Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is a 2017 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics superhero team Guardians of the Galaxy, produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. It is the sequel to Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) and the 15th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Written and directed by James Gunn, the film stars an ensemble cast featuring Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldaña, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Michael Rooker, Karen Gillan, Pom Klementieff, Sylvester Stallone, and Kurt Russell. In the film, the Guardians travel throughout the cosmos as they help Peter Quill learn more about his mysterious parentage. The film was officially announced at the 2014 San Diego Comic-Con International before the theatrical release of the first film, along with James Gunn's return from the first film, with the title of the sequel revealed a year later in June 2015. Principal photography began in February 2016 at Pinewood Atlanta Studios in Fayette County, Georgia, with many crew changes from the first film due to other commitments. Filming concluded in June 2016. James Gunn chose to set the sequel shortly after the first film to explore the characters' new roles as the Guardians, and to follow the storyline of Quill's father established throughout that previous film. Russell was confirmed as Quill's father in July 2016, portraying Ego, a departure from Quill's comic father. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 premiered in Tokyo on April 10, 2017, and was released in the United States on May 5, 2017, as part of Phase Three of the MCU. It grossed more than $863 million worldwide, making it the eighth-highest-grossing film of 2017, while also outgrossing its predecessor. The film received praise for its visuals, direction, soundtrack, humor, and performances, though some critics deemed it inferior to the original. It received a nomination for Best Visual Effects at the 90th Academy Awards. A sequel, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, will be released on May 5, 2023, preceded by a Disney+ special The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, released in November 2022.
《银河护卫队2》(英语:Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2)是一部于2017年上映的美国超级英雄电影,改编自漫威漫画旗下的超级英雄团队银河护卫队的故事,本片由漫威影业制作,并由华特迪士尼工作室电影发行。本片为2014年电影《银河护卫队》的续集,亦是漫威电影宇宙系列的第十五部作品。本片由詹姆斯·古恩执导和撰写剧本,并由克里斯·帕拉特、佐伊·索尔达娜、巴蒂斯塔、范·迪塞尔、布莱德利·古柏、迈克尔·鲁克、凯伦·吉兰、庞·克莱门捷夫、伊丽莎白·戴比基、克里斯·苏利文、西恩·古恩、西尔维斯特·史泰龙和库尔特·拉塞尔主演。 本片的主体拍摄工作于2016年2月开始,在美国乔治亚州费耶特县的松林亚特兰大工作室开拍,并于同年6月杀青。
Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldaña, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Michael Rooker, Karen Gillan, Pom Klementieff, Sylvester Stallone, Kurt Russell
In 2014, Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Baby Groot are renowned as the Guardians of the Galaxy. Ayesha, leader of the Sovereign race, has the Guardians protect valuable batteries from Abilisk, an inter-dimensional monster, in exchange for Gamora's estranged sister Nebula, who was caught attempting to steal the batteries. After Rocket steals the batteries for himself, the Sovereign attacks the Guardians' ship with a fleet of drones. A mysterious figure destroys the drones and the Guardians crash-land on a nearby planet. There, this figure reveals himself as Quill's father, Ego, and invites Quill, Gamora, and Drax to his home planet. Rocket and Groot remain behind to repair the ship and guard Nebula. Meanwhile, Ayesha hires Yondu Udonta and his crew, who have been exiled from the greater Ravager community for child trafficking, to recapture the Guardians. They capture Rocket, but when Yondu hesitates to turn over Quill, whom he raised, his lieutenant Kraglin Obfonteri questions his objectivity, and another lieutenant, Taserface, leads a mutiny with help from Nebula. Taserface