Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Z is a Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation. Part of the Dragon Ball media franchise, it is the sequel to the 1986 Dragon Ball anime series and adapts the latter 325 chapters of the original Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. The series aired in Japan on Fuji TV from April 1989 to January 1996 and was later dubbed for broadcast in at least 81 countries worldwide. Dragon Ball Z continues the adventures of Goku in his adult life as he and his companions defend the Earth against villains including aliens (Vegeta, Frieza), androids (Cell), and magical creatures (Majin Buu). At the same time, the story parallels the life of his son, Gohan, as well as the development of his rivals, Piccolo and Vegeta. Due to the success of the anime in the United States, the manga chapters making up its story were initially released by Viz Media under the Dragon Ball Z title. The anime's popularity has also spawned numerous media and merchandise that has come to represent the majority of content within the Dragon Ball franchise. Dragon Ball Z remains a cultural icon through numerous adaptations and re-releases, including a remastered broadcast titled Dragon Ball Z Kai. Dragon Ball Z has since been followed by two sequel series: Dragon Ball GT (1996–1997) and Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018).
《龙珠Z》(日语:ドラゴンボールZ,英语:Dragon Ball Z)是改编自日本漫画家鸟山明漫画《龙珠》第195话至第519话的内容,并于1989年4月26日到1996年1月31日播放。由东映及东映动画制作《龙珠》的电视节目动画系列从1986年至1997年在日本的富士电视台长达11年播映期间,连续11年平均超过20%的收视率受到日本人喜爱,这个系列在全世界超过80个国家放映广受好评。
Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Z is a Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation. Part of the Dragon Ball media franchise, it is the sequel to the 1986 Dragon Ball anime series and adapts the latter 325 chapters of the original Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. The series aired in Japan on Fuji TV from April 1989 to January 1996 and was later dubbed for broadcast in at least 81 countries worldwide. Dragon Ball Z continues the adventures of Goku in his adult life as he and his companions defend the Earth against villains including aliens (Vegeta, Frieza), androids (Cell), and magical creatures (Majin Buu). At the same time, the story parallels the life of his son, Gohan, as well as the development of his rivals, Piccolo and Vegeta. Due to the success of the anime in the United States, the manga chapters making up its story were initially released by Viz Media under the Dragon Ball Z title. The anime's popularity has also spawned numerous media and merchandise that has come to represent the majority of content within the Dragon Ball franchise. Dragon Ball Z remains a cultural icon through numerous adaptations and re-releases, including a remastered broadcast titled Dragon Ball Z Kai. Dragon Ball Z has since been followed by two sequel series: Dragon Ball GT (1996–1997) and Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018).
《龙珠Z》(日语:ドラゴンボールZ,英语:Dragon Ball Z)是改编自日本漫画家鸟山明漫画《龙珠》第195话至第519话的内容,并于1989年4月26日到1996年1月31日播放。由东映及东映动画制作《龙珠》的电视节目动画系列从1986年至1997年在日本的富士电视台长达11年播映期间,连续11年平均超过20%的收视率受到日本人喜爱,这个系列在全世界超过80个国家放映广受好评。
Vegeta Saga
The Vegeta Saga, also known as the Saiyan Saga or Return of the Saiyans Saga, is the second saga from the Dragon Ball Z series. This saga is the second part of the Saiyan Saga which follows the Raditz Saga, the first part of the Saiyan Saga, and precedes the Namek Saga. This saga aired in Japan in 1989 and 1990. It comprises part of US season 1. It was later included in the Funimation Season One Remastered Box Set, which also includes the Raditz Saga and the first 4 episodes of the Namek Saga and on the Funimation Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Box Volume 1 Set. Its main plot concerns the subsequent training and preparation for the arrival of the two Saiyans, Nappa and Vegeta, who are looking for the Dragon Balls to gain eternal life which culminates in a series of life and death battles involving the Dragon Team.
