Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Z is a Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation. Part of the Dragon Ball media franchise, it is the sequel to the 1986 Dragon Ball anime series and adapts the latter 325 chapters of the original Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. The series aired in Japan on Fuji TV from April 1989 to January 1996 and was later dubbed for broadcast in at least 81 countries worldwide. Dragon Ball Z continues the adventures of Goku in his adult life as he and his companions defend the Earth against villains including aliens (Vegeta, Frieza), androids (Cell), and magical creatures (Majin Buu). At the same time, the story parallels the life of his son, Gohan, as well as the development of his rivals, Piccolo and Vegeta. Due to the success of the anime in the United States, the manga chapters making up its story were initially released by Viz Media under the Dragon Ball Z title. The anime's popularity has also spawned numerous media and merchandise that has come to represent the majority of content within the Dragon Ball franchise. Dragon Ball Z remains a cultural icon through numerous adaptations and re-releases, including a remastered broadcast titled Dragon Ball Z Kai. Dragon Ball Z has since been followed by two sequel series: Dragon Ball GT (1996–1997) and Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018).
《龙珠Z》(日语:ドラゴンボールZ,英语:Dragon Ball Z)是改编自日本漫画家鸟山明漫画《龙珠》第195话至第519话的内容,并于1989年4月26日到1996年1月31日播放。由东映及东映动画制作《龙珠》的电视节目动画系列从1986年至1997年在日本的富士电视台长达11年播映期间,连续11年平均超过20%的收视率受到日本人喜爱,这个系列在全世界超过80个国家放映广受好评。
Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Z is a Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation. Part of the Dragon Ball media franchise, it is the sequel to the 1986 Dragon Ball anime series and adapts the latter 325 chapters of the original Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. The series aired in Japan on Fuji TV from April 1989 to January 1996 and was later dubbed for broadcast in at least 81 countries worldwide. Dragon Ball Z continues the adventures of Goku in his adult life as he and his companions defend the Earth against villains including aliens (Vegeta, Frieza), androids (Cell), and magical creatures (Majin Buu). At the same time, the story parallels the life of his son, Gohan, as well as the development of his rivals, Piccolo and Vegeta. Due to the success of the anime in the United States, the manga chapters making up its story were initially released by Viz Media under the Dragon Ball Z title. The anime's popularity has also spawned numerous media and merchandise that has come to represent the majority of content within the Dragon Ball franchise. Dragon Ball Z remains a cultural icon through numerous adaptations and re-releases, including a remastered broadcast titled Dragon Ball Z Kai. Dragon Ball Z has since been followed by two sequel series: Dragon Ball GT (1996–1997) and Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018).
《龙珠Z》(日语:ドラゴンボールZ,英语:Dragon Ball Z)是改编自日本漫画家鸟山明漫画《龙珠》第195话至第519话的内容,并于1989年4月26日到1996年1月31日播放。由东映及东映动画制作《龙珠》的电视节目动画系列从1986年至1997年在日本的富士电视台长达11年播映期间,连续11年平均超过20%的收视率受到日本人喜爱,这个系列在全世界超过80个国家放映广受好评。
Fusion Saga
The Fusion Saga is the seventeenth saga in the Dragon Ball Z series. The manga volumes that it is made up of are "Hercule to the Rescue" and "Last Hero Standing!". In Funimation's naming conventions for the English language release of the anime, the Buu Arc is broken up into six sub-sagas: the Great Saiyaman Saga, the World Tournament Saga, the Babidi Saga, the Majin Buu Saga, the Fusion Saga and the Kid Buu Saga. This article refers specifically to the events in the fifth saga. It features the Fusion Dance, Gotenks, Ultimate Gohan, Potara Fusion and Vegito, all during the Dragon Team's battle against the sadistic and calculating Super Buu. In Japan, this saga aired in 1995 and aired in the United States in late 2002.
Fusion Saga 融合篇
Super Buu 大布欧魔人布欧
Super Buu (超ブウ Chō Bū), also called Majin Buu (Evil) (魔ま人じんブウ (悪あく) Majin Bū (Aku)), is the result of Evil Buu eating Good Buu in a chocolate form. This new Majin Buu has tremendously more power and increased mental capacity than the previous incarnation. In this form, Buu has very little patience and extremely dangerous fits of anger, even possessing the power to rip through dimensional walls if angered enough. He is the main antagonist for the Fusion Saga.
