The Avengers
Marvel's The Avengers (classified under the name Marvel Avengers Assemble in the United Kingdom and Ireland), or simply The Avengers, is a 2012 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics superhero team of the same name. Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, it is the sixth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Written and directed by Joss Whedon, the film features an ensemble cast including Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, and Jeremy Renner as the Avengers, alongside Tom Hiddleston, Stellan Skarsgård, and Samuel L. Jackson. In the film, Nick Fury and the spy agency S.H.I.E.L.D. recruit Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Thor, Natasha Romanoff, and Clint Barton to form a team capable of stopping Thor's brother Loki from subjugating Earth. The film's development began when Marvel Studios received a loan from Merrill Lynch in April 2005. After the success of the film Iron Man in May 2008, Marvel announced that The Avengers would be released in July 2011 and would bring together Tony Stark (Downey), Steve Rogers (Evans), Bruce Banner (Ruffalo), and Thor (Hemsworth) from Marvel's previous films. With the signing of Johansson as Natasha Romanoff in March 2009 and Renner as Clint Barton in June 2010, the film was pushed back for a 2012 release. Whedon was brought on board in April 2010 and rewrote the original screenplay by Zak Penn. Production began in April 2011 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, before moving to Cleveland, Ohio in August and New York City in September. The film has more than 2,200 visual effects shots. The Avengers premiered in Los Angeles on April 11, 2012, and was released in the United States on May 4, as the final film in Phase One of the MCU. The film received praise for Whedon's direction and screenplay, visual effects, action sequences, acting, and musical score. The film grossed over $1.5 billion worldwide, setting numerous box office records and becoming the third-highest-grossing film of all time at the time of its release and the highest-grossing film of 2012, as well as the first Marvel production to generate $1 billion in ticket sales. In 2017, The Avengers was featured as one of the 100 greatest films of all time in an Empire magazine poll. It received a nomination for Best Visual Effects at the 85th Academy Awards, among numerous other accolades. Three sequels have been released: Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Avengers: Infinity War (2018), and Avengers: Endgame (2019).
《复仇者联盟》(英语: The Avengers)是一部于2012年上映的美国超级英雄电影,改编自漫威漫画旗下的同名超级英雄团队复仇者联盟,本片由乔斯·韦登执导,由漫威影业与派拉蒙影业共同制作,并由华特迪士尼工作室电影发行。本片是漫威漫画改编的电影中,第一部获得超过十亿票房的电影,同时亦是当年世界电影史上票房第三高的电影,仅次于《阿凡达》和《铁达尼号》。本片为漫威电影宇宙系列电影中的第六部电影,亦为首部由迪士尼发行的漫威电影。导演自己透露,初版剪辑版本长达3小时,其中有30分钟围绕在美国队长如何从冰封解冻与认知所处的现今世界。 电影于2012年5月4日在美国上映。续集《复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元》于2015年5月1日在美国上映。
Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Tom Hiddleston, Stellan Skarsgård, Samuel L. Jackson
The Asgardian Loki encounters the Other, the leader of an extraterrestrial race known as the Chitauri. In exchange for retrieving the Tesseract, a powerful energy source of unknown potential, the Other promises Loki an army with which he can subjugate Earth. Nick Fury, director of the espionage agency S.H.I.E.L.D., arrives at a remote research facility, where physicist Dr. Erik Selvig is leading a team experimenting on the Tesseract. The Tesseract suddenly activates and opens a wormhole, allowing Loki to reach Earth. Loki steals the Tesseract and uses his scepter to enslave Selvig and other agents, including Clint Barton, to aid him. In response, Fury reactivates the "Avengers Initiative". Agent Natasha Romanoff heads to Kolkata to recruit Dr. Bruce Banner to trace the Tesseract through its gamma radiation emissions. Fury approaches Steve Rogers to retrieve the Tesseract, and Agent Phil Coulson visits Tony Stark to have him check Selvig's research. Loki is in Stuttgart, where Barton steals the iridium needed to stabilize the Tesseract's power, leading to a confrontation with Rogers, Stark, and Romanoff that ends with Loki's surrender. While Loki gets escorted to S.H.I.E.L.D., his adoptive brother Thor arrives and frees him, hoping to convince him to abandon his plan and return to Asgard. Stark and Rogers intervene and Loki is taken to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s flying aircraft carrier, the Helicarrier, where he is imprisoned. The Avengers become divided over how to approach Loki and the revelation that S.H.I.E.L.D. plans to harness the Tesseract to develop powerful weapons as a deterrent against hostile extraterrestrials. As they argue, Loki's agents attack the Helicarrier, and the stress causes Banner to transform into the Hulk. Stark and Rogers work to restart the damaged engine, and Thor attempts to stop the Hulk's rampage. Romanoff knocks Barton unconscious, breaking Loki's mind control. Loki escapes after killing Coulson and Fury uses Coulson's death to motivate the Avengers into working as a team. Loki uses the Tesseract and a wormhole generator Selvig built to open a wormhole above Stark Tower to the Chitauri fleet in space, launching his invasion. Rogers, Stark, Romanoff, Barton, Thor, and the Hulk rally in defense of New York City, and together the Avengers battle the Chitauri. The Hulk beats Loki into submission. Romanoff makes her way to the generator, where Selvig, freed from Loki's mind control, reveals that Loki's scepter can shut down the generator. Fury's superiors from the World Security Council attempt to end the invasion by launching a nuclear missile at Midtown Manhattan. Stark intercepts the missile and takes it through the wormhole toward the Chitauri fleet. The missile detonates, destroying the Chitauri mothership and disabling their forces on Earth. Stark's suit loses power, and he goes into freefall, but the Hulk saves him. In the aftermath, Thor returns with Loki and the Tesseract to Asgard, where Loki will face their justice. In a mid-credits scene, the Other confers with his master about the failed attack on Earth.
