Captain America: Civil War
Captain America: Civil War is a 2016 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Captain America, produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. It is the sequel to Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) and Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), and the 13th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film was directed by Anthony and Joe Russo from a screenplay by the writing team of Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, and stars Chris Evans as Steve Rogers / Captain America alongside an ensemble cast including Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Don Cheadle, Jeremy Renner, Chadwick Boseman, Paul Bettany, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Rudd, Emily VanCamp, Marisa Tomei, Tom Holland, Frank Grillo, Martin Freeman, William Hurt, and Daniel Brühl. In Captain America: Civil War, disagreement over international oversight of the Avengers fractures the team into two opposing factions—one led by Steve Rogers and the other by Tony Stark (Downey). Development of Civil War began in late 2013 when Markus and McFeely began writing the screenplay, which borrows concepts from the 2006 comic book storyline "Civil War" while also focusing on story and character elements from the previous Captain America films to conclude the trilogy. Following positive reactions to The Winter Soldier, the Russo brothers were brought back to direct in early 2014. The film's title and premise were revealed in October 2014, along with Downey's involvement as Stark; additional cast members joined in the following months. Principal photography began in April 2015 at Pinewood Atlanta Studios in Fayette County, Georgia, and continued in the Metro Atlanta area before concluding in Germany in August 2015, with the film being the first to use IMAX's digital 2D cameras (for the film's central airport fight sequence). Visual effects were provided by nearly 20 different studios. Captain America: Civil War held its world premiere in Los Angeles on April 12, 2016, and was released in the United States on May 6, as the first film in Phase Three of the MCU. The film was a commercial success, grossing over $1.1 billion worldwide, becoming the highest-grossing film of 2016, and received positive reviews, including praise for the performances (particularly Evans and Downey), action sequences, and themes. A fourth film, Captain America: New World Order, is set for release in May 2024. It is a continuation of Marvel Studios' Disney+ series The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021), following Mackie's Sam Wilson as Captain America.
《美国队长3》(英语:Captain America: Civil War)是一部于2016年上映的美国超级英雄电影,本片由罗素兄弟共同执导,克里斯托弗·马库斯与斯蒂芬·麦克菲利编剧,由漫威影业制作,并由华特迪士尼影业负责发行。本片改编自漫威漫画旗下的超级英雄角色美国队长和马克·米拉于2006年创作的漫画《内战》中的故事情节,本片为2014年电影《美国队长2》的续集和漫威电影宇宙的第十三部电影作品。本片由多名演员共同出演,包括克里斯·埃文斯、小罗伯特·唐尼、斯嘉丽·约翰逊、安东尼·麦凯、保罗·路德、杰瑞米·雷纳、塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦、艾米丽·万凯普、查德维克·博斯曼、伊丽莎白·奥尔森、保罗·贝特尼、唐·钱德尔、汤姆·赫兰德、弗兰克·格里罗、威廉·赫特以及丹尼尔·布尔。在电影中,美国队长和钢铁侠因一项管理异能者活动的法案而开始对立,进而各自组建了阵营来对抗彼此。 本片的开发始于2013年末,克里斯多佛·马库斯与史蒂芬·麦费利从那时起开始创作剧本,使用了马克·米拉于2006年创造的漫画作品《内战》作为概念。在《美国队长2》的剧本测试上获得正面的回响后,罗素兄弟于2014年初确认将回归执导续集。2014年10月,片名公布,同月小罗伯特·唐尼确认将会加盟本片,其余演员在随后几月中亦均确认出演本片。视频的主要拍摄工作于2015年4月,美国佐治亚州费耶特县的松林亚特兰大工作室开展,其余拍摄工作分别在波多黎各、德国柏林与冰岛进行。 本片使用数字IMAX摄影机拍摄,定于2016年5月6日以含3D、数字IMAX版在北美上映,而香港、澳门及台湾则于2016年4月27日以含3D、数字IMAX版上映。
Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Don Cheadle, Jeremy Renner, Chadwick Boseman, Paul Bettany, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Rudd, Emily VanCamp, Marisa Tomei, Tom Holland, Frank Grillo, Martin Freeman, William Hurt, Daniel Brühl
