Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel is a 2019 American superhero film based on Marvel Comics featuring the character Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel. Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, it is the 21st film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film was written and directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, with Geneva Robertson-Dworet also contributing to the screenplay. Brie Larson stars as Carol Danvers, alongside Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn, Djimon Hounsou, Lee Pace, Lashana Lynch, Gemma Chan, Annette Bening, Clark Gregg, and Jude Law. Set in 1995, the story follows Danvers as she becomes Captain Marvel after Earth is caught in the center of a galactic conflict between two alien civilizations. Development of the film began by May 2013. It was officially announced in October 2014 as Marvel Studios' first female-led superhero film. Nicole Perlman and Meg LeFauve were hired to write the film the following April after submitting separate takes on the character, and borrowed elements from Roy Thomas' 1971 "Kree–Skrull War" comic book storyline. Larson was announced as Danvers at the 2016 San Diego Comic-Con, with Boden and Fleck hired to direct in April 2017. Robertson-Dworet was soon hired to re-write the script, with the rest of the cast added by the start of filming. Location shooting began in January 2018, with principal photography starting that March in California and concluding in Louisiana in July 2018. Several actors reprise their roles from previous MCU films in Captain Marvel, including Jackson and Gregg who were digitally de-aged in post-production to reflect the film's 1990s setting. Captain Marvel premiered in London on February 27, 2019, and was theatrically released in the United States on March 8, as part of Phase Three of the MCU. The film grossed over $1.1 billion worldwide, making it the first female-led superhero film to pass the billion-dollar mark. It became the fifth-highest-grossing film of 2019 and was the 23rd-highest-grossing film of all time during its theatrical run. The film received generally positive reviews from critics with praise for the performances of the cast, particularly that of Larson. A sequel, The Marvels, is scheduled for release on November 10, 2023.
《惊奇队长》(英语:Captain Marvel,香港译《Marvel队长》)是一部于2019年上映的美国超级英雄电影,剧情改编自漫威漫画旗下的角色卡罗尔·丹弗斯。本片由漫威影业制作,并由华特迪士尼工作室电影负责发行,为漫威电影宇宙系列的第二十一部电影。本片由安娜·波顿和瑞恩·弗雷克执导,两人与梅格·雷法芙、妮可·帕尔曼、吉妮瓦·罗伯森-多瑞、莉兹·弗拉夫和卡莉·门施共同编剧,并由布丽·拉尔森、塞缪尔·杰克逊、班·曼德森、杰曼·翰苏、李·培斯、拉什纳·林奇、嘉玛·陈、安妮特·班宁、克拉克·格雷格和裘德·洛主演。剧情设定在1995年,讲述卡罗尔·丹弗斯在地球陷入两个外星人世界的宇宙战争之间后成为惊奇队长。本片为漫威电影宇宙的首部女英雄独立电影,而且开头标志的特效所出现的角色全部改为已逝世的斯坦·李并纪念他。 以卡罗尔·丹弗斯为主角的电影早在2013年5月已经发展中,发行日期首次在2014年10月和2015年4月宣布。妮可·帕尔曼和梅格·雷法芙受聘撰写剧本。在2016年圣迭戈国际漫画展中,证实布丽·拉尔森将出演惊奇队长。2017年4月确认由波顿和弗雷克执导。8月,吉妮瓦·罗伯森-多瑞接手担当编剧。外景拍摄于2018年1月底开始,主体拍摄于2018年3月于加利福尼亚州开始拍摄。 《惊奇队长》于2019年3月8日在美国上映(含IMAX版本和3D版本)。
Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn, Djimon Hounsou, Lee Pace, Lashana Lynch, Gemma Chan, Annette Bening, Clark Gregg, Jude Law