赛亚人篇 第001话~第035话
Vegeta Saga 赛亚人贝吉塔
Vegeta 贝吉塔
Vegeta (ベジータ Bejīta), more specifically Vegeta IV (ベジータ四世 Bejīta Yonsei), recognized as Prince Vegeta (ベジータ王子 Bejīta Ōji), is the prince of the fallen Saiyan race and the husband of Bulma, the father of Trunks and Bulla, the eldest son of King Vegeta, as well as one of the main characters of the Dragon Ball series. Regal, egotistical, and full of pride, Vegeta was once a ruthless, cold-blooded warrior and outright killer, but later abandoned his position in the Frieza Force for a peaceful life on Earth. He would repeatedly fight alongside Universe 7's most powerful warriors in order to protect Earth and his family, as well as to surpass Goku in power. Vegeta's strong character development has received high praise and is regarded as the biggest in the series. He initially debuted as the main antagonist of the Vegeta Saga, but progressed into a more anti-heroic tritagonist role for the rest of Dragon Ball Z. Since the Majin Buu Saga and going into Dragon Ball Super, Vegeta has been the main deuteragonist/secondary protagonist behind Goku.
Great Ape 大猿 - Vegeta 贝吉塔
Vegeta 贝吉塔
Vegeta (ベジータ Bejīta), more specifically Vegeta IV (ベジータ四世 Bejīta Yonsei), recognized as Prince Vegeta (ベジータ王子 Bejīta Ōji), is the prince of the fallen Saiyan race and the husband of Bulma, the father of Trunks and Bulla, the eldest son of King Vegeta, as well as one of the main characters of the Dragon Ball series. Regal, egotistical, and full of pride, Vegeta was once a ruthless, cold-blooded warrior and outright killer, but later abandoned his position in the Frieza Force for a peaceful life on Earth. He would repeatedly fight alongside Universe 7's most powerful warriors in order to protect Earth and his family, as well as to surpass Goku in power. Vegeta's strong character development has received high praise and is regarded as the biggest in the series. He initially debuted as the main antagonist of the Vegeta Saga, but progressed into a more anti-heroic tritagonist role for the rest of Dragon Ball Z. Since the Majin Buu Saga and going into Dragon Ball Super, Vegeta has been the main deuteragonist/secondary protagonist behind Goku.
Great Ape 大猿 - Vegeta 贝吉塔
Great Ape (大おお猿ざる Ōzaru, lit. "Great Monkey") is a giant, anthropomorphic, monkey-like creature that the Saiyans of Universe 7 can transform into at the full moon (or a similar object) to increase their already formidable strength tremendously. Dragon Ball GT: Perfect File speculates that Saiyans were originally Great Apes who gained intelligence and eventually took on a humanoid form.
Nappa 那帕
Nappa (ナッパ Nappa) is a mid-class Saiyan warrior from Planet Vegeta, and Vegeta's partner in combat. Prior to the destruction of Planet Vegeta, Nappa was the general of the Saiyan Army and aid/partner to the young prince, Vegeta. After his race's demise, he, along with Vegeta and Raditz, worked as soldiers directly under Frieza, which led him to Earth. Nappa is the secondary antagonist of the Vegeta Saga.
Saibamen 栽培人
Saibamen (栽サイ培バイマン Saibaiman, lit. "Cultivation Man"), called Cultivars in the Viz translation of the manga, are green, humanoid creatures that grow from a planted seed placed in the ground. The bulbs are stored in a special liquid prior to their use by a Saiyan. In Dragon Ball Fusions, they are considered part of the Alien race.
(ブロッコ Burokko, lit. "Brocco") is an anime-only Saiyan in the Dragon Ball franchise. He is one of the Phantom Saiyans.
(パンプキン Panpukin, lit. "Pumpkin") is an anime-only Saiyan in the Dragon Ball franchise. He is one of the Phantom Saiyans.
C-6 (万能カプセルロボットC6号 Ban'nō Kapuseru Robotto C 6-gō, lit. "Universal Capsule Robot No. C6") is an SSS-type almighty Capsule Corporation robot C-6
Rocky Rivers
Rocky Rivers (ダグ Dagu) is the star baseball player of the Rockets, the team opposite of the Taitans, Yamcha's baseball team.

