July 14, 2022

西游记大结局之仙侣奇缘 A Chinese Odyssey Part2-Cinderella (1995 Star Overseas Ltd)

A Chinese Odyssey Part2-Cinderella

《西游记大结局之仙侣奇缘》(英语:A Chinese Odyssey Part Two-Cinderella),是1995年依据明朝吴承恩神魔小说《西游记》为基础改编拍摄的香港电影,由刘镇伟执导,程小东任动作指导,周星驰、朱茵和罗家英主演,前作为《西游记第101回之月光宝盒》。周星驰凭本作夺下第1届香港电影金紫荆奖最佳男主角。在2005年,电影获香港电影金像奖协会票选为“最佳华语片一百部”之一。 由于当时盗版猖獗及日后互联网的发展,使本片无厘头风格和经典人物对白口耳相传,成为一种次文化现象。不过导演刘镇伟公开表示这些内容都是过度解读,拍摄时亦没有此想法。

A Chinese Odyssey is a two-part 1995 Hong Kong fantasy-comedy film directed by Jeffrey Lau and starring Stephen Chow. The first part is titled A Chinese Odyssey Part One: Pandora's Box, while the second part is titled A Chinese Odyssey Part Two: Cinderella. The film is very loosely based on the 16th-century Wu Cheng'en novel Journey to the West. A third film, A Chinese Odyssey Part Three, was released in China on 14 September 2016.

The line "10,000 years" in the film became one of the most popular buzzwords for Chinese-language films, with a Google search count of 21.9 million.

周星驰Stephen Chow, 吴孟达Ng Man-tat, 朱茵Athena Chu, 蔡少芬Ada Choi, 蓝洁瑛Yammie Lam,  莫文蔚Karen Mok, 罗家英Law Kar-ying, 刘镇伟Jeffrey Lau, 江约诚Johnnie Kong, 陆树铭, 吴珏瑾, 侯艳

After traveling back in time, Joker learns more about his past life and reunites with his master, Longevity Monk, and his fellows, Pigsy and Sandy. However, he does not want to accept his fate as Monkey because he just wants to get back Pandora's Box and return 500 years later to save Bak Jing-jing. Zixia falls in love with him after he pulls out her sword from its scabbard because she made a promise to marry the person who can unsheathe her sword. Zixia and Longevity Monk are captured by Bull King, who wants to take Zixia as his concubine and feast on Longevity Monk's flesh to become immortal. Pigsy and Sandy try to rescue their master but he refuses to leave unless Joker promises to fulfill his destiny. Joker goes off in search of Zixia and rescues her, after which they flee from Bull King. In the ensuing fight between Joker and his companions against Bull King, Joker falls off a cliff and finds himself back in Waterfall Cave, where he meets Grandpa Buddha and Bak Jing-jing. Bak Jing-jing agrees to marry Joker initially, but she leaves later and tells him to save Zixia because she knows he's actually in love with someone else. Shortly after, Spider-Woman comes to Waterfall Cave and kills everyone, including Joker. At the point of death, Joker realizes the one he truly loves is Zixia. Joker, as a ghost, hears Guanyin's voice inside the cave again, reminding him about his destiny. He decides to accept his fate and puts on the golden circlet, therefore transforming into Monkey. He returns to the world and rushes to Bull King's city to save his master and stop Bull King's wedding ceremony with Zixia. As he is now Monkey, he must relinquish all his human desires, including love, so he tells Zixia he is not Joker and pretends to scorn her. Monkey and Bull King engage in battle. When Bull King realizes he is losing, he uses Princess Iron Fan's magic fan to churn up strong winds that will blow the entire city towards the sun and kill everyone in the process. Monkey succeeds in stopping Bull King and saves everyone, but Zixia sacrifices herself to save him. As she dies, Monkey reveals his love for her and, as a result, his circlet tightens and causes him to feel extreme agony. In anger, he beats up Bull King before escaping together with his master, Pigsy and Sandy by using Pandora's Box. Monkey wakes up later and finds himself in a cave, but with his master and fellows this time. Outside the cave, in a busy city, Monkey sees the incarnations of Joker and Zixia in a standoff on top of a wall. He uses his powers to possess Joker's body and gave Zixia a long and passionate kiss before leaving Joker's body. Joker recovers and is surprised to see himself locked in an embrace with Zixia, but accepts and continues the romance with her. They notice Monkey walking away in the crowd below and laugh at his appearance. Monkey does not turn back until outside the gates where he gave a final glance at the embracing couple and continues on the journey to the west with his companions.

