Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Z is a Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation. Part of the Dragon Ball media franchise, it is the sequel to the 1986 Dragon Ball anime series and adapts the latter 325 chapters of the original Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. The series aired in Japan on Fuji TV from April 1989 to January 1996 and was later dubbed for broadcast in at least 81 countries worldwide. Dragon Ball Z continues the adventures of Goku in his adult life as he and his companions defend the Earth against villains including aliens (Vegeta, Frieza), androids (Cell), and magical creatures (Majin Buu). At the same time, the story parallels the life of his son, Gohan, as well as the development of his rivals, Piccolo and Vegeta. Due to the success of the anime in the United States, the manga chapters making up its story were initially released by Viz Media under the Dragon Ball Z title. The anime's popularity has also spawned numerous media and merchandise that has come to represent the majority of content within the Dragon Ball franchise. Dragon Ball Z remains a cultural icon through numerous adaptations and re-releases, including a remastered broadcast titled Dragon Ball Z Kai. Dragon Ball Z has since been followed by two sequel series: Dragon Ball GT (1996–1997) and Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018).
《龙珠Z》(日语:ドラゴンボールZ,英语:Dragon Ball Z)是改编自日本漫画家鸟山明漫画《龙珠》第195话至第519话的内容,并于1989年4月26日到1996年1月31日播放。由东映及东映动画制作《龙珠》的电视节目动画系列从1986年至1997年在日本的富士电视台长达11年播映期间,连续11年平均超过20%的收视率受到日本人喜爱,这个系列在全世界超过80个国家放映广受好评。
Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Z is a Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation. Part of the Dragon Ball media franchise, it is the sequel to the 1986 Dragon Ball anime series and adapts the latter 325 chapters of the original Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. The series aired in Japan on Fuji TV from April 1989 to January 1996 and was later dubbed for broadcast in at least 81 countries worldwide. Dragon Ball Z continues the adventures of Goku in his adult life as he and his companions defend the Earth against villains including aliens (Vegeta, Frieza), androids (Cell), and magical creatures (Majin Buu). At the same time, the story parallels the life of his son, Gohan, as well as the development of his rivals, Piccolo and Vegeta. Due to the success of the anime in the United States, the manga chapters making up its story were initially released by Viz Media under the Dragon Ball Z title. The anime's popularity has also spawned numerous media and merchandise that has come to represent the majority of content within the Dragon Ball franchise. Dragon Ball Z remains a cultural icon through numerous adaptations and re-releases, including a remastered broadcast titled Dragon Ball Z Kai. Dragon Ball Z has since been followed by two sequel series: Dragon Ball GT (1996–1997) and Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018).
《龙珠Z》(日语:ドラゴンボールZ,英语:Dragon Ball Z)是改编自日本漫画家鸟山明漫画《龙珠》第195话至第519话的内容,并于1989年4月26日到1996年1月31日播放。由东映及东映动画制作《龙珠》的电视节目动画系列从1986年至1997年在日本的富士电视台长达11年播映期间,连续11年平均超过20%的收视率受到日本人喜爱,这个系列在全世界超过80个国家放映广受好评。
Raditz Saga
The Raditz Saga also called the Saiyan Saga (サイヤ人編 Saiya-jin Hen, lit. "Saiyan Arc"), is the first saga from the Dragon Ball Z series. It follows the Piccolo Jr. Saga and precedes the Vegeta Saga. This saga is the first part of the Saiyan Saga with the rest of said saga being the Vegeta Saga. This saga aired in Japan in 1989. It comprises part of the US season 1. It was later included in the Funimation Season One Remastered Box Set, which also includes the Vegeta Saga and first 4 episodes of the Namek Saga, and on the Funimation Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Box Volume 1 Set. Its main plot concerns the arrival of a humanoid alien, known as a "Saiyan", to Earth, looking for Goku. The saga covers the arrival of this Saiyan, Raditz, and his fight against his brother Goku and Piccolo. One section of Daizenshuu 2 refer to it as part of the Saiyan Saga, while another section refers to the battle with Raditz as being the "Final Battle" of its own story arc.
赛亚人篇 第001话~第035话
Raditz Saga 赛亚人拉蒂兹
Raditz 拉蒂兹
Raditz (ラディッツ Radittsu), also known as "Raditz the Runt", is a mid-class Saiyan warrior, the older brother of Goku and the eldest son of Bardock and Gine. He is one of the few remaining full-blooded Saiyans left alive after his homeworld was destroyed. He seeks out Goku in order to recruit him into the Frieza Force to aid in conquering planets. Raditz is the main antagonist of the Raditz Saga, and the first antagonist in Dragon Ball Z.
