Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Z is a Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation. Part of the Dragon Ball media franchise, it is the sequel to the 1986 Dragon Ball anime series and adapts the latter 325 chapters of the original Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. The series aired in Japan on Fuji TV from April 1989 to January 1996 and was later dubbed for broadcast in at least 81 countries worldwide. Dragon Ball Z continues the adventures of Goku in his adult life as he and his companions defend the Earth against villains including aliens (Vegeta, Frieza), androids (Cell), and magical creatures (Majin Buu). At the same time, the story parallels the life of his son, Gohan, as well as the development of his rivals, Piccolo and Vegeta. Due to the success of the anime in the United States, the manga chapters making up its story were initially released by Viz Media under the Dragon Ball Z title. The anime's popularity has also spawned numerous media and merchandise that has come to represent the majority of content within the Dragon Ball franchise. Dragon Ball Z remains a cultural icon through numerous adaptations and re-releases, including a remastered broadcast titled Dragon Ball Z Kai. Dragon Ball Z has since been followed by two sequel series: Dragon Ball GT (1996–1997) and Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018).
《龙珠Z》(日语:ドラゴンボールZ,英语:Dragon Ball Z)是改编自日本漫画家鸟山明漫画《龙珠》第195话至第519话的内容,并于1989年4月26日到1996年1月31日播放。由东映及东映动画制作《龙珠》的电视节目动画系列从1986年至1997年在日本的富士电视台长达11年播映期间,连续11年平均超过20%的收视率受到日本人喜爱,这个系列在全世界超过80个国家放映广受好评。
Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Z is a Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation. Part of the Dragon Ball media franchise, it is the sequel to the 1986 Dragon Ball anime series and adapts the latter 325 chapters of the original Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. The series aired in Japan on Fuji TV from April 1989 to January 1996 and was later dubbed for broadcast in at least 81 countries worldwide. Dragon Ball Z continues the adventures of Goku in his adult life as he and his companions defend the Earth against villains including aliens (Vegeta, Frieza), androids (Cell), and magical creatures (Majin Buu). At the same time, the story parallels the life of his son, Gohan, as well as the development of his rivals, Piccolo and Vegeta. Due to the success of the anime in the United States, the manga chapters making up its story were initially released by Viz Media under the Dragon Ball Z title. The anime's popularity has also spawned numerous media and merchandise that has come to represent the majority of content within the Dragon Ball franchise. Dragon Ball Z remains a cultural icon through numerous adaptations and re-releases, including a remastered broadcast titled Dragon Ball Z Kai. Dragon Ball Z has since been followed by two sequel series: Dragon Ball GT (1996–1997) and Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018).
《龙珠Z》(日语:ドラゴンボールZ,英语:Dragon Ball Z)是改编自日本漫画家鸟山明漫画《龙珠》第195话至第519话的内容,并于1989年4月26日到1996年1月31日播放。由东映及东映动画制作《龙珠》的电视节目动画系列从1986年至1997年在日本的富士电视台长达11年播映期间,连续11年平均超过20%的收视率受到日本人喜爱,这个系列在全世界超过80个国家放映广受好评。
Supporting Characters 其他角色
Master Roshi 龟仙人
龟仙人,日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的角色。曾是世界第一的武道家,被世人称为”武术之神“。武学流派龟仙流的创始者、龟派气功之父、武术宗师武泰斗的得意弟子。表面上是一位色眯眯的老头,但实际上却是位敢于为消灭邪恶而牺牲自身性命的战士。于”短笛大魔王篇“后完全退居三线、将未来托付于新时代的战士们。后期的龟仙人已失去天下第一的美名,但”武术之神“的称谓依然流传着。 Kame-Sen'nin (亀仙人, "Turtle Hermit"), also known as Muten-Rōshi (武天老師, lit "Martial Arts Genius Master"), which is rendered as "Master Roshi" in the English versions, is a lecherous elderly martial arts master instructor that lives on a small island and is the inventor of the Kamehameha technique. He trained Grandpa Gohan and Ox-King, Goku, and Krillin, and a few others. He is often accompanied by his talking sea turtle companion, Umigame (ウミガメ, "Sea Turtle"), who often tries to point out his flaws. Master Roshi was trained by Master Mutaito (武泰斗), who also trained his cohorts-turned-rival Tsuru-Sen'nin (鶴仙人, "Crane Hermit"); he has also received additional training from Korin. When he appears anonymously in the World Martial Arts Tournament, Master Roshi uses the name "Jackie Chun" (ジャッキー・チュン, Jakkī Chun), wears a wig, and discards his sunglasses.
