Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Ball Super (ドラゴンボール超スーパー Doragon Bōru Sūpā) (commonly abbreviated as DBS) is the fourth anime installment in the Dragon Ball franchise, which ran from July 5th, 2015 to March 25th, 2018. It is set between Dragon Ball Z episodes 288 and 289 and is the first Dragon Ball television series featuring a new storyline in 18 years since the final episode of Dragon Ball GT in 1997. A Dragon Ball Super manga was being produced alongside the anime. The series is developed by Toei, in a similar process to the Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT animes and Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods and Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ films. The series plot takes place after the Kid Buu Saga, in between the ten-year gap towards the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament.

《龙珠超》(日文:ドラゴンボール超,英文:Dragon Ball Super)是根据日本漫画家鸟山明的代表作《龙珠》改编而成的电视动画,由原作者鸟山明担当原案,描述孙悟空等人与魔人布欧的战斗结束后的故事。 《龙珠超》在《龙珠改魔人布欧篇》播放完毕后,于2015年7月5日开始每周日上午9:00(日本时间)在日本的富士电视台等频道播出。

《龙珠超》(日文:ドラゴンボール超,英文:Dragon Ball Super)是根据日本漫画家鸟山明的代表作《龙珠》改编而成的电视动画,由原作者鸟山明担当原案,描述孙悟空等人与魔人布欧的战斗结束后的故事。 《龙珠超》在《龙珠改魔人布欧篇》播放完毕后,于2015年7月5日开始每周日上午9:00(日本时间)在日本的富士电视台等频道播出。
Universe Survival Saga 宇宙生存篇
The Universe Survival Saga (宇う宙ちゅうサバイバル編へん Uchū Sabaibaru Hen) is the fifth major saga of the Dragon Ball Super anime and the fourth major saga of the Dragon Ball Super manga under the name Tournament of Power Saga (力ちからの大会たいかい編へん Chikara no Taikai Hen). The Tournament of Power planned by Zeno begins, with multiple universes partaking—with each universe having gathered a team of 10 fighters who battle alongside each other on a stage. The arc features continuous debuts of elites from each universe. However, this also proves to be the beginning of universal destruction. If a team were to lose, meaning having all of its members eliminated, then the universe they come from will be destroyed immediately. The first part of this story arc is referred to as the Universe Survival Saga: Prelude, the second is the Universe Survival Saga: Gathering, the third is the Tournament of Power Saga and the fourth is the Tournament of Power Saga: Climax.
在第六宇宙篇的结尾时,全王提出“下回把全部宇宙的选手都聚集起来,来办一个比赛试试看哦”。孙悟空为了让全王实现这个诺言而不顾警告去会见全王,于是大神官招唤全部宇宙的界王神和破坏神前来,其中还包含第11宇宙傲兵队队长同时也是破坏神候补塔破。在提出破坏神决斗和观看孙悟空和塔破的对决后还是提议举办了比赛,因全王本意就有让平均水准低于七的宇宙消失,除了第一、第五、第八、第十二宇宙高于7免参加以外其余宇宙如果输了这场比赛,所在的整个宇宙将会被全王毁灭。但是如果赢得了这场比赛,就可以获得超级七龙珠向超级神龙许愿的资格,同时所属宇宙也可以不必被免除。孙悟空感觉事态严重于是邀请地球上的武术高手们参加比赛,孙悟空与孙悟饭、贝吉塔、天津饭、小林、短笛、龟仙人、人造人17号, 18号以及和布欧先生。但是布欧先生因为正在睡觉,所以孙悟空决定把布欧先生的名额让给地狱里的弗利萨,这几名来自地球和地狱的武术高手,代表整个第七宇宙参加这次的力量大赛。经过一轮激战后,第九、十、二、六、四、三宇宙按次序消灭。最后悟空和弗利萨和第十一宇宙的最强战士-吉连一起同归于尽,实际上是17号诈死与弗利萨号合谋,孙悟空并不知情,第十一宇宙最后也被消灭,并由17号获得超级七龙珠并许愿恢复所有被消灭的宇宙。第七宇宙水平也从倒数第二升格为倒数第三。
Champa 象帕
象帕,日本经典动漫《龙珠超》及相关衍生作品中登场的男性角色。第6宇宙的破坏神,他是第7宇宙的破坏神比鲁斯的孪生兄弟,与比鲁斯实力不相上下,且都喜爱美食。象帕与比鲁斯一样,是与像界王神一样的创造神相对应、维持宇宙平衡的破坏神。破坏神拥有令人难以想象的强悍破坏力,喜欢破坏,向来很少直接杀人,往往是动动手指直接摧毁整个星球。每当破坏神苏醒、活跃之时,许多行星将会迎来灭亡的噩运。 宇宙共有12个,也就是有12位对应自己所处宇宙的破坏神。破坏神的地位与界王神相当,仅次于负责统治所有宇宙的全王。同一宇宙内,破坏神与界王神是共生关系,双方分别负责宇宙中的毁灭与创造,共同维持宇宙的平衡,一旦其中一方不复存在,另一方也会死。每位破坏神另有一位天使,作为自己的师傅、仆人、随从及监督者。
Champa (シャンパ Shanpa) is the God of Destruction of Universe 6, and rival to his twin brother Beerus, the God of Destruction of twin universe 7. He is accompanied by his attendant and martial arts teacher, Vados. Champa is the main antagonist of the Universe 6 Saga, but he becomes a supporting character in later sagas.
