Videl's watch that the movie takes place on a Saturday, the 16th, which is at least 9 days after the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament (which took place on May 7 of Age 774).
Son Goku 孙悟空
(日语:孫悟空;英语:Son Goku),是鸟山明的原作漫画《龙珠》及其改编原作系列中登场的虚构角色与主角,名字来自中国古典神怪小说《西游记》的“孙悟空”。“孙”是姓,“悟空”是名。由养育之父孙悟饭授予,其赛亚人本名为:卡卡罗特。其他纯种赛亚人直接称之为卡卡罗特。名字的由来是从红萝卜(胡萝卜)。与他的爱妻琪琪一起生下的长子的名字,是当年拉拔悟空长大的爷爷,孙悟饭的名字。 Son Goku is a Saiyan raised on Earth and the overall main protagonist of the Dragon Ball series. He is Bardock and Gine's youngest son, the husband of Chi-Chi, and the father of Gohan and Goten. Son Goku is a fictional character and the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. He is based on Sun Wukong (known as Son Goku in Japan and Monkey King in the West), a main character of the classic 16th-century Chinese novel Journey to the West, combined with influences from the Hong Kong martial arts films of Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee. Originally sent to Earth by his parents as an infant, Kakarot was adopted by Grandpa Gohan and given the name Son Goku. A head injury at an early age altered Goku's memory, ridding him of his initial destructive nature and allowing him to grow up to become one of Earth's greatest defenders. Goku constantly strives and trains to be the greatest warrior possible, which has kept the Earth and the universe safe from destruction multiple times.
Son Gohan 孙悟饭
Son Gohan (孫そん悟ご飯はん Son Gohan, Japanese pronunciation: [sõŋgohãɴ]) is a half-breed Saiyan and one of the most prominent characters in the Dragon Ball series. He is the elder son of the series' primary protagonist Goku and his wife Chi-Chi, the older brother of Goten, the husband of Videl and father to Pan. He is named after Goku's adoptive grandfather, Gohan. Unlike his father, Gohan is a brilliant scholar and lacks a passion for fighting, preferring to do so only when his loved ones are threatened. Nevertheless, he spends much of his life participating in the defense of Earth, often helping to turn the tides when the dormant depths of his power are unleashed
Vegeta 贝吉塔
Vegeta (ベジータ Bejīta), more specifically Vegeta IV (ベジータ四世 Bejīta Yonsei), recognized as Prince Vegeta (ベジータ王子 Bejīta Ōji), is the prince of the fallen Saiyan race and the husband of Bulma, the father of Trunks and Bulla, the eldest son of King Vegeta, as well as one of the main characters of the Dragon Ball series. Regal, egotistical, and full of pride, Vegeta was once a ruthless, cold-blooded warrior and outright killer, but later abandoned his position in the Frieza Force for a peaceful life on Earth. He would repeatedly fight alongside Universe 7's most powerful warriors in order to protect Earth and his family, as well as to surpass Goku in power. Vegeta's strong character development has received high praise and is regarded as the biggest in the series. He initially debuted as the main antagonist of the Vegeta Saga, but progressed into a more anti-heroic tritagonist role for the rest of Dragon Ball Z. Since the Majin Buu Saga and going into Dragon Ball Super, Vegeta has been the main deuteragonist/secondary protagonist behind Goku.
Trunks 特兰克斯
Trunks (トランクス Torankusu) is a Human-type Earthling/Saiyan hybrid, the firstborn child and only son of Vegeta and Bulma and the older brother of Bulla.
Son Goten 孙悟天
孙悟天(Son Goten,そん ごてん),日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的角色。孙悟空和琪琪的次子、孙悟饭之弟,在沙鲁游戏出生,外貌和孙悟空小时候十分相似。和父亲孙悟空一样性格都很善良单纯、天赋异禀,在7岁那年他已能够变成超级赛亚人,使他的哥哥悟饭非常惊讶。他与特兰克斯融合成为悟天克斯时他们甚至能够变成超级赛亚人3。
Son Goten (孫そん悟ご天てん Son Goten, Japanese pronunciation: [sõŋgotẽ̞ɴ]) is the youngest son of Goku and his wife Chi-Chi, making him a Saiyan and Earthling hybrid. Goten is Gohan's younger brother and Trunks' best friend.
Gotenks 悟天克斯
Gotenks (ゴテンクス Gotenkusu), previously known as Trunkten, is the immensely powerful fusion of Goten and Trunks successfully using the Fusion Dance, and the first successful fusion dance character to be seen in the Dragon Ball series. He likes to call himself, "The Hero of Justice", "Mack Daddy of Justice"', or "Grim Reaper of Justice". Gotenks is a fusion taught to Goten and Trunks by Goku and is later trained by Piccolo. He is one of the fusions performed through the use of the Fusion Dance technique. The dance is a special type of fusion ability, a connection through the fusees fingers. The fusees need to perform a special type of pose, then connect their index fingers evenly to produce a perfect fusion. He, like Gogeta, is summoned out of desperation to defeat powerful enemies. In Gotenks' case, this enemy is Majin Buu and later in the saga, he is to be used by Super Buu as his main power source when Gotenks is absorbed.
Gogeta 悟吉塔
悟吉塔,日本动画《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的角色,是孙悟空与贝吉塔使用美达摩星人融合术,融合诞生而成的究极超强合体战士,有着与孙悟空和贝吉塔同步独特的声音。 悟吉塔的融合并不是简单的两个人力量相加,而是会产生更强的战斗力,因此悟吉塔的力量,速度以及所有能力都得到了超强提升
Gogeta (ゴジータ Gojīta) is the Metamoran fusion of Goku and Vegeta when they perform the Fusion Dance properly. Wielding the combined and magnified strength of both Goku and Vegeta, Gogeta is an incredibly deadly warrior, and like his Potara counterpart Vegito, he is regarded as one of the most powerful characters in the entire Dragon Ball franchise. Gogeta first debuted in Fusion Reborn as the final protagonist when Goku and Vegeta fused in Hell to defeat Super Janemba. He returned in Dragon Ball GT as a Super Saiyan 4 to battle Omega Shenron, but defused quicker than expected due to over-using too much power. He would then make his canon debut in Broly as the final protagonist, similar to his role from Fusion Reborn.
Veku 贝空
Veku (ベクウ Bekū) is the failed attempt at Goku and Vegeta fusing into Gogeta. He is a fat and embarrassingly weak fusion fighter, named by South Kai in Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn from Vegeta and Goku. In this form, Veku is nowhere near as strong as he would like to be, and his ki and stamina are extremely limited. He does not perform any special ki attacks due to these limitations, as well as being unable to punch or kick well due to his fat body. Instead, all he is capable of doing is pass gas and escape battle with his surprisingly fast Rabbit Feet Technique. Like most fusions, there is a 30-minute time limit before he defuses back into Goku and Vegeta. Veku first appears in Fusion Reborn, in Goku and Vegeta's attempt to beat Super Janemba. King Kai blames Vegeta for the blunder, claiming that Vegeta didn't extend his index finger, which led to the fusion failure. Luckily, Veku is able to take Janemba's blows and outmaneuver him until the 30 minutes of fusion are finished, allowing Goku and Vegeta a successful opportunity to re-fuse, this time successfully into the deadly Gogeta, who easily eradicates Janemba.
Gogeta 悟吉塔
悟吉塔,日本动画《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的角色,是孙悟空与贝吉塔使用美达摩星人融合术,融合诞生而成的究极超强合体战士,有着与孙悟空和贝吉塔同步独特的声音。 悟吉塔的融合并不是简单的两个人力量相加,而是会产生更强的战斗力,因此悟吉塔的力量,速度以及所有能力都得到了超强提升
Gogeta (ゴジータ Gojīta) is the Metamoran fusion of Goku and Vegeta when they perform the Fusion Dance properly. Wielding the combined and magnified strength of both Goku and Vegeta, Gogeta is an incredibly deadly warrior, and like his Potara counterpart Vegito, he is regarded as one of the most powerful characters in the entire Dragon Ball franchise. Gogeta first debuted in Fusion Reborn as the final protagonist when Goku and Vegeta fused in Hell to defeat Super Janemba. He returned in Dragon Ball GT as a Super Saiyan 4 to battle Omega Shenron, but defused quicker than expected due to over-using too much power. He would then make his canon debut in Broly as the final protagonist, similar to his role from Fusion Reborn.
Veku 贝空
Veku (ベクウ Bekū) is the failed attempt at Goku and Vegeta fusing into Gogeta. He is a fat and embarrassingly weak fusion fighter, named by South Kai in Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn from Vegeta and Goku. In this form, Veku is nowhere near as strong as he would like to be, and his ki and stamina are extremely limited. He does not perform any special ki attacks due to these limitations, as well as being unable to punch or kick well due to his fat body. Instead, all he is capable of doing is pass gas and escape battle with his surprisingly fast Rabbit Feet Technique. Like most fusions, there is a 30-minute time limit before he defuses back into Goku and Vegeta. Veku first appears in Fusion Reborn, in Goku and Vegeta's attempt to beat Super Janemba. King Kai blames Vegeta for the blunder, claiming that Vegeta didn't extend his index finger, which led to the fusion failure. Luckily, Veku is able to take Janemba's blows and outmaneuver him until the 30 minutes of fusion are finished, allowing Goku and Vegeta a successful opportunity to re-fuse, this time successfully into the deadly Gogeta, who easily eradicates Janemba.
Bulma 布马
Bulma (ブルマ, Buruma) first appears as a teenager using the Dragon Radar, a fictional device she created to detect the energy signal emitted by Dragon Balls. She is led to Goku's location by the signal emitted by the four-star ball in his possession and recruits him as a bodyguard while hoping to get his four-star ball to grant her wish for a boyfriend. She gives up on the wish after meeting Yamcha, and much later in the series, she marries Vegeta. Bulma has also assumed the role of inventor and has consistently provided critical tech support to Goku and his friends in their battles against various enemies and threats throughout the series. Some of her notable innovations include a microband that could make her shrink and a time machine that brought her son from an alternate future timeline, Trunks, to the past on multiple occasions.
Chi-Chi (チチ) is Goku's wife, Gohan and Goten's mother, and Pan's grandmother. She and Goku first meet as children when her father, the Ox-King, asks Goku to take her to Master Roshi's house. In a misunderstanding, Goku promises to marry her. Years later, she confronts him about his promise at the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament, and they get married. As the matriarch of the family, she is depicted as being overprotective of Gohan's well-being and wishes to interrupt Goku's lifestyle of fighting and constant conflict. She relaxes her stance with her younger son Goten, even training him herself.