In 1991, the brainwashed super-soldier James "Bucky" Barnes is dispatched from a Hydra base in Siberia to intercept an automobile carrying a case of super-soldier serum. In the present day, approximately one year after Ultron is defeated by the Avengers in the nation of Sokovia,[a] Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson, and Wanda Maximoff stop Brock Rumlow from stealing a biological weapon from a lab in Lagos. Rumlow blows himself up, attempting to kill Rogers. Maximoff telekinetically diverts the explosion, accidentally destroying a nearby building and killing several Wakandan humanitarian workers in the process. Thaddeus Ross, the U.S. Secretary of State, informs the Avengers that the United Nations (UN) is preparing to pass the Sokovia Accords, which will establish a UN panel to oversee and control the team. The Avengers are divided: Tony Stark supports oversight because of his role in Ultron's creation and Sokovia's devastation, while Rogers has more faith in his own judgment than that of politicians. Meanwhile, Helmut Zemo tracks down and kills Barnes' old Hydra handler, stealing a book containing the trigger words that activate Barnes' brainwashing. At a UN conference in Vienna where the Accords are to be ratified, a bomb kills King T'Chaka of Wakanda. Security footage indicates the bomber is Barnes, whom T'Chaka's son, T'Challa, vows to kill. Informed by Sharon Carter of Barnes' whereabouts and the authorities' intentions to kill him, Rogers decides to try to bring in Barnes—his childhood friend and war comrade—himself. Rogers and Wilson track Barnes to Bucharest and attempt to protect him from T'Challa and the authorities, but all four, including T'Challa, are apprehended by the Bucharest police and James Rhodes. Impersonating a psychiatrist sent to interview Barnes, Zemo recites the words to activate Barnes's brainwashing. He questions Barnes, then sends him on a rampage to cover his own escape. Rogers stops Barnes and sneaks him away. When Barnes regains his senses, he explains that Zemo is the real Vienna bomber and wanted the location of the Siberian Hydra base, where other brainwashed "Winter Soldiers" are kept in cryogenic stasis. Unwilling to wait for authorization to apprehend Zemo, Rogers and Wilson go rogue, and recruit Maximoff, Clint Barton, and Scott Lang to their cause. With Ross's permission, Stark assembles a team composed of Romanoff, T'Challa, Rhodes, Vision, and Peter Parker to capture the renegades. Stark's team intercepts Rogers' group at Leipzig/Halle Airport, where they fight until Romanoff allows Rogers and Barnes to escape. As Rogers and Barnes are escaping, Rhodes is inadvertently shot down by Vision, and becomes partially paralyzed. The rest of Rogers' team is captured and detained at the Raft prison, and Romanoff goes into exile. Stark discovers evidence that Barnes was framed by Zemo and convinces Wilson to give him Rogers' destination. Without informing Ross, Stark goes to the Siberian Hydra facility and strikes a truce with Rogers and Barnes, unaware that they were secretly followed by T'Challa. They find that the other super-soldiers have been killed by Zemo, who then shows them footage that reveals that the automobile Barnes had intercepted in 1991 contained Stark's parents, whom Barnes subsequently killed. Enraged that Rogers kept this from him, Stark turns on them both, leading to an intense fight, in which Stark destroys Barnes' robotic arm, and Rogers disables Stark's armor. Rogers departs with Barnes, leaving his shield behind. Satisfied that he has avenged his family's deaths in Sokovia from the Avengers' actions by successfully fracturing them, Zemo attempts suicide, but he is stopped by T'Challa and taken to the authorities. In the aftermath, Stark provides Rhodes with exoskeletal leg braces that allow him to walk again, while Rogers breaks his allies out of the Raft. In a mid-credits scene, Barnes, granted asylum in Wakanda, chooses to return to cryogenic sleep until a cure for his brainwashing is found. In a post-credits scene, Parker explores the features of the web shooters built for him by Stark.
