February 17, 2023

Ant-Man 蚁人 (2015 Marvel)


Ant-Man is a 2015 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics characters of the same name: Scott Lang and Hank Pym. Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, it is the 12th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film was directed by Peyton Reed from a screenplay by the writing teams of Edgar Wright and Joe Cornish, and Adam McKay and Paul Rudd. It stars Rudd as Scott Lang / Ant-Man alongside Evangeline Lilly, Corey Stoll, Bobby Cannavale, Michael Peña, Tip "T.I." Harris, Anthony Mackie, Wood Harris, Judy Greer, Abby Ryder Fortson, David Dastmalchian, and Michael Douglas as Hank Pym. In the film, Lang must help defend Pym's Ant-Man shrinking technology and plot a heist with worldwide ramifications. Development of Ant-Man began in April 2006 with the hiring of Wright to direct and co-write with Cornish. By April 2011, Wright and Cornish had completed three drafts of the script and Wright shot test footage for the film in July 2012. Pre-production began in October 2013 after being put on hold so that Wright could complete The World's End. Casting began in December 2013, with the hiring of Rudd to play Lang. In May 2014, Wright left the project citing creative differences, though he still received screenplay and story credits with Cornish. The following month, Reed was brought in to replace Wright, while McKay was hired to contribute to the script with Rudd. Filming took place between August and December 2014 in San Francisco and Metro Atlanta. Ant-Man held its world premiere in Los Angeles on June 29, 2015, and was released in the United States on July 17, as the final film in Phase Two of the MCU. It grossed more than $519 million worldwide and received positive reviews from critics, who generally welcomed the film's smaller stakes than other MCU films, as well as its cast (particularly Rudd, Peña, Lilly, and Douglas), humor, and visual effects. A sequel, Ant-Man and the Wasp, was released in 2018, while a third film, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, is scheduled for a February 2023 release.

《蚁人》(英语:Ant-Man,香港译《蚁侠》)是一部于2015年上映的美国超级英雄电影,改编自漫威漫画的同名超级英雄蚁人。本片由漫威影业制作,并由华特迪士尼工作室电影负责发行。本片为漫威电影宇宙系列的第十二部电影,由佩顿·里德执导,埃德加·赖特、乔·考尼什、亚当·麦凯和保罗·路德共同撰写剧本,并由保罗·路德、迈克尔·道格拉斯、寇瑞·斯托尔、伊万杰琳·莉莉、迈克尔·潘纳、鲍比·坎纳瓦尔、T.I.、伍德·哈瑞斯、茱蒂·葛瑞儿及大卫·达斯马齐连等人主演。 《蚁人》于2015年6月29日在洛杉矶首映,并在2015年7月17日于美国正式上映(含2D和IMAX 3D)。电影发行后,在全球收获超过5.19亿美元的票房,并得到影评人的普遍赞誉。续集《蚁人2:黄蜂女现身》在2018年7月6日发行。

Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly, Corey Stoll, Bobby Cannavale, Michael Peña, Tip "T.I." Harris, Anthony Mackie, Wood Harris, Judy Greer, Abby Ryder Fortson, David Dastmalchian, Michael Douglas