Bulma 布马
龟仙人,日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的角色。曾是世界第一的武道家,被世人称为”武术之神“。武学流派龟仙流的创始者、龟派气功之父、武术宗师武泰斗的得意弟子。表面上是一位色眯眯的老头,但实际上却是位敢于为消灭邪恶而牺牲自身性命的战士。于”短笛大魔王篇“后完全退居三线、将未来托付于新时代的战士们。后期的龟仙人已失去天下第一的美名,但”武术之神“的称谓依然流传着。 Kame-Sen'nin (亀仙人, "Turtle Hermit"), also known as Muten-Rōshi (武天老師, lit "Martial Arts Genius Master"), which is rendered as "Master Roshi" in the English versions, is a lecherous elderly martial arts master instructor that lives on a small island and is the inventor of the Kamehameha technique. He trained Grandpa Gohan and Ox-King, Goku, and Krillin, and a few others. He is often accompanied by his talking sea turtle companion, Umigame (ウミガメ, "Sea Turtle"), who often tries to point out his flaws. Master Roshi was trained by Master Mutaito (武泰斗), who also trained his cohorts-turned-rival Tsuru-Sen'nin (鶴仙人, "Crane Hermit"); he has also received additional training from Korin. When he appears anonymously in the World Martial Arts Tournament, Master Roshi uses the name "Jackie Chun" (ジャッキー・チュン, Jakkī Chun), wears a wig, and discards his sunglasses.
Bulma 布马
Bulma (ブルマ, Buruma) first appears as a teenager using the Dragon Radar, a fictional device she created to detect the energy signal emitted by Dragon Balls. She is led to Goku's location by the signal emitted by the four-star ball in his possession and recruits him as a bodyguard while hoping to get his four-star ball to grant her wish for a boyfriend. She gives up on the wish after meeting Yamcha, and much later in the series, she marries Vegeta. Bulma has also assumed the role of inventor and has consistently provided critical tech support to Goku and his friends in their battles against various enemies and threats throughout the series. Some of her notable innovations include a microband that could make her shrink and a time machine that brought her son from an alternate future timeline, Trunks, to the past on multiple occasions.
Chi-Chi (チチ) is Goku's wife, Gohan and Goten's mother, and Pan's grandmother. She and Goku first meet as children when her father, the Ox-King, asks Goku to take her to Master Roshi's house. In a misunderstanding, Goku promises to marry her. Years later, she confronts him about his promise at the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament, and they get married. As the matriarch of the family, she is depicted as being overprotective of Gohan's well-being and wishes to interrupt Goku's lifestyle of fighting and constant conflict. She relaxes her stance with her younger son Goten, even training him herself.
Oolong 乌龙
Oolong (ウーロン, Ūron), named Mao-Mao in the Harmony Gold dub, is a shapeshifting, anthropomorphic pig that uses his abilities for his greedy desires. He and Puar went to the same shapeshifting school together before he was expelled for stealing the teacher's panties; as such, he can only change his form for five minutes at a time, requiring a one-minute break afterwards. Oolong joins Goku and Bulma to search for the Dragon Balls and eventually steal them but abandons this plan. He makes the first shown wish with the Dragon Balls: a pair of panties. Oolong plays a minor role as the series progresses, where he is often in the company of Master Roshi.
