Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Ball Super (ドラゴンボール超スーパー Doragon Bōru Sūpā) (commonly abbreviated as DBS) is the fourth anime installment in the Dragon Ball franchise, which ran from July 5th, 2015 to March 25th, 2018. It is set between Dragon Ball Z episodes 288 and 289 and is the first Dragon Ball television series featuring a new storyline in 18 years since the final episode of Dragon Ball GT in 1997. A Dragon Ball Super manga was being produced alongside the anime. The series is developed by Toei, in a similar process to the Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT animes and Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods and Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ films. The series plot takes place after the Kid Buu Saga, in between the ten-year gap towards the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament.

《龙珠超》(日文:ドラゴンボール超,英文:Dragon Ball Super)是根据日本漫画家鸟山明的代表作《龙珠》改编而成的电视动画,由原作者鸟山明担当原案,描述孙悟空等人与魔人布欧的战斗结束后的故事。 《龙珠超》在《龙珠改魔人布欧篇》播放完毕后,于2015年7月5日开始每周日上午9:00(日本时间)在日本的富士电视台等频道播出。

《龙珠超》(日文:ドラゴンボール超,英文:Dragon Ball Super)是根据日本漫画家鸟山明的代表作《龙珠》改编而成的电视动画,由原作者鸟山明担当原案,描述孙悟空等人与魔人布欧的战斗结束后的故事。 《龙珠超》在《龙珠改魔人布欧篇》播放完毕后,于2015年7月5日开始每周日上午9:00(日本时间)在日本的富士电视台等频道播出。
Universe Survival Saga 宇宙生存篇
The Universe Survival Saga (宇う宙ちゅうサバイバル編へん Uchū Sabaibaru Hen) is the fifth major saga of the Dragon Ball Super anime and the fourth major saga of the Dragon Ball Super manga under the name Tournament of Power Saga (力ちからの大会たいかい編へん Chikara no Taikai Hen). The Tournament of Power planned by Zeno begins, with multiple universes partaking—with each universe having gathered a team of 10 fighters who battle alongside each other on a stage. The arc features continuous debuts of elites from each universe. However, this also proves to be the beginning of universal destruction. If a team were to lose, meaning having all of its members eliminated, then the universe they come from will be destroyed immediately. The first part of this story arc is referred to as the Universe Survival Saga: Prelude, the second is the Universe Survival Saga: Gathering, the third is the Tournament of Power Saga and the fourth is the Tournament of Power Saga: Climax.
在第六宇宙篇的结尾时,全王提出“下回把全部宇宙的选手都聚集起来,来办一个比赛试试看哦”。孙悟空为了让全王实现这个诺言而不顾警告去会见全王,于是大神官招唤全部宇宙的界王神和破坏神前来,其中还包含第11宇宙傲兵队队长同时也是破坏神候补塔破。在提出破坏神决斗和观看孙悟空和塔破的对决后还是提议举办了比赛,因全王本意就有让平均水准低于七的宇宙消失,除了第一、第五、第八、第十二宇宙高于7免参加以外其余宇宙如果输了这场比赛,所在的整个宇宙将会被全王毁灭。但是如果赢得了这场比赛,就可以获得超级七龙珠向超级神龙许愿的资格,同时所属宇宙也可以不必被免除。孙悟空感觉事态严重于是邀请地球上的武术高手们参加比赛,孙悟空与孙悟饭、贝吉塔、天津饭、小林、短笛、龟仙人、人造人17号, 18号以及和布欧先生。但是布欧先生因为正在睡觉,所以孙悟空决定把布欧先生的名额让给地狱里的弗利萨,这几名来自地球和地狱的武术高手,代表整个第七宇宙参加这次的力量大赛。经过一轮激战后,第九、十、二、六、四、三宇宙按次序消灭。最后悟空和弗利萨和第十一宇宙的最强战士-吉连一起同归于尽,实际上是17号诈死与弗利萨号合谋,孙悟空并不知情,第十一宇宙最后也被消灭,并由17号获得超级七龙珠并许愿恢复所有被消灭的宇宙。第七宇宙水平也从倒数第二升格为倒数第三。
Rumsshi 朗姆西
朗姆西(ラムーシ),男,日本经典动漫《龙珠超》及其衍生作品中的角色。第10宇宙的破坏神。身为破坏神喜欢会吹捧自己的子民,但其实是很懒惰的破坏神,因为破坏星球很麻烦所以不太想做。性格冲动易怒,生气时喜欢用鼻子打人。另一时空:因第10宇宙界王神·格瓦斯被实习界王神·扎马斯所杀而死亡。未来时空:因第10宇宙界王神被“黑暗人”(即另一时空:第10宇宙界王神·扎马斯)所杀而死亡;对应天使亦沉睡。 漫画中声称自己在破坏神里最不喜欢的就是比鲁斯。《龙珠超》中所有的破坏神与天使的名字均改编自酒名。朗姆西(ラムーシ/Rumoosh)来源于朗姆酒(Rum)。
Rumsshi (ラムーシ Ramūshi) is the God of Destruction of Universe 10. He is accompanied by his attendant and martial arts teacher Kusu. Rumsshi is a thin and pink skinned humanoid elephant with wide ears, sharp blue sclera eyes and a pair of short tusks. He wears clothing which resembles that of the ancient Egyptian royalty just like the other Gods of Destruction, complete with a black and orange collar with white lining on both edges and a triangular symbol on it. He also wears golden bangles and arm rings. Rumsshi's name seems to come from "rum", continuing the alcohol name puns that the Gods of Destruction and their attendants possess.
