Doctor Strange
Doctor Strange is a 2016 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, it is the 14th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film was directed by Scott Derrickson from a screenplay he wrote with Jon Spaihts and C. Robert Cargill, and stars Benedict Cumberbatch as neurosurgeon Stephen Strange along with Chiwetel Ejiofor, Rachel McAdams, Benedict Wong, Michael Stuhlbarg, Benjamin Bratt, Scott Adkins, Mads Mikkelsen, and Tilda Swinton. In the film, Strange learns the mystic arts after a career-ending car crash. Various incarnations of a Doctor Strange film adaptation had been in development since the mid-1980s, until Paramount Pictures acquired the film rights in April 2005 on behalf of Marvel Studios. Thomas Dean Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer were brought on board in June 2010 to write a screenplay. In June 2014, Derrickson was hired to direct, with Spaihts re-writing the script. Cumberbatch was chosen for the eponymous role in December 2014, necessitating a schedule change to work around his other commitments. This gave Derrickson time to work on the script himself, for which he brought Cargill on to help. Principal photography on the film began in November 2015 in Nepal, before moving to England and Hong Kong, and wrapping up in New York City in April 2016. Doctor Strange had its world premiere in Hong Kong on October 13, 2016, and was released in the United States on November 4, as part of Phase Three of the MCU. The film grossed over $677 million worldwide and was met with praise for its cast, visual effects, and musical score. The film received an Academy Award nomination for Best Visual Effects. A sequel, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, was released in May 2022.
《奇异博士》(英语:Doctor Strange)是一部于2016年上映的美国超级英雄电影,改编自漫威漫画旗下的同名超级英雄角色奇异博士。本片由漫威影业制作,并由华特迪士尼工作室电影负责发行,本片是漫威电影宇宙的第十四部电影,由斯科特·德瑞克森执导[7],德瑞森、乔·斯派茨[8]与C·罗柏·卡吉尔负责编剧,并由本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇、蒂妲·史云顿、切瓦特·艾乔福、麦德斯·米科尔森、黄凯旋、迈克尔·斯图巴、本杰明·布莱特、斯科特·艾金斯和瑞秋·麦亚当斯主演。 正式拍摄于2015年11月在尼泊尔开始进行,12月移至英国拍摄。《奇异博士》定于2016年10月25日和26日起分别在台湾与香港上映,2016年11月4日在北美和中国大陆上映。
Benedict Cumberbatch, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Rachel McAdams, Benedict Wong, Michael Stuhlbarg, Benjamin Bratt, Scott Adkins, Mads Mikkelsen, Tilda Swinton
In Kathmandu, the sorcerer Kaecilius and his zealots enter the secret compound Kamar-Taj and behead its librarian. They steal several pages from a book belonging to the Ancient One, a long-lived sorcerer who has taught every student at Kamar-Taj, including Kaecilius, in the mystic arts. The Ancient One pursues the traitors, but Kaecilius and his followers escape. In New York City, Dr. Stephen Strange, a wealthy and acclaimed, yet arrogant neurosurgeon, severely injures his hands in a car crash while en route to a speaking conference, leaving him permanently unable to operate. Fellow surgeon Christine Palmer tries to help him move on, but Strange vainly pursues experimental surgeries to heal his hands. Strange learns about Jonathan Pangborn, a paraplegic who mysteriously regained use of his legs. Pangborn