Puar 普尔
Pu'ar (プーアル, Pūaru), Puar in the Funimation anime dub, Pu-erh in their subtitles, and named Squeakers in the Harmony Gold dub, is a soft-spoken blue creature and Yamcha's companion. Puar's abilities consist of levitation and shapeshifting. He and Oolong went to the same shapeshifting school together, where he was constantly mocked by Oolong. When first introduced, he and Yamcha operate as bandits in a desert, where they encounter Goku, Bulma, and Oolong. At first they tail and assist the group in order to steal the Dragon Balls they are collecting, though they later reform and befriend the trio. When Goku transforms into a giant ape for the first time in the series, Puar transforms into a pair of scissors and cuts off his tail to turn him back to his regular state. Together with Upa, Puar defeats Dracula Man while competing in Baba Uranai's tournament. The character's name is a pun on pu'er tea and was designed to slightly resemble a cat.
Kami 神
Kami (神かみ様さま Kami-sama, lit. "God", "Deity", or "Divine Being") was the former Guardian of the Earth, and the good counterpart of King Piccolo. Throughout a majority of the story, the character known as Kami was a wise Namekian, who alongside Piccolo, was once a single being, who no longer remembered his real name, although it was revealed that he was the son of Katas. He hatched on Namek in Age 242 and, as a child, was launched by Katas into outer space in a Namekian spaceship which requires at least a basic knowledge of the Namekian language to pilot. The Nameless Namekian later learnt of the Guardian of the Earth, and that its role could be passed down, but only to those pure of heart. Thus, the Namekian split himself into being, while simultaneously expelling the darkness within him. The remaining good half became Kami, while the evil expunged became King Piccolo. Kami is also the Namekian that created Earth's Dragon Balls.
Mr. Popo 波波先生
Mr. Popo (ミスター・ポポ, Misutā Popo) is a genie-like entity who serves as the attendant of Earth's guardian deity. When he first appears, he easily gets the best of Goku in a skirmish. He then assists Kami in training Goku for three years in preparation for his battle against Piccolo at the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament as well as later training Krillin, Yamcha, Tien Shinhan, Chiaotzu and Yajirobe during their preparation against the Saiyans. Mr. Popo serves Dende as his attendant upon the latter's ascension as Earth's new guardian.
Korin 猫仙人
Karin (カリン), known as Korin in the Ocean and Funimation dubs and Whiskers the Wonder Cat in the Harmony Gold dub, is a Senbyō (仙猫, immortal cat) who is at least 800 years old when he is introduced in Dragon Ball. He is a minor deity who lives at the top of Karin Tower (カリン塔, Karin-tō), which is situated underneath Kami's lookout; a warrior named Bora (ボラ) and his son Upa (ウパ) live at the base of the tower and serve as its guardians.[ He trained Master Roshi for three years and gave him the Kinto'un (筋斗雲) and the Nyoi-bō (如意棒) ("Nimbus" and "Power Pole" in the English anime dub respectively), both of which are later passed on to Goku. Korin trains Goku after his defeat by Mercenary Tao, and gives him poisoned water from the gods to make him strong enough to beat King Piccolo. He is responsible for deeming people worthy of meeting Kami; Goku is the first human he has ever deemed worthy. He helps Goku and his friends by growing Senzu Beans (仙豆, Senzu, lit. "Hermit Bean"), which can fully heal any injuries and fatigue instantly.
Fortuneteller Baba 占卜婆婆
Uranai Baba (占いババ, Uranai-baba, lit. "All-seeing Crone"), Fortuneteller Baba in the English anime dub, is an old witch and Master Roshi's older sister. She possesses a magic floating crystal ball that she rides on top of, which she can use to see the location of any lost item and to see into the future. She is also able to travel to the afterlife, where she recruits deceased individuals and brings them back to the living world to fight for her, though only for one day. She lives in a big palace located over an oasis in the desert. She normally charges a very high price for her services unless her team of fighters is defeated.
Yajirobe 亚奇洛贝
Yajirobe (ヤジロベー, Yajirobē) is an overweight samurai that is often considered to be rude, unmannered, timid, lazy, and cowardly. During their first meeting, Yajirobe gets mad at Goku for stealing his fish,[ch. 138] but has a change of heart and helps Goku after he is defeated by King Piccolo, taking him to Korin's to be healed. Yajirobe continues to support Goku and his companions mostly from the sidelines. He was originally a wanderer that lived off the land, but lives with Korin after meeting him. He grows Senzu Beans and delivers them to Goku and his companions. When Goku fights Vegeta for the first time, Yajirobe cuts off Vegeta's tail to turn him back to normal. After this story arc, Yajirobe only makes brief appearances. When Krillin died, Toriyama requested that Yajirobe be voiced by his voice actress Mayumi Tanaka. When Yajirobe and Krillin later appeared in the same scene together, Tanaka gave the former a Nagoya dialect in order to distinguish them.