1991年,遭受洗脑而被改造成为“冬日战士”的巴基·巴恩斯在九头蛇位于西伯利亚的地下基地被唤醒后奉命拦截一辆运送超级战士血清的汽车,最后将血清带回给监管人。现今,备受争议的索科维亚战役过去一年,由史蒂芬·罗杰斯、山姆·威尔逊、娜塔莎·罗曼诺夫以及旺达·马克西莫夫组成的“复仇者联盟”在尼日利亚拉各斯抓获企图盗取生化武器的布洛克·朗姆洛。朗姆洛因走投无路而启动身上的自爆设备,旺达试图用念力将爆炸冲击转移至空中,却不慎波及到旁边的大楼而造成多数死伤。这场灾难导致复仇者联盟再度受到各国谴责和争议,美国国务卿撒迪厄斯·罗斯提议复仇者们签署《索科维亚协议》(Sokovia Accords):一本由联合国所拟定、针对超级英雄与异能人士的法案;条约中包含创建一个特殊小组来负责监督且限制复仇者的一切行动。 协议当时已被117个国家签署,但在复仇者之间引发两极化争议,托尼·斯塔克因愧疚于造就索科维亚的灾难而决定带头签字,但史蒂芬对此强烈反对,认为他们签下去就会从此沦为政府的傀儡。随后,佩吉·卡特在英国伦敦去世,史蒂芬在葬礼上巧遇结识过的莎伦·卡特,得知她是佩吉的侄女。在奥地利维也纳举办的协议研讨会上突然发生爆炸袭击,造成瓦坎达国王特查卡的死亡,监控录像显示凶手是巴基。史蒂芬通过莎伦透漏的情报而抢先来到罗马尼亚布加勒斯特找到巴基,但巴基表示他和爆炸案毫无关系,当本地特种部队试图抓捕他时,巴基只能纵身逃跑。特查卡之子兼瓦坎达的王储特查拉身穿由振金构成的黑豹战服打算抢先一步杀死巴基,史蒂芬和山姆则尾随在后。经过一物降一物的追捕下,四个人最后全部被捕,移送至德国柏林的联合反恐总部。 爆炸案的幕后黑手赫尔穆特·泽莫在克里夫兰杀死巴基的九头蛇监管人瓦希里·卡尔波夫,在他的住处寻获大量机密文件,包括记载洗脑口令的《红皮书》。他冒充一名心理医生潜入反恐总部,在他事先安排的断电时刻中对巴基念出口令,导致巴基再度失控而逃往屋顶,打算开直升机逃跑却被史蒂芬制止。两人与直升机一同掉入反恐总部旁的河中,巴基因头部受到重击及溺水之下恢复自我和原来的记忆,对史蒂芬解释泽莫才是始作俑者,并推测他即将去西伯利亚基地,去发布其余五名比他还强的超级战士。由于无法告知托尼或政府,史蒂芬决定和山姆孤军奋战,并召来旺达、克林特·巴顿以及新入伍的斯科特·朗,项目趁泽莫唤醒其他战士之前阻止他。但托尼也集合其他赞成协议的复仇者,包括新加入的彼得·帕克,一位住在纽约皇后区并拥有蜘蛛的爬行能力并能够发射蜘蛛丝的高中生。 史蒂芬阵营来到莱比锡/哈雷机场准备偷一架昆式战斗机去阻止泽莫,而托尼阵营包括幻视联合起来全力阻止他们,为捍卫各自的理念,两派复仇者在机场中发动“英雄内战”。双方均陷入苦战,史蒂芬和巴基受同伴的掩护而成功搭上战机,娜塔莎最终心软选择放走他们。幻视为了阻止他们而发射宝石光束,却不慎击中飞在空中的罗德斯,导致他连同停机的战甲直坠地面、摔成重伤几近瘫痪下半身。山姆、旺达、巴顿与斯科特集体被捕送入位于太平洋之间、收容异能者的浮桥监狱,而娜塔莎放跑逃犯的行为也被特查拉举报,使她决定趁政府还未找上门前逃至外国。 托尼从人工智能弗雷迪的调查得知,出现在反恐总部的心理医生实为泽莫冒充,将线索拼凑在一起后发现巴基实遭陷害。由于政府若无实际证据则不会采信说法,托尼前往西伯利亚基地赶上史蒂芬与巴基一同参与调查,而特查拉也暗中跟过去。三人赶到基地底层时,泽莫已枪决所有处于静止状态的超级战士,并自述他要为复仇者们在索科维亚作战时受牵连而死的家人讨回公道,他播放巴基在1991年12月16日拦截血清任务时的监控录像,为托尼揭示当时坐在车中的父母,实被巴基抢劫血清时亲手杀害。霎那间陷入满腔怒火的托尼,甚至发现史蒂芬知情此事却隐瞒,于是反过头来攻击他们。在核弹发射井的激烈战斗中,巴基的钢铁左臂被托尼用冲击炮溶断,史蒂芬打碎托尼战甲的胸口反应堆才让他停止。托尼讽刺他没资格持有自己父亲造的盾牌,对此认同的史蒂芬将盾牌丢弃,扶著巴基离开。 在外的泽莫最后听完一遍妻子死前的电话录音,认为已经达成复仇心愿而准备饮弹自尽,而特查拉在基地里听到所有真相后打消为父报仇念头,阻止泽莫自尽并将其交给反恐部队处置。内战后,托尼回到总部协助罗德斯做复健,收到一封来自史蒂芬的道歉信,信封中包括一支联系的手机,称若有需要就可以互相联系。而史蒂芬同时攻入浮桥监狱救出山姆一行人,让巴基得到特查拉的庇护,藏身至瓦坎达丛林深处的秘密机构接受解除洗脑的治疗。另一方面,任务结束的彼得回家后为他的婶婶梅·帕克讲述自己身上的淤青从何而来,趁她离开房间后开始运行托尼送给他的特殊程序。
Cast and Character 演员阵容与角色
Chris Evans as Steve Rogers / Captain America “美国队长”史蒂芬·罗杰斯
The leader of a faction of Avengers against regulation; a World War II veteran who was enhanced to the peak of human physicality and frozen in suspended animation, before waking up in the modern world.
Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark / Iron Man “钢铁侠”托尼·斯塔克
The leader of a faction of Avengers in support of regulation; a self-described genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist with electromechanical suits of armor of his own invention.
Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow “黑寡妇”娜塔莎·罗曼诺夫
An Avenger allied with Stark; formerly a highly trained S.H.I.E.L.D. spy.
Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier “冬日战士”巴基·巴恩斯
A physically enhanced brainwashed assassin allied with Rogers; his best friend who reemerged after being thought to be killed in action during World War II.
Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson / Falcon “猎鹰”山姆·威尔逊
An Avenger allied with Rogers; a former pararescueman trained by the military in aerial combat using a specially designed wing pack. Wilson is aided by a robotic drone named Redwing.
Don Cheadle as James "Rhodey" Rhodes / War Machine “战争机器”詹姆斯·“罗德斯”·罗德斯斯
A close personal friend of Tony Stark's and an Avenger allied with Stark; an officer in the U.S. Air Force who operates the War Machine armor.
Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton / Hawkeye “鹰眼”克林特·巴顿
A master archer allied with Rogers; a retired Avenger and S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.
Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa / Black Panther “黑豹”特查拉
The prince of the African nation of Wakanda allied with Stark who gains enhanced strength by ingesting the Heart-Shaped Herb.
Paul Bettany as Vision 幻视
An android and Avenger allied with Stark; created using the artificial intelligence J.A.R.V.I.S., Ultron, and the Mind Stone.
Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff 旺达·马克西莫夫
An Avenger allied with Rogers; she can engage in hypnosis and telekinesis.
Paul Rudd as Scott Lang / Ant-Man “蚁人”斯科特·朗
A former petty criminal allied with Rogers; he acquired a suit that allows him to shrink or grow in scale while also increasing in strength
Tom Holland as Peter Parker / Spider-Man “蜘蛛侠”彼得·帕克
A teenager allied with Stark; he received spider-like abilities after being bitten by a radioactive spider.
Emily VanCamp as Sharon Carter / Agent 13 莎伦·卡特 / 13号特工
A former agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Peggy Carter's niece who now works for the CIA and supports Rogers.