Vados 芭朵斯
Vados (ヴァドス Vadosu) is the attendant and martial arts teacher of the God of Destruction of Universe 6, Champa. She is a daughter of the Grand Minister and the elder sister of Whis.
Fuwa 弗瓦
第6宇宙界王神弗瓦日本经典动漫《龙珠超》及其衍生作品中的角色。第6宇宙的界王神。第7宇宙的格斗比赛的时候,对快乐的战斗的悟空的样子惊叹不已。在未来时空中,因被黑悟空与扎马斯②所杀,而使第六宇宙破坏神·象帕死亡,天使亦沉睡。 弗瓦外貌是一个全身绿色的肥胖的中年男子,身着界王神的统一制服,性格沉稳温和,缺点是慢性子。
Fuwa (フワ Fuwa) is the Supreme Kai of Universe 6. Fuwa is a fairly short overweight green skinned Core Person with tall, spiky white hair that resembles a pineapple. He wears a variation of the typical Supreme Kai attire; magenta with yellow lining, a light blue sash, light purple undershirt, blue pants, white boots and dark green potara.
Hit 希特
Hit (ヒット Hitto), renowned as "Never-Miss Hit" (百発百中のヒット Hyappatsu-hyakuchū no Hitto, lit. "Hit the Infallible") and as the "Legendary Hitman" (伝説の殺し屋 Densetsu no Koroshi-ya, lit. "Legendary Assassin") is the legendary assassin of Universe 6. In addition, he also later on becomes the leader for Team Universe 6. He is the main fighting antagonist of the Universe 6 Saga. Born over 1000 years ago, Hit has been an assassin for a very long time. He is famous for his highly efficient work at his job as all of his past assassinations were successfully completed. His signature for completing each assignment is to quietly kill the target in a single strike.
Cabba 加贝
Cabba (キャベ Kyabe) is a Saiyan from Universe 6. He is a member of Team Universe 6 and is one of its strongest fighters, and a member of the Sadala Defense Forces.
Frost 弗罗斯特
Frost (フロスト Furosuto) is a member of the Frieza Race and emperor of Universe 6 (former emperor in the anime), being that universe's version of Frieza. In the anime, he became a wanted fugitive after revealing himself as a space pirate. He is erased due to the events of Tournament of Power after being betrayed by his Universe 7 counterpart, Frieza, but he is later revived with the rest of the contestants. Frost is a dirty fighter, who is extremely cunning and deceptive.
Botamo 伯达摩
伯达摩(ボタモ),男,日本经典动漫《龙珠超》及其衍生作品中的角色。是来自第6宇宙的强者,外表上像是粗犷魁梧的黄色巨熊。《龙珠》系列不少角色的名字设定都与饮食有关。伯达摩的名字ボタモ(Botamo)有可能来自日式小吃“牡丹饼”(Botamochi)。外表上像是黄色的大熊,较为肥胖。皮肤光滑而有弹性。身上穿着一件红色背心,手上戴着一对运动手带,脚上穿着一双红靴。鼻子为棕色。尾巴短小。 性格略狂妄,在初次与孙悟空等人见面时就挑衅。在败北之后变得非常颓废失落。与同为第六宇宙战士的沃太·马盖塔关系很好,在马盖塔被淘汰哭泣时上前安慰,漫画版更是鼓励其克服这个缺点。
Botamo (ボタモ Botamo) is one of the strongest warriors from Universe 6. Botamo displays a rather confident attitude as he is extremely prideful in his abilities, however, his overconfidence in his abilities was his own downfall in both the Tournament of Destroyers and Tournament of Power. He shows more emotion when he lost to Goku and Gohan, crying in anguish. He also has a degree of sympathy, as he is seen patting Magetta on the back when he was insulted by Vegeta to attempt to make him feel better. Furthermore, it appears that Botamo and Magetta have a more friendly relationship and can cooperate very well together, as seen when they use a combo move to catch a ball batted by Gohan. This continues in the Tournament of Power, with Magetta saving Botamo from being ringed out by Vegeta, and the two teaming up to take on the Saiyan prince.