剧情刚开始二郎神联同南天门四大天王原本要来收服紫霞仙子(朱茵饰)但却被紫所大败。之后剧情回到至尊宝使用月光宝盒回到五百年前,紫霞仙子向他走来把至尊宝的月光宝盒抢去并给至尊宝三颗痣标记那个桥段,之后至尊宝屈服于紫霞仙子,并相约月圆之夜与紫霞仙子回去救白晶晶,谁知晚上来的是紫霞仙子她姐姐青霞仙子,原来紫霞仙子和青霞仙子为双重人格都存在于同一身体,晚上出现青霞仙子性格,白天则出现紫霞仙子性格,隔日白天时,至尊宝则和紫霞仙子商量为了要骗晚上才会出现的青霞仙子说至尊宝已经杀了紫霞仙子,则相约拿出紫青宝剑给青霞仙子以示证明。 谁知至尊宝能拔出她手中的紫青宝剑,所以紫霞仙子则认定至尊宝才是她的情人,但此时月光宝盒却不在紫(青)霞仙子手中,次日晚上,至尊宝回到旁观观音大士大战孙悟空桥段,而月光宝盒则在其中,原来孙悟空是受不了唐僧太过碎碎念,观音菩萨后来也受不了唐三藏太过碎碎念,而月光宝盒则在观与孙两人斗法中甩来甩去,月光宝盒最后被至尊宝拿到手,却阴错阳差把唐三藏弄入另外一时空中,月光宝盒也随之弄入另外一时空中。 至尊宝则到黑风岭,猪八戒和沙悟净也到黑风岭,而唐三藏此时也被月光宝盒弄至黑风岭,师徒四人相逢,但此时牛魔王出现,误以为至尊宝(孙悟空)把唐三藏带来给牛魔王作为贺礼娶亲,所以牛魔王也把妹妹香香(吴玨瑾饰)许配给至尊宝,而牛魔王所要娶的竟是紫霞仙子(被牛魔王在洛阳沙漠所救起),牛魔王决定把月光宝盒送给紫霞仙子当作定情礼物(此时月光宝盒在牛魔王手中),而至尊宝则示意要紫霞仙子嫁给牛魔王,而铁扇公主也出场(蔡少芬饰)。至尊宝与紫霞仙子两人在后院相遇,正当紫霞仙子拿起手中剑要杀至尊宝,至尊宝决定骗紫霞仙子说爱她一万年,而原来铁扇公主也跟孙悟空有一腿,并约定晚上二更相遇,而紫霞仙子也决定去拿月光宝盒相约至尊宝晚上二更相遇;到了晚上,正当至尊宝要赴约时,却不幸碰上猪八戒与沙悟净以为至尊宝要去救师傅,而救完师傅要赶赴约时,发现紫霞仙子已经倒在血泊中,为香香(牛魔王妹妹,吴玨瑾饰)所杀伤。 香香用移形换影大法把紫霞仙子(人格为青霞仙子)与猪八戒对换,而香香准备把沙悟净与石头对换时不幸与沙悟净互相对换,因紫霞仙子体内有紫、青二仙子;对换结果:猪八戒为青霞仙子,紫霞仙子为猪八戒和紫霞仙子,沙悟净为香香,香香为沙悟净;此时,牛魔王与铁扇公主也出现,大家互相激战,激战结果紫霞仙子与至尊宝相约与牛魔王回去拿月光宝盒,至尊宝想逃跑时则被铁扇公主追时,不慎坠崖被菩提救走至盘丝洞(水帘洞)中,而此时白晶晶(白骨精, 莫文蔚饰)出现,至尊宝喜遇白晶晶(五百年前白晶晶),并向她说明一切后决定与白晶晶成亲,紫霞仙子一方则期盼至尊宝会回来牛魔王那边拯救她。 