In 1995, on the Kree Empire's capital planet of Hala, Starforce member Vers suffers from amnesia and recurring nightmares involving an older woman. Yon-Rogg, her mentor and commander, trains Vers to control her abilities, while the Supreme Intelligence, the artificial intelligence that rules the Kree, urges her to keep her emotions in check. During a mission to rescue an undercover operative infiltrating a group of Skrulls, alien shapeshifters with whom the Kree are at war, Vers is captured by Skrull commander Talos. A probe of Vers' memories leads them to Earth. Vers escapes and crash-lands in Los Angeles. Her presence attracts S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Nick Fury and Phil Coulson, whose investigation is interrupted by a Skrull attack. Vers recovers a crystal containing her extracted memories in the ensuing chase while Fury kills a Skrull impersonating Coulson. Talos, disguised as Fury's boss Keller, orders Fury to work with Vers and keep tabs on her. Using her extracted memories, Vers and Fury go to the Project Pegasus installation at a U.S. Air Force base. They discover that Vers was a pilot presumed to have died in 1989 while testing an experimental light-speed engine designed by Dr. Wendy Lawson, whom Vers recognizes as the woman from her nightmares. Fury informs S.H.I.E.L.D. of their location and a team arrives. Fury realizes that Keller is Talos and helps Vers escape in a jet with Lawson's stowaway cat, Goose. They fly to Louisiana to meet former pilot Maria Rambeau, the last person to see Vers and Lawson alive. Rambeau and her daughter Monica reveal that Vers is Carol Danvers, who was once like family to them. Talos, arriving unarmed, explains that the Skrulls are refugees searching for a new home and that Lawson was Mar-Vell, a renegade Kree scientist helping them. Talos plays a recovered blackbox recording from Lawson's jet, prompting Danvers to remember the crash: Yon-Rogg killed Mar-Vell to prevent her from destroying the engine before the Kree could recover it. Destroying the engine herself, Danvers absorbed the energy from the ensuing explosion, gaining powers but losing her memory. Danvers, Talos, Fury, and Rambeau locate Lawson's cloaked laboratory orbiting Earth, where Lawson hid several Skrulls, including Talos' family, and the Tesseract, the power source of Lawson's engine. There, Danvers is captured by Starforce and interfaces with the Supreme Intelligence. Danvers removes the Kree implant that suppressed her powers during their encounter, allowing her to reach her full potential. In the subsequent battle, Fury retrieves Goose, who is revealed to be an alien Flerken. Goose swallows the Tesseract and scratches Fury, blinding his left eye. Danvers destroys a Kree bomber, forcing Kree officer Ronan the Accuser and his squadron to retreat. Danvers overpowers Yon-Rogg and sends him to Hala with a warning for the Supreme Intelligence. She then departs to help the Skrulls find a new homeworld, leaving Fury a modified pager to contact her in an emergency. Fury drafts an initiative to locate heroes like Danvers, naming it after her Air Force call sign, "Avenger". In a mid-credits scene, set in 2018, the activated pager is being monitored by the Avengers when Danvers appears looking for Fury. In a post-credits scene, Goose climbs onto Fury's desk and regurgitates the Tesseract.