Farmer 農夫
The Farmer (農夫 Nōfu) is an ostrich farmer. He is the first human to encounter the Saiyan warrior Raditz upon his arrival on Earth, and the first person shown to have a confirmed Power Level in Dragon Ball Z.
Grandpa Gohan 孙悟饭
孙悟饭,日本经典动漫《龙珠》系列的角色。是一个和蔼可亲的老人,身穿武道服,身怀绝技,拥有宝物如意棒,住在距离市区很远的包子山,在龙珠故事开篇前就已经去世。是孙悟空的启蒙老师。被变成大猩猩的悟空踩死。Grandpa Son Gohan (孫 悟飯 じいちゃん, Son Gohan Jīsan; FUNimation "Grandpa Gohan", Viz "Son Gohan"), is the adoptive grandfather of Son Goku, whom he found in a crashed spaceship. Having originally studied under Master Roshi and learned the Kamehameha technique from him, he adopts Goku and teaches him martial arts. He warns Goku not to look at the full moon, but Goku disobeys him and accidentally kills him while on a rampage in his giant ape form. Goku does not learn this until Vegeta turns into an ape and tells Goku about the transformations. He is brought back to life for one day by Baba Uranai to fight Goku and see his growth as a martial artist. Goku later names his first son Gohan in his grandfather's honor.
King Yemma 閻魔大王
King Yemma (閻えん魔ま大だい王おう Enma Daiō) is the king of all ogres who judge the dead. A line of souls leads to his office where he decides whether a soul goes to Heaven or Hell. Compared to the other ogres, King Yemma is of a different color, he has a beard, he has a helmet with two horns, and he is colossal in size; even his desk is at least three times taller than Goku, who is able to fit in one drawer. King Yemma is strong enough to stay in control in any situation and can easily overpower Raditz. Later in the series, when the power of the villains increases, this becomes less impressive. King Yemma is very impatient, and easily angered by the smallest of things (just like when screaming at Piccolo when he was ruining heaven), but is willing to listen to people's problems if he needs to. He also dislikes it when people hold up the line at the Check-In Station yelling at Kami to leave when he held up the line while deep in thought and even jokingly threatened to send the pure hearted Guardian to Hell just to scare him when he overheard Kami revealing to Goku that King Kai was stronger than him, showing he is not above using his position to threaten people. Though he might not seem like it, he is highly intelligent as shown when he recovered Vegeta's body and sent Dabura to heaven instead of hell. He is also good natured as was shown by his kind treatment of Goku and his tolerance of Goku's lack of manners. He also fulfilled Goku's wish that Kid Buu be reincarnated as a good person, resulting in the latter's reincarnation into Uub.
Ogre Guide
The first Ogre that is shown in the anime is a blue guy in white shirt and a tie, guiding the line of dead souls with a megaphone. This will be a recurring image of Other World. This ogre is also seen in Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans.
The Guide
When King Yemma agrees to send Goku on Snake Way, he provides him with a guide who takes him to the start of the road with his Messerschmitt KR. The guide seems to be more intelligent and knowledgeable than most of the other Ogres, wears glasses and has two horns instead of one. His exact function in Other World is unknown, but later (in episode "Day 1") he meets Fortuneteller Baba and gives her Goku's message for Master Roshi (which reaches him via Kami and Yajirobe).
Snake Way 蛇道
Snake Way (蛇へびの道みち Hebi no Michi), or Serpent Road, is a long, narrow, winding path, located in Other World, above Hell, which leads from King Yemma's palace to King Kai's Planet, and is the only method of getting to the latter (other than teleporting or warping).
The Sweeper
Ogre is first seen when Goku is running along Snake Way, and he meets this Ogre driving a cleaning machine along Snake Way. The Sweeper asks Goku if he wants to hop on the back and get a lift with him. Goku obliges and falls asleep. However, when the cleaning machine hits a bump on Snake Way Goku is thrown off of the machine and off of Snake Way. The Sweeper takes no notice to this. He is seen again a couple of episodes later when Goku is back on Snake Way and runs past him. The Sweeper notes that he looks familiar, and since he was not looking at where he was going, crashes off Snake Way. The Sweeper speaks with adding おに (oni) to each sentence.
Goz and Mez are two watch-keepers of Hell. Goz is the second strongest Ogre after King Yemma, and Mez is the second fastest Ogre after King Yemma. Mez looks just like the guide Ogre, but his skin is red and he is much more buff (but still wears glasses). They wear T-shirts with "HELL" label on them in matching color. In the Ocean Group dubs edited version, the 'HELL' label is airbrushed into reading 'HFIL', which additionally is worked into the plot of the episode as being an acronym for "Home for Infinite Losers". Very much like the Sweeper oni, Goz and Mez speak with おに (oni) in every phrase.
