暗夜博士: 莫比亚斯
Morbius is a 2022 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, produced by Columbia Pictures in association with Marvel. Distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing, it is the third film in Sony's Spider-Man Universe (SSU). Directed by Daniel Espinosa and written by Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless, it stars Jared Leto as Dr. Michael Morbius, alongside Matt Smith, Adria Arjona, Jared Harris, Al Madrigal, and Tyrese Gibson. In the film, Morbius and his surrogate brother Milo (Smith) become living vampires after curing themselves of a rare blood disease.
Jared Leto, Matt Smith, Adria Arjona, Jared Harris, Al Madrigal, Tyrese Gibson
At a hospital in Greece, 10-year-old Michael Morbius welcomes his surrogate brother Lucien, whom he unintentionally renames Milo; they bond over their shared blood illness and desire to be "normal". Their adoptive father and hospital director Nicholas arranges for Morbius to attend medical school in New York while he focuses on caring for Milo. 25 years later, Morbius publicly declines a Nobel Prize for his work with artificial blood. His colleague Martine Bancroft discovers he has secretly captured dozens of vampire bats from Costa Rica in the hope of splicing their genes with his own to cure his condition. After informing Milo of his planned illegal experiment, Morbius receives funding from him to outfit a private mercenary vessel in international waters with his equipment. While the cure works, it transforms Morbius into a vampire, who kills and drains the crew of their blood after they attack him out of fear. Once his bloodlust subsides and he regains his senses, a horrified Morbius erases all CCTV footage of his experiment before contacting the authorities and jumping overboard. Morbius returns to New York and discovers he now has superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, and echolocation, with his vampire bats treating him as one of their own. To control his bloodlust, he subsists on his artificial blood as it gradually ceases to satisfy his needs. FBI agents Simon Stroud and Al Rodriguez investigate Morbius' victims and deduce his involvement. Milo learns that Morbius is cured but becomes furious when Morbius refuses to cure him as well. While checking on a hospitalized Bancroft, Morbius finds a dead nurse, drained of her blood. Believing he was responsible, he attempts to escape before being cornered and arrested by Stroud. In prison, he is visited by Milo, who offers to use his wealth to free him. Upon realizing Milo took his cure and killed the nurse, Morbius escapes to confront him. An unrepentant Milo confesses to his bloodlust-induced crime and urges Morbius to embrace his powers as he has. Unwilling to hurt his brother, Morbius flees. Morbius meets Bancroft to explain what Milo has done before acquiring a new lab and developing an antibody against vampirism to stop and kill Milo; he also plans to use it on himself since he will become unable to resist his bloodlust. Stroud and Rodriguez find footage of one of Milo's attacks and, believing Morbius' vampirism to be spreading, release it to the media. Nicholas recognizes Milo and pleads with him to stop. Angered by Nicholas' perceived preference for Morbius, Milo wounds and forces him to call Morbius, who arrives too late to save him while Milo also mortally wounds Bancroft. Morbius returns to Bancroft, but she dies in his arms, forcing him to drink her blood. Morbius confronts Milo and summons an army of bats to restrain him and inject the antibody. Milo dies peacefully and Morbius flies off with the bats, mourning his loved ones and embracing his identity as a vampire. Unbeknownst to him, Bancroft revives elsewhere with glowing red eyes, having ingested a drop of Morbius' blood whilst he was feeding on her. In two mid-credits scenes, Adrian Toomes finds himself transported to Morbius' universe. Having deduced that his transportation involved Spider-Man, Toomes approaches the fugitive Morbius and suggests that they form a team.