1995年,居住在克里帝国首都哈拉星的星际部队成员弗斯困惑于六年前的失忆以及一系列噩梦,因此难以控制自身情绪及身体的超能力,她的指挥官勇·罗格以及统治克里人的人工智能“至高智慧”因此不断告诫并教诲她。在一场位于帝国边境一个名叫托法星的星球上的卧底救援任务中,部队全员受到敌对外星种族斯库鲁人的伏击,弗斯被斯库鲁人将领塔罗斯掳走。塔罗斯用一种记忆读取装置深入弗斯的大脑,试图在她的零碎记忆中寻找一位名叫劳森的年迈女子以及某个座标方位。弗斯随后用超能力脱困,但逃亡时所乘的逃生舱被塔罗斯攻击而毁损,使她从太空坠落至代号C-53的地球。 弗斯落至美国洛杉矶的一家百视达内,用外面的电话亭与勇·罗格建立联系并汇报她的位置,她的存在引来两位神盾局特工尼克·弗瑞和菲尔·寇森前来调查她。塔罗斯一行人同样坠至附近并变形成人类的样子试图偷袭弗斯,但袭击失败之下转身逃跑。经过一连串的追逐,弗斯虽然追丢,但仍然捡到一片留有摘取过她记忆资料的生物硬盘。而另一边,福瑞开车追赶弗斯的过程中受到身边一位变形成寇森的斯库鲁人伏击,因发生车祸而使对方丧生并恢复原形。对此震惊的福瑞决定相信弗斯,得到上司凯勒授权而追上她,合作探索她脑海中的记忆与相关资讯;但他不知道凯勒实为塔罗斯冒充。 弗斯和福瑞靠获得的生物硬盘,一路追寻到宇航局与美国空军合作的“天马计划”秘密基地,弗斯在基地数据库中了解到自己原是一位空军飞行员,于六年前的一场实验原型飞行器试飞过程中坠机阵亡,机上一同阵亡的人包括计划首席科学家温蒂·劳森,其身为弗斯噩梦中频繁出现的女子,同身为斯库鲁人寻找的目标。由于福瑞将他们的位置通报出去,化身凯勒的塔罗斯带队前来缉拿他们,福瑞识破自己上司遭人冒充后跟他发生搏斗,弗斯将他救离后,两人共同搭乘一架昆式战机原型逃出基地,而随行的包括劳森生前养的一只名叫“咕咕”(Goose)的橘猫。两人随后到路易斯安那州见到前空军飞行员玛丽亚·拉姆博,其身为最后见到过她跟劳森的人。玛丽亚跟其女儿莫妮卡欣喜地迎接她回来,供述弗斯的本名是卡罗尔·丹弗斯,曾经跟她们母女俩亲如家人。 塔罗斯以恢复原形的方式前来解除先前的误解,解释它与其他斯库鲁人并无敌意,只是一群因反对克里人统治而家破人亡的难民。而劳森本名叫瑪威尔,实为克里人派到地球卧底的间谍,生前研发出一种光速引擎试图帮助斯库鲁人寻找新家园。塔罗斯所拿来的一盘来自六年前坠机当天的黑匣子录音,内容揭示卡罗尔坠机不久得知瑪威尔的真实身份,而在空中击落她们的勇·罗格随即赶来枪杀瑪威尔。卡罗尔为阻止他夺取飞行器装有的光速引擎而开枪摧毁引擎,爆炸过程中使她自身吸收进引擎能量,使她获得超能力且患上失忆,最后被勇·罗格带回哈拉星洗脑改造成克里战士“弗斯”。卡罗尔得知真相后决定帮助塔罗斯以完成瑪威尔的遗愿,在福瑞、玛丽亚陪同下驾驶以外星科技升过级的昆式战机,抵达位于地球轨道上的瑪威尔的隐形实验室,舰上藏着塔罗斯妻女在内的一些斯库鲁人。 众人发现光速引擎的能量来源是宇宙魔方,但勇·罗格带领星际部队攻入实验室抓获她们,将卡罗尔交予至高智慧处置。但卡罗尔靠她从小倔强不服输的坚强意志成功反抗至高智慧,还摧毁在身体上的超能力抑制装置,释放全部超能力击败周围的敌人。福瑞手上抱着的咕咕,实为一只能吞噬物品的噬元兽(Flerken),帮忙吞下魔方且吃掉眼前的敌人。玛丽亚开战机带领福瑞和塔罗斯一行人撤退回地球,以高超飞行技术击落勇·罗格部下米涅瓦,福瑞抱起咕咕欢呼时,不慎被它抓瞎左眼。卡罗尔独自击退抵达地球外的克里舰队,迫使最高军事长官指控者罗南下令撤退。全军覆没的勇·罗格被卡罗尔饶恕一命,强制送回哈拉星转达至高智慧,声言自己将会终结这场战争。离开地球前,卡罗尔将自己改良过的寻呼机交给福瑞,嘱付只限于紧急状况时呼叫,最后带领所有斯库鲁人离开地球寻找新家园。 福瑞回归工作岗位后,深知不能光靠神盾局对付潜在的外来威胁,因此在寇森的帮助下草拟《保护者方案》:一个由特殊人士组成的超级英雄团队。当他翻阅卡罗尔从军时的照片时,由她的空军代号得来灵感,最后将方案标题更改为“复仇者”。咕咕被福瑞领养,一段时间后将魔方从嘴里吐出,魔方随后便被福瑞交予神盾局保管。22年后,随着灭霸一个响指消灭宇宙为数一半的生命,剩余的复仇者成员反复研究当时一并消逝的福瑞最后遗留的寻呼机,尝试反向联系却一无所获。然而当众人刚一转身,卡罗尔突然现身于他们面前问道:“福瑞在哪里?”
Cast and Character 演员阵容与角色
Brie Larson as Carol Danvers / Vers / Captain Marvel “惊奇队长”卡罗尔·丹弗斯
An ex-U.S. Air Force fighter pilot and member of an elite Kree military unit called Starforce. She was imbued with superhuman strength, energy projection, and flight after exposure to Tesseract energy.
Mckenna Grace as Carol Danvers (thirteen-year-old)
Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury 尼克·弗瑞
The future director of S.H.I.E.L.D., who at this time is a low-level bureaucrat.
Ben Mendelsohn as Talos 塔罗斯
Talos is the shape-shifting leader of the Skrulls
Ben Mendelsohn as Keller
Fury's S.H.I.E.L.D. boss
Djimon Hounsou as Korath the Pursuer 追寻者克劳斯
A Kree swordsman and second-in-command of Starforce.
Lee Pace as Ronan the Accuser 指控者罗南
A high-ranking Kree official.
Lashana Lynch as Captain Maria "Photon" Rambeau 玛丽亚·拉姆博
One of Danvers' oldest friends and a fellow Air Force pilot who goes by the call sign "Photon". She is a single mother to daughter Monica.
Gemma Chan as Minn-Erva
A Kree sniper and member of Starforce.
Annette Bening as the Supreme Intelligence and Mar-Vell / Dr. Wendy Lawson 瑪威尔
The Supreme Intelligence is an artificial intelligence that is the collective embodiment of the greatest minds of the Kree people, and the ruler of the Kree Empire.
Clark Gregg as Phil Coulson 菲尔·寇森
A rookie agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. who works closely with Fury.
Jude Law as Yon-Rogg 勇·罗格
The commander of Starforce and Danvers' mentor, who trains her to use her new powers
Algenis Pérez Soto as Att-Lass
The marksman of the team
Rune Temte as Bron-Char
The "bigger, stronger guy who fights with his fists"
Akira Akbar as Monica Rambeau. Maria's daughter
Sharon Blynn as Soren, Talos' wife.
Chuku Modu as the Kree spy Soh-Larr
Goose 橘猫“咕咕”
Goose is portrayed by four different cats, each chosen for their actions and personality: Reggie, Archie, Rizzo, and Gonzo.
Captain Marvel comic book writer Kelly Sue DeConnick makes a cameo appearance as a train station passerby
Stan Lee cameo
Stan Lee, co-creator of Captain Marvel, appears posthumously as himself memorizing the lines for his cameo in Mallrats (1995)