directs Strange to Kamar-Taj, where he is taken in by Mordo, a sorcerer under the Ancient One. The Ancient One demonstrates her power to Strange, revealing the astral plane and other dimensions such as the Mirror Dimension. She reluctantly agrees to train Strange, whose arrogance and ambition remind her of Kaecilius. Strange studies under the Ancient One and Mordo, and from ancient texts in the library that are now guarded by Master Wong. Strange learns that Earth is protected from threats from other dimensions by a shield generated from three Sanctums in New York City, London, and Hong Kong, which are all directly accessible from Kamar-Taj. The sorcerers' task is to protect the Sanctums, though Pangborn instead chose to channel mystical energy only to heal his paralysis. Strange progresses quickly, and secretly reads the book from which Kaecilius stole pages, learning to bend time with the Eye of Agamotto. Mordo and Wong warn Strange against breaking the laws of nature, drawing a comparison to Kaecilius' desire for eternal life. Kaecilius uses the stolen pages to contact Dormammu of the Dark Dimension, where time is non-existent and destroys the London Sanctum to weaken Earth's protection. The zealots then attack the New York Sanctum, killing its guardian, but Strange holds them off with the help of the Cloak of Levitation, only to be critically injured during a skirmish. He teleports himself back to the hospital where Palmer saves him. Upon returning to the Sanctum, Strange reveals to Mordo that the Ancient One has been drawing power from the Dark Dimension to sustain long life, and Mordo becomes disillusioned with her. After a fight in the Mirror Dimension of New York, Kaecilius mortally wounds the Ancient One and escapes to Hong Kong. Before dying, she tells Strange that he and Mordo will have to work together to defeat Kaecilius, balancing Mordo's steadfast nature against Strange's willingness to bend the rules. Strange and Mordo arrive in Hong Kong to find Wong dead, the Sanctum destroyed, and the Dark Dimension engulfing Earth. Strange uses the Eye to reverse time and save Wong, then enters the Dark Dimension and creates an endless time loop around himself and Dormammu. After repeatedly killing Strange to no avail, Dormammu finally accepts his bargain, leaving Earth permanently and taking Kaecilius and the zealots with him in exchange for Strange breaking the loop. Disgusted by Strange and the Ancient One defying nature's laws, Mordo renounces his sorcerer career and departs. Strange returns the Eye, which is revealed to hold an Infinity Stone, back to Kamar-Taj and takes up residence in the New York Sanctum to continue his studies with Wong. In a mid-credits scene, Strange decides to help Thor, who has brought his brother Loki to Earth to search for their father, Odin.[a] In a post-credits scene, Mordo confronts Pangborn and steals the mystical energy he uses, telling him that Earth has "too many sorcerers".