Kusu 克丝
Kusu (クス Kusu) is the Guide Angel of Universe 10 and the attendant, and martial arts teacher of Rumsshi. She is the oldest child of the Grand Minister.Like all Gods of Destruction and Angels, Kusu's name is a pun of a type of alcohol. Kusu's name is a pun on the alcoholic drink: Kuusuu, aged Awamori.
Gowasu 格瓦斯
Gowasu (ゴワス Gowasu) is the Supreme Kai of Universe 10 and Zamasu's former master. Gowasu is an elderly Core Person with light, yellow wrinkled skin, pointy ears, and white hair in the style of a mohawk flipped to the side. He wears a gray, yellow-trimmed coat with a violet long-sleeved shirt underneath, a light blue sash, darker blue baggy pants, and white boots. He also wears gold and green Potara, the decoration of the Supreme Kais.
Murichim 木里七木
Murichim (ムリチム Murichimu) is a warrior from Universe 10 and he and his comrades are the participants that Rumsshi selected to represent him, Gowasu, and Kusu in the Tournament of Power. His general appearance gives an impression of a warrior monk, or Niō (仁王) / Kongōrikishi (金剛力士) in Buddhism. Murichim's likeness is that of a large and muscular crimson humanoid with a large white robe for clothing, which covers his groin, leaving his legs, arms, head and body exposed. He also has 6 dots on his head similar to Krillin's. Murichim's name is a pun on Lithium.
Rylibeu 丽丽贝舞
Rylibeu (リリベウ Riribeu) is a warrior from Universe 10 and a member of Team Universe 10. Rylibeu is a butterfly-like humanoid alien. She has pink skin, pointed ears, green eyes and two antennas on her head. She wears a green tunic. Rylibeu's name is a pun on Beryllium.
Napapa 拿帕帕
Napapa (ナパパ), known as the Magician of the Ring Verge (土俵際の魔術師 Dohyougiwa no Majutsushi), is a Rikīshi of Dohyōdoru and the Yokodūna, a warrior from Universe 10 and a member of Team Universe 10. Overall, Napapa has an appearance resembling that of a sumo wrestler on Earth of the Universe 7 with more enlarged mage hairstyle than sumo wrestlers. He, akin to Top, has extremely robust lower arms and fists comparing to upper arms and lower body. He has pig/boar - like nose and pointed ears, and pink skin which is also similar to a pig. Napapa tends to shout "Doskoi" and "Gottsuandesu" when fighting, much like other sumo wrestlers. He is shown to be a dirty fighter, using Kale as a punching bag for his teammate Methiop. When his universe is about to be erased, he, like the rest of his teammate closes his eyes and accepts his fate. Napapa's name is maybe based on Napalm.
Dium 吉乌姆
Dium (ジウム Jiumu) is a warrior from Universe 10 and a member of Team Universe 10. Dium is a green parrot-like humanoid who has wings instead of human-like arms. His eyes are purple, and he wears a red and yellow hat. His outfit consists of a white tank top with red line and a purple and red skirt attached along a black belt and a pair of red shoes. Dium's name comes from elements such as Vanadium, Radium.
Murisam 穆里萨姆
Murisam (ムリサーム Murisāmu) is a warrior from Universe 10 and a member of Team Universe 10. A humanoid with red skin, black hair, and is dressed like a Muay Thai fighter with blue pants, black fingerless gloves with golden knuckle beads, white, toeless leggings and a white headband. Murisam's name is a pun on Samarium.
Methiop 麦奇奥普
Methiop (メチオープ Mechiōpu, "Mechiorp") is a warrior from Universe 10 and a member of Team Universe 10. He has the appearance of a crustacean, his skin is red and his hands are webbed between the fingers, demonstrating even more his aquatic adaption. Methiop's name is a pun on Promethium.
Dyrasem 吉拉森
Dyrasem (ジラセン Jirasen) is a warrior from Universe 10 and a member of Team Universe 10. He looks exactly like a Human-type Earthling with pink skin, blue hair and green eyes. Dyrasem wears a pair of golden bracelets on each wrist, golden earrings and a thin golden crown with a red jewel on his head. His outfit consists of a white skinny ballet-like uniform with a large purple ribbon as belt and blue boots. In fact, he has strong similarities to Mr. Satan's student, Caroni. Dyrasem is very similar to Caroni, one of Mr. Satan's disciples during the Cell Games Saga. His name comes from Praseodymium.
Obni 沃卜尼
Obni (オブニ Obuni) is a warrior from Universe 10 and a member of Team Universe 10. Obni is brave, respectful, and likes to challenge himself. Obni is a humanoid being with green skin and long, white hair. He wears a small blue vest-like piece of clothing with a medallion that holds a jewel in the middle. On his abdomen he has dark blue dots. He also wears brown pants. His name likely comes from the element niobium. Toyotarō stated that Obni and Captain Ginyu could be the same species due to their head veins.
Zircor 吉尔科尔
Zircor (ジルコル Jirukoru) is a warrior from Universe 10 and a member of Team Universe 10. Zircor is a blue-skinned humanoid with white hair and beard. His clothing consists of a pair of orange, baggy pants, and a white obi belt sash. He is also barefooted. Zircor is presumably named after Zirconium (ジルコニウム).
Rubalt 鲁巴尔特
Rubalt (ルバルト Rubaruto) is a soldier from Universe 10 and a member of Team Universe 10. Rubalt is a muscular humanoid being with reddish skin and black dreadlocks. His brutish face has two square teeth sticking out from his lower jaw. He wears a tight, sleeveless blue shirt with black pants, purple shoes, golden armbands, and a red belt with a golden buckle. His name comes from the word cobalt.