Marisa Tomei as May Parker 梅·帕克
Peter Parker's aunt.

Frank Grillo as Brock Rumlow / Crossbones “交叉骨”布洛克·朗姆洛
Former commander of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s counter-terrorism S.T.R.I.K.E. team who was revealed to be an agent of Hydra.

Martin Freeman as Everett K. Ross
A member of the CIA's Joint Counter Terrorism Center and a character associated with Black Panther in the comics.
William Hurt as Thaddeus E. "Thunderbolt" Ross / Red Hulk 撒迪厄斯·E·“雷霆”·罗斯 / 红巨人
The United States Secretary of State and a former U.S. Army general.

Daniel Brühl as Helmut Zemo 赫尔穆特·泽莫
A Sokovian colonel-turned-terrorist who is obsessed with defeating the Avengers.
John Slattery as Howard Stark 霍华德·斯塔克

Hope Davis as Maria Stark
Tony Stark's mother

John Kani as T'Chaka 特查卡
Father of T'Challa and ruler of Wakanda
Florence Kasumba as Ayo 阿由
A member of T'Challa's Dora Milaje

Gene Farber as Vasily Karpov
The Hydra official who oversaw the Winter Soldier program

Alfre Woodard as Miriam Sharpe
The mother of an American citizen killed in the battle of Sokovia.

