Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Ball Super (ドラゴンボール超スーパー Doragon Bōru Sūpā) (commonly abbreviated as DBS) is the fourth anime installment in the Dragon Ball franchise, which ran from July 5th, 2015 to March 25th, 2018. It is set between Dragon Ball Z episodes 288 and 289 and is the first Dragon Ball television series featuring a new storyline in 18 years since the final episode of Dragon Ball GT in 1997. A Dragon Ball Super manga was being produced alongside the anime. The series is developed by Toei, in a similar process to the Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT animes and Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods and Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ films. The series plot takes place after the Kid Buu Saga, in between the ten-year gap towards the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament.
《龙珠超》(日文:ドラゴンボール超,英文:Dragon Ball Super)是根据日本漫画家鸟山明的代表作《龙珠》改编而成的电视动画,由原作者鸟山明担当原案,描述孙悟空等人与魔人布欧的战斗结束后的故事。 《龙珠超》在《龙珠改魔人布欧篇》播放完毕后,于2015年7月5日开始每周日上午9:00(日本时间)在日本的富士电视台等频道播出。
《龙珠超》(日文:ドラゴンボール超,英文:Dragon Ball Super)是根据日本漫画家鸟山明的代表作《龙珠》改编而成的电视动画,由原作者鸟山明担当原案,描述孙悟空等人与魔人布欧的战斗结束后的故事。 《龙珠超》在《龙珠改魔人布欧篇》播放完毕后,于2015年7月5日开始每周日上午9:00(日本时间)在日本的富士电视台等频道播出。
God of Destruction Beerus Saga 破坏神比鲁斯篇
The God of Destruction Beerus Saga (破壊神ビルス編 Hakaishin Birusu Hen, lit. "Destruction God Beerus Arc"), also known as the Battle of Gods Saga, is the first saga in Dragon Ball Super. It is based around the events depicted in the movie Battle of Gods. The saga begins sometime after the events of Kid Buu Saga. It depicts the arrival of Beerus and Whis on Earth, and Beerus' fight with the Super Saiyan God.
在魔人布欧一战四年后,地球上人们对魔人布欧的记忆被消除,孙悟饭与比迪丽已结为夫妻,布尔玛在自家举办庆祝活动,撒旦先生刚好获得世界和平大奖并得到一亿元的奖金,由于受之有愧,他将奖金转送给悟空,悟空接受悟天建议收下奖金放下工作前往界王星锻炼。同时破坏神比鲁斯刚苏醒起来,在各星球寻找美食并执行破坏神的星球破坏工作,界王神们开始留意此事。比鲁斯听说了将弗利萨打倒的赛亚人,因而前往界王星找寻孙悟空。很久没见到强敌的孙悟空显得特别兴奋,不顾界王的忠告而向比鲁斯挑战,但是在破坏神压倒性的力量之下两招秒败超级赛亚人三的孙悟空。在地球上因比鲁斯跟布欧争布丁,激怒了比鲁斯打算要毁灭地球。而孙悟空在神龙的引导下,成功变身“超级赛亚人之神”,并与比鲁斯一战,在大战后,孙悟空的力量使比鲁斯满意了,也决定不毁灭地球,使世界恢复和平。可参阅《七龙珠Z 神与神》
Beerus 比鲁斯
Beerus (ビルス Birusu) is the God of Destruction of Universe 7. He is accompanied by his martial arts teacher and attendant, Whis. Beerus' twin brother is Champa, the God of Destruction of Universe 6. Beerus is the main antagonist of the Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods film and the God of Destruction Beerus Saga but becomes a supporting character in later sagas.
Whis 维斯
Whis (ウイス Uisu) is the Guide Angel Attendant of Universe 7's God of Destruction, Beerus, as well as his Martial Arts teacher. Along with the other angels, he is a child of the Grand Minister. Like all attendants, he is bound to the service of his deity and usually does not leave Beerus unaccompanied.