在至尊宝婚礼上,白晶晶走了(因为白发现至尊宝内心喜欢紫霞仙子),而春三十娘(蜘蛛精)也为追杀师妹白晶晶到洞内,把菩提等三强盗杀死,并杀死至尊宝,牛魔王这边紫霞仙子则求牛魔王成亲前把猪八戒(青霞仙子)放了,在放了猪八戒(青霞仙子)后,青霞仙子(猪八戒)为保护紫霞仙子,与牛魔王起冲突,此时沙悟净与香香也出现,猪紫沙香四人同时用移魂大法恢复原状,不慎中途狗出现,移魂结果香香移进狗里面,香香体内为青霞仙子。桥段转到至尊宝这边,至尊宝转化成灵魂后,看破红尘决定戴上金箍,变回天下无敌的齐天大圣孙悟空。 牛魔王这边,牛魔王强迫紫霞仙子成亲,并杀伤香香(青霞仙子),而孙悟空此时出现拯救紫霞仙子和唐三藏等人并痛打牛魔王,紫霞仙子认出孙悟空就是至尊宝,但孙悟空因得回法力、不能眷恋红尘,便告诉紫霞说至尊宝已死。紫霞在牛魔王与孙悟空打斗中被牛魔王所刺死,孙悟空因情动致金钢圈收紧,痛怒下将牛魔王打得半死,而因为牛魔王把整座城用芭蕉扇煽进去太阳,孙悟空打赢后用月光宝盒把唐僧及猪八戒与沙悟净等人用月光宝盒逃离,青霞则决定放弃逃命,回如来佛祖那边重新做回灯芯。 月光宝盒原来把他们四人带回五百年后的水帘洞(改名为菩提洞),唐僧讲话也变简短了,孙悟空一愣。及后遇到后来的菩提(原菩提三强盗),因他为了至尊宝而赔上性命(原菩提三强盗)受了一剑,约定还他三剑,菩提遂打他三拳。师徒四人准备往西方取经时,碰到两位姑娘豆腐西施(蓝洁瑛及莫文蔚饰)卖豆腐为丈夫(吴孟达饰)上京师考取状元,另外在城外亦碰到城墙上一对情侣对峙(周星驰及朱茵饰),孙悟空小施伎俩,扬起风沙,附身于男情侣,实现自己五百年前的约定与承诺,再也不与自己喜欢的紫霞(朱茵饰 已转世)分离,让今世已投胎的自己与紫霞在一起后,放下心头包袱的孙悟空潇洒转身,师徒四人继续上路,往天竺取经。


Cast and Character 演员阵容与角色 

周星驰Stephen Chow 饰演 至尊宝

周星驰Stephen Chow 饰演 孙悟空

星驰Stephen Chow 饰演 夕阳武士

吴孟达Ng Man-tat 饰演 猪八戒

吴孟达Ng Man-tat 饰演 状元,豆腐西施的相公

朱茵Athena Chu 饰演 紫霞仙子/盘丝大仙

朱茵Athena Chu 饰演 青霞仙子

朱茵Athena Chu 饰演 夕阳武士的女友

蔡少芬Ada Choi 饰演 铁扇公主

蓝洁瑛Yammie Lam 饰演 春三十娘

蓝洁瑛Yammie Lam 饰演 豆腐西施,状元娘子

莫文蔚Karen Mok 饰演 白晶晶

莫文蔚Karen Mok 饰演 豆腐西施,状元娘子


罗家英Law Kar-ying 饰演 唐三藏

刘镇伟Jeffrey Lau 饰演 菩提老祖

江约诚Johnnie Kong 饰演 沙悟净

江约诚Johnnie Kong 饰演 状元的随从

陆树铭 饰演 牛魔王

吴珏瑾 饰演 香香 牛魔王的妹妹

吴珏瑾 饰演 小镇村姑





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