Videl 比迪丽
Videl (ビーデル Bīderu) is the daughter of Mr. Satan and Miguel, the wife of Gohan and the mother of Pan. Initially, Videl is a headstrong, independent, fierce, tough and tomboyish girl who was raised with fame all around her where she is also feisty and stubborn, much like Chi-Chi. Videl is quite perceptive as she had doubts about her father's claims of defeating Cell and correctly deduced that Gohan was both the mysterious "Golden Fighter" and Great Saiyaman, as well as ultimately coming to suspect that Gohan was the boy who fought Cell Games. She was also crafty enough to get Gohan to accidentally reveal he was Great Saiyaman, which she uses to blackmail him.
Mr. Satan 撒旦先生
Mr. Satan (ミスター・サタン Misutā Satan), also known as Hercule Satan in the Funimation dub, is the World Martial Arts Champion and the Earth's protector. His real name is Mark (マーク Māku). Mr. Satan is a tall man of a rather muscular and hairy physique and tends to adopt an imposing appearance when seen in public. His black curly Afro, mustache, and well-trimmed sideburns are among his most recognizable traits, as well as his cleft chin. Mr. Satan typically is seen in his martial arts uniform or in fitted suits but has been known to wear more luxurious clothing when resting or making public appearances. His gi is often accented with either a red or white cape depending on which gi he dons, and his notably hairy chest and arms are usually displayed openly. In the end of Dragon Ball Z and throughout Dragon Ball GT, his black curly afro is now in half as the center of his head is naturally bald and a few wrinkles due to his age. In his later years, his mustache now connects to his sideburns. In Dragon Ball Super, Mr. Satan's muscular physique has visibly weakened as a result of indulging in his fame over keeping up with his training, though he otherwise remains the same as his appearance in Dragon Ball Z.