King Moai
King Moai (モアイ王 Moai-ō) is a filler character in Dragon Ball Z. He is the king of Arlia after he won the War of Planet Arlia.

Atla (アトラ Atora) is the King of Arlia before he was dethroned by King Moai during the War of Planet Arlia.
Lemlia (レムリア Remuria) is an Arlian who was married to King Atla, but King Moai stole her from him when he imprisoned Atla.
Lesoy is an Arlian champion of King Moai's who defeated his former champion, Greger.

Greger is an Arlian warrior who serves King Moai. He was the king's champion until Lesoy defeated him in a duel. As the loser, Moai's guards threw him into the Pit, where he was eaten by Yetti.

Yetti, also known as Yedi (イエディ Iedi), is a gigantic and cannibalistic Arlian who resides in the bottom of the Pit in King Moai's palace.
Bora 勃拉
勃拉,日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的角色,外貌特征类似于印第安人(龙珠世界观不同于现实,自然也不会叫印第安人),是保护圣地卡林塔的高大战士,也是乌巴的父亲。勃拉非常强壮,当耶罗上校(也被译成黄大佐)带着一队军队来向他要龙珠的时候,勃拉警告这些侵略者:为了保护圣地,他将会杀死他们。因为孙悟空从红缎带军手中解救了他的儿子乌帕,所以他和悟空变成了朋友。后来,他被残忍的杀手桃白白杀害了。悟空在泣不成声的乌帕面前发誓,一定会集齐所有的龙珠让他的爸爸复活。勃拉年轻时,也曾经试过攀登卡林塔,但是最终还是失败了。 Bora (ボラ) is a tall, muscular man who resides in the Sacred Land of Korin with his son Upa, in a tepee at the base of the Korin Tower.

Upa 乌帕
乌巴,日本经典动漫《龙珠》中的人物,是主角孙悟空少年时代结识的朋友,与父亲勃拉居住在圣地卡林塔。外表柔弱,内心坚强,希望以后能够变得像悟空和父亲一样强。 Upa (ウパ Upa) is a member of the native tribe whose members serve as the guardians of Korin Tower. His father, Bora, is the chief of the tribe.
(ロム Romu) is a 7-year-old orphan who meets Gohan and is also the older brother of Chico.

(チコ Chiko) is a 6-year-old orphan who meets Gohan, she is also the younger sister of Rom.

(エナ Ena) is a 9-year-old orphan that Gohan meets after two siblings named Rom and Chico bring him to their home. She is one of the children in the clan led by Pigero and lives alongside many other orphans such as Jinku, Hacchi, and Yordon.

(ピゲロ Pigero) is a 15-year-old orphan that Gohan met while training under Piccolo to fight the Saiyans.

(ジンク Zinku) is a 7-year-old orphan that Gohan meets after two siblings named Rom and Chico bring him to their home.

(ハッチ) is a 14-year-old orphan that Gohan meets after two siblings named Rom and Chico.

(ヨードン Yōdon) is an 8-year-old orphan that Gohan meets after two siblings named Rom and Chico bring him to their home.