Oracle Fish 预言鱼
The Oracle Fish (予言よげん魚うお Yogen-gyo) is a sapient blue fish that has prophetic powers. The Oracle Fish is a blue fish-like being that has a long body that resembles an Eel's. Despite the Oracle Fish's position as a wise Seer, most of the time she appears rather nonchalant and forgetful. She appears to love her food, as when Beerus threatens to cut her meals down each day, she panics and quickly wracks her brain to find the answer that Beerus wanted. In Age 739, the Oracle Fish informs the God of Destruction Beerus that in thirty-nine years, an arch-rival worthy of him would appear. After he tells Beerus of the prophecy, he goes to sleep for thirty-nine years.
Beerus' Planet
Beerus' Planet (ビルスの星 Birusu no Hoshi) with its primary location being Beerus' Castle (ビルスの城 Birusu no Shiro), is the home of the God of Destruction Beerus and his attendant Whis. Beerus' planet is in the living world, as opposed to the Other World, however it is located in another realm that is unreachable by normal standards. It is located at about 26 minutes from King Kai's Planet when Warping at ultra-high-speed, but the exact location of his planet in the universe is not shown. The lower part has a shape similar to a square pyramid flipped upside-down, and the top is made of a giant thick dead tree with a number of buildings on it. Several buildings of the temple are located on the giant tree. Living on around the temple are several kinds of animals, including birds and butterflies. Around the temple is a gigantic lake that includes several kinds of sea creatures, such as the Oracle Fish and a monster who looks similar to how Nessie is depicted in Dr. Slump and Oishii Shima no Ū-sama. There were also various moons around the temple, although they were destroyed by Beerus due to pain from ingesting wasabi sauce. During the events of the film, Beerus awakens from a long slumber and is visited by the mysterious Whis. He then leaves his planet and tracks down the warrior who defeated Frieza, a Saiyan named Goku. Whis takes on Vegeta and Goku as students of his and trains them here.
Princess Bulma
The Princess Bulma (プリンセス・ブルマ号 Purinsesu Buruma-gō) is Bulma's cruise liner and it is the location for her birthday party. The ship's name Princess Bulma is fitting as Bulma herself is technically a princess as she is married to the Saiyan prince Vegeta. Additionally princess is sometimes used as a derogatory term in English to refer to a young girl or woman who is considered vain, spoiled, or selfish, traits which Bulma is known for. The ship bears a resemblance to the Oasis-class of cruise ship from Royal Caribbean International, but not fully. The name of the ship is similar to what Princess Cruises used to name their ships.

Miss Piiza
Miss Piiza (ピーザ Pīza) is the promotional agent of Mr. Satan and his two top disciples, Caroni and Pirozhki. In Dragon Ball Super, her hair is in a lower ponytail and she wears a pink business suit with a white undershirt and red shoes.
Caroni (カロニー Karonī) is one of Mr. Satan's top two students. He is seen along with Miss Piiza shining lights over Mr. Satan during a press meeting at Satan House.
Pirozhki (ピロシキ Piroshiki) is one of Mr. Satan's top two students. He and Caroni are known as one of the greatest tag teams in their pro leagues. Pirozhki is partially seen alongside Miss Piiza during Mr. Satan's press meeting. While Goku is battling Beerus, Pirozhki is taking multiple calls for Mr. Satan from the Satan House with Caroni and Piiza.
Capsule Corporation Staff
Staff (スタッフ) is a worker at Capsule Corporation. Staff interrupts Vegeta's training to inform him that Bulma called him to go to her party. However, Vegeta is uninterested, and Bulma chews him out over the phone.

King Vegeta
King Vegeta (ベジータ王 Bejīta-ō), more specifically Vegeta III (ベジータ三世 Bejīta Sansei), was the last king of the Saiyans and the father of Vegeta IV and Tarble. After his people were annexed by King Cold's Cold Army he had no choice but to pledge allegiance, but still kept power over his people; this continued into the Saiyans' time under Frieza's Frieza Force, until the tyrant slaughtered them.
Beavis (ビビス Bibisu) is a fictional God of Destruction who appears in Mr. Satan's delusion of the battle between Goku and Beerus, and is an alternative version of Beerus envisioned by Mr. Satan. In Satan's re-telling he defeated Beavis using his "God form". Beavis looks vaguely like Beerus, more-so resembling a vampire bat or goblin, but sharing purple skin (although with a darker shade of purple) and similar attire to Beerus.