Dr. Briefs 布里夫博士
布里夫博士,漫画《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的男性角色之一。塔伊丝、布尔玛的父亲,万能胶囊公司的创始人,杰出而性格古怪的科学家。他是一个喜剧性质的人物,第一部中时常和妻子冷战,还因为收藏了很多不良读物而不被布尔玛信任。 Dr. Briefs (ブリーフ博士, Burīfu-hakase), sometimes written as Dr. Brief, is Bulma's father, and Trunks and Bra's grandfather. He is an elderly scientist who is one of the smartest and richest men in the world. Dr. Briefs is the founder and president of Capsule Corporation (カプセルコーポレーション, Kapuseru Kōporēshon), the largest company on Earth, and the man responsible for the invention of the Hoi-Poi Capsules (ホイ ポイ カプセル, Hoi Poi Kapuseru), which can shrink inanimate objects down to pocket-sized capsule of namesake
Bikini (ビキニ) is the wife of Dr. Brief, the mother of Tights and Bulma, the mother-in-law of Vegeta, and the maternal grandmother of Trunks and Bulla. Bikini went unnamed in the original manga, anime and guidebooks, only ever being referred to as Bulma's mother (ブルマのママ Buruma no mama). In an interview, Toriyama noted that had he named her he probably would have gone with Panchy (パンチー Panchī), which was later used as her name in Dragon Ball SD.