Nappa 那帕
Nappa (ナッパ Nappa) is a mid-class Saiyan warrior from Planet Vegeta, and Vegeta's partner in combat. Prior to the destruction of Planet Vegeta, Nappa was the general of the Saiyan Army and aid/partner to the young prince, Vegeta. After his race's demise, he, along with Vegeta and Raditz, worked as soldiers directly under Frieza, which led him to Earth. Nappa is the secondary antagonist of the Vegeta Saga.
Saibamen 栽培人
Saibamen (栽サイ培バイマン Saibaiman, lit. "Cultivation Man"), called Cultivars in the Viz translation of the manga, are green, humanoid creatures that grow from a planted seed placed in the ground. The bulbs are stored in a special liquid prior to their use by a Saiyan. In Dragon Ball Fusions, they are considered part of the Alien race.
(ブロッコ Burokko, lit. "Brocco") is an anime-only Saiyan in the Dragon Ball franchise. He is one of the Phantom Saiyans.
(パンプキン Panpukin, lit. "Pumpkin") is an anime-only Saiyan in the Dragon Ball franchise. He is one of the Phantom Saiyans.
C-6 (万能カプセルロボットC6号 Ban'nō Kapuseru Robotto C 6-gō, lit. "Universal Capsule Robot No. C6") is an SSS-type almighty Capsule Corporation robot C-6
Rocky Rivers
Rocky Rivers (ダグ Dagu) is the star baseball player of the Rockets, the team opposite of the Taitans, Yamcha's baseball team.

King Moai
King Moai (モアイ王 Moai-ō) is a filler character in Dragon Ball Z. He is the king of Arlia after he won the War of Planet Arlia.

Atla (アトラ Atora) is the King of Arlia before he was dethroned by King Moai during the War of Planet Arlia.
Lemlia (レムリア Remuria) is an Arlian who was married to King Atla, but King Moai stole her from him when he imprisoned Atla.
Lesoy is an Arlian champion of King Moai's who defeated his former champion, Greger.

Greger is an Arlian warrior who serves King Moai. He was the king's champion until Lesoy defeated him in a duel. As the loser, Moai's guards threw him into the Pit, where he was eaten by Yetti.

Yetti, also known as Yedi (イエディ Iedi), is a gigantic and cannibalistic Arlian who resides in the bottom of the Pit in King Moai's palace.
Bora 勃拉
勃拉,日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的角色,外貌特征类似于印第安人(龙珠世界观不同于现实,自然也不会叫印第安人),是保护圣地卡林塔的高大战士,也是乌巴的父亲。勃拉非常强壮,当耶罗上校(也被译成黄大佐)带着一队军队来向他要龙珠的时候,勃拉警告这些侵略者:为了保护圣地,他将会杀死他们。因为孙悟空从红缎带军手中解救了他的儿子乌帕,所以他和悟空变成了朋友。后来,他被残忍的杀手桃白白杀害了。悟空在泣不成声的乌帕面前发誓,一定会集齐所有的龙珠让他的爸爸复活。勃拉年轻时,也曾经试过攀登卡林塔,但是最终还是失败了。 Bora (ボラ) is a tall, muscular man who resides in the Sacred Land of Korin with his son Upa, in a tepee at the base of the Korin Tower.

Upa 乌帕
乌巴,日本经典动漫《龙珠》中的人物,是主角孙悟空少年时代结识的朋友,与父亲勃拉居住在圣地卡林塔。外表柔弱,内心坚强,希望以后能够变得像悟空和父亲一样强。 Upa (ウパ Upa) is a member of the native tribe whose members serve as the guardians of Korin Tower. His father, Bora, is the chief of the tribe.
(ロム Romu) is a 7-year-old orphan who meets Gohan and is also the older brother of Chico.

(チコ Chiko) is a 6-year-old orphan who meets Gohan, she is also the younger sister of Rom.

(エナ Ena) is a 9-year-old orphan that Gohan meets after two siblings named Rom and Chico bring him to their home. She is one of the children in the clan led by Pigero and lives alongside many other orphans such as Jinku, Hacchi, and Yordon.

(ピゲロ Pigero) is a 15-year-old orphan that Gohan met while training under Piccolo to fight the Saiyans.

(ジンク Zinku) is a 7-year-old orphan that Gohan meets after two siblings named Rom and Chico bring him to their home.

(ハッチ) is a 14-year-old orphan that Gohan meets after two siblings named Rom and Chico.

(ヨードン Yōdon) is an 8-year-old orphan that Gohan meets after two siblings named Rom and Chico bring him to their home.