Dragon Ball Z: Bio-Broly
Dragon Ball Z: Bio-Broly (ドラゴンボールZゼット 超スーパー戦せん士し撃げき破は!!勝かつのはオレだ Doragon Bōru Zetto Sūpā Senshi Gekiha!! Katsu No wa Ore da, lit. Dragon Ball Z: Super-Warrior Defeat!! I’m the One Who’ll Win), also known as Dragon Ball Z: Attack! Super Warriors, is the fourteenth Dragon Ball film and the eleventh under the Dragon Ball Z banner. It was released in Japan on July 9, 1994. It is the sequel to Dragon Ball Z: Broly - Second Coming and the final installment of the Broly Saga. Funimation dubbed it into English in 2005.
《超战士击破!! 胜利的勇士是我》是上田芳裕导演的一部动作电影。
Timeline placement
This film takes place after the conclusion of the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, during the time the Z Fighters were busy dealing with Majin Buu, thus making it a movie-only story.
Son Goku 孙悟空
(日语:孫悟空;英语:Son Goku),是鸟山明的原作漫画《龙珠》及其改编原作系列中登场的虚构角色与主角,名字来自中国古典神怪小说《西游记》的“孙悟空”。“孙”是姓,“悟空”是名。由养育之父孙悟饭授予,其赛亚人本名为:卡卡罗特。其他纯种赛亚人直接称之为卡卡罗特。名字的由来是从红萝卜(胡萝卜)。与他的爱妻琪琪一起生下的长子的名字,是当年拉拔悟空长大的爷爷,孙悟饭的名字。 Son Goku is a Saiyan raised on Earth and the overall main protagonist of the Dragon Ball series. He is Bardock and Gine's youngest son, the husband of Chi-Chi, and the father of Gohan and Goten. Son Goku is a fictional character and the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. He is based on Sun Wukong (known as Son Goku in Japan and Monkey King in the West), a main character of the classic 16th-century Chinese novel Journey to the West, combined with influences from the Hong Kong martial arts films of Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee. Originally sent to Earth by his parents as an infant, Kakarot was adopted by Grandpa Gohan and given the name Son Goku. A head injury at an early age altered Goku's memory, ridding him of his initial destructive nature and allowing him to grow up to become one of Earth's greatest defenders. Goku constantly strives and trains to be the greatest warrior possible, which has kept the Earth and the universe safe from destruction multiple times.
Trunks 特兰克斯
Trunks (トランクス Torankusu) is a Human-type Earthling/Saiyan hybrid, the firstborn child and only son of Vegeta and Bulma and the older brother of Bulla.
Son Goten 孙悟天
孙悟天(Son Goten,そん ごてん),日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的角色。孙悟空和琪琪的次子、孙悟饭之弟,在沙鲁游戏出生,外貌和孙悟空小时候十分相似。和父亲孙悟空一样性格都很善良单纯、天赋异禀,在7岁那年他已能够变成超级赛亚人,使他的哥哥悟饭非常惊讶。他与特兰克斯融合成为悟天克斯时他们甚至能够变成超级赛亚人3。
Son Goten (孫そん悟ご天てん Son Goten, Japanese pronunciation: [sõŋgotẽ̞ɴ]) is the youngest son of Goku and his wife Chi-Chi, making him a Saiyan and Earthling hybrid. Goten is Gohan's younger brother and Trunks' best friend.