Shenron 神龙
Shénlóng (神龍, Shenron, lit. "Dragon God"), Shenron in Funimation's anime dub, also known as the Eternal Dragon in the Ocean and Funimation dubs and as the Dragon God in the Harmony Gold dub, is the wish-granting dragon summoned when all seven of Earth's Dragon Balls are gathered together. Throughout the series, several rules on the Dragon Balls' use and limitations on Shenron's power are explained. After the wish is granted the balls scatter across the planet, turn to stone, are useless for a year, and cannot be detected by Bulma's Dragon Radar.
King Kai 北界王
北界王(north Kaiō),日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的角色。负责管理北银河(包括地球)的神。五大界王之一,他和他的宠物猩猩巴布鲁斯(动画中还有蚱蜢古雷格利)一起生活在重力是地球10倍的界王星。而且一对触角有着感知所有银河系的能力。 沙鲁游戏时,孙悟空用瞬间移动把将要自爆的沙鲁带到界王星,他以及巴布鲁斯和古雷格利就是死于这场大爆炸之中。尽管死了,但在龙珠Z后面的剧情中,他还是继续发挥着作用。
King Kai (界かい王おう様さま Kaiō-sama, lit. "King of Worlds") is the North Kai (北きたの界かい王おう Kita no Kaiō, lit. "North King of Worlds") and king of Universe 7's North Area. A comedy lover and brilliant mentor, he acts as Goku's Martial Arts teacher and instructs him in using the Kaio-ken and the Spirit Bomb. He later teaches Krillin, Yamcha, Tien Shinhan, Piccolo, and Chiaotzu and continues to act as a major supporting character throughout the majority of the series.
West Kai 西界王
West Kai (西にしの界かい王おう Nishi no Kaiō, lit. "West King of Worlds") is the king of the West Area of the universe and North Kai's personal rival. West Kai is short in stature, being about half the size of North Kai, and wears a blue monocle (he is the only Kai without sunglasses).