Hit (ヒット Hitto), renowned as "Never-Miss Hit" (百発百中のヒット Hyappatsu-hyakuchū no Hitto, lit. "Hit the Infallible") and as the "Legendary Hitman" (伝説の殺し屋 Densetsu no Koroshi-ya, lit. "Legendary Assassin") is the legendary assassin of Universe 6. In addition, he also later on becomes the leader for Team Universe 6. He is the main fighting antagonist of the Universe 6 Saga. Born over 1000 years ago, Hit has been an assassin for a very long time. He is famous for his highly efficient work at his job as all of his past assassinations were successfully completed. His signature for completing each assignment is to quietly kill the target in a single strike.
Cabba 加贝
Cabba (キャベ Kyabe) is a Saiyan from Universe 6. He is a member of Team Universe 6 and is one of its strongest fighters, and a member of the Sadala Defense Forces.
Frost 弗罗斯特
Frost (フロスト Furosuto) is a member of the Frieza Race and emperor of Universe 6 (former emperor in the anime), being that universe's version of Frieza. In the anime, he became a wanted fugitive after revealing himself as a space pirate. He is erased due to the events of Tournament of Power after being betrayed by his Universe 7 counterpart, Frieza, but he is later revived with the rest of the contestants. Frost is a dirty fighter, who is extremely cunning and deceptive.
Botamo 伯达摩
伯达摩(ボタモ),男,日本经典动漫《龙珠超》及其衍生作品中的角色。是来自第6宇宙的强者,外表上像是粗犷魁梧的黄色巨熊。《龙珠》系列不少角色的名字设定都与饮食有关。伯达摩的名字ボタモ(Botamo)有可能来自日式小吃“牡丹饼”(Botamochi)。外表上像是黄色的大熊,较为肥胖。皮肤光滑而有弹性。身上穿着一件红色背心,手上戴着一对运动手带,脚上穿着一双红靴。鼻子为棕色。尾巴短小。 性格略狂妄,在初次与孙悟空等人见面时就挑衅。在败北之后变得非常颓废失落。与同为第六宇宙战士的沃太·马盖塔关系很好,在马盖塔被淘汰哭泣时上前安慰,漫画版更是鼓励其克服这个缺点。
Botamo (ボタモ Botamo) is one of the strongest warriors from Universe 6. Botamo displays a rather confident attitude as he is extremely prideful in his abilities, however, his overconfidence in his abilities was his own downfall in both the Tournament of Destroyers and Tournament of Power. He shows more emotion when he lost to Goku and Gohan, crying in anguish. He also has a degree of sympathy, as he is seen patting Magetta on the back when he was insulted by Vegeta to attempt to make him feel better. Furthermore, it appears that Botamo and Magetta have a more friendly relationship and can cooperate very well together, as seen when they use a combo move to catch a ball batted by Gohan. This continues in the Tournament of Power, with Magetta saving Botamo from being ringed out by Vegeta, and the two teaming up to take on the Saiyan prince.