Snackian Ambassador
The ambassador of Planet Snack, with his secretary shows up at Earth after overhearing Mr. Satan gloat about his false victory over "Beebus", an imaginary God of Destruction. Mr. Satan makes up the story to keep the public's attention away from Goku and the Z-Fighters and take credit for himself. The ambassador doesn't believe Mr. Satan was truly responsible for the defeat of Beerus, until his secretary points to a giant golden statue of Mr. Satan. The ambassador then rewards Satan for his "heroic deeds" by handing him a medal called the "Hero's Medal". But before he can, Galbee wants to test Satan's strength to see if he's a hoax or not. Satan asks Goku to fight for him, and Goku agrees. However, he has to leave after Chi-Chi spots him, and asks Mr. Satan to fake punch him. He flies away with his tractor over a building. Left helpless, Mr. Satan is almost punched, but Galbee spots Bee behind him and runs away in terror. The ambassador and secretary follow suit, all of them leaving because of their fear of dogs.
Snackian Secretary
The ambassador of Planet Snack, with his secretary shows up at Earth after overhearing Mr. Satan gloat about his false victory over "Beebus", an imaginary God of Destruction. Mr. Satan makes up the story to keep the public's attention away from Goku and the Z-Fighters and take credit for himself. The ambassador doesn't believe Mr. Satan was truly responsible for the defeat of Beerus, until his secretary points to a giant golden statue of Mr. Satan. The ambassador then rewards Satan for his "heroic deeds" by handing him a medal called the "Hero's Medal". But before he can, Galbee wants to test Satan's strength to see if he's a hoax or not. Satan asks Goku to fight for him, and Goku agrees. However, he has to leave after Chi-Chi spots him, and asks Mr. Satan to fake punch him. He flies away with his tractor over a building. Left helpless, Mr. Satan is almost punched, but Galbee spots Bee behind him and runs away in terror. The ambassador and secretary follow suit, all of them leaving because of their fear of dogs.

Galbee (ガルビ Garubi) is a hero of the Snackians' home world, Planet Snack. Galbee is a bulky, lion-like character with blue skin and fur. He has a scar on his forehead and dons a golden plate of armor with a red cape. He also wears black shorts and brown gloves. Galbee is Planet Snack's hero and he travels to Earth to challenge Mr. Satan because he thinks he beat the God of Destruction Beerus. As the ambassador of Planet Snack hands Mr. Satan the Hero's Medal, Galbee interjects and wishes to test Satan's power. Mr. Satan asks Goku to fight Galbee for him, but is left defenseless after Goku has to leave after not wanting to be seen by Chi-Chi. In their battle, he attempts to attack Mr. Satan but catches eye of Bee behind him. Galbee runs away in fear to his space ship, along with Planet Snack's ambassador and secretary, leaving for their planet.
Sushi Chef
Sushi chef on Bulma's birthday party.

Pilaf 皮拉夫
皮拉夫((ピラフ/Pilaf),肉饭之意(又译比拉夫、杂烩饭、炒饭大王 ),日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的男性角色。是怪物型地球人,名字来自法文的“炒饭”,身材矮小,蓝色肌肤,带着一个小圆帽。 皮拉夫是小悟空真正意义上的第一个敌人,妄图搜集龙珠成为世界之王,为此多次与小悟空斗争,有阿修和小舞两个手下。
Pilaf (ピラフ, Pirafu), Emperor Pilaf in the English anime dub, is a small impish blue creature who is the leader of the Pilaf Gang (ピラフ一味, Pirafu Ichimi) and dreams of ruling the world. He seeks the Dragon Balls to wish for world domination together with his two minions.
Shu 阿修
Shu (シュウ, Shū), a humanoid dog in a ninja outfit
Mai 小舞
Mai (マイ), a woman who resorts to weaponry and technology, and serves as a foil to the bumbling personalities of her colleagues.
Beerus (ビルス Birusu) is the God of Destruction of Universe 7. He is accompanied by his martial arts teacher and attendant, Whis. Beerus' twin brother is Champa, the God of Destruction of Universe 6. Beerus is the main antagonist of the Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods film and the God of Destruction Beerus Saga but becomes a supporting character in later sagas.
Whis 维斯
Whis (ウイス Uisu) is the Guide Angel Attendant of Universe 7's God of Destruction, Beerus, as well as his Martial Arts teacher. Along with the other angels, he is a child of the Grand Minister. Like all attendants, he is bound to the service of his deity and usually does not leave Beerus unaccompanied.