Goz resembles Man-Wolf's human form
Goz and Mez are two watch-keepers of Hell. Goz is the second strongest Ogre after King Yemma, and Mez is the second fastest Ogre after King Yemma. Mez looks just like the guide Ogre, but his skin is red and he is much more buff (but still wears glasses). They wear T-shirts with "HELL" label on them in matching color. In the Ocean Group dubs edited version, the 'HELL' label is airbrushed into reading 'HFIL', which additionally is worked into the plot of the episode as being an acronym for "Home for Infinite Losers". Very much like the Sweeper oni, Goz and Mez speak with おに (oni) in every phrase.
Mez resembles "Hero" (the human body Kami used at the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament).
Princess Snake's palace
Princess Snake's palace (ヘビひめのやかた Hebihime no Yakata, lit. "Snake Princess's Mansion") is the home of Princess Snake and her servants, located along the twists and turns of the Snake Way.
Princess Snake 蛇姫
Princess Snake (蛇へび姫ひめ Hebi hime, lit. "Snake Princess") is the princess of a castle on Snake Way. In her true form, she is known as the Goddess of Snake Way (蛇道神しん Jadou-shin).
Princess Snake's Attendants
Princess Snake's servant girls are always at her side. In the FUNimation dub, one of them is named Nina, likewise in the old Ocean Group dub, one is referred to as Keely. In a scene cut from televised airings, one of the servant girls pulls out a magnum pistol, explaining she likes to play Russian roulette to pass the time and quickly loses the game when the gun's bullet goes through her head.
Great Ape 大猿 - Son Gohan 孙悟饭
Great Ape (大おお猿ざる Ōzaru, lit. "Great Monkey") is a giant, anthropomorphic, monkey-like creature that the Saiyans of Universe 7 can transform into at the full moon (or a similar object) to increase their already formidable strength tremendously. Dragon Ball GT: Perfect File speculates that Saiyans were originally Great Apes who gained intelligence and eventually took on a humanoid form.
Raditz (ラディッツ Radittsu), also known as "Raditz the Runt", is a mid-class Saiyan warrior, the older brother of Goku and the eldest son of Bardock and Gine. He is one of the few remaining full-blooded Saiyans left alive after his homeworld was destroyed. He seeks out Goku in order to recruit him into the Frieza Force to aid in conquering planets. Raditz is the main antagonist of the Raditz Saga, and the first antagonist in Dragon Ball Z.
Farmer 農夫
The Farmer (農夫 Nōfu) is an ostrich farmer. He is the first human to encounter the Saiyan warrior Raditz upon his arrival on Earth, and the first person shown to have a confirmed Power Level in Dragon Ball Z.
Grandpa Gohan 孙悟饭
孙悟饭,日本经典动漫《龙珠》系列的角色。是一个和蔼可亲的老人,身穿武道服,身怀绝技,拥有宝物如意棒,住在距离市区很远的包子山,在龙珠故事开篇前就已经去世。是孙悟空的启蒙老师。被变成大猩猩的悟空踩死。Grandpa Son Gohan (孫 悟飯 じいちゃん, Son Gohan Jīsan; FUNimation "Grandpa Gohan", Viz "Son Gohan"), is the adoptive grandfather of Son Goku, whom he found in a crashed spaceship. Having originally studied under Master Roshi and learned the Kamehameha technique from him, he adopts Goku and teaches him martial arts. He warns Goku not to look at the full moon, but Goku disobeys him and accidentally kills him while on a rampage in his giant ape form. Goku does not learn this until Vegeta turns into an ape and tells Goku about the transformations. He is brought back to life for one day by Baba Uranai to fight Goku and see his growth as a martial artist. Goku later names his first son Gohan in his grandfather's honor.
King Yemma 閻魔大王
King Yemma (閻えん魔ま大だい王おう Enma Daiō) is the king of all ogres who judge the dead. A line of souls leads to his office where he decides whether a soul goes to Heaven or Hell. Compared to the other ogres, King Yemma is of a different color, he has a beard, he has a helmet with two horns, and he is colossal in size; even his desk is at least three times taller than Goku, who is able to fit in one drawer. King Yemma is strong enough to stay in control in any situation and can easily overpower Raditz. Later in the series, when the power of the villains increases, this becomes less impressive. King Yemma is very impatient, and easily angered by the smallest of things (just like when screaming at Piccolo when he was ruining heaven), but is willing to listen to people's problems if he needs to. He also dislikes it when people hold up the line at the Check-In Station yelling at Kami to leave when he held up the line while deep in thought and even jokingly threatened to send the pure hearted Guardian to Hell just to scare him when he overheard Kami revealing to Goku that King Kai was stronger than him, showing he is not above using his position to threaten people. Though he might not seem like it, he is highly intelligent as shown when he recovered Vegeta's body and sent Dabura to heaven instead of hell. He is also good natured as was shown by his kind treatment of Goku and his tolerance of Goku's lack of manners. He also fulfilled Goku's wish that Kid Buu be reincarnated as a good person, resulting in the latter's reincarnation into Uub.