Stan Lee cameo
Stan Lee makes a cameo appearance as a FedEx deliveryman

Captain America: Civil War is a 2016 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Captain America, produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. It is the sequel to Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) and Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), and the 13th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film was directed by Anthony and Joe Russo from a screenplay by the writing team of Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, and stars Chris Evans as Steve Rogers / Captain America alongside an ensemble cast including Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Don Cheadle, Jeremy Renner, Chadwick Boseman, Paul Bettany, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Rudd, Emily VanCamp, Marisa Tomei, Tom Holland, Frank Grillo, Martin Freeman, William Hurt, and Daniel Brühl. In Captain America: Civil War, disagreement over international oversight of the Avengers fractures the team into two opposing factions—one led by Steve Rogers and the other by Tony Stark (Downey). Development of Civil War began in late 2013 when Markus and McFeely began writing the screenplay, which borrows concepts from the 2006 comic book storyline "Civil War" while also focusing on story and character elements from the previous Captain America films to conclude the trilogy. Following positive reactions to The Winter Soldier, the Russo brothers were brought back to direct in early 2014. The film's title and premise were revealed in October 2014, along with Downey's involvement as Stark; additional cast members joined in the following months. Principal photography began in April 2015 at Pinewood Atlanta Studios in Fayette County, Georgia, and continued in the Metro Atlanta area before concluding in Germany in August 2015, with the film being the first to use IMAX's digital 2D cameras (for the film's central airport fight sequence). Visual effects were provided by nearly 20 different studios. Captain America: Civil War held its world premiere in Los Angeles on April 12, 2016, and was released in the United States on May 6, as the first film in Phase Three of the MCU. The film was a commercial success, grossing over $1.1 billion worldwide, becoming the highest-grossing film of 2016, and received positive reviews, including praise for the performances (particularly Evans and Downey), action sequences, and themes. A fourth film, Captain America: New World Order, is set for release in May 2024. It is a continuation of Marvel Studios' Disney+ series The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021), following Mackie's Sam Wilson as Captain America.
《美国队长3》(英语:Captain America: Civil War)是一部于2016年上映的美国超级英雄电影,本片由罗素兄弟共同执导,克里斯托弗·马库斯与斯蒂芬·麦克菲利编剧,由漫威影业制作,并由华特迪士尼影业负责发行。本片改编自漫威漫画旗下的超级英雄角色美国队长和马克·米拉于2006年创作的漫画《内战》中的故事情节,本片为2014年电影《美国队长2》的续集和漫威电影宇宙的第十三部电影作品。本片由多名演员共同出演,包括克里斯·埃文斯、小罗伯特·唐尼、斯嘉丽·约翰逊、安东尼·麦凯、保罗·路德、杰瑞米·雷纳、塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦、艾米丽·万凯普、查德维克·博斯曼、伊丽莎白·奥尔森、保罗·贝特尼、唐·钱德尔、汤姆·赫兰德、弗兰克·格里罗、威廉·赫特以及丹尼尔·布尔。在电影中,美国队长和钢铁侠因一项管理异能者活动的法案而开始对立,进而各自组建了阵营来对抗彼此。 本片的开发始于2013年末,克里斯多佛·马库斯与史蒂芬·麦费利从那时起开始创作剧本,使用了马克·米拉于2006年创造的漫画作品《内战》作为概念。在《美国队长2》的剧本测试上获得正面的回响后,罗素兄弟于2014年初确认将回归执导续集。2014年10月,片名公布,同月小罗伯特·唐尼确认将会加盟本片,其余演员在随后几月中亦均确认出演本片。视频的主要拍摄工作于2015年4月,美国佐治亚州费耶特县的松林亚特兰大工作室开展,其余拍摄工作分别在波多黎各、德国柏林与冰岛进行。 本片使用数字IMAX摄影机拍摄,定于2016年5月6日以含3D、数字IMAX版在北美上映,而香港、澳门及台湾则于2016年4月27日以含3D、数字IMAX版上映。
Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Don Cheadle, Jeremy Renner, Chadwick Boseman, Paul Bettany, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Rudd, Emily VanCamp, Marisa Tomei, Tom Holland, Frank Grillo, Martin Freeman, William Hurt, Daniel Brühl
