Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Ball Super (ドラゴンボール超スーパー Doragon Bōru Sūpā) (commonly abbreviated as DBS) is the fourth anime installment in the Dragon Ball franchise, which ran from July 5th, 2015 to March 25th, 2018. It is set between Dragon Ball Z episodes 288 and 289 and is the first Dragon Ball television series featuring a new storyline in 18 years since the final episode of Dragon Ball GT in 1997. A Dragon Ball Super manga was being produced alongside the anime. The series is developed by Toei, in a similar process to the Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT animes and Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods and Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ films. The series plot takes place after the Kid Buu Saga, in between the ten-year gap towards the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament.

《龙珠超》(日文:ドラゴンボール超,英文:Dragon Ball Super)是根据日本漫画家鸟山明的代表作《龙珠》改编而成的电视动画,由原作者鸟山明担当原案,描述孙悟空等人与魔人布欧的战斗结束后的故事。 《龙珠超》在《龙珠改魔人布欧篇》播放完毕后,于2015年7月5日开始每周日上午9:00(日本时间)在日本的富士电视台等频道播出。

《龙珠超》(日文:ドラゴンボール超,英文:Dragon Ball Super)是根据日本漫画家鸟山明的代表作《龙珠》改编而成的电视动画,由原作者鸟山明担当原案,描述孙悟空等人与魔人布欧的战斗结束后的故事。 《龙珠超》在《龙珠改魔人布欧篇》播放完毕后,于2015年7月5日开始每周日上午9:00(日本时间)在日本的富士电视台等频道播出。
Universe Survival Saga 宇宙生存篇
The Universe Survival Saga (宇う宙ちゅうサバイバル編へん Uchū Sabaibaru Hen) is the fifth major saga of the Dragon Ball Super anime and the fourth major saga of the Dragon Ball Super manga under the name Tournament of Power Saga (力ちからの大会たいかい編へん Chikara no Taikai Hen). The Tournament of Power planned by Zeno begins, with multiple universes partaking—with each universe having gathered a team of 10 fighters who battle alongside each other on a stage. The arc features continuous debuts of elites from each universe. However, this also proves to be the beginning of universal destruction. If a team were to lose, meaning having all of its members eliminated, then the universe they come from will be destroyed immediately. The first part of this story arc is referred to as the Universe Survival Saga: Prelude, the second is the Universe Survival Saga: Gathering, the third is the Tournament of Power Saga and the fourth is the Tournament of Power Saga: Climax.
在第六宇宙篇的结尾时,全王提出“下回把全部宇宙的选手都聚集起来,来办一个比赛试试看哦”。孙悟空为了让全王实现这个诺言而不顾警告去会见全王,于是大神官招唤全部宇宙的界王神和破坏神前来,其中还包含第11宇宙傲兵队队长同时也是破坏神候补塔破。在提出破坏神决斗和观看孙悟空和塔破的对决后还是提议举办了比赛,因全王本意就有让平均水准低于七的宇宙消失,除了第一、第五、第八、第十二宇宙高于7免参加以外其余宇宙如果输了这场比赛,所在的整个宇宙将会被全王毁灭。但是如果赢得了这场比赛,就可以获得超级七龙珠向超级神龙许愿的资格,同时所属宇宙也可以不必被免除。孙悟空感觉事态严重于是邀请地球上的武术高手们参加比赛,孙悟空与孙悟饭、贝吉塔、天津饭、小林、短笛、龟仙人、人造人17号, 18号以及和布欧先生。但是布欧先生因为正在睡觉,所以孙悟空决定把布欧先生的名额让给地狱里的弗利萨,这几名来自地球和地狱的武术高手,代表整个第七宇宙参加这次的力量大赛。经过一轮激战后,第九、十、二、六、四、三宇宙按次序消灭。最后悟空和弗利萨和第十一宇宙的最强战士-吉连一起同归于尽,实际上是17号诈死与弗利萨号合谋,孙悟空并不知情,第十一宇宙最后也被消灭,并由17号获得超级七龙珠并许愿恢复所有被消灭的宇宙。第七宇宙水平也从倒数第二升格为倒数第三。
Mule 莫斯可
莫斯可(モスクワ(罗马音:Mosuko) ),日本经典动漫《龙珠超》登场的虚拟角色。第3宇宙的破坏神。像机器人一样的外貌,用电子音来表达意思,并由随从天使负责翻译。实际上是由名为“缪鲁”的男性在驾驶着的机器人。 在未来时空中,莫斯可因第3宇宙界王神·艾尔被“黑暗人”与扎马斯②所杀而死亡,对应天使亦沉睡。《龙珠超》中所有的破坏神与天使的名字均改编自酒名,“莫斯可(モスクワ,Mosuko)”、“缪鲁(ミュール,Myūru)”来源于莫斯科骡鸡尾酒(Moscow Mule)。
Mule (ミュール Myūru) is an imp-like creature and the pilot of the old robot Mosco (モスコ Mosuko). Through Mosco, he acts as the God of Destruction of Universe 3. He is accompanied by his attendant and martial arts teacher Camparri. Mule is a tiny pale-red, imp-like creature with black horns, a long thin tail, and wears a green, black and white striped version of the typical God of Destruction outfit, along with a pair of brown shoes with golden braces around the heels. Mule primarily operates inside an old large pale-green robot named Mosco, with a singular golden eye that also wears the same coloured God of Destruction attire. Mosco has a round hatch on its stomach that allows Mule to enter and exit from, as well as small oval window that he can look out from.