In 1989, scientist Hank Pym resigns from S.H.I.E.L.D. after discovering their attempt to replicate his Ant-Man shrinking technology. Believing the technology would be dangerous if replicated, Pym vows to hide it for as long as he lives. In the present day, Pym's estranged daughter, Hope van Dyne, and former protégé, Darren Cross, have forced him out of his company, Pym Technologies. Cross is close to perfecting a shrinking suit of his own, the Yellowjacket, which horrifies Pym. Upon his release from prison, well-meaning thief Scott Lang moves in with his old cellmate, Luis. Lang visits his daughter Cassie unannounced and is chastised by his former wife Maggie and her police-detective fiancé, Paxton, for not providing child support. Unable to hold down a job because of his criminal record, Lang agrees to join Luis' crew and commit a burglary. Lang breaks into a house and cracks its safe, but only finds what he believes to be an old motorcycle suit, which he takes home. After trying the suit on, Lang accidentally shrinks himself to the size of an insect. Terrified by the experience, he returns the suit to the house, but is arrested on the way out. Pym, the homeowner, visits Lang in jail and smuggles the suit into his cell to help him break out. Pym, who manipulated Lang through an unknowing Luis into stealing the suit as a test, wants Lang to become the new Ant-Man to steal the Yellowjacket from Cross. Having been spying on Cross after discovering his intentions, Van Dyne and Pym train Lang to fight and to control ants. While Van Dyne harbors resentment towards Pym about her mother Janet's death, he reveals that Janet, known as the Wasp, disappeared into a subatomic Quantum Realm while disabling a Soviet nuclear missile in 1987. Pym warns Lang that he could suffer a similar fate if he overrides his suit's regulator. They send him to steal a device that will aid their heist from the Avengers' headquarters, where he briefly fights Sam Wilson. Cross perfects the Yellowjacket and hosts an unveiling ceremony at Pym Technologies' headquarters. Lang, along with his crew and a swarm of flying ants, infiltrates the building during the event, sabotages the company's servers, and plants explosives. When he attempts to steal the Yellowjacket, he, along with Pym and Van Dyne, are captured by Cross, who intends to sell both the Yellowjacket and Ant-Man suits to Hydra. Lang breaks free and he and Van Dyne dispatch most of the Hydra agents, though one flees with a vial of Cross' particles and Pym is shot. Lang pursues Cross, while the explosives detonate, imploding the building as Pym and Van Dyne escape. Cross dons the Yellowjacket and attacks Lang before Lang is arrested by Paxton. Cross takes Cassie hostage to lure Lang into another fight. Lang overrides the regulator and shrinks to subatomic size to penetrate Cross' suit and sabotage it to shrink uncontrollably, presumably killing Cross. Lang disappears into the Quantum Realm but manages to reverse the effects and returns to the macroscopic world. Out of gratitude for Lang's heroism, Paxton covers for Lang to keep him out of prison. Seeing that Lang survived and returned from the Quantum Realm, Pym wonders if his wife is alive as well. Later, Lang meets up with Luis, who tells him that Wilson is looking for him. In a mid-credits scene, Pym shows Van Dyne a new Wasp prototype suit and offers it to her. In a post-credits scene, Steve Rogers and Wilson have Bucky Barnes in their custody. Unable to contact Tony Stark because of "the accords", Wilson mentions that he knows someone who can help.

1989年,神盾局科学顾问汉克·皮姆研究出一种能够让人体缩小至原子大小的“皮姆粒子”(Pym Particles),但之后发现霍华德·斯塔克等神盾局高层试图瞒着他自行生产粒子。汉克愤而辞职以捍卫成果,发誓在有生之年尽其所能隐藏技术。现今,退休的汉克跟疏远多时的女儿霍普·范戴茵重逢,霍普表示汉克以前的门生达伦·克罗斯已经独霸他一手创始的“皮姆科技公司”(Pym Technologies),并试图着手研发一种跟皮姆粒子类似的技术,包括配对战斗服黄蜂战甲。得知此事的汉克开始紧张,认为此技术若将大量生产会引起轩然大波。 窃盗犯斯科特·朗服刑已满出狱后决定洗心革面,但被前妻玛姬和她的警察未婚夫吉姆·派斯顿以没交赡养费为由而禁止他接触小女儿凯茜。由于有犯罪前科而难找工作,缺钱的斯科特只能去找前狱友路易斯合作一幢入室盗窃。四人准备联手窃取一栋屋主外出的大宅里的保险箱,斯科特单靠随机应变就进入房子地下室,但在保险箱中只找到一套类似摩托服的衣服。无功而返的斯科特回去后经不起好奇,试穿服装时突然被缩至蚂蚁一般大小,在公寓里连续躲避人群才恢复原来的大小。斯科特第一时间将服装还回去,但不慎被警察抓回警局,大宅的屋主汉克拜访斯科特,再次给他一个逃狱的机会,用蚂蚁偷偷将缩小衣偷运给他后,让他骑着一只木蚁逃出警局。斯科特回到汉克的大宅,汉克解释是他设局让斯科特遛进来偷走服装,藉以测试斯科特的能力来成为新一代“蚁人”偷走达伦的技术。 为了回到女儿身边,斯科特开始与霍普进行严格训练,以缩小身躯穿钥匙孔和与自己的蚂蚁同伙们打好交道,但在训练时处处碰壁。当霍普决定让自己身穿战服去完成任务,却被汉克大声拒绝。斯科特得知汉克的妻子珍妮特·范戴茵在多年前为了阻止一颗苏联核弹,被迫将她的身躯缩小至亚原子才制止危机;汉克也因此警告斯科特千万不能乱动蚁人服的调节器。斯科特随后开始集中精神通过种种训练,最后阶段则是去霍华德·斯塔克名下的一间旧仓库偷盗特殊零件,但众人未预料到仓库如今改建成复仇者总部。不想前功尽弃的斯科特纵身跳下去,与看守总部的山姆·威尔逊打完一战后成功得到零件。 达伦经过夜以继日的实验完成自己的粒子技术,在皮姆科技大楼中举办揭幕仪式。由于大楼的保安程度升级,斯科特招募路易斯一行伙伴,受邀参加的汉克与霍普负责拖延时间。斯科特伴随着蚂蚁大军从排水道进入大楼中,首先破坏大楼服务器并设备炸弹,在即将要偷到黄蜂战甲前却中计而被关在其中。达伦将汉克和霍普劫持后,打算将战甲和粒子技术全数卖给前神盾局高官米契·卡森;米契如今担任九头蛇的代表人物。斯科特脱离险境的一瞬间,霍普击败所有九头蛇的人,但米契却拿走达伦留下的装有粒子的小瓶后走为上策。斯科特去追赶达伦的直升机,当大楼疏散完毕后,炸弹爆炸使皮姆科技大楼毁于一旦。达伦见自己的未来化为泡影后,换上黄蜂战甲与斯科特锁入手提箱中对决。箱子直落一座花园游泳池,斯科特一度击退达伦,但他很快被派斯顿与其搭档依法逮捕。 死性不改的达伦闯进玛姬的家挟持凯茜,派斯顿被迫开警车回家。斯科特靠缩小赶至凯茜的房间,与达伦以缩小状态在凯茜的汤玛士小火车模型上展开生死对决。派斯顿到二楼跟斯科特联手救凯茜,但达伦拦住他们去路,斯科特被迫手动开启调节器将自己缩小至亚原子,钻进达伦的战甲中破坏粒子管道,使达伦直接失控般的缩小直到消失。同样缩为亚原子的斯科特掉进量子领域,但在听到凯茜的呼喊后,透过把放大器放入调节器再扭动、从而成功回到宏观世界。凯茜高兴地迎接父亲归来,斯科特将救人功劳让给派斯顿。派斯顿因此对斯科特改观,跟玛姬重新接纳他。 汉克对斯科特逃出量子领域的经历极为执著,开始重新沉思自己妻子的下落,斯科特和霍普同时开始喜欢上彼此。路易斯再度联系斯科特,在他的一通细节的介绍下,最后告知山姆·威尔逊正在查找他。事情平息,汉克带着霍普打开保险箱里面的一道秘门,将自己和妻子一同设计的黄蜂女战服交托给她。另一方面,山姆在一间仓库见到史蒂芬·罗杰斯,在场的人包括被他们抓获的巴基·巴恩斯;两人考虑到“协议”的问题而无法联系托尼·斯塔克,开始商量该如何进行下一步时,山姆于是推荐斯科特能作为盟友加入他们。