Auta Magetta 沃太·马盖塔
沃太·马盖塔,男,日本经典动漫《龙珠超》及其衍生作品中的角色,第6宇宙的战士,是来自66950系银河的金属人。身形庞大,胸前是灼热的动力炉,头部会冒烟。拥有可以使超级赛亚人状态下的贝吉塔陷入苦战的实力。内心比较脆弱,只要听到几句坏话就会丧失战斗力。虽然看起来像是机器人,但他却是名为“金属人(Metal Man)”的外星种族一员。他身材魁梧,胸部、下颌、手腕和脚踝都是银色,身体的其他部分是青铜色和紫色。他有一双闪着光的青色眼眸和两个透明含有岩浆的反应堆核心,本质上就是他的心脏。马盖塔的头顶上还有一个蒸汽管,当他感到紧张时就会启动。
Auta Magetta (オッタ マゲッタ Otta Magetta) is a Metalman from Universe 6, a race that is said to also exist in Universe 7. Magetta is confident in his abilities. Like the rest of the Metalmen race, Magetta is very sensitive and is rendered unable to fight when insulted. This is shown when Vegeta calls Magetta a "pathetic pile of junk" during their match, making Magetta lose and cry afterward. Much like Majin Buu, he lacks academic intelligence like many other fighters. This is seen when he barely passed his exam required to participate in the tournament. He also seems to lack enough intellect to talk (in the Japanese version, his only lines are based on the syllables "choo-po" and nothing more; in the English dub, he says things like "Clankity clankity whir" and "Chugga chugga chugga spark"). However, he can perfectly understand what others say to him. He appears to have a very friendly or close relationship with Botamo, likely due to them both being the large fighters of Champa's team. This is evidenced when he and Botamo are able to perform a combo move and catch a ball batted by Gohan. Magetta saves Botamo from being eliminated by Vegeta, and Botamo covers Magetta's ears so he won't hear Vegeta's insults.
Caulifla 卡莉芙拉
Caulifla (カリフラ Karifura) is a Saiyan from Universe 6 and a member of Team Universe 6 who participates in Zeno's Tournament of Power. She is the leader of a gang of Saiyan criminals. As noted by her brother, she has a very punkish attitude and is also recognized as a tomboy among Universe 6 Saiyans, to which she shows a strong contrast to the rest of her race, acting more akin to the Universe 7 Saiyans. Caulifla is shown to be very lazy if not self-absorbed as she initially refused to join the Tournament of Power even when learning her universe's or her own existence were on the line, until her interest was piqued by witnessing Cabba's transformation into a Super Saiyan, showing her desire to become stronger.
Kale 开尔
Kale (ケール Kēru) is a Saiyan from Universe 6 and a member of Team Universe 6. Kale is Caulifla's best friend, sister-figure, and protégée. She is the latest Legendary Saiyan of Universe 6, a demon warrior who appears once every 1,000 years. Like other pure-blooded Saiyans, Kale's name comes from a vegetable, more specifically kale. She was created largely as a response to the immense popularity of the movie character Broly as well as his status as the Legendary Super Saiyan.
Kefla 开芙拉
Kefla (ケフラ Kefura) is the Potara Fusion of Kale and Caulifla. In the anime, with the Potara earrings given to Caulifla and Kale as a last resort, they assume the Potara fusion right before they are eliminated by Super Saiyan God Goku.
Dr. Rota 洛塔博士
Dr. Rota (Dr.ロタ Dokutā Rota) is a warrior from Universe 6 and a member of Team Universe 6. Dr. Rota has red skin, with a large snout and tusks protruding out of his face, similar to a warthog. He has a small pair of glasses, and a black shark fin on his head. He wears a black robe, fastened at the waist with a white belt. In the anime, Dr. Rota possessed a special ability which showed why he was referred to as "doctor", but he was never able to display the ability.
Saonel 萨欧内尔
Saonel (サオネル Saoneru) is a Namekian from Universe 6 and a member of Team Universe 6 in the Tournament of Power. Saonel is a very tall and well-muscled man. Seemingly customary for Universe 6 Namekians, his skin is pine green in color as opposed to the standard green of youthful Universe 7 Namekians. Overall, Saonel looks very similar to Piccolo, except with a smaller nose and somewhat broader jawline. His clothing is similar to Nail's, consisting of beige pants, dull brown boots, and a long flowing turquoise vest. His vest is secured by a yellow sash tied in a knot at his left hip.
Pilina 霹雳纳
Pilina (ピリナ Pirina) is a Namekian from Universe 6 and a member of Team Universe 6 in the Tournament of Power. Pilina is a large and muscular Namekian, similar to Lord Slug. He is considerably taller than his teammate Saonel. His skin is a pine green color instead of the normal green exhibited by Universe 7 Namekians. Pilina's outfit consists of a long, dark brown vest with a beige sash tied around the midsection, black underwear, white gloves, and brown boots.
Renso 连索
Renso (レンソウ Rensou) is a Saiyan from Universe 6. He is a retired captain of the Sadala Defense Forces and the mentor of Cabba. He is also the older brother of Caulifla, the leader of a group of Saiyan punks. He only appears in the anime. Renso is a humble Saiyan warrior who knows of his limitations, a trait shown when he refuses to participate in the Tournament of Power due to his injury. He is also proud of the pupils he trained and amazed at Cabba's ability to turn into a Super Saiyan, awed at the form's immense strength that Cabba can use for good.
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