Oracle Fish 预言鱼
The Oracle Fish (予言よげん魚うお Yogen-gyo) is a sapient blue fish that has prophetic powers. The Oracle Fish is a blue fish-like being that has a long body that resembles an Eel's. Despite the Oracle Fish's position as a wise Seer, most of the time she appears rather nonchalant and forgetful. She appears to love her food, as when Beerus threatens to cut her meals down each day, she panics and quickly wracks her brain to find the answer that Beerus wanted. In Age 739, the Oracle Fish informs the God of Destruction Beerus that in thirty-nine years, an arch-rival worthy of him would appear. After he tells Beerus of the prophecy, he goes to sleep for thirty-nine years.
Beerus' Planet
Beerus' Planet (ビルスの星 Birusu no Hoshi) with its primary location being Beerus' Castle (ビルスの城 Birusu no Shiro), is the home of the God of Destruction Beerus and his attendant Whis. Beerus' planet is in the living world, as opposed to the Other World, however it is located in another realm that is unreachable by normal standards. It is located at about 26 minutes from King Kai's Planet when Warping at ultra-high-speed, but the exact location of his planet in the universe is not shown. The lower part has a shape similar to a square pyramid flipped upside-down, and the top is made of a giant thick dead tree with a number of buildings on it. Several buildings of the temple are located on the giant tree. Living on around the temple are several kinds of animals, including birds and butterflies. Around the temple is a gigantic lake that includes several kinds of sea creatures, such as the Oracle Fish and a monster who looks similar to how Nessie is depicted in Dr. Slump and Oishii Shima no Ū-sama. There were also various moons around the temple, although they were destroyed by Beerus due to pain from ingesting wasabi sauce. During the events of the film, Beerus awakens from a long slumber and is visited by the mysterious Whis. He then leaves his planet and tracks down the warrior who defeated Frieza, a Saiyan named Goku. Whis takes on Vegeta and Goku as students of his and trains them here.
Princess Bulma
The Princess Bulma (プリンセス・ブルマ号 Purinsesu Buruma-gō) is Bulma's cruise liner and it is the location for her birthday party. The ship's name Princess Bulma is fitting as Bulma herself is technically a princess as she is married to the Saiyan prince Vegeta. Additionally princess is sometimes used as a derogatory term in English to refer to a young girl or woman who is considered vain, spoiled, or selfish, traits which Bulma is known for. The ship bears a resemblance to the Oasis-class of cruise ship from Royal Caribbean International, but not fully. The name of the ship is similar to what Princess Cruises used to name their ships.

Miss Piiza
Miss Piiza (ピーザ Pīza) is the promotional agent of Mr. Satan and his two top disciples, Caroni and Pirozhki. In Dragon Ball Super, her hair is in a lower ponytail and she wears a pink business suit with a white undershirt and red shoes.
Caroni (カロニー Karonī) is one of Mr. Satan's top two students. He is seen along with Miss Piiza shining lights over Mr. Satan during a press meeting at Satan House.
Pirozhki (ピロシキ Piroshiki) is one of Mr. Satan's top two students. He and Caroni are known as one of the greatest tag teams in their pro leagues. Pirozhki is partially seen alongside Miss Piiza during Mr. Satan's press meeting. While Goku is battling Beerus, Pirozhki is taking multiple calls for Mr. Satan from the Satan House with Caroni and Piiza.
Capsule Corporation Staff
Staff (スタッフ) is a worker at Capsule Corporation. Staff interrupts Vegeta's training to inform him that Bulma called him to go to her party. However, Vegeta is uninterested, and Bulma chews him out over the phone.

King Vegeta
King Vegeta (ベジータ王 Bejīta-ō), more specifically Vegeta III (ベジータ三世 Bejīta Sansei), was the last king of the Saiyans and the father of Vegeta IV and Tarble. After his people were annexed by King Cold's Cold Army he had no choice but to pledge allegiance, but still kept power over his people; this continued into the Saiyans' time under Frieza's Frieza Force, until the tyrant slaughtered them.