Krillin 克林
(クリリン;英语:Kuririn),是日本漫画作家鸟山明在集英社《周刊少年Jump》连载的《龙珠》虚构角色。一颗光头,没有鼻子,矮小的身材,克林是一个造型简单的人物。作者的创作初衷似乎在设计一位标准的小和尚,向功夫的泰斗少林寺致敬。初登场的克林是悟空在龟仙流的同门师兄弟,也可以说是竞争对手。当时他给人的印象是坏坏的,老是想歪点子赢过悟空,而且还有些好色,和师傅龟仙人臭味相投。不过随着故事的发展,克林的性格逐渐变得和悟空一样正义而单纯(据声优推测是受悟空的影响吧),并且是在爱情上专一的好男人。他被弗利萨杀害时,悟空极度愤怒而变身为传说中的战士超级赛亚人。他在爱情上的付出也有所回报,娶到了心目中的女神18号。雅木茶则认为克林是最强的地球人。以上种种,均可见作者对这一角色之青睐。 Krillin (クリリン, Kuririn) is a bald martial artist and one of Goku's best friends and classmates. He and Goku are under the tutelage of Master Roshi; initially his rival but later a friend, and a loyal companion in adventures thereafter. He is killed by King Piccolo's spawn Tambourine, but is later revived by Shenron. After the fight with the Saiyans, he travels to Planet Namek, where he is killed by Frieza. After being brought back to life again by the Namekian Dragon Balls, he helps out during the Android and Cell arcs. He is married to Android 18 and has a daughter, Marron (マーロン, Māron).
Android 18 人造人18号
Android 18 (人じん造ぞう人にん間げん18号ごう Jinzōningen Jū Hachi-Gō), originally named Lazuli (ラズリ Razuri) when she was an ordinary human, is the older twin sister of Android 17 and Dr. Gero's eighteenth android creation, designed to serve Gero's vendetta against Goku. While her interests do not initially deviate from this expectation, her curiosity to activate Android 16, in spite of Gero's orders not to do so, leads Android 17 to take it upon himself to rebel and murder Gero. Eventually, Android 18 becomes a member of the Z Fighters, as well as the wife of Krillin and the mother of their daughter Marron.
Marron (マーロン Māron) is the daughter of Krillin and Android 18. As a baby and little girl, she resembles her father: she has his eye shape and lack of nose. In Dragon Ball Super, Marron's appearance remains largely the same but her hairstyle was changed from pigtails to a mushroom-style haircut. She also wears earrings. Despite being seven in Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, Marron has not grown. Likely due to her father's genetics, Marron's growth was delayed.
Mr. Satan 撒旦先生
Mr. Satan (ミスター・サタン Misutā Satan), also known as Hercule Satan in the Funimation dub, is the World Martial Arts Champion and the Earth's protector. His real name is Mark (マーク Māku). Mr. Satan is a tall man of a rather muscular and hairy physique and tends to adopt an imposing appearance when seen in public. His black curly Afro, mustache, and well-trimmed sideburns are among his most recognizable traits, as well as his cleft chin. Mr. Satan typically is seen in his martial arts uniform or in fitted suits but has been known to wear more luxurious clothing when resting or making public appearances. His gi is often accented with either a red or white cape depending on which gi he dons, and his notably hairy chest and arms are usually displayed openly. In the end of Dragon Ball Z and throughout Dragon Ball GT, his black curly afro is now in half as the center of his head is naturally bald and a few wrinkles due to his age. In his later years, his mustache now connects to his sideburns. In Dragon Ball Super, Mr. Satan's muscular physique has visibly weakened as a result of indulging in his fame over keeping up with his training, though he otherwise remains the same as his appearance in Dragon Ball Z.
Bubbles 巴布魯斯
Bubbles (バブルス Baburusu) is the monkey pet and friend of King Kai. He serves a special purpose during King Kai's training lessons, particularly one of two endurance tests, where trainees are instructed to chase after Bubbles in an effort to catch him. Though the task may seem simple at first, there is a catch: the gravity on King Kai's Planet is ten times that of Earth, and Bubbles is perfectly used to it.

Bio-Warriors 生化战士
Bio-Warriors (バイオ戦士 Baio Senshi) are odd-looking biological warriors created by human scientists utilizing biotechnology. Two groups of Bio-Warriors appear in the Dragon Ball franchise. They were created by Lord Jaguar's scientists (including Dr. Collie and Nain). This group of Bio-Warriors are quite formidable by human standards, but their power amounts to nothing compared to Android 18, Trunks and Goten, who defeat them at Mei Queen Castle effortlessly. The Bio-Warriors when first being activated also are required to stay put until the culture fluid fully drains in order for their physical form to set, as otherwise they become extremely malleable and deformed. This is best demonstrated with a particular bio-warrior modeled after the then-recently deceased Legendary Super Saiyan Broly.
