Forbidden City Cop
《大内密探零零发》(英语:Forbidden City Cop)是1996年的一部贺岁电影,由周星驰和谷德昭联合导演。周星驰在影片中饰演一位不会武功的皇宫大内密探,平时除了当妇科大夫给人看病外,业余爱好是研究一些不被赏识的小发明;最后,靠着这些发明,他挫败了敌人的阴谋,拯救了整个国家。
Forbidden City Cop (Chinese: 大內密探零零發; literal translation: "Imperial Secret Agent 008") is a 1996 Hong Kong wuxia comedy film directed by Vincent Kok and Stephen Chow and starring Chow, Carina Lau, and Carman Lee.
周星驰Stephen Chow, 刘嘉玲Carina Lau, 李若彤Carman Lee, 罗家英Law Kar-ying, 张达明Cheung Tat-ming, 刘以达Tats Lau, 李力持Lee Lik-chi, Charles Shen, 吴育枢, 王均康, 袁祥仁Yuen Cheung-yan, 袁信义Yuen Shun-yi, 文隽, 黄一飞Wong Yat-fei, 黄智强, 陈剑云, 潘恒生, 朱咪咪Mimi Chu, 欧锦棠, 谷德昭Vincent Kok, 黄老邪, 苑琼丹Kingdom Yuen, 叶伟信Wilson Yip, 李健仁, 杨若莲, 江欣燕Elvina Kong, 植敬雯, Bill Loh, 王英杰, 谢鲁驷
Ling Ling-Fat (Stephen Chow) is one of the Chinese Emperor's four elite personal bodyguards, the "Baolong clan" (保龍一族) - whose names form the Cantonese Chinese New Year's greeting: "Kung hei fat choi" (恭喜發財). Ling Ling-Fat's own name also doubles as a Cantonese wordplay on the code number "008", a reference to James Bond, whose number was 007 (see From Beijing with Love). Instead of studying martial arts like his fellow bodyguards, he devotes his time to making practical yet often mundane and/or cumbersome inventions, such as cannons fired from the mouth, helicopter blades, and magnets. He also practices gynecology and spends time with his loving wife (Carina Lau). At the beginning of the film, Ling Ling-Fat fails to apprehend four ugly swordsmen who are trespassing in the Forbidden City. He does, however, manage to acquire a kung fu manual, Flying Fairy (天外飛仙, Tin1 ngoi6 fei1 sin1, lit. 'Outer Heaven Flying Fairy'), from one of them. During an imperial audience, Ling-ling Fat's seemingly useless inventions and lack of any martial arts skills enrage the Emperor, who demotes him to various menial tasks around the palace. Meanwhile, King Faceless of the Kam Tribe plans to assassinate the Emperor and overtake China. The Kam Tribe creates a diversion by inviting all the doctors of China to a medical exposition in which a Grey alien - a 'flying fairy' - is to be dissected. Ling Ling-Fat and the Emperor separately depart for the event. While Ling-ling Fat and his wife feast at a string of restaurants, Kam's men kill the Emperor's three remaining bodyguards. The assassins put the unconscious Emperor in an alien costume to present him as the alien for dissection. Just as Ling Ling-Fat and the other doctors discover the Emperor's identity, Kam's assassins begin to slaughter everyone in attendance. Ling Ling-Fat uses his wits and inventions to defeat the assassins. The Emperor honors Ling Ling-Fat for his success and gives him an enormous pearl as a reward. For his next assignment, the Emperor charges him with investigating a prospective concubine, the beautiful prostitute Kam Cho (Carman Lee). Ling-ling Fat meets with Kam Cho without his wife's knowledge and has difficulty restraining himself from her seductive advances. He gives her the enormous pearl and lies about it to his wife. Later, Kam Cho surprises Ling Ling-Fat at his home, forcing a violent confrontation between Ling-ling Fat and his wife's family. Ling Ling-Fat forsakes his tearful wife and leaves with Kam Cho. When Ling Ling-Fat brings Kam Cho to the palace, he and the Emperor throw Kam Cho in chains and reveal that she is actually Faceless in disguise. Ling-ling Fat had deciphered Kam Cho's true identity during their meeting and enlisted his entire family in a ruse to fool Faceless. The Emperor begins handing out acting awards to Ling Ling-Fat's various family members, but Faceless manages to break free. Once again, Ling Ling-Fat uses his inventions and wits to combat Faceless, but Faceless fights back with powerful martial arts techniques. On the verge of defeat, Ling-ling Fat is accidentally struck by a lightning bolt meant for Faceless which awakes his potential and enables him to use the Flying Fairy technique, thus destroying Faceless.
周星驰Stephen Chow 饰演 零零发
刘嘉玲Carina Lau 饰演 嘉玲姐(零零发之妻)
李若彤Carman Lee 饰演 琴操(无相王所伪装)
罗家英Law Kar-ying 饰演 佛印
张达明Cheung Tat-ming 饰演 皇帝
刘以达Tats Lau 饰演 情报员(绝招“移魂大法”)
李力持Lee Lik-chi 饰演 国师
Charles Shen 饰演 零零恭(绝招“铁布衫”)
吴育枢 饰演 零零喜(绝招“碎石脚”)
王均康 饰演 零零财(绝招“五形拳”)
李健仁 饰演 后宫佳丽
袁祥仁Yuen Cheung-yan 饰演 柳叶王(无相王之妻)
袁信义Yuen Shun-yi 饰演 阴阳王(无相王之子)
黄一飞Wong Yat-fei 饰演 白云城主叶孤城(绝招“天外飞仙”)
黄智强 饰演 冷如冰寒如雪剑客西门吹雪(绝招“一剑西来”)
陈剑云 饰演 风流盲侠花满楼
潘恒生 饰演 零零发之岳父
朱咪咪Mimi Chu 饰演 零零发之岳母
欧锦棠 饰演 外星人解剖会司仪
谷德昭Vincent Kok 饰演 医师(发明枇杷膏)
黄老邪 饰演 医师(发现大麻,绝招“老邪刀法”)
苑琼丹Kingdom Yuen 饰演 慧贤雅叙龟婆
江欣燕Elvina Kong 饰演 求诊病人
植敬雯 饰演 求诊病人
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