Kame 乌龟
Turtle (ウミガメ Umigame, lit. "Sea Turtle") is Master Roshi's friend and long-time companion. The good-natured, lovable turtle lives in Kame House with the elderly hermit.
Ox-King 牛魔王
Gyū-Maō (牛魔王, lit "Ox Demon King"), known as Ox-King in the English anime dub, is the wealthy owner of a castle on Frypan Mountain (フライパン山, Furaipan-yama) and Chi-Chi's father. He is loosely based on the Bull Demon King from Journey to the West. He was trained in martial arts by Master Roshi alongside Goku's adoptive grandfather, Grandpa Gohan. Despite his imposing name and stature, he possesses a gentle and laid-back personality in contrast to Chi-Chi.
Launch 兰琪
日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的女性角色。龟仙人对孙悟空和小林提出了拜师条件——找个漂亮女孩。于是兰琪闪亮登场,先是在酒馆打喷嚏大打出手(揭示出可爱的兰琪一打喷嚏性格就会变的狂暴,可以用头发的颜色来区分),之后是火箭炮炸火车窃取财物,正被警察追赶,被悟空搭救逃出生天。之后一直和龟仙人住在龟仙屋。在第二十三届武道会结束后,离开龟仙屋,去找天津饭,后来在悟空为了打败布欧的元气中贡献了自己的力量。 Lunch (ランチ, Ranchi), named Launch in the Funimation dub and Marilynn in the Harmony Gold dub, is a woman who Goku and Krillin rescue and bring to Master Roshi in exchange for him to train them. She has a split personality where she changes between a nice, polite, blue-haired woman and a trigger-happy blonde bad girl every time she sneezes. As her bad form is a known criminal, she decides to stay with Master Roshi, and becomes his maid. Launch's blonde persona develops an attraction towards Tien Shinhan's fierce attitude. She is not seen after the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament but is said to be chasing after Tien Shinhan. In the anime she is seen in a few Dragon Ball Z filler episodes during the fight with the Saiyans, and is seen again at the series' end helping contribute energy to Goku's Genki-Dama to defeat Buu.
Launch 兰琪
日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的女性角色。龟仙人对孙悟空和小林提出了拜师条件——找个漂亮女孩。于是兰琪闪亮登场,先是在酒馆打喷嚏大打出手(揭示出可爱的兰琪一打喷嚏性格就会变的狂暴,可以用头发的颜色来区分),之后是火箭炮炸火车窃取财物,正被警察追赶,被悟空搭救逃出生天。之后一直和龟仙人住在龟仙屋。在第二十三届武道会结束后,离开龟仙屋,去找天津饭,后来在悟空为了打败布欧的元气中贡献了自己的力量。 Lunch (ランチ, Ranchi), named Launch in the Funimation dub and Marilynn in the Harmony Gold dub, is a woman who Goku and Krillin rescue and bring to Master Roshi in exchange for him to train them. She has a split personality where she changes between a nice, polite, blue-haired woman and a trigger-happy blonde bad girl every time she sneezes. As her bad form is a known criminal, she decides to stay with Master Roshi, and becomes his maid. Launch's blonde persona develops an attraction towards Tien Shinhan's fierce attitude. She is not seen after the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament but is said to be chasing after Tien Shinhan. In the anime she is seen in a few Dragon Ball Z filler episodes during the fight with the Saiyans, and is seen again at the series' end helping contribute energy to Goku's Genki-Dama to defeat Buu.