South Kai 南界王
South Kai (南みなみの界かい王おう Minami no Kaiō, lit. "South King of Worlds") is the king of the South Area in Universe 7. He is tall, has light pink skin, and wears white Jackie Ohh sunglasses.

East Kai 東界王
East Kai (東ひがしの界かい王おう Higashi no Kaiō, lit. "East King of Worlds") is a short, dumpy Kai who rules over the East Area of the universe. East Kai wears red Jackie Ohh sunglasses. She has red hair but wears a blonde wig, as seen during the Other World Tournament.

Grand Kai 大界王
Grand Kai (大界王 Dai Kaiō, lit. "Great King of Worlds") is the king who oversees the four Kais, North Kai, West Kai, South Kai and East Kai, who rule over the four quadrants of the universe.
King Yemma 閻魔大王
King Yemma (閻えん魔ま大だい王おう Enma Daiō) is the king of all ogres who judge the dead. A line of souls leads to his office where he decides whether a soul goes to Heaven or Hell. Compared to the other ogres, King Yemma is of a different color, he has a beard, he has a helmet with two horns, and he is colossal in size; even his desk is at least three times taller than Goku, who is able to fit in one drawer. King Yemma is strong enough to stay in control in any situation and can easily overpower Raditz. Later in the series, when the power of the villains increases, this becomes less impressive. King Yemma is very impatient, and easily angered by the smallest of things (just like when screaming at Piccolo when he was ruining heaven), but is willing to listen to people's problems if he needs to. He also dislikes it when people hold up the line at the Check-In Station yelling at Kami to leave when he held up the line while deep in thought and even jokingly threatened to send the pure hearted Guardian to Hell just to scare him when he overheard Kami revealing to Goku that King Kai was stronger than him, showing he is not above using his position to threaten people. Though he might not seem like it, he is highly intelligent as shown when he recovered Vegeta's body and sent Dabura to heaven instead of hell. He is also good natured as was shown by his kind treatment of Goku and his tolerance of Goku's lack of manners. He also fulfilled Goku's wish that Kid Buu be reincarnated as a good person, resulting in the latter's reincarnation into Uub.
Pikkon 排骨
Pikkon, known as Paikuhan (パイクーハン Paikūhan) in the original Japanese version, is a fighter of the Other World who first appears as the main fighting antagonist of the Other World Saga. He does not appear in the original Dragon Ball manga. Acting as a substitute for Piccolo in terms of appearance, role, and personality, he is introduced in the filler episodes of Dragon Ball Z, and later appears in Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn.
Dictator 独裁者
The Dictator (独裁者 Dokusaisha), also known as Adenoid Hinkel (アデノイド・ヒンケル Adenoido Hinkeru), is a minor villain in Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn. He is a caricature of the real-life Austrian-born politician Adolf Hitler. Instead of Nazi swastikas on the flags and uniforms of his army, the insignias are replaced with X's.
Olibu (オリブー Oribū) is a deceased Human-type Earthling fighter and hero from the North Area in the universe. He is King Kai's greatest fighter next to Goku. Olibu appears as a fair skinned man with long blonde hair and purple eyes. He is very tall, at least two feet taller than Goku, and has a large muscular body. He dons white Ancient Greek-style robes with brown suspenders and belt, wears white bands on his wrists and shins, and large light brown boots. He also wears an orange headband.
Maraikoh (マーライコー Māraikō) is an Other World fighter from the West Area of the universe. Maraikoh has an anthropomorphic dragon-like appearance. His design is similar to that of Giras, while his skin colors resemble Icarus. He wears a white belt and black underwear, as well as brown shoes of some sort over his clawed feet.

Arqua (アークア Ākua) is an Other World fighter from the East Area of the universe.
Alien Announcer
(あの世一武道会アナウンサー Anoyo Ichi Budōkai Anaunser) is the announcer of the Other World Tournament on Grand Kai's Planet.