剧情在希腊的一家特殊疗养机构中,10岁少年麦克·莫比亚斯迎接麦洛(原名路肖恩)的到来。莫比亚斯和麦洛都患有罕见的血液病,身体里的血液无法再生,并需要依靠拐杖行走。某次,麦洛因血泵突然故障而昏迷,莫比亚斯紧急使用原子笔中的弹簧代替坏损的零件,使血泵回复运作,莫比亚斯边轻推麦洛边喊路肖恩,成功唤醒麦洛。得知此事的院长尼古拉斯认为莫比亚斯天赋异禀,于是便把他送到美国纽约的一所专为资优儿童而创设的学校读书,并答应他会照顾麦洛。莫比亚斯留下一封信给麦洛后离开,但该封信被风吹出窗外,捡到信的学生们嘲弄麦洛,麦洛反击后被击倒在地,路过的尼古拉斯赶紧上前制止,几名学生跑开,麦洛起身后狠狠攻击剩下一名倒地的学生。 25年后,35岁的莫比亚斯拒绝接受因发明人造血并拯救了数百万人的性命而得来的诺贝尔奖,因为他认为自己不能因为实验失败的副产品而得奖。回到实验室后,身为同事的女友玛婷·班卡弗特发现了莫比亚斯的实验,莫比亚斯利用来自亚马逊雨林的吸血蝙蝠研制血清,莫比亚斯告诉玛婷该蝙蝠拥有独特的抗凝血剂的细胞,若果能成功将其基因植入自己的基因中,或者能够使自己的身体也能产生同样的抗凝血剂并彻底治愈自己的病。在这次的实验中被注入血清的白老鼠成功存活后,莫比亚斯决定将自己的研究成果告诉如今成为亿万富翁的麦洛,鉴于自己和麦洛的时间所剩不多,莫比亚斯决定直接进行人体实验,在麦洛的资助下,实验在国际水域的一艘货船上进行。血清虽然注射成功,但莫比亚斯也因此变成了一只吸血鬼并失去控制杀光整条船上的所有人,吸光了他们的血,玛婷则在冲突过程中摔倒在地,昏了过去。嗜血欲望消退后,莫比亚斯恢复清醒并惊恐万分,连忙删掉记录实验的监控画面,在向美国发出求救信号后便跳船逃跑。 莫比亚斯回到实验室后发现自己的病虽然痊愈了,却对血液充满饥饿欲望,同时发现用来做实验的吸血蝙蝠已经把他当成同类,自己也有了奥林匹克运动会选手般的体格,力量和速度都提升了,而且还拥有回声定位的能力。但也随即发现人造血能绕他稳定的时间越来越短。与此同时,一名联邦调查局特工赛门·史特劳德和阿尔韦托·罗德里格斯调查船上的受害者。麦洛来到实验室,惊讶地发现莫比亚斯治好了自己的疾病,但对莫比亚斯不愿意把血清交给他而感到愤怒。后来在医院查看昏迷中的玛婷时,莫比亚斯发现一位护士的血被抽干,人已经死了。莫比亚斯觉得不对劲,回到实验室打包人造血,准备离开时却刚好撞见来找他的特工,经过一番追捕后被逮捕,两人是通过船上签了名的折纸蝙蝠推断出他制造了吸血鬼大屠杀。在监狱里,莫比亚斯碰到打扮成律师的麦洛,麦洛答应洗清他的罪名并把他救出去。莫比亚斯发现麦洛离开时没有带走拐杖,因此知道了他无视自己的警告,私自使用了血清,而且很可能就是杀了那个护士的凶手,于是逃出监狱并找他对质。莫比亚斯使用能力听到麦洛与嘲笑莫比亚斯的人的对话后杀了他。被找到的麦洛承认自己杀死了那个护士,因为自己在初次使用血清后像莫比亚斯一样失去控制,所以杀了那个护士。但麦洛并不像莫比亚斯一样对这附加的诅咒感到恐惧,反而非常享受杀戮的快感,并让莫比亚斯和自己一样拥抱更为真实的自己,之后杀死了上前逮捕莫比亚斯的警察便离开了。 第二天,莫比亚斯找到玛婷,告诉她这些人都不是他杀的,并将麦洛使用血清的事告诉她,莫比亚斯想要制止麦洛,并请求玛婷的帮助。两人在餐厅详谈时,莫比亚斯听见柜台有人在使用假钞被抓包,便尾随使用假钞的人,占据该制造假钞的实验室,重新组合制钞机器以制造能造解药的设备,开发新的解药。与此同时,赛门和阿尔韦托在新的尸体旁监视器中找到麦洛攻击人的影像。两人发现杀人凶手不是莫比亚斯,认为吸血鬼已经扩散开来。尽管影片十分模糊,但尼古拉斯还是从新闻中的影像认出了他,亲自来到他的公寓,要他住手。麦洛认为他一直把莫比亚斯当成自己的挚爱,而仅是同情自己,且不接受自己的新生感到愤怒,还让他告诉莫比亚斯,自己想杀多少人就杀多少人后把他打成重伤。 与此同时,莫比亚斯制造出两剂抗体,能够抑制铁蛋白,造成铁严重过量,产生血铁沉积症。能够杀死蝙蝠。走出实验室的莫比亚斯接到尼古拉斯的电话,赶来时弥留的尼古拉斯请求莫比亚斯阻止麦洛后死亡。此时麦洛找到玛婷要求她呼喊莫比亚斯的名字,待其呼喊后划破她的脖子。听见玛婷的呼喊及惨叫,莫比亚斯穿过整个城市,最终把她搂在怀里,两人最后一吻后,玛婷吃下莫比亚斯的一滴血后死去,之后莫比亚斯咬了玛婷的脖子。愤怒的莫比亚斯把麦洛拖入下水道,从下水道里召唤上千只蝙蝠组成一队蝙蝠大军,让它们落在麦洛身上控制住他,好让自己能够对他注射抗体。被注入抗体的麦洛问莫比亚斯是否记得自己的名字是他给的,莫比亚斯回应指他全部记得,麦洛在说出对不起后死亡,莫比亚斯默默地再次轻呼他的本名路肖恩。最后莫比亚斯带着蝙蝠大军飞向城市尽头,并接受了自己是吸血鬼的事实。 最后,原本应该已经死亡的玛婷突然睁开眼,瞳孔也变成和莫比亚斯一样的血红色。 来自另一个宇宙的亚德里安·图姆斯被一个强大的魔咒传送到了莫比亚斯的宇宙。图姆斯因之前的机械翅膀被毁坏而自行组装了一双新的翅膀,过了一段时间后,他联系莫比亚斯并提出要共同合作。
Cast and Character 演员阵容与角色
Jared Leto as Dr. Michael Morbius