Shenron 神龙
Shénlóng (神龍, Shenron, lit. "Dragon God"), Shenron in Funimation's anime dub, also known as the Eternal Dragon in the Ocean and Funimation dubs and as the Dragon God in the Harmony Gold dub, is the wish-granting dragon summoned when all seven of Earth's Dragon Balls are gathered together. Throughout the series, several rules on the Dragon Balls' use and limitations on Shenron's power are explained. After the wish is granted the balls scatter across the planet, turn to stone, are useless for a year, and cannot be detected by Bulma's Dragon Radar.
Dr. Briefs 布里夫博士
布里夫博士,漫画《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的男性角色之一。塔伊丝、布尔玛的父亲,万能胶囊公司的创始人,杰出而性格古怪的科学家。他是一个喜剧性质的人物,第一部中时常和妻子冷战,还因为收藏了很多不良读物而不被布尔玛信任。 Dr. Briefs (ブリーフ博士, Burīfu-hakase), sometimes written as Dr. Brief, is Bulma's father, and Trunks and Bra's grandfather. He is an elderly scientist who is one of the smartest and richest men in the world. Dr. Briefs is the founder and president of Capsule Corporation (カプセルコーポレーション, Kapuseru Kōporēshon), the largest company on Earth,[44] and the man responsible for the invention of the Hoi-Poi Capsules (ホイ ポイ カプセル, Hoi Poi Kapuseru), which can shrink inanimate objects down to pocket-sized capsule of namesake
Bikini (ビキニ) is the wife of Dr. Brief, the mother of Tights and Bulma, the mother-in-law of Vegeta, and the maternal grandmother of Trunks and Bulla. Bikini went unnamed in the original manga, anime and guidebooks, only ever being referred to as Bulma's mother (ブルマのママ Buruma no mama).[1] In an interview, Toriyama noted that had he named her he probably would have gone with Panchy (パンチー Panchī), which was later used as her name in Dragon Ball SD.
Capsule Corporation Spaceship
The Capsule Corporation Spaceship (カプセル宇宙船 Kapuseru Uchūsen) is a ship made by Capsule Corporation that was used to travel throughout space. The first Capsule Corporation spaceship was made for Goku by Dr. Brief out of the scraps of Goku's original spaceship that brought him to Earth. Brief made the spaceship with a bedroom, a bathroom, and a training room that included an intense gravity simulation machine that goes up to 100x Earth's gravity. Goku used the spaceship to travel to Planet Namek while training using the Gravity Machine over the next six days, slowly increasing the gravity from 10x to 20x to 50x to 100x. After five days of training, Goku relaxed and rested himself on the sixth day, arriving just in time to save Gohan, Krillin, and Vegeta from the Ginyu Force. After transforming into a Super Saiyan for the first time, Goku told Gohan to take Piccolo and Bulma to the spaceship that he used to get here (although Gohan, Piccolo, Bulma are later teleported from Namek to Earth thanks to Porunga). After Goku's long fight with Frieza, Goku didn't have enough time to make it to his spaceship so he had to use the Ginyu Force's Attack Ball. The first Capsule Corporation spaceship was destroyed during Planet Namek's destruction.

King Kai 北界王
King Kai (界かい王おう様さま Kaiō-sama, lit. "King of Worlds") is the North Kai (北きたの界かい王おう Kita no Kaiō, lit. "North King of Worlds") and king of Universe 7's North Area. A comedy lover and brilliant mentor, he acts as Goku's Martial Arts teacher and instructs him in using the Kaio-ken and the Spirit Bomb. He later teaches Krillin, Yamcha, Tien Shinhan, Piccolo, and Chiaotzu and continues to act as a major supporting character throughout the majority of the series.
Bubbles 巴布魯斯
Bubbles (バブルス Baburusu) is the monkey pet and friend of King Kai. He serves a special purpose during King Kai's training lessons, particularly one of two endurance tests, where trainees are instructed to chase after Bubbles in an effort to catch him. Though the task may seem simple at first, there is a catch: the gravity on King Kai's Planet is ten times that of Earth, and Bubbles is perfectly used to it.