Jeice 吉斯
Jeice (ジース Jīsu) is a member of the Ginyu Force, acting as Ginyu's second in command and fighting partner of Burter. Being a red-skinned alien humanoid in appearance, Captain Ginyu best describes him as an extremely flamboyant and showy white-haired mutant. Nicknamed the "Red Magma", he often pairs with Burter for combination attacks, such as the Purple Comet Attack.
Burter 巴特
Burter (バータ Bāta) is the fastest member of the mercenary platoon known as the Ginyu Force. Being nicknamed the "Blue Hurricane", he often performs combo attacks with Jeice, such as the Purple Comet Hurricane. He is very arrogant, boastful, and tends to talk down to his opponents.
Medamatcha (メダマッチャ Medamatcha) is one of Lord Slug's henchmen who appears in Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug. Medamatcha is a short, green-skinned, frog-faced alien with large yellow eyes, pointed ears, small horns and red lips. He has long arms and short stubby legs. He wears a brown band around his right arm, blue pants with a tied red cloth belt, and dark yellow and brown boots. Medamatcha is cheerful, energetic and sadistic. He takes pleasure in causing pain and was gleefully eager to kill a injured and unresponsive Gohan. So much in fact, he tried to finish off the young Saiyan twice. When fighting, he giggles maniacally and derides his opponents.

Ginger (ジンジャー Jinjā) is one of Garlic Jr.'s original trio of henchmen in Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone. The smallest of the three, Ginger is the one who most closely resembles Garlic Jr. in his overall appearance, except for his skull-like nose which gives him the appearance of a vampire bat. He has dark olive skin and red eyes, and he is typically seen wearing a large dark cloak.

Recoome 利库姆
Recoome (リクーム Rikūmu) is a member of the Ginyu Force. He is the most flamboyant member as he is seen striking poses more often in battle than Captain Ginyu himself and generally behaving in a deceptively goofy manner.
Bujin (ブージン Būjin) is one of Bojack's four Galaxy Soldiers in Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound. In terms of cruelty and mercilessness, Bujin is no different than Bojack and the rest of their group, but still does so with a mischievous manner. Like Bido and Zangya, he is undoubtedly one of Bojack's most loyal subordinates. His appearance is similar to that of his comrades, as all members are of the same race, the Hera Clan. He sports teal-colored skin, but unlike the other members of Bojack's crew, it is unknown if Bujin's hair is colored orange or if he even has hair at all.

Cacao 卡卡奥
Cacao (カカオ Kakao) is one of the henchmen led by Turles in Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might. Cacao's appearance is marked by cyborg components adorned over skin similar in appearance to magma. Being a cyborg, Cacao's Battle Armor is the only armor with weapons. Cacao was originally a battle Cyborg built on planet Ikonda to fight in an interstellar war. After this, he became a galactic lone-wolf bounty hunter and volunteers to join the Turles Crusher Corps. In addition, his cyborg body is made from a special metal that makes him immune to ordinary attacks, including Yamcha's Spirit Ball.

Kogu 格库亚
Kogu, known as Gokua (ゴクア Gokua) in the Japanese version, is one of Bojack's four Galaxy Soldiers in Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound. Like other members of his race, Kogu has teal colored skin and orange hair. His outfit is similar to that of Dabura's though a different color, his top being black and his pants being white. He too has a sash, though it goes around his shoulder. Upon transforming, Kogu takes on a green complexion. He loses his black top though oddly enough his red sash still remains. He also wields a sword.