imprisons Rocket and Yondu aboard the latter's ship and executes his loyalists by releasing them into the vacuum of space. Nebula leaves to find and kill Gamora, whom she blames for the torture inflicted on her by their adoptive father, Thanos. While imprisoned, Rocket and Yondu bond. Groot and Kraglin, the latter having never intended to start the mutiny, free Rocket and Yondu, and they use Yondu's arrow to destroy the ship and its crew as they escape, but Taserface warns the Sovereign before dying. Ego, a god-like Celestial that manipulated the matter around his consciousness to form his "home" planet, explains that he projected a humanoid guise to travel the universe and discover a purpose, eventually falling in love with Quill's mother Meredith. Ego hired Yondu to collect the young Quill after Meredith's death, but the boy was never delivered, and Ego has been searching for him ever since. He teaches Quill to manipulate the Celestial power. Nebula arrives at Ego's planet and tries to kill Gamora, but the pair reach an uneasy alliance when they discover a cavern filled with skeletal remains. Ego reveals to Quill that in his travels, he planted seedlings on thousands of worlds that can terraform into new extensions of himself, but only the power of two Celestials can activate them. To that end, he impregnated countless women and hired Yondu to collect some of the children, but killed them all when they failed to access the Celestial power. At first, under Ego's influence, Quill fights back when Ego reveals that he gave Meredith the brain tumor that killed her due to the distraction she posed, forcing Ego to parasitically draw Quill's energy to activate the seedlings, which begin to consume every world. Mantis, Ego's naïve empath servant, grows close to Drax and warns him of Ego's plan. Gamora and Nebula also learn of the plan as Rocket, Yondu, Groot, and Kraglin arrive. The reunited Guardians travel to Ego's brain at the planet's core, during which Yondu reveals that he kept Quill to spare him from the fate of Ego's other progeny. As they come under attack from the Sovereign's drones, Rocket makes a bomb using the stolen batteries, which Groot plants on the brain. Quill fights Ego with his newfound Celestial powers to distract him long enough for the other Guardians and Mantis to escape. The bomb explodes, killing Ego and disintegrating the planet. Quill loses his Celestial powers soon after Ego's death. Yondu sacrifices himself to save Quill and dies in the vacuum of space. Having reconciled with Gamora, Nebula still chooses to leave and resume her quest to kill Thanos by herself. The Guardians hold a funeral for Yondu, which Kraglin and dozens of Ravager ships attend, acknowledging Yondu's sacrifice and accepting him as a Ravager again. During the funeral, Gamora admits she loves Peter, and they become a couple. In a series of mid-and post-credit scenes, Kraglin takes up Yondu's telekinetic arrow and control-fin; Ravager leader Stakar Ogord reunites with his ex-teammates; Ayesha creates a new artificial being with whom she plans to destroy the Guardians, naming him Adam; Groot has grown into a teenager; and a group of uninterested Watchers abandon their informant, who is discussing his experiences on Earth.
2014年,彼得·奎尔、卡魔拉、德拉克斯、火箭浣熊、以及成长为幼年形态的格鲁特组成银河护卫队后声名鹊起,一日受到“索维林族”(Sovereign)雇用去消灭一只异次元怪兽,从索维林族大祭司阿耶莎手中换来卡魔拉的妹妹星云,其因为试图偷取索维林族的珍贵电池而被收押。火箭一时贪念而偷走一些电池,导致他们刚离开不久就遭到索维林族舰队围攻。走投无路下,一架白色飞行物突然救下他们,迫使他们坠毁在附近的森林星球上。飞行物一同降落后,一名男子走出来自我介绍是奎尔的生父“伊戈”,并邀请所有人来他的星球做客,而火箭和格鲁特留下来修船并看管星云。 阿耶莎为缉拿奎尔等人而雇用以勇度为首的“掠夺者”(Ravager)团体,他们追踪米兰号而在森林里抓获火箭,但勇度因为不情愿交出奎尔而引起大部分人强烈不满。星云脱身后制伏勇度和火箭,副领袖电击脸借机发起叛变,推翻勇度后掌权,决定带勇度和火箭去换赏金;而星云借走他们的一艘战机离开。勇度和火箭达成共识想办法逃生,借由格鲁特以及最后一名忠于勇度的士兵克拉格林协助,勇度安装上一块全新机械头鳍,吹口哨操纵他的随身箭,杀光所有叛徒后引爆整艘船。四人分离船体一部分后前往伊戈星球,但电击脸在即将被炸死之际,将勇度船体的座标发给索维林族。 奎尔等人莅临伊戈的红色小行星,伊戈讲解他是天神组一员,靠操纵周围的物质来形成这颗星球。他游历宇宙以寻找其他生命,莅临地球时和奎尔的母亲梅瑞蒂斯相爱并怀上奎尔。伊戈教导奎尔运用遗传到的天神之力,两人开始建立起父子情谊。