In 1991, the brainwashed super-soldier James "Bucky" Barnes is dispatched from a Hydra base in Siberia to intercept an automobile carrying a case of super-soldier serum. In the present day, approximately one year after Ultron is defeated by the Avengers in the nation of Sokovia,[a] Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson, and Wanda Maximoff stop Brock Rumlow from stealing a biological weapon from a lab in Lagos. Rumlow blows himself up, attempting to kill Rogers. Maximoff telekinetically diverts the explosion, accidentally destroying a nearby building and killing several Wakandan humanitarian workers in the process. Thaddeus Ross, the U.S. Secretary of State, informs the Avengers that the United Nations (UN) is preparing to pass the Sokovia Accords, which will establish a UN panel to oversee and control the team. The Avengers are divided: Tony Stark supports oversight because of his role in Ultron's creation and Sokovia's devastation, while Rogers has more faith in his own judgment than that of politicians. Meanwhile, Helmut Zemo tracks down and kills Barnes' old Hydra handler, stealing a book containing the trigger words that activate Barnes' brainwashing. At a UN conference in Vienna where the Accords are to be ratified, a bomb kills King T'Chaka of Wakanda. Security footage indicates the bomber is Barnes, whom T'Chaka's son, T'Challa, vows to kill. Informed by Sharon Carter of Barnes' whereabouts and the authorities' intentions to kill him, Rogers decides to try to bring in Barnes—his childhood friend and war comrade—himself. Rogers and Wilson track Barnes to Bucharest and attempt to protect him from T'Challa and the authorities, but all four, including T'Challa, are apprehended by the Bucharest police and James Rhodes. Impersonating a psychiatrist sent to interview Barnes, Zemo recites the words to activate Barnes's brainwashing. He questions Barnes, then sends him on a rampage to cover his own escape. Rogers stops Barnes and sneaks him away. When Barnes regains his senses, he explains that Zemo is the real Vienna bomber and wanted the location of the Siberian Hydra base, where other brainwashed "Winter Soldiers" are kept in cryogenic stasis. Unwilling to wait for authorization to apprehend Zemo, Rogers and Wilson go rogue, and recruit Maximoff, Clint Barton, and Scott Lang to their cause. With Ross's permission, Stark assembles a team composed of Romanoff, T'Challa, Rhodes, Vision, and Peter Parker to capture the renegades. Stark's team intercepts Rogers' group at Leipzig/Halle Airport, where they fight until Romanoff allows Rogers and Barnes to escape. As Rogers and Barnes are escaping, Rhodes is inadvertently shot down by Vision, and becomes partially paralyzed. The rest of Rogers' team is captured and detained at the Raft prison, and Romanoff goes into exile. Stark discovers evidence that Barnes was framed by Zemo and convinces Wilson to give him Rogers' destination. Without informing Ross, Stark goes to the Siberian Hydra facility and strikes a truce with Rogers and Barnes, unaware that they were secretly followed by T'Challa. They find that the other super-soldiers have been killed by Zemo, who then shows them footage that reveals that the automobile Barnes had intercepted in 1991 contained Stark's parents, whom Barnes subsequently killed. Enraged that Rogers kept this from him, Stark turns on them both, leading to an intense fight, in which Stark destroys Barnes' robotic arm, and Rogers disables Stark's armor. Rogers departs with Barnes, leaving his shield behind. Satisfied that he has avenged his family's deaths in Sokovia from the Avengers' actions by successfully fracturing them, Zemo attempts suicide, but he is stopped by T'Challa and taken to the authorities. In the aftermath, Stark provides Rhodes with exoskeletal leg braces that allow him to walk again, while Rogers breaks his allies out of the Raft. In a mid-credits scene, Barnes, granted asylum in Wakanda, chooses to return to cryogenic sleep until a cure for his brainwashing is found. In a post-credits scene, Parker explores the features of the web shooters built for him by Stark.