Ogre Guide
The first Ogre that is shown in the anime is a blue guy in white shirt and a tie, guiding the line of dead souls with a megaphone. This will be a recurring image of Other World. This ogre is also seen in Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans.
The Guide
When King Yemma agrees to send Goku on Snake Way, he provides him with a guide who takes him to the start of the road with his Messerschmitt KR. The guide seems to be more intelligent and knowledgeable than most of the other Ogres, wears glasses and has two horns instead of one. His exact function in Other World is unknown, but later (in episode "Day 1") he meets Fortuneteller Baba and gives her Goku's message for Master Roshi (which reaches him via Kami and Yajirobe).
Snake Way 蛇道
Snake Way (蛇へびの道みち Hebi no Michi), or Serpent Road, is a long, narrow, winding path, located in Other World, above Hell, which leads from King Yemma's palace to King Kai's Planet, and is the only method of getting to the latter (other than teleporting or warping).
The Sweeper
Ogre is first seen when Goku is running along Snake Way, and he meets this Ogre driving a cleaning machine along Snake Way. The Sweeper asks Goku if he wants to hop on the back and get a lift with him. Goku obliges and falls asleep. However, when the cleaning machine hits a bump on Snake Way Goku is thrown off of the machine and off of Snake Way. The Sweeper takes no notice to this. He is seen again a couple of episodes later when Goku is back on Snake Way and runs past him. The Sweeper notes that he looks familiar, and since he was not looking at where he was going, crashes off Snake Way. The Sweeper speaks with adding おに (oni) to each sentence.
Goz and Mez are two watch-keepers of Hell. Goz is the second strongest Ogre after King Yemma, and Mez is the second fastest Ogre after King Yemma. Mez looks just like the guide Ogre, but his skin is red and he is much more buff (but still wears glasses). They wear T-shirts with "HELL" label on them in matching color. In the Ocean Group dubs edited version, the 'HELL' label is airbrushed into reading 'HFIL', which additionally is worked into the plot of the episode as being an acronym for "Home for Infinite Losers". Very much like the Sweeper oni, Goz and Mez speak with おに (oni) in every phrase.
Goz resembles Man-Wolf's human form
Goz and Mez are two watch-keepers of Hell. Goz is the second strongest Ogre after King Yemma, and Mez is the second fastest Ogre after King Yemma. Mez looks just like the guide Ogre, but his skin is red and he is much more buff (but still wears glasses). They wear T-shirts with "HELL" label on them in matching color. In the Ocean Group dubs edited version, the 'HELL' label is airbrushed into reading 'HFIL', which additionally is worked into the plot of the episode as being an acronym for "Home for Infinite Losers". Very much like the Sweeper oni, Goz and Mez speak with おに (oni) in every phrase.
Mez resembles "Hero" (the human body Kami used at the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament).
Princess Snake's palace
Princess Snake's palace (ヘビひめのやかた Hebihime no Yakata, lit. "Snake Princess's Mansion") is the home of Princess Snake and her servants, located along the twists and turns of the Snake Way.
Princess Snake 蛇姫
Princess Snake (蛇へび姫ひめ Hebi hime, lit. "Snake Princess") is the princess of a castle on Snake Way. In her true form, she is known as the Goddess of Snake Way (蛇道神しん Jadou-shin).
Princess Snake's Attendants
Princess Snake's servant girls are always at her side. In the FUNimation dub, one of them is named Nina, likewise in the old Ocean Group dub, one is referred to as Keely. In a scene cut from televised airings, one of the servant girls pulls out a magnum pistol, explaining she likes to play Russian roulette to pass the time and quickly loses the game when the gun's bullet goes through her head.
Great Ape 大猿 - Son Gohan 孙悟饭
Great Ape (大おお猿ざる Ōzaru, lit. "Great Monkey") is a giant, anthropomorphic, monkey-like creature that the Saiyans of Universe 7 can transform into at the full moon (or a similar object) to increase their already formidable strength tremendously. Dragon Ball GT: Perfect File speculates that Saiyans were originally Great Apes who gained intelligence and eventually took on a humanoid form.
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