父子俩相处融洽时,卡魔拉逐渐对星球的宁静感到不安,来到平原散心时遭遇星云开战机发动猛烈攻击。卡魔拉逃入一座洞穴里,星云紧追其后因而坠机,姐妹俩最终停止争斗、开始互相理解对方,却一同在洞穴深处找到数不尽的白骨,恐慌之下决定回去救奎尔。而伊戈的侍女螳螂女被德拉克斯的温柔感化,将伊戈的真正目的告知众人。 伊戈向奎尔讲解他耗时千年准备实行的“扩张大计”,揭示他已在每一座游历过的星球上植入分身种子,意图将所有星球覆盖并转化成为他的一部分。但由于过程需要两名有天神之力的人进行协调才能办到,他为此让宇宙里无数种族的雌性生物怀上他的后代,再雇用勇度将“其中一部分”孩子带来;然而在他所有的后代中,只有奎尔遗传到他的天神基因,其余后代则被他吸干生命力后堆积在洞中。然而当伊戈揭露他当初为专心进行目标,蓄意让梅瑞蒂斯患上脑癌逝世后,陷入悲愤的奎尔开始攻击伊戈。伊戈亲手捏碎他的随身听,强制奎尔释出力量,而银河系中所有被他植入种子的星球开始被他的生命体覆盖。火箭、勇度和克拉格林穿越几百个星层到达伊戈的星球,开船冲进宫殿中摧毁伊戈的身躯并救下奎尔。为了阻止伊戈继续吞噬整座银河系,众人开船深入星球的内部去摧毁核心。 阿耶莎领导舰艇队追踪信号,集体来到星球核心区域展开追击,火箭用能量电池拼凑成炸弹,让身材娇小的格鲁特带着炸弹走进核心内部,在伊戈的大脑外安置好后限时五分钟后引爆。勇度用激光发射器歼灭阿耶莎的舰队,但伊戈也发现他们的位置,再次现身继续强制奎尔释放神力吞噬星球。奎尔眼看着伙伴也即将被吞噬,用愤怒作为引导而爆发出力量抵抗伊戈。伊戈感觉到死期将至,试图用“会同时失去天神之力”的后果来奉劝奎尔住手,但奎尔甘愿做一个凡人,使伊戈随着核心爆炸而连同星球一起土崩瓦解。勇度将奎尔救离星球后,将仅有的便携式宇航服交给奎尔作为对过去的赎罪,陪奎尔享受最后父子时光后壮烈牺牲在太空中。事后,奎尔等人为勇度举行英雄式葬礼,奎尔承认勇度才是他真正的“爸爸”后,悲痛地看着他火化离去。 在火箭的召集下,掠夺者各个派系都赶来参加葬礼,总头目斯塔卡·奥格德重新承认勇度是他们一分子后,被他的事迹所激励而重新召集他的旧战友们。星云虽然和卡魔拉释怀过去的恩怨,但她最终还是选择离开众人去猎杀灭霸。交换勇度的遗物时,奎尔得到一部新的Zune随身听,克拉格林得到勇度的口哨箭。两度失败的阿耶莎创造出一个新生物,将其起名为“亚当”。格鲁特很快成长为青少年时期,但同时也进入叛逆期而让奎尔苦恼不已。在宇宙的另一边,一群观察者们听着一名人类太空人讲述他的故事,但最终感到无趣而全部离开。
Cast and Character 演员阵容与角色
Chris Pratt as Peter Quill / Star-Lord “星爵”彼得·奎尔
The half-human, half-Celestial leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy who was abducted from Earth as a child and raised by a group of alien thieves and smugglers called the Ravagers.
Zoe Saldaña as Gamora 卡魔拉
A member of the Guardians and an orphan from an alien world who seeks redemption for her past crimes. She was trained by Thanos to be his personal assassin.
Dave Bautista as Drax the Destroyer “毁灭者”德拉克斯
A member of the Guardians and highly skilled warrior.
Vin Diesel as Baby Groot 格鲁特
A member of the Guardians who is a tree-like humanoid and the accomplice of Rocket.
Bradley Cooper as Rocket 火箭浣熊
A member of the Guardians who is a genetically-engineered raccoon-based bounty hunter, mercenary, and master of weapons and battle tactics.
Michael Rooker as Yondu Udonta 勇度·尤冬塔
A blue-skinned buccaneer of the Ravagers who is a fatherly figure to Quill and member of the Guardians. He is also the former deputy to Ayesha.
Karen Gillan as Nebula 星云
An adopted daughter of Thanos who was raised with Gamora as sisters and a former enemy of the Guardians.
Pom Klementieff as Mantis 螳螂女
A mantis-like creature and member of the Guardians with empathic powers who lives with Ego.
Sylvester Stallone as Stakar Ogord / Starhawk 斯塔卡·奥格德 / 星鷹
A high-ranking Ravager who holds a grudge against Yondu.
Kurt Russell as Ego 伊戈
An ancient Celestial who is Quill's father.
Elizabeth Debicki as Ayesha 阿耶莎
The golden High Priestess and the leader of the Sovereign people, a genetically engineered race who are "gold and perfect and wanting to be physically and mentally impeccable"
Chris Sullivan as Taserface 电击脸
The leader of a mutinous group of the Ravagers
Sean Gunn as Kraglin Obfonteri
Yondu's second-in-command in the Ravagers.
Laura Haddock as Meredith Quill
Seth Green as the voice of Howard the Duck 霍华德鸭
(Molly Quinn appears as Howard the Duck's date)
(Molly Quinn appears as Howard the Duck's date)
Canine actor Fred as Cosmo
Michael Rosenbaum as Martinex T'Naga
Members of Stakar and Yondu's old team, based on the comic's original incarnation of the Guardians of the Galaxy
Ving Rhames as Captain Charlie-27
Members of Stakar and Yondu's old team, based on the comic's original incarnation of the Guardians of the Galaxy
Michelle Yeoh as Aleta Ogord
Members of Stakar and Yondu's old team, based on the comic's original incarnation of the Guardians of the Galaxy
Mainframe voiced in an uncredited cameo by Miley Cyrus
Jimmy Urine as Half-Nut
Steve Agee as Gef
Tommy Flanagan as Tullk
Mainframe voiced in an uncredited cameo by Miley Cyrus
Jimmy Urine as Half-Nut
Steve Agee as Gef
Tommy Flanagan as Tullk
Ben Browder cameos as a Sovereign Admiral
Stan Lee cameo
Stan Lee appears as an informant to the Watchers
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