邪恶魔法师卡西利亞斯带领一群狂徒份子私闯位于尼泊尔加德满都的魔法圣殿卡玛泰姬[注 8],抢走一本封为禁忌的古文书当中的一页。至尊魔法师古一试图阻止他们,奉劝关于书中仪式的毁灭性代价,两者在一个千变万化的“镜空间”(Mirror Dimension)中决胜负,但卡西利亞斯仍带领剩下的四名随从逃之夭夭。在美国纽约,一名世界顶尖神经外科医生史蒂芬·斯特兰奇原本过着安富尊荣的生活,直到发生一场严重车祸[注 9]而导致他的双手神经严重受损,从此彻底失去工作能力。但斯特兰奇坚信能恢复双手,因此不惜用尽所有金钱进行多次实验手术,最后却只是徒劳无功。由于他的自暴自弃以及固执己见,他的同事尼科蒂姆·威斯特与女友克莉丝汀·帕玛相继离开他。面临倾家荡产的斯特兰奇见到一名伤残人士强纳森·潘伯恩,他本应全身瘫痪却奇迹般地自如行走,他提示斯特兰奇前往卡玛泰姬寻找答案。 斯特兰奇用仅存的现金搭飞机来到加德满都,找寻目的地时遭遇抢劫,但被一名魔法师卡尔·莫多相救。莫多带领斯特兰奇走进卡玛泰姬会见古一,当古一为他介绍所信仰的魔法时,斯特兰奇起初认为这是无稽之谈。古一便对他展现出魔法力量,揭示包括先人之境和镜空间在内的其他维度,对此感到难以置信的斯特兰奇乞求她教导自己魔法。但由于斯特兰奇心态过于傲慢,古一感觉他和叛逃的学徒卡西利亞斯异常相似,一度拒绝教授他魔法。无处可去的斯特兰奇不想放弃恢复双手的唯一机会,坐在门口苦等一夜,莫多看上他的执著而劝说古一暂时接纳他。 斯特兰奇在古一和莫多的监护下开始严格魔法训练,起初纠结于他的手无法施展好魔法,古一于是将他困在珠穆朗玛峰上,最后让他突破自己而创造出魔法传送门穿越回来。斯特兰奇藉图书馆看守人王拿来给他参考的古文书,迅速学习各个魔法招式。学习途中,斯特兰奇了解到地球被一个强大咒语所保护,以避免遭受其他维度入侵;而咒语由世界三处至圣所所组成,分别位于纽约、伦敦和香港;而魔法师的使命是守护各个至圣所免受攻击。斯特兰奇随着法术步步高升之下,打算探讨古一在禁忌古文书中隐藏的秘密,于是透过能够扭曲时间的神器阿戈摩托之眼,用时间倒转形式恢复并阅读卡西利亞斯抢走的书页。莫多和王跑过来警告他说扭曲时间将违反自然法则,讲述卡西利亞斯曾经因失去珍爱的一切而向古一寻求指引,直到被书中的禁忌内容所诱惑,认为人类皆有权利永生。 卡西利亞斯透过夺来的书页召唤出黑暗维度的主宰“多瑪姆”,获得黑暗力量下开始遵从其命令,摧毁伦敦至圣所后马上攻击纽约至圣所。斯特兰奇勉强对抗卡西利亞斯过程中,摆在展示柜中的红色悬浮斗篷选中斯特兰奇为主人,指导他打败两名狂徒后抓获卡西利亞斯。但卡西利亞斯揭露古一的法力与永生之道,其实都是借助多瑪姆的黑暗维度力量。这时,狂徒卢西恩跑回来刺伤斯特兰奇,斯特兰奇制造传送门回到他原来工作的医院找克莉丝汀疗伤,借助她实施的心脏电击,得以释放出力量杀死卢西恩。斯特兰奇刚回圣殿碰上古一和莫多,但卡西利亞斯却脱离束缚,两方于是在镜空间中的纽约市进行追逐乃至斗争。古一展现的实力与头上出现的黑暗印记证实卡西利亞斯的说词,而卡西利亞斯仍然拒绝听从劝阻,最终重创古一而使她掉回现实后摔至地面至重伤。 古一送医抢救过程中突然灵魂出窍,欣然打算接受死亡,同时对跟着她一同出窍的斯特兰奇坦白实情,奉劝他有时候要打破规则行事,并希望他能借此平衡莫多的耿直天性。古一交代完遗愿后伤重去世,大受感悟的斯特兰奇决定不让她白白牺牲,于是说服莫多参战前往香港。随着卡西利亞斯摧毁香港至圣所[注 10],黑暗维度开始入侵且摧毁香港。斯特兰奇使用阿戈摩托之眼倒转时间,使一切返回原点。但这么做仅是缓兵之计,直到卡西利亞斯的一句“超越时间”使斯特兰奇灵机一动,于是飞进黑暗维度中创造一个无限时间循环,把他跟多瑪姆困在循环里。无论多瑪姆杀死斯特兰奇多少次,他还是会随着轮回一次又一次回到它面前,忍无可忍的多瑪姆只能答应斯特兰奇撤出地球并带走其追随者的要求。而卡西利亞斯与其随从直接被多瑪姆吸进黑暗维度,永远困入无尽的黑暗中。 黑暗维度随之消失,时间倒流使周围居民都平安无事,但莫多经此一役失去原有的信念而选择离队。斯特兰奇将阿戈摩托之眼物归原位,王说此装有无限宝石的仪器不宜到处使用,并告知古一的死讯一旦传遍整个多元宇宙,则会引来其他邪恶势力。斯特兰奇同时改变他想治疗双手的初衷,选择继承古一的至尊魔法师之位而继续守护世界。后来,斯特兰奇见到回归地球的雷神索尔,索尔希望他能协寻现已失踪的父亲奥丁,并保证找到后就会迅速返乡;斯特兰奇便立即答应协助他。另一方面,莫多找到藏身在纽约的潘伯恩,强行夺走使他能行走的魔法能量,准备猎杀其他魔法师。
Cast and Character 演员阵容与角色
Benedict Cumberbatch as Dr. Stephen Strange “奇异博士”史蒂芬·斯特兰奇
A neurosurgeon who, after a car crash that led to a journey of healing, discovers the hidden world of magic and alternate dimensions.
Chiwetel Ejiofor as Karl Mordo / Baron Mordo 卡尔·莫多 / 莫多男爵
A Master of the Mystic Arts, close to the Ancient One and a mentor to Strange.
Rachel McAdams as Christine Palmer 克莉丝汀·帕玛
An emergency surgeon
Benedict Wong as Wong 王
A Master of the Mystic Arts, tasked with protecting some of Kamar-Taj's most valuable relics and books.
Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One 古一
A Celtic mystic who becomes Strange's mentor
Mads Mikkelsen as Kaecilius 卡西利亞斯
A Master of the Mystic Arts who broke away from the Ancient One.
Benedict Cumberbatch as Dormammu 多瑪姆
Cumberbatch also portrays, uncredited, the villainous entity Dormammu
Michael Stuhlbarg as Nicodemus West
A rival surgeon to Strange.
Benjamin Bratt as Jonathan Pangborn
A paraplegic who learned from the Ancient One how to heal himself through the mystic arts
Scott Adkins as Lucian
One of Kaecilius' followers.
Chris Hemsworth as Thor 索尔
Mark Anthony Brighton as Daniel Drumm
Topo Wresniwiro as Hamir
Stan Lee cameo
Doctor Strange co-creator Stan Lee makes a cameo appearance as a bus rider reading Aldous Huxley's The Doors of Perception.
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