Men-Men (メンメン Menmen) is a character in Dragon Ball Z: Bio-Broly, who works for his rich cousin Lord Jaguar, who has a devious plan for revenge against Mr. Satan. After the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, Men-Men tries to get Mr. Satan to come in Mei Queen Castle to battle the Bio-Warriors in order to prove Mr. Satan is a fraud. When Mr. Satan at first refuses to meet his rival in so many years, Men-Men blackmails Mr. Satan into going, saying he will reveal to the world of Mr. Satan's bed wetting troubles when he was younger. Men-Men then takes Mr. Satan and Android 18 to the castle.
Hei (ヘイ Hei) is a dog-like creature that serves as a pet for Lord Jaguar in Dragon Ball Z: Bio-Broly. Hei is shown at the beginning of the movie growling at the Bio-Warriors as they are released from their tanks, and is later shown as Mr. Satan, Android 18, Trunks, and Goten arrive at Jaguar's island; in a humorous scene, Jaguar is shown to be small enough to ride on the creature's back. It later sneaks up on Trunks and Goten as they are spying on Hercule and the others, where it reveals its monstrous form; while Trunks is intimidated by the sight, Goten easily tames it and it takes a liking to him, leading Trunks to remark, "You have got to show me how you do that."
Lord Jaguar
Lord Jaguar (ジャガー・バッタ男爵だんしゃく Jagā Batta Danshaku) is the long-time rival of Mr. Satan. He makes his debut in Dragon Ball Z: Bio-Broly, with a devious plan for revenge. Lord Jaguar is portrayed as an unintelligent billionaire, often mispronouncing words (leading 18 to constantly correct him, to his irritation). His own cousin Men-Men even referenced his lack of intelligence when he coldly stated that he wasn't truly a threat due to his brain not being "as big as his wallet." Despite his lacking intelligence, he was nevertheless implied to be somewhat shrewd especially when dealing with Mr. Satan. This was best evidenced just before Mr. Satan fought the Bio Warriors, where Mr. Satan, when angrily demanding for cameras and film crews to show his fights, ended up outsmarted by Jaguar by having his cousin Men-Men come out and "honor" his request by carrying a portable video camera with the implication that he anticipated Mr. Satan's glory obsession and use it against him.
Dr. Collie
Dr. Collie (コリー博士 Korī Hakase) is a scientist in Dragon Ball Z: Bio-Broly. Dr. Collie is a scientist working for Lord Jaguar, who leads the program of the Bio-Warriors, including Bio-Broly, to defeat Mr. Satan. He gets Broly's blood sample from Maloja. His laboratory is on a remote island, in Mei Queen Castle, with tons of advanced technological devices destined to create Bio-Warriors to the people that would pay more. Dr. Collie is rescued by Goten and Trunks and assumes there is no way to stop the bio-regeneration fluid until seeing water touch it.
Nain (ナイン Nain) is the assistant scientist of Dr. Collie working on the program of Bio-Warriors for Lord Jaguar in Dragon Ball Z: Bio-Broly.
Maloja (祈祷師 Kitōshi) is a shaman. It is revealed that after the monster was defeated, Maloja was banished from the village for his incompetence. Subsequently, Maloja took some of Broly's dried blood from the crater his space pod crashed in and took it to Lord Jaguar, knowing he would pay any price for it. Lord Jaguar used the blood sample to create a clone of Broly, a Bio-Warrior called Bio-Broly. While in his service, it seems that Maloja is planning on scamming Jaguar, as when Lord Jaguar demands to know why the Bio-Warriors are losing pathetically, Maloja has a worried expression and tries to find a way to sneak away from Jaguar. While slipping away, he was confronted by both Goten and Trunks, who stumbled upon Broly's clone and deduced Maloja's involvement. They assumed he rescued Broly somehow, only for him to correct them and state the original Broly was indeed dead and that what they discovered was in fact a genetically modified clone modeled after the Legendary Super Saiyan. When Goten tells him that the rammifications of cloning him would place the entire universe in danger, Maloja seems to have a horrified expression, but then takes the opportunity to flee onto the elevator and taunt that it's now their problem. After Jaguar reveals his gigantic lab and Bio-Broly breaks out of his tank, it releases a bunch of acidic Culture Fluid, which swallows up most of the scientists. Maloja goes to Jaguar's office and when he is done stealing all of Jaguar's money, he turns around to make his escape, and at that instant, he dies screaming due to the acidic Culture Fluid consuming him, also attempting to use an evil banishing prayer to ward off the Fluid, to no avail.