Zangya 赞佳
Zangya (ザンギャ Zangya) is one of Bojack's four Galaxy Soldiers in Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound. Zangya has long, curly orange hair, bluish skin, blue eyes, and pointed ears. She wears a white jacket and pants with gold buckles, gold, pointed necklace and earrings, a blue undershirt, black pull-on sleeves, a purple sash, and yellow and black boots. However, due to the lighting of the magma chamber where she fought Krillin, she briefly appeared to have light yellow or green skin. Like Bojack and the rest of the Galaxy Soldiers in her debut appearance, Zangya is cruel and merciless, being characterized as "a deadly beauty" in her case as seen during her battle with Krillin who was too awestruck by her beauty to fight. Unlike the other members of her team, she was shown capable of feeling fear as seen when Gohan as a Super Saiyan 2 killed two of her teammates in front of her before making his way toward her.
Paragus 帕拉伽斯
Paragus (パラガス Paragasu) is the father of Broly. He appears as the secondary antagonist in Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan. Paragus is one of the few Saiyans shown to wear Battle Armor different to that of Frieza's employ; Paragus's armor vaguely resembles that of Goku's Yardrat outfit. The armor he wears frequently changes colors throughout various flashbacks. Also, in one case, it looks like he was not wearing any armor. He also wears a white collared cape that touches the ground and covers the right half of his body. Because of Broly's actions during his childhood, Paragus' left eye was injured and has a scar running from his left eyebrow to his cheek at the time of Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan.

Cui 邱夷
Cui (キュイ Kyui) is an elite soldier who serves under Frieza in the Frieza Force. Cui is an indigo-skinned, scaly, fish-faced alien. With the exception of his boots being green, he wears the common Battle Armor.
Rasin 雷兹 & Lakasei 拉卡塞
雷兹·拉卡塞兄弟(ラカセイ レズン,RAKASEI REZN ) 原本是灭绝已久的宾斯人的化石,被达列斯使用神精树的提取物从中复活。他们的物种非常聪明,两兄弟建造了达列斯军团的宇宙飞船及其余的军械。这对双胞胎的身体可以合二为一,也可以随意一分为二。 相关电影小册子指出雷兹·拉卡塞兄弟的战斗力均为7,600。
Rasin (レズン Rezun) and Lakasei (ラカセイ Rakasei) are two short, plump henchmen who work for Turles in Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might. Rasin and Lakasei are both purple skinned, ovular-headed and rather short. They are revived by Turles from fossils of the long extinct Beenz people by using extract from the Tree of Might. Their species is extremely intelligent, and the two of them built Turles' spaceship and the rest of their ordnance.
Commander Zeeun
Commander Zeeun (ゼエウン Zeeun) is one of Lord Slug's henchmen who appears in Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug. Zeeun appears to be quite loyal to Slug, ordering Gyoshu to hurry up and figure out how long it will take to Terra-Freeze Earth while remarking that Slug doesn't have time to wait on Gyoshu. However, he is foolish in choosing his words and makes the mistake of remarking on Slug's age and mortality. This mistake costs him his life.

Bojack 波杰克
波杰克,是《龙珠Z:银河面临危机 身手不凡的高手》剧场版登场的角色,是个企图破坏四大银河系的暴徒,四位界王合力将他和手下封印于银河尽头的星球,但因北界王的死而解除了封印。在封印被解除后,波杰克带着手下来到了地球,乱入了世界第一富豪“钱多多”为自己儿子“美元”的十岁生日举办的天下一武道大会,击倒了由撒旦先生的弟子假扮的银河战士。后遇到参加这次比武大会的Z战士们,并击败了他们。后来比克、贝吉塔赶到救援,未来特兰克斯也再次加入战斗,但依然被波杰克一伙击败,孙悟饭也被波杰克的手下用超能力封锁行动,波杰克准备折磨死悟饭,最终在撒旦先生和已死的孙悟空的“帮助”下,孙悟饭成功脱险,变身成超级赛亚人2杀死了波杰克和他的手下。
Bojack (ボージャック Bōjakku) is a ruthless and powerful space pirate who serves as the leader of the Galaxy Soldiers. Having caused havoc across the four galaxies of Universe 7, he was originally defeated and sealed by the Kais before being freed due to the aftermath of the Cell Games, allowing him to return as the main antagonist of Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound. In Super Dragon Ball Heroes, he also serves as a minor antagonist. Bojack is depicted as having a muscular build and resembles something of a gypsy-pirate. His skin is colored teal, his long hair is orange, and he has a long scar scaling his face. Bojack has a maximum-power transformation which renders his skin chartreuse, his hair red and his muscle mass increased over the top. His outfit is also shredded by the transformation.

