Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons
《西游·降魔篇》由周星驰担任总制片、监制、编剧、导演的电影。 香港及新加坡、台湾于2013年春节档2月7日上映,而中国大陆则于2月10日以3D、IMAX 3D和杜比全景声等形式上映。目前全球票房已经超过2.15亿美元,创华语片新记录,成为当年全球最卖座的华语电影。续作《西游伏妖篇》由徐克执导,周星驰监制,于2017年公映。
Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons is a 2013 fantasy comedy film co-written and produced by Stephen Chow and co-directed by Chow and Derek Kwok. The movie was first announced in July 2011 and was released on February 10, 2013 in China. The film is a loose comedic re-interpretation of the 16th-century novel Journey to the West, a Chinese literary classic often believed to be written by Wu Cheng'en. A sequel, Journey to the West: The Demons Strike Back, written and produced by Chow and directed by Tsui Hark, was released on January 28, 2017
舒淇Shu Qi, 文章Wen Zhang, 黄渤Huang Bo, 葛行宇Ge Hang Yu, 罗志祥Show Luo, 李尚正, 陈炳强, 程思寒, 释延能Xing Yu, 卢正雨, 赵志凌, 杨迪, 周秀娜Chrissie Chau, 葛行宇, 冯勉恒, 杨能, 张超理, 何文辉, 唐艺昕, 王丽, 金锦女, 张美娥, 徐彩香, 陈依淳, 刘占领, 黄孝传, 张煜雯, 许敏, 李靖, 张伟夫, 范富林, 戴琪华, 锺凯杰, 谢晶晶, 余倩文, 孔无双, 李高吉, 文飞飞, 黄海森, 王树连、张辉, 张万库、许文强、陈剑锋、黎宁材、李进、李桂栓、韩晓川、喻品、李勇波、龚梦颖、葛惠蕾、张红弟
The story takes place before Tang Sanzang got his disciples and embarked on the Journey to the West. A riverside village is terrorized by a mysterious aquatic creature. A Taoist priest kills a giant manta ray and insists it is the demon. Sanzang, a self-proclaimed demon hunter, appears to warn the villagers that the animal is not the actual demon. The villagers ignore him and string him up due to the priest's provocation. The real demon reemerges and kills many of the villagers. Sanzang frees himself and along with the survivors, manages to beach the creature which turns into a man. Sanzang then opens a book of nursery rhymes and begins singing to the demon. Annoyed, the demon attacks Sanzang. Another demon hunter, Duan, captures and turns the demon into a puppet. Sanzang tells Duan that his master taught him a more humane approach; to use nursery rhymes to coax goodness out of demons, a tactic Duan scoffs at. Disillusioned, Sanzang meets his master and bemoans his lack of capabilities compared to more aggressive demon hunters. His master reaffirms his humanist philosophy and sends Sanzang off again to find "enlightenment". A couple enters an empty restaurant but the chef reveals himself as a pig demon and kills them. Sanzang comes to the same restaurant, this time apparently filled with people. Sanzang sees through the illusion and recognizes them as reanimated corpses of the victims, as well as the demon's nine-toothed rake. Duan bursts into the restaurant destroy all the zombies and attack the pig demon. She captures the demon in her magic bag to turn it into a puppet, but it bursts out of the bag and transforms into a huge boar, collapsing the building. Sanzang and Duan retreat. Duan then develops strong limerence towards Sanzang after being impressed by his selfless ideals. She expresses her feelings, but Sanzang flees, not wishing to deal with romantic love in his quest for nirvana. Sanzang's master advises him to tame the Monkey King demon Sun Wukong (trapped by Buddha) to subdue the pig demon. That night, he is captured by a gang that had also subdued Duan. It is later revealed to be a plot orchestrated by Duan to trick Sanzang into having sex with her. After Sanzang rejects her again, she has him imprisoned. The pig demon reappears and injures Duan, but is chased off by a trio of rivaling demon-hunters. Duan views Sanzang's concern for her injuries as a romantic attraction. After Sanzang refuses her advances again, she destroys his book of nursery rhymes and he leaves. After days of traveling, Sanzang discovers a cave under a lotus garden, where Monkey King was trapped for 500 years. Monkey King tells Sanzang to use a dancer to bait the demon. Duan appears and volunteers to dance. When the pig demon appears Monkey King easily subdues it, allowing Duan to turn it into a puppet. Duan then gives both the fish and pig puppets to Sanzang and offers her golden-ringed weapon as an engagement band, but he rejects her again. She leaves after returning his nursery rhyme book, which she had pieced back together, although at random as she is illiterate. Monkey King tricks Sanzang into removing the seal on his prison and bursts out of the cave. Sanzang begins to pray to Buddha, and an enraged Monkey King rips the hair from his head. The three demon hunters appear to catch Monkey King but he effortlessly kills them. Duan returns and defends Sanzang, but the Monkey King mortally injures her. Sanzang admits he loves her, and Monkey King proceeds to vaporize her body. Looking at the nursery book again, Sanzang realizes Duan accidentally reassembled the words of his book into those of the Buddha Sutra. Sanzang summons Buddha, who defeats Monkey King with the palm of his hand. Sanzang then places Duan's golden ring on Monkey King, and it turns into his restrictive headband. Sanzang tells his master that his suffering due to Duan's loss has helped him to enlightenment. Sanzang is then instructed to travel on a journey to the west (India) for the Buddhist sutras of Leiyin Temple, and it is shown that the Water Demon, Pig Demon, and Monkey King have been tamed and turned into humans named, respectively, Sha Wujing, Zhu Bajie, and Sun Wukong. As they hike across the desert, Sanzang looks across the sand and sees an image of Duan.
舒淇Shu Qi 饰演 段小姐
文章Wen Zhang 饰演 玄奘
黄渤Huang Bo 饰演 孙悟空(人形)
葛行宇Ge Hang Yu 饰演 孙悟空(真身)
李尚正 饰演 沙僧
陈炳强 饰演 猪刚鬣
程思寒 饰演 无名师傅
罗志祥Show Luo 饰演 空虚公子
释延能Xing Yu 饰演 北斗五形拳
张超理 饰演 天残脚
卢正雨 饰演 大煞
赵志凌 饰演 二煞
杨迪 饰演 三煞
周秀娜Chrissie Chau 饰演 四煞
葛行宇 饰演 五煞
冯勉恒 饰演 道士
杨能 饰演 渔村村长
何文辉 饰演 小双侠·枫
唐艺昕 饰演 小双侠·云蕾
王丽, 金锦女, 张美娥, 徐彩香 饰演 四大美女
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