Broly 布罗利
Broly (ブロリー Burorī) is the main antagonist in the Broly Triple Threat trilogy. He appears to be the latest of the Legendary Super Saiyans who appear every one thousand years. Broly was born in Age 737, during the period of intense turmoil between Frieza and the Saiyans. At birth, his most curious feature was his inordinate power level of 10,000. This anomaly meant that by birth, Broly's power had already been close to that of Bardock and King Vegeta at the time of their deaths. In the Saiyan delivery room where he rests afterward, Broly is tormented by the constant crying of his neighbor, Kakarot. Kakarot's crying, combined with the traumatic events to follow, affected Broly's psychological state of mind, causing him to hold a subconscious grudge against him. The two infants would not meet again for almost three decades.
Broly - Legendary Super Saiyan 传说中的超级赛亚人
布罗利变身的传超形态,官方将该形态以角色名称取名,既布罗利型 ,也叫超级赛亚人(最终形态)。拥有极其可怕恐怖的战斗力。嗜血狂暴好战拥有能一击毁灭行星的力量。传超变身后头发偏绿色而不是普通超级赛亚人的金色,爆气时发金,变身后瞳孔会消失,肌肉也会急剧膨胀,并且身高爆增30cm,外表类似“超级赛亚人第三阶段”,但性质上不同于前者,这个形态下力量与速度都会显著增加,不会给身体带来任何负担,体力也不会加速流失,并且拥有极高的防御力,掉入岩浆都不会死。
As Broly's clone, Bio-Broly has access to all of his source material's abilities, including the Legendary Super Saiyan transformation. After awakening for a brief moment and catching a glimpse of both Goten and Trunks, Bio-Broly immediately ascends to this form and proceeds to use it for the rest of the movie. His method of transforming into the Legendary Super Saiyan is slightly different from his source template, as he seems to become it in a subdued manner (without breaking the containment field) off-screen while Goten and Trunks attempt to destroy him.
Bio-Broly 生化布罗利
Bio-Broly (バイオブロリー Baio Burorī), also called Drooly (ドロリー Dororī), is a mutated clone of Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan. He is the main antagonist in Dragon Ball Z: Bio-Broly. In his physical form, Bio-Broly in his base and Legendary Super Saiyan forms appeared identical to Broly in Broly - Second Coming, though without Broly's articles of clothing. Largely because of his lacking of clothing, his tail is visible, compared to his template who was implied to have hidden his tail within his sash, although it ended up dissolved as a result of deformities as a result of his physical form not being set. As a Legendary Super Saiyan in his syrupy form, his eyes become round and red, his mouth widens, he is covered in the brown Culture Fluid with a red area on his chest (implied from its pulsating after 18 kicked him to be his heart), and his golden hair flattens. When he powers up, the red areas turn green, and when he takes on a Giant Form his overall color changes to become more purple.
Giant Bio-Broly 生化布罗利巨大化
Bio-Broly can take on a Giant Form by absorbing more Culture Fluid into himself. This ability is called Culture Fluid Absorption Gigantification, and in this form, he is known as Giant Bio-Broly. It increases his power, making him stronger than he is in his regular Bio-Warrior form, and also allowing him to liquefy himself. The liquid covering him is now purple in color. He takes on this massive form at the end of the movie but is then solidified by ocean water and destroyed by Goten and Trunks.
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