Camparri 堪培利
Camparri (カンパーリ Kanpāri) is the Angel of Universe 3 and attendant and martial arts teacher of Mule. He appears in Dragon Ball Super during the Universe Survival Saga. Since Mule, while piloting Mosco, can communicate through only electronic sounds, he has the duty to translate what is he saying, and mimics the God's tone. Unlike many other angels who are usually unfazed by events, Camparri like Ea was scared and hid behind Mule when Narirama charged at the three of them possibly not expecting that to happen. However, this attitude is not seen or shown in the manga. Likewise, unlike most of his kind, he does seem to care for his fellow deities to some degree, as in the manga, Camparri outright lied to Zeno to save Mule and Ea from his wrath after they misspoke. During the Tournament of Power, he is visibly confident in his Universe's modified warriors. However, unlike most other Angels, he is genuinely frustrated or shocked when they are outmatched and ultimately knocked out such as Narirama and Maji-Kayo.
Eyre 艾尔
Eyre (エア Ea) is the Supreme Kai of Universe 3. Eyre is a short, blue-skinned Core Person with a half-mohawk slicked to the left appearing from the front as a single large bang, oval eyes, red glasses, green potara, and wears a brown, yellow, pink, light and navy blue colored Supreme Kai outfit with white boots.
Nigrissi 尼古力西
Nigrissi (ニグリッシ Nigrisshi) is a modified warrior residing in Universe 3. He is a contestant in the Tournament of Power. Nigrissi has a humanoid shape, large, pointed green eyes, pointed ears, and a red mouth with a grey-blue tongue. His entire body is both grey and blue, with the exception of the glowing purple marks on his legs and his gold-colored abs.
Narirama 纳里拉马
Narirama (ナリラーマ Narirāma) is a modified warrior residing in Universe 3. He is a contestant in the Tournament of Power. Narirama is a large automaton who appears mostly symmetrical except for his head piece. Most of his parts are maroon-colored, with silver detailing around his edges. His pauldrons (shoulder pieces) and pelvic parts have gold-colored rivets near the edges. His midsection, upper arms and upper legs are dark bluish-grey, and he has a beige-colored head piece, hands and feet. His claws are a shiny dark grey. Like Nigrissi, Narirama has gold-plated abs as well as a gold-plated spine.
Za Priccio 扎·普利超
Za Priccio (ザ・プリーチョ Za Purīcho) is a warrior from Universe 3 and a member of Team Universe 3. He appeared to be very afraid of Master Roshi's Thunder Shock Surprise. Za Priccio is one of ten warriors chosen to represent Team Universe 3 in the Tournament of Power. When Kale fired a Blaster Meteor, he was seen jumping out of the way of the attack alongside Monna, Xiangca, and Obni.
Biarra 比阿拉
Biarra (ビアラ Biara) is a warrior from Universe 3 and a member of Team Universe 3. Biarra is a giant android with red arms and legs. His head, torso, shoulder pads, wrists, hands, waist and feet are augmented. These parts are mostly blue with yellow and white accents.