A scientist suffering from a rare blood disease whose attempts to cure himself afflict him with a form of transgenic vampirism, gaining all of the superhuman abilities but none of the superstitious weaknesses associated with vampires. Leto was drawn to the character's struggle with his disease and the moral implications of a hero who has a thirst for blood.
He found the role surprisingly challenging since it was less character-driven than his prior performances and closer to his real-life personality, not requiring his well-known method of acting approach.

Charlie Shotwell as young Morbius
Matt Smith as Lucien / Milo Morbius
Morbius' surrogate brother, a wealthy man originally named Lucien and nicknamed Morbius (due to sharing a bed with a deceased boy named Milo), suffers from the same rare blood disease as he does. When Milo gains the same abilities as Michael, he embraces his identity as a vampire wholeheartedly. Smith was originally announced to play the comic book character Loxias Crown / Hunger, but this was later changed to a significantly different character based on Morbius himself. After turning down other superhero film roles, Smith joined the film due to Daniel Espinosa's involvement and encouragement from his former Doctor Who castmate Karen Gillan, who portrays Nebula in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Espinosa encouraged Smith to give a bold, villainous performance.

Joseph Esson as young Milo
Adria Arjona as Dr. Martine Bancroft
A scientist and Morbius' colleague. Arjona said the character was "the smart one in the room" and took inspiration from politician and activist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Jared Harris as Dr. Emil Nicholas
A mentor and father figure for Morbius and Milo who runs a facility that looks after people with incurable illnesses.

Tyrese Gibson as Simon Stroud
An FBI agent hunting Morbius, and Rodriguez's partner. While Gibson described Stroud as a "superhero" with a "hi-tech weapons-grade arm" in the film, all scenes featuring this arm were cut. Gibson signed a three-picture deal when he joined the film.
Michael Keaton as Adrian Toomes / Vulture
Makes a cameo appearance in the mid-credits scenes reprising his role from the MCU film Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017).