November 04, 2023

射雕英雄传 The Legend of the Condor Heroes (2003 慈文影视 Ciwen Media) 全真教 白驼山庄 铁掌帮

The Legend of the Condor Heroes
《射雕英雄传》(英语:The Legend of Arching Hero)是2002年中国大陆慈文传媒有限公司制作的古装武侠电视连续剧,根据金庸同名小说《射雕英雄传》改编,由张纪中制作。本剧于2010年3月8日起在华视首播。香港则由亚洲电视本港台播放配音版本。全台首播是在2003年台湾有线电视的八大戏剧台。

The Legend of the Condor Heroes, also released as Legend of Eagle Shooting Hero and Legend of the Arching Hero, is a Chinese television series adapted from Louis Cha's novel The Legend of the Condor Heroes. It is the first instalment of a trilogy produced by Zhang Jizhong, followed by The Return of the Condor Heroes (2006) and The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber (2009). It was first broadcast on CCTV in China in 2003.
The story is set in the middle of Song Dynasty and at the beginning of the Nuzhen Invasion of China. Two dedicated Song Dynasty young men, Yang Tie Xin and Guo Xiao Tian, find out that their wives are pregnant. They promise each other that when their children are born, they would become either sworn brothers or sworn sisters or be married if they were of different genders. One night they befriend a Taoist priest named Qiu Chu Ji of Quan Zhen Sect who's wanted by Jin soldiers. Qiu Chu Ji dispatches soldiers coming to arrest him with ease and leaves when he sees a signal of his Sect appear in the night sky.
Yang's kind-hearted wife, Bao Xi Rou, rescues a wounded man who turns out to be the Jin prince Wanyan Hong Lie. When the Jin soldiers return, the two families are torn asunder. Wanyan Hong Lie takes Bao Xi Rou to the Jin capital while Guo Li Ping is taken by a greedy Jin soldier, Duan Tian De, to the Mongolian outskirts. Both women believe that their husbands perished trying to save them. Upon discovering his friends' demise, Qiu Chu Ji vows to find their children and teach them martial arts so that they can avenge the wrong done to their families.


Cast and Character 演员阵容与角色 
赵亮 饰演 周伯通
全真教创始人之一, 天下五绝之一的“中神通”王重阳的师弟,全真七子的师叔。潜心武学,习武成痴,行事不按江湖传统,性格胡闹,思想单纯,一生忠厚朴实,喜欢戏弄人家。因行是幼稚,因此人称“老顽童”。在王重阳逝世后成为全真教中武功最强的高手。曾被黄药师囚禁于桃花岛15年,并在岛上与郭靖结拜为义兄弟。在被困在岛上期间自创七十二路空明拳和双手互搏之术(亦称“左右互搏”),此时武功已与天下五绝不相伯仲,之后又误识九阴真经,故武功近乎天下第一。

李伟 饰演 尹志平
(新版为甄志丙) 全真教,丘处机之徒

任袁媛 饰演 程瑶迦


李心敏 饰演 “丹阳子”马钰

周浩东 饰演 “长春子”丘处机

王岗 饰演 “玉阳子”王处一(又称“铁脚仙”)

赵强 饰演 “长真子”谭处端

张永生 饰演 “长生子”刘处玄

尤乃俊 饰演 “广宁子”郝大通


修庆 饰演 欧阳克

李彧 饰演 裘千仞

李彧 饰演 裘千丈

November 03, 2023

射雕英雄传 The Legend of the Condor Heroes (2003 慈文影视 Ciwen Media) 天下五绝

The Legend of the Condor Heroes
《射雕英雄传》(英语:The Legend of Arching Hero)是2002年中国大陆慈文传媒有限公司制作的古装武侠电视连续剧,根据金庸同名小说《射雕英雄传》改编,由张纪中制作。本剧于2010年3月8日起在华视首播。香港则由亚洲电视本港台播放配音版本。全台首播是在2003年台湾有线电视的八大戏剧台。

The Legend of the Condor Heroes, also released as Legend of Eagle Shooting Hero and Legend of the Arching Hero, is a Chinese television series adapted from Louis Cha's novel The Legend of the Condor Heroes. It is the first instalment of a trilogy produced by Zhang Jizhong, followed by The Return of the Condor Heroes (2006) and The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber (2009). It was first broadcast on CCTV in China in 2003.
The story is set in the middle of Song Dynasty and at the beginning of the Nuzhen Invasion of China. Two dedicated Song Dynasty young men, Yang Tie Xin and Guo Xiao Tian, find out that their wives are pregnant. They promise each other that when their children are born, they would become either sworn brothers or sworn sisters or be married if they were of different genders. One night they befriend a Taoist priest named Qiu Chu Ji of Quan Zhen Sect who's wanted by Jin soldiers. Qiu Chu Ji dispatches soldiers coming to arrest him with ease and leaves when he sees a signal of his Sect appear in the night sky.
Yang's kind-hearted wife, Bao Xi Rou, rescues a wounded man who turns out to be the Jin prince Wanyan Hong Lie. When the Jin soldiers return, the two families are torn asunder. Wanyan Hong Lie takes Bao Xi Rou to the Jin capital while Guo Li Ping is taken by a greedy Jin soldier, Duan Tian De, to the Mongolian outskirts. Both women believe that their husbands perished trying to save them. Upon discovering his friends' demise, Qiu Chu Ji vows to find their children and teach them martial arts so that they can avenge the wrong done to their families.


Cast and Character 演员阵容与角色 
曹培昌 饰演 黄药师

尤勇智 饰演 欧阳锋

王卫国 饰演 一灯大师

孙海英 饰演 洪七公

张纪中 饰演 王重阳