Dr. Paparoni 帕帕罗尼
Dr. Paparoni (パパロニ Paparoni) is a warrior from Universe 3 and a member of Team Universe 3. He controls all of the artificially intelligent machine lifeforms on Team Universe 3 He has a humanoid form, dark purple skin, ears that are either rounded or pointy, white curly hair cut in the shape of a Mohawk, and a matching goatee. He wears a monocle, a white suit with a red neckerchief, black pants, and black shoes. He carries a brown cane with a gold shaft, and a blue orb that sits on top.
Maji-Kayo 马吉·卡尤
Maji-Kayo (マジ=カーヨ Maji-Kāyo) is a warrior from Universe 3 and a member of Team Universe 3. Maji Kayo is a cunning and sadistic warrior. Maji-Kayo is a shining blue jelly-like humanoid with purple eyes who can effortlessly change his shape. He has a formless jelly-like state, a short and slim form like an infant but he changes into a large muscular form while fighting. He can also change his body parts individually as he sees fit to aid him during battle.
Catopesra 卡多贝斯勒
Catopesra (カトペスラ Katopesura), also known as the Envoy of Justice, is a warrior from Universe 3 and a member of Team Universe 3. He is a policeman that protects his universe. Catopesra is a modified humanoid warrior wearing a blue and white suit that has a visor helmet and he has a large P on his chest. He wears yellow gloves, yellow boots and he has a belt buckle that glows and enables him to change to different modes. Without his helmet, he is shown to have blue skin, whitish-yellow hair, blue eyes, and a broad face.
Pancéa 潘启阿
Pancéa (パンチア Panchia) is a warrior from Universe 3 and a member of Team Universe 3. Pancéa is a large, green robot with short, extended shoulders, which the long segmented arms that end in purplish gray hands with bluish grayish fingers protrude from a round deltoid underneath the shoulders. A set of short grayish upper legs connected by round tops of the legs are attached to joints connecting to a rectangular sacrum; which connect to a small green legs with knees and joints connecting to the foot. A roundish body with two round protrusion with square tips on top, the body having an opening for the legs beneath. A roundish square head with a three holes lined in the center to represent a mouth; a red section of the eye ridge sectioned by a black line with two small yellow eyes narrowed by green upper eyelids. And a top section of the head, which was gray tube-like protrusion on top in order to combine with his teammates.
Borareta 啵啦雷哒
Borareta (ボラレータ Borarēta) is a warrior from Universe 3 and a member of Team Universe 3. Borareta is a green robot who has notably big legs, having the tips of his feet pointed. It has big red eyes with white round pupils and its main color is green with yellow accents. His arms look like black wrecking balls and he can retract them to its torso, through long mechanisms that act as arms in your body.
Koitsukai 克以茨卡伊
Koitsukai (コイツカイ Koitsukai) is a warrior from Universe 3 and a member of Team Universe 3.Koitsukai is a robot whose appearance is similar to Giru. It has a white body with a big green eye, thick arms with big green wrists and black hands. Its legs are short and he has two jets on his back.
Koicéareta 克以启阿雷哒
Koicéareta (コイチアレータ Koichiarēta) is the result of Plan X: the merging of Borareta, Koitsukai, and Pancéa. He is Paparoni's masterpiece and the apparent trump card of Team Universe 3. He is an anime only character.
Agnilasa 阿尼拉扎
Agnilasa (アニラーザ Anirāza) is the result of the fusion between several members of Team Universe 3. In the Universal Conflict Saga of the Dragon Ball Heroes game, Agnilasa appears as a separate entity from Paparoni, suggesting he is not necessary to form the giant. Agnilasa is a gigantic humanoid with no visible nose and solid pink eyes with no pupils. Its body has whiter layers on the skin on its head, neck, shoulders and chest area. In the center of its forehead is a large red gem which acts as its energy core, this area is also its weak point. On both sides of his head, are two elongated ear extensions with green gems underneath the tips that act as its sonar. Its arms and the rest of its body is a darker color, ending at the base of the legs. The legs before the boots and hands at the base of the arm guards are purple. Its arms possess white shoulder guards with red gems on the top of the arms. In the center of its chest is a green gem. It wears pointed boots and is able to grow wings on its back at will.
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