Cast and Character 演员阵容与角色
Paul Rudd as Scott Lang / Ant-Man “蚁人”斯科特·朗
A former systems engineer at VistaCorp and petty criminal who acquires a suit that allows him to shrink in size but increase in strength.

Evangeline Lilly as Hope van Dyne / Wasp 霍普·范戴茵 / 红皇后
The daughter of Hank Pym and Janet van Dyne and senior board member of Pym Technologies who helps Darren Cross take over the company.

Corey Stoll as Darren Cross / Yellowjacket “黄蜂战士”达伦·克罗斯
A former protégé of Pym's who takes over his mentor's company and militarizes a similar version of the Ant-Man technology to create the Yellowjacket suit.

Maggie.Michael Peña as Luis
Lang's former cellmate and member of his crew.

Tip "T.I." Harris as Dave
A member of Lang's crew.

David Dastmalchian as Kurt
A member of Lang's crew.

Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson / Falcon “猎鹰”山姆·威尔逊
An Avenger who is a former pararescueman trained by the military in aerial combat using a specially designed wing pack

Abby Ryder Fortson as Cassie Lang
Lang and Maggie's daughter.

Judy Greer as Maggie
Lang's estranged former wife.

Bobby Cannavale as Jim Paxton
A San Francisco Police Department officer who is engaged to Lang's former wife

Wood Harris as Gale
A police officer and Paxton's partner.

Michael Douglas as Hank Pym 汉克·皮姆
A former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, entomologist, and physicist who became the original Ant-Man in 1963 after discovering the subatomic particles that make the transformation possible. He later mentors Lang to take over the role.

John Slattery as Howard Stark 霍华德·斯塔克

Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter 佩吉·卡特

Martin Donovan as Mitchell Carson
A former member of S.H.I.E.L.D. who works for Hydra and looks to purchase the Yellowjacket technology.

Gregg Turkington as Dale
The manager of a Baskin-Robbins store

YouTuber Anna Akana portrays a writer in Luis' story

Garrett Morris, who portrayed Ant-Man in a Saturday Night Live sketch in the 70s, appears as a taxi driver.

Hayley Lovitt makes a nonspeaking cameo as Janet van Dyne / Wasp 珍妮特·范戴茵 / 黄蜂女

Chris Evans as Steve Rogers “美国队长”史蒂芬·罗杰斯

 Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes “冬日战士”巴基·巴恩斯

Stan Lee cameo
Ant-Man co-creator Stan Lee makes a cameo appearance in the film as a bartender.


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