自从宇宙魔方在1942年被人类发现后针对其展开过无数次探索,栖息于宇宙中的强大外星势力也从此开始盯住地球,被它们营救的洛基负责率领齐塔瑞军团。在地球,由神盾局建立的一所科研基地中进行着神盾局与美国国家航空航天局和美国空军合作的“天马项目”,试图提炼出魔方的能量并加以利用,但却造成魔方的能量数值持续攀升。神盾局的两名资深探员菲尔·考森和玛丽亚·希尔受局长尼克·弗瑞的命令疏散整座基地,而魔方于地下实验室自行开启传送门将洛基传送过来。洛基杀光所有护卫后用他手上的一把能够灌输能量的权杖洗脑并操纵弗瑞的亲信克林特·巴顿和协助神盾局着手魔方项目的科学家埃里克·塞尔维格格,在他们的陪同下带着魔方坐车逃离基地。没过多久,流出的能量爆发造成基地完全坍塌,弗瑞为了应对外来威胁而命令所有人备战。 考森相继召来正在担任卧底的特工娜塔莎·罗曼诺夫、因伽玛射线而变异的科学家布鲁斯·班纳、刚解冻迎接现代不久的超级士兵史蒂芬·罗杰斯以及现居纽约的天才发明家兼亿万富翁托尼·斯塔克。所有人共同来到神盾局的空中航母总部收听简报,但洛基当时自行现身在德国斯图加特,表面上是走到广场上命令市民对他下跪;实际上是派巴顿夺取一位著名医学博士所拥有的稀有铱元素。史蒂芬、娜塔莎和托尼赶到现场联手将他抓获,洛基突然举手投降后,三人开战机折返回到航母。但洛基的继兄索尔此时从天而降试图带走洛基,而几名英雄在山区里打一战后,才互相调解达成共识并将洛基送回航母,让洛基关入一个可以直落地面的牢笼让他寸步难行。 托尼认为神盾局在魔方计划中隐瞒内幕,暗中安置程式破解一系列机密文件,发现计划的第二阶段是用魔方的能量大规模制造高科技武器。弗瑞被迫讲述因为索尔一年前在地球上造成的灾害使他们为了应对其他外星敌类,不得已启动这项草拟已久的防卫计划。事实的揭露在他们之间引发不小的内杠时,巴顿靠追踪到权杖位置后率军攻入航母,炸毁航母涡轮引擎而整体开始下坠。因爆炸掉进底层的班纳因为受伤以及积酿的愤怒情绪,失去自我变成绿巨人开始大肆破坏。为了防止班纳将航母扯碎,弗瑞派遣一架战斗机进行拦截,绿巨人便跳出去砸烂战斗机,最后从空中直落地面才恢复成班纳。 巴顿被娜塔莎重击头部后恢复清醒,索尔误入洛基的分身陷阱而反掉进笼子中,考森虽然拿着一把特殊能量武器赶到,却也同样中计而被洛基从背后刺穿胸膛。洛基将索尔的笼子扔出舰外后搭机逃跑,索尔于牢笼坠至地面的一刻逃出去,托尼全速推动引擎才挽救母舰。奄奄一息的考森希望他能以死来为众人提供一点动力,最后死在弗瑞的面前。所有人都因考森的死而陷入悲愤,托尼立即飞回他在纽约市建立的斯塔克大楼找到洛基。洛基本来想控制托尼,但对托尼的反应堆心脏毫无作用,洛基一气之下将托尼扔出窗外,所幸托尼及时换上他最新研发的七型装甲而重回天空中。 塞尔维格格通过大楼的方舟核反应堆供能他完成的能量仪器,在纽约市的天空开启一座连通太空的传送门,在另一边静待的齐塔瑞军团随即穿过门降临至纽约市破坏。市民们开始疏散时,史蒂芬、娜塔莎和恢复理智的巴顿搭机到达后,途中迫降在大街上而与齐塔瑞人近距离交战,顺便跟纽约警察联手疏散市民。班纳与索尔不久后也赶到,班纳直接变身成绿巨人,将齐塔瑞的运输巨龙一拳打死。洛基下令全军出动,众人正式组成“复仇者联盟”,担任队长的史蒂芬分派完任务后,众英雄各自开始分头作战。娜塔莎想办法上屋顶,开始和因冲击而清醒的塞尔维格格合作关闭传送机器。洛基不仅与索尔打斗时遗失权杖,还被巴顿用弓箭炸回大楼,还大言不惭地对跳上来的班纳斥喝他是神,最后却被班纳打个半死而狼狈落败。 安理会为了消灭外星威胁,不惜瞒着弗瑞而亲自命令航母上的一架战机,飞向纽约发射一颗核弹。托尼全速紧握核弹后,将其送进传送门另一端,顺势摧毁齐塔瑞人的指挥船。剩余齐塔瑞人集体毙命,托尼因为飞入太空而耗尽能源至停机,但他还是在娜塔莎关闭传送门前穿过门回到地球,被班纳平安救下来后,在其一声吼叫之下惊醒恢复意识。全军覆没的洛基遭全体复仇者抓获,洛基的权杖则被神盾局回收。战后,复仇者们在一家餐厅里静静地吃沙威玛;纽约市方面开始收拾残局和纪念死难者,世界各国都被这次外星入侵事件所震惊。索尔带着被蒙住嘴的洛基跟众人道别后拿着魔方回到阿萨神域。托尼与小辣椒将斯塔克大楼翻新扩建变成复仇者大楼,其他人也各散东西;弗瑞向安理会汇报完事情的经过后自信地认为复仇者联盟将来一定会再次拯救世界。 另一方面,洛基背后的主使针对这次入侵地球的失败,对他的“幕后主上”认为他们过于低估人类的团结,但他的主上却站起来,嘴上还露出尖利的笑容。
Cast and Character 演员阵容与角色
Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark / Iron Man “钢铁侠”托尼·斯塔克
A self-described genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist with an electromechanical suit of armor of his own invention.
Chris Evans as Steve Rogers / Captain America “美国队长”史蒂芬·罗杰斯
A World War II veteran who was enhanced to the peak of human physicality by an experimental serum and frozen in suspended animation before waking up in the modern world.
Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner / Hulk “绿巨人”布鲁斯·班纳
A genius scientist who, because of exposure to gamma radiation, transforms into a monster when enraged or agitated.
Chris Hemsworth as Thor 雷神索尔
The crown prince of Asgard, based on the Norse mythological deity of the same name.
Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow “黑寡妇”娜塔莎·罗曼诺夫
A highly trained spy working for S.H.I.E.L.D.
Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton / Hawkeye “鹰眼”克林特·巴顿
A master archer working as an agent for S.H.I.E.L.D.
Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury 尼克·弗瑞
The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. who was revealed in previous films to be coordinating the "Avengers Initiative".
Tom Hiddleston as Loki 洛基
Thor's adoptive brother and nemesis, based on the Norse mythological deity of the same name.
Stellan Skarsgård as Erik Selvig
An astrophysicist and friend of Thor under Loki's control who is studying the Tesseract's power.
Clark Gregg appears as Phil Coulson 菲尔·考森
A S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who oversees many of the division's field operations.
Cobie Smulders appears as Maria Hill 玛丽亚·希尔
A high-ranking S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who works closely with Nick Fury.
Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts 维吉妮雅·“小辣椒”·波兹
The grim leader of an alien race called the Chitauri. He is a servant of Thanos and uses telepathic powers.

Damion Poitier as Thanos 灭霸
(unnamed in the film), in a post-credits scene.
Powers Boothe as member of the World Security Council from USA Gideon Malick
Jenny Agutter as member of the World Security Council from UK Councilwoman Hawley
Arthur Darbinyan as World Security Council from Russia
Donald Li as World Security Council from China
Harry Dean Stanton as a security guard
Jerzy Skolimowski as Georgi Luchkov
Romanoff's interrogator.
Warren Kole has a brief role as a S.H.I.E.L.D. bridge tech who is caught playing Galaga
Enver Gjokaj as police officer
Enver Gjokaj, who later went on to play Daniel Sousa in the series Agent Carter, appears as a police officer
Stan Lee cameo
Avengers co-creator Stan Lee has a cameo appearance in a news report.