Gregory 古雷格利
Gregory (グレゴリー Guregorī) is a levitating cricket sprite that acts as King Kai's butler and looks after him. Gregory is a small dark green cricket like humanoid, with an upright posture, antenna, and bug like eyes, he also has a tail like protrusion at the bottom of his torso. After Cell blew up King Kai's Planet, Gregory has been seen with a halo.
Dr. Briefs 布里夫博士
布里夫博士,漫画《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的男性角色之一。塔伊丝、布尔玛的父亲,万能胶囊公司的创始人,杰出而性格古怪的科学家。他是一个喜剧性质的人物,第一部中时常和妻子冷战,还因为收藏了很多不良读物而不被布尔玛信任。 Dr. Briefs (ブリーフ博士, Burīfu-hakase), sometimes written as Dr. Brief, is Bulma's father, and Trunks and Bra's grandfather. He is an elderly scientist who is one of the smartest and richest men in the world. Dr. Briefs is the founder and president of Capsule Corporation (カプセルコーポレーション, Kapuseru Kōporēshon), the largest company on Earth,[44] and the man responsible for the invention of the Hoi-Poi Capsules (ホイ ポイ カプセル, Hoi Poi Kapuseru), which can shrink inanimate objects down to pocket-sized capsule of namesake
Bikini (ビキニ) is the wife of Dr. Brief, the mother of Tights and Bulma, the mother-in-law of Vegeta, and the maternal grandmother of Trunks and Bulla. Bikini went unnamed in the original manga, anime and guidebooks, only ever being referred to as Bulma's mother (ブルマのママ Buruma no mama).[1] In an interview, Toriyama noted that had he named her he probably would have gone with Panchy (パンチー Panchī), which was later used as her name in Dragon Ball SD.
Capsule Corporation Spaceship
The Capsule Corporation Spaceship (カプセル宇宙船 Kapuseru Uchūsen) is a ship made by Capsule Corporation that was used to travel throughout space. The first Capsule Corporation spaceship was made for Goku by Dr. Brief out of the scraps of Goku's original spaceship that brought him to Earth. Brief made the spaceship with a bedroom, a bathroom, and a training room that included an intense gravity simulation machine that goes up to 100x Earth's gravity. Goku used the spaceship to travel to Planet Namek while training using the Gravity Machine over the next six days, slowly increasing the gravity from 10x to 20x to 50x to 100x. After five days of training, Goku relaxed and rested himself on the sixth day, arriving just in time to save Gohan, Krillin, and Vegeta from the Ginyu Force. After transforming into a Super Saiyan for the first time, Goku told Gohan to take Piccolo and Bulma to the spaceship that he used to get here (although Gohan, Piccolo, Bulma are later teleported from Namek to Earth thanks to Porunga). After Goku's long fight with Frieza, Goku didn't have enough time to make it to his spaceship so he had to use the Ginyu Force's Attack Ball. The first Capsule Corporation spaceship was destroyed during Planet Namek's destruction.

King Kai 北界王
King Kai (界かい王おう様さま Kaiō-sama, lit. "King of Worlds") is the North Kai (北きたの界かい王おう Kita no Kaiō, lit. "North King of Worlds") and king of Universe 7's North Area. A comedy lover and brilliant mentor, he acts as Goku's Martial Arts teacher and instructs him in using the Kaio-ken and the Spirit Bomb. He later teaches Krillin, Yamcha, Tien Shinhan, Piccolo, and Chiaotzu and continues to act as a major supporting character throughout the majority of the series.
Bubbles 巴布魯斯
Bubbles (バブルス Baburusu) is the monkey pet and friend of King Kai. He serves a special purpose during King Kai's training lessons, particularly one of two endurance tests, where trainees are instructed to chase after Bubbles in an effort to catch him. Though the task may seem simple at first, there is a catch: the gravity on King Kai's Planet is ten times that of Earth, and Bubbles is perfectly used to it.
Gregory 古雷格利
Gregory (グレゴリー Guregorī) is a levitating cricket sprite that acts as King Kai's butler and looks after him. Gregory is a small dark green cricket like humanoid, with an upright posture, antenna, and bug like eyes, he also has a tail like protrusion at the bottom of his torso. After Cell blew up King Kai's Planet, Gregory has been seen with a halo.
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