Zarbon 萨博
Zarbon (ザーボン Zābon) is a member of the Frieza Force. He is a cunning warrior who serves alongside Dodoria as one of Frieza's top two highest ranking Generals and right-hand men. Zarbon is an elite warrior who values beauty and his physical appearance above all else. He is considered to be very handsome. He has long green braided hair and his tiara and earrings are reminiscent of his previous status as a high-class prince. He is very vain, and he considers himself to be of the highest standard due to his background and his good looks. His light blue skin and golden eyes indicate his reptilian alien ancestry. He also wears a long light blue cape, as well as pink arm warmers, blue leg warmers, and blue underwear. Along with his choice of clothing, he wears the common armor that most of Frieza's military men have, including the shoulder pads and a blue scouter.

Frieza 弗利沙
Frieza (フリーザ Furīza) is the main antagonist of the Dragon Ball series. He is the descendant of Chilled, the youngest son of King Cold, the younger brother of Cooler and the father of Kuriza. After inheriting Cold's imperialist army and rising to power as the emperor of Universe 7, Frieza quickly established himself as a cruel and ruthless tyrant, feared for his immense power. Ever since his invasion of Namek, Frieza has been the series' most recurring villain, clashing with his archnemesis Goku and his allies on several occasions, becoming even more powerful every time.
Saike Demon
The Saike Demon (サイケ鬼 Saike Oni, lit. "Psyche Oni") is an ogre that works for King Yemma in the Spirit Laundry in Hell. The Saike Demon has red skin and has two horns. For clothing he wears red headphones, a green short sleeved hoodie, a dark blue shirt, red fingerless gloves and yellow pants with black lines.
Janemba 邪念波
Janemba (ジャネンバ Janenba) is the main antagonist in Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn, and he appears in several other Dragon Ball media. He is a powerful demon and the living definition of evil. Janemba's name is likely a pun on "Je n'aime pas," which means "I don't like" in French. Spelled 邪念波, Janemba means "Evil Thought Wave". In the form he took by possessing the Saike Demon, Janemba appears as a giant yellow obese monster. He has four holes on his belly that he uses to shoot his ki blasts and two holes on his shoulders. His legs and forearms are colored as a dull-purple. His eye sclera are white, and his eye irises and pupils are black. Being are completely rounded. He also has a large tail, and two stubby toes.
Super Janemba 超级邪念波
邪念波第二形态时外貌凶悍,带有邪性的面孔,变成橘红色皮肤,尖耳朵,黑色眼眸及蛋黄眼,浅紫色衣甲,露出腹部,头上长有一对兽角,身材健壮高挑(比排骨饭高大), [17] 魔蜥型的长尾巴,双手腕和两只小腿上套着白色的护腕(人设图中是灰白色护腕),走路的脚步音效和弗利萨的一样。外形是一个持剑的恶魔(剑是临时装备),有着魔性的笑声,而且战斗实力更强,凌驾于超级赛亚人三阶之上。
Janemba is pummeled by Goku's new found might and is seemingly defeated. However, Janemba transforms into a smaller but much more powerful and fierce looking form known as Super Janemba. Goku fights valiantly against the monster but loses the upper hand, thanks in part to Super Janemba's Bunkai Teleport ability that allows him to avoid attacks. Super Janemba is able to give Goku added pressures after he forms the Dimension Sword and appears to defeat Goku before he is saved by Vegeta. Vegeta tries his hand at defeating the monster but fares no better and it is Goku's turn to do the saving where they flee and eventually decide to fuse together while Super Janemba searches for their location. After a failed attempt at fusing, Goku and Vegeta make a second attempt while Pikkon shows up to try and buy them some time though Janemba beats him with ease, only being troubled when Pikkon insults him due to sharing the same weakness as the barrier. When Super Gogeta finally emerges, he utterly overpowers and destroys Super Janemba by purifying his pure evil energy and turning him back into the Saike Demon.
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