1991年,遭受洗脑而被改造成为“冬日战士”的巴基·巴恩斯在九头蛇位于西伯利亚的地下基地被唤醒后奉命拦截一辆运送超级战士血清的汽车,最后将血清带回给监管人。现今,备受争议的索科维亚战役过去一年,由史蒂芬·罗杰斯、山姆·威尔逊、娜塔莎·罗曼诺夫以及旺达·马克西莫夫组成的“复仇者联盟”在尼日利亚拉各斯抓获企图盗取生化武器的布洛克·朗姆洛。朗姆洛因走投无路而启动身上的自爆设备,旺达试图用念力将爆炸冲击转移至空中,却不慎波及到旁边的大楼而造成多数死伤。这场灾难导致复仇者联盟再度受到各国谴责和争议,美国国务卿撒迪厄斯·罗斯提议复仇者们签署《索科维亚协议》(Sokovia Accords):一本由联合国所拟定、针对超级英雄与异能人士的法案;条约中包含创建一个特殊小组来负责监督且限制复仇者的一切行动。 协议当时已被117个国家签署,但在复仇者之间引发两极化争议,托尼·斯塔克因愧疚于造就索科维亚的灾难而决定带头签字,但史蒂芬对此强烈反对,认为他们签下去就会从此沦为政府的傀儡。随后,佩吉·卡特在英国伦敦去世,史蒂芬在葬礼上巧遇结识过的莎伦·卡特,得知她是佩吉的侄女。在奥地利维也纳举办的协议研讨会上突然发生爆炸袭击,造成瓦坎达国王特查卡的死亡,监控录像显示凶手是巴基。史蒂芬通过莎伦透漏的情报而抢先来到罗马尼亚布加勒斯特找到巴基,但巴基表示他和爆炸案毫无关系,当本地特种部队试图抓捕他时,巴基只能纵身逃跑。特查卡之子兼瓦坎达的王储特查拉身穿由振金构成的黑豹战服打算抢先一步杀死巴基,史蒂芬和山姆则尾随在后。经过一物降一物的追捕下,四个人最后全部被捕,移送至德国柏林的联合反恐总部。 爆炸案的幕后黑手赫尔穆特·泽莫在克里夫兰杀死巴基的九头蛇监管人瓦希里·卡尔波夫,在他的住处寻获大量机密文件,包括记载洗脑口令的《红皮书》。他冒充一名心理医生潜入反恐总部,在他事先安排的断电时刻中对巴基念出口令,导致巴基再度失控而逃往屋顶,打算开直升机逃跑却被史蒂芬制止。两人与直升机一同掉入反恐总部旁的河中,巴基因头部受到重击及溺水之下恢复自我和原来的记忆,对史蒂芬解释泽莫才是始作俑者,并推测他即将去西伯利亚基地,去发布其余五名比他还强的超级战士。由于无法告知托尼或政府,史蒂芬决定和山姆孤军奋战,并召来旺达、克林特·巴顿以及新入伍的斯科特·朗,项目趁泽莫唤醒其他战士之前阻止他。但托尼也集合其他赞成协议的复仇者,包括新加入的彼得·帕克,一位住在纽约皇后区并拥有蜘蛛的爬行能力并能够发射蜘蛛丝的高中生。 史蒂芬阵营来到莱比锡/哈雷机场准备偷一架昆式战斗机去阻止泽莫,而托尼阵营包括幻视联合起来全力阻止他们,为捍卫各自的理念,两派复仇者在机场中发动“英雄内战”。双方均陷入苦战,史蒂芬和巴基受同伴的掩护而成功搭上战机,娜塔莎最终心软选择放走他们。幻视为了阻止他们而发射宝石光束,却不慎击中飞在空中的罗德斯,导致他连同停机的战甲直坠地面、摔成重伤几近瘫痪下半身。山姆、旺达、巴顿与斯科特集体被捕送入位于太平洋之间、收容异能者的浮桥监狱,而娜塔莎放跑逃犯的行为也被特查拉举报,使她决定趁政府还未找上门前逃至外国。 托尼从人工智能弗雷迪的调查得知,出现在反恐总部的心理医生实为泽莫冒充,将线索拼凑在一起后发现巴基实遭陷害。由于政府若无实际证据则不会采信说法,托尼前往西伯利亚基地赶上史蒂芬与巴基一同参与调查,而特查拉也暗中跟过去。三人赶到基地底层时,泽莫已枪决所有处于静止状态的超级战士,并自述他要为复仇者们在索科维亚作战时受牵连而死的家人讨回公道,他播放巴基在1991年12月16日拦截血清任务时的监控录像,为托尼揭示当时坐在车中的父母,实被巴基抢劫血清时亲手杀害。霎那间陷入满腔怒火的托尼,甚至发现史蒂芬知情此事却隐瞒,于是反过头来攻击他们。在核弹发射井的激烈战斗中,巴基的钢铁左臂被托尼用冲击炮溶断,史蒂芬打碎托尼战甲的胸口反应堆才让他停止。托尼讽刺他没资格持有自己父亲造的盾牌,对此认同的史蒂芬将盾牌丢弃,扶著巴基离开。 在外的泽莫最后听完一遍妻子死前的电话录音,认为已经达成复仇心愿而准备饮弹自尽,而特查拉在基地里听到所有真相后打消为父报仇念头,阻止泽莫自尽并将其交给反恐部队处置。内战后,托尼回到总部协助罗德斯做复健,收到一封来自史蒂芬的道歉信,信封中包括一支联系的手机,称若有需要就可以互相联系。而史蒂芬同时攻入浮桥监狱救出山姆一行人,让巴基得到特查拉的庇护,藏身至瓦坎达丛林深处的秘密机构接受解除洗脑的治疗。另一方面,任务结束的彼得回家后为他的婶婶梅·帕克讲述自己身上的淤青从何而来,趁她离开房间后开始运行托尼送给他的特殊程序。
Cast and Character 演员阵容与角色
Chris Evans as Steve Rogers / Captain America “美国队长”史蒂芬·罗杰斯
The leader of a faction of Avengers against regulation; a World War II veteran who was enhanced to the peak of human physicality and frozen in suspended animation, before waking up in the modern world.
Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark / Iron Man “钢铁侠”托尼·斯塔克
The leader of a faction of Avengers in support of regulation; a self-described genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist with electromechanical suits of armor of his own invention.
Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow “黑寡妇”娜塔莎·罗曼诺夫
An Avenger allied with Stark; formerly a highly trained S.H.I.E.L.D. spy.
Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier “冬日战士”巴基·巴恩斯
A physically enhanced brainwashed assassin allied with Rogers; his best friend who reemerged after being thought to be killed in action during World War II.
Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson / Falcon “猎鹰”山姆·威尔逊
An Avenger allied with Rogers; a former pararescueman trained by the military in aerial combat using a specially designed wing pack. Wilson is aided by a robotic drone named Redwing.
Don Cheadle as James "Rhodey" Rhodes / War Machine “战争机器”詹姆斯·“罗德斯”·罗德斯斯
A close personal friend of Tony Stark's and an Avenger allied with Stark; an officer in the U.S. Air Force who operates the War Machine armor.
Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton / Hawkeye “鹰眼”克林特·巴顿
A master archer allied with Rogers; a retired Avenger and S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.
Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa / Black Panther “黑豹”特查拉
The prince of the African nation of Wakanda allied with Stark who gains enhanced strength by ingesting the Heart-Shaped Herb.
Paul Bettany as Vision 幻视
An android and Avenger allied with Stark; created using the artificial intelligence J.A.R.V.I.S., Ultron, and the Mind Stone.
Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff 旺达·马克西莫夫
An Avenger allied with Rogers; she can engage in hypnosis and telekinesis.
Paul Rudd as Scott Lang / Ant-Man “蚁人”斯科特·朗
A former petty criminal allied with Rogers; he acquired a suit that allows him to shrink or grow in scale while also increasing in strength
Tom Holland as Peter Parker / Spider-Man “蜘蛛侠”彼得·帕克
A teenager allied with Stark; he received spider-like abilities after being bitten by a radioactive spider.
Emily VanCamp as Sharon Carter / Agent 13 莎伦·卡特 / 13号特工
A former agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Peggy Carter's niece who now works for the CIA and supports Rogers.