Beavis (ビビス Bibisu) is a fictional God of Destruction who appears in Mr. Satan's delusion of the battle between Goku and Beerus, and is an alternative version of Beerus envisioned by Mr. Satan. In Satan's re-telling he defeated Beavis using his "God form". Beavis looks vaguely like Beerus, more-so resembling a vampire bat or goblin, but sharing purple skin (although with a darker shade of purple) and similar attire to Beerus.
Snackian Ambassador
The ambassador of Planet Snack, with his secretary shows up at Earth after overhearing Mr. Satan gloat about his false victory over "Beebus", an imaginary God of Destruction. Mr. Satan makes up the story to keep the public's attention away from Goku and the Z-Fighters and take credit for himself. The ambassador doesn't believe Mr. Satan was truly responsible for the defeat of Beerus, until his secretary points to a giant golden statue of Mr. Satan. The ambassador then rewards Satan for his "heroic deeds" by handing him a medal called the "Hero's Medal". But before he can, Galbee wants to test Satan's strength to see if he's a hoax or not. Satan asks Goku to fight for him, and Goku agrees. However, he has to leave after Chi-Chi spots him, and asks Mr. Satan to fake punch him. He flies away with his tractor over a building. Left helpless, Mr. Satan is almost punched, but Galbee spots Bee behind him and runs away in terror. The ambassador and secretary follow suit, all of them leaving because of their fear of dogs.
Snackian Secretary
The ambassador of Planet Snack, with his secretary shows up at Earth after overhearing Mr. Satan gloat about his false victory over "Beebus", an imaginary God of Destruction. Mr. Satan makes up the story to keep the public's attention away from Goku and the Z-Fighters and take credit for himself. The ambassador doesn't believe Mr. Satan was truly responsible for the defeat of Beerus, until his secretary points to a giant golden statue of Mr. Satan. The ambassador then rewards Satan for his "heroic deeds" by handing him a medal called the "Hero's Medal". But before he can, Galbee wants to test Satan's strength to see if he's a hoax or not. Satan asks Goku to fight for him, and Goku agrees. However, he has to leave after Chi-Chi spots him, and asks Mr. Satan to fake punch him. He flies away with his tractor over a building. Left helpless, Mr. Satan is almost punched, but Galbee spots Bee behind him and runs away in terror. The ambassador and secretary follow suit, all of them leaving because of their fear of dogs.

Galbee (ガルビ Garubi) is a hero of the Snackians' home world, Planet Snack. Galbee is a bulky, lion-like character with blue skin and fur. He has a scar on his forehead and dons a golden plate of armor with a red cape. He also wears black shorts and brown gloves. Galbee is Planet Snack's hero and he travels to Earth to challenge Mr. Satan because he thinks he beat the God of Destruction Beerus. As the ambassador of Planet Snack hands Mr. Satan the Hero's Medal, Galbee interjects and wishes to test Satan's power. Mr. Satan asks Goku to fight Galbee for him, but is left defenseless after Goku has to leave after not wanting to be seen by Chi-Chi. In their battle, he attempts to attack Mr. Satan but catches eye of Bee behind him. Galbee runs away in fear to his space ship, along with Planet Snack's ambassador and secretary, leaving for their planet.
Sushi Chef
Sushi chef on Bulma's birthday party.

Pilaf 皮拉夫
皮拉夫((ピラフ/Pilaf),肉饭之意(又译比拉夫、杂烩饭、炒饭大王 ),日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的男性角色。是怪物型地球人,名字来自法文的“炒饭”,身材矮小,蓝色肌肤,带着一个小圆帽。 皮拉夫是小悟空真正意义上的第一个敌人,妄图搜集龙珠成为世界之王,为此多次与小悟空斗争,有阿修和小舞两个手下。
Pilaf (ピラフ, Pirafu), Emperor Pilaf in the English anime dub, is a small impish blue creature who is the leader of the Pilaf Gang (ピラフ一味, Pirafu Ichimi) and dreams of ruling the world. He seeks the Dragon Balls to wish for world domination together with his two minions.
Shu 阿修
Shu (シュウ, Shū), a humanoid dog in a ninja outfit
Mai 小舞
Mai (マイ), a woman who resorts to weaponry and technology, and serves as a foil to the bumbling personalities of her colleagues.