Marisa Tomei as May Parker 梅·帕克
Peter Parker's aunt.

Frank Grillo as Brock Rumlow / Crossbones “交叉骨”布洛克·朗姆洛
Former commander of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s counter-terrorism S.T.R.I.K.E. team who was revealed to be an agent of Hydra.

Martin Freeman as Everett K. Ross
A member of the CIA's Joint Counter Terrorism Center and a character associated with Black Panther in the comics.
William Hurt as Thaddeus E. "Thunderbolt" Ross / Red Hulk 撒迪厄斯·E·“雷霆”·罗斯 / 红巨人
The United States Secretary of State and a former U.S. Army general.

Daniel Brühl as Helmut Zemo 赫尔穆特·泽莫
A Sokovian colonel-turned-terrorist who is obsessed with defeating the Avengers.
John Slattery as Howard Stark 霍华德·斯塔克

Hope Davis as Maria Stark
Tony Stark's mother

John Kani as T'Chaka 特查卡
Father of T'Challa and ruler of Wakanda
Florence Kasumba as Ayo 阿由
A member of T'Challa's Dora Milaje

Gene Farber as Vasily Karpov
The Hydra official who oversaw the Winter Soldier program

Alfre Woodard as Miriam Sharpe
The mother of an American citizen killed in the battle of Sokovia.

Stan Lee cameo
Stan Lee makes a cameo appearance as a FedEx deliveryman