Fusion Buu 悟天克斯布欧
When Super Buu realized he was unable to defeat Gohan, he absorbed Gotenks in order to make himself much more powerful. In terms of appearence, Buu gained more defined facial features (such as a nose for the first time), a much longer antenna, and gaining Gotenks' jacket. He even learned some of Gotenks' techniques as well. This form of Buu only lasted for half an hour though, due to the fusion of Gotenks separating inside of him.
Piccolo Buu 比克布欧
Gotenks separated half an hour after being absorbed by Buu, leaving the monster to decrease in power and revert to this form, where Piccolo was the most dominant of his absorbed victims. The only difference for the way Buu looks here is that his fusion jacket has been exchanged for Piccolo's cape.
Ultimate Buu 悟饭布欧
The most powerful form of Majin Buu ever created, this is after Super Buu managed to absorb Gohan, and became too powerful for Goku and Vegeta to handle without fusing into Vegito.
South Supreme Kai Buu 南界王神布欧
When Kid Buu invaded the Other World, he later absorbed the South Supreme Kai, transforming him into a tall adult Buu with extremely huge muscles. He gained a lot of power in comparison to his previous, genuine form.
Gotenks 悟天克斯
Gotenks (ゴテンクス Gotenkusu), previously known as Trunkten, is the immensely powerful fusion of Goten and Trunks successfully using the Fusion Dance, and the first successful fusion dance character to be seen in the Dragon Ball series. He likes to call himself, "The Hero of Justice", "Mack Daddy of Justice"', or "Grim Reaper of Justice". Gotenks is a fusion taught to Goten and Trunks by Goku and is later trained by Piccolo. He is one of the fusions performed through the use of the Fusion Dance technique. The dance is a special type of fusion ability, a connection through the fusees fingers. The fusees need to perform a special type of pose, then connect their index fingers evenly to produce a perfect fusion. He, like Gogeta, is summoned out of desperation to defeat powerful enemies. In Gotenks' case, this enemy is Majin Buu and later in the saga, he is to be used by Super Buu as his main power source when Gotenks is absorbed.
Fat Gotenks 肥悟天克斯
Gotenks (ゴテンクス Gotenkusu), previously known as Trunkten, is the immensely powerful fusion of Goten and Trunks successfully using the Fusion Dance, and the first successful fusion dance character to be seen in the Dragon Ball series. He likes to call himself, "The Hero of Justice", "Mack Daddy of Justice"', or "Grim Reaper of Justice". Gotenks is a fusion taught to Goten and Trunks by Goku and is later trained by Piccolo. He is one of the fusions performed through the use of the Fusion Dance technique. The dance is a special type of fusion ability, a connection through the fusees fingers. The fusees need to perform a special type of pose, then connect their index fingers evenly to produce a perfect fusion. He, like Gogeta, is summoned out of desperation to defeat powerful enemies. In Gotenks' case, this enemy is Majin Buu and later in the saga, he is to be used by Super Buu as his main power source when Gotenks is absorbed.
Skinny Gotenks 瘦悟天克斯
Gotenks (ゴテンクス Gotenkusu), previously known as Trunkten, is the immensely powerful fusion of Goten and Trunks successfully using the Fusion Dance, and the first successful fusion dance character to be seen in the Dragon Ball series. He likes to call himself, "The Hero of Justice", "Mack Daddy of Justice"', or "Grim Reaper of Justice". Gotenks is a fusion taught to Goten and Trunks by Goku and is later trained by Piccolo. He is one of the fusions performed through the use of the Fusion Dance technique. The dance is a special type of fusion ability, a connection through the fusees fingers. The fusees need to perform a special type of pose, then connect their index fingers evenly to produce a perfect fusion. He, like Gogeta, is summoned out of desperation to defeat powerful enemies. In Gotenks' case, this enemy is Majin Buu and later in the saga, he is to be used by Super Buu as his main power source when Gotenks is absorbed.
Kibito Kai 杰比特神
Kibito Kai (キビト神 Kibitoshin) is a result of Potara Fusion between Shin and his servant Kibito.
Good Buu 胖布欧
胖布欧 亦正亦邪,后期(纯粹善)。吸收了南界王神和大界王神后的形态。衣着与体型呈现的是大界王神的特征。之后被比比迪封印,但多年后被巴比迪利用孙悟空和贝吉塔战斗的能量唤醒。幼稚天真,知识与认知能力有限,贪吃贪玩,没有善恶的判断力与倾向,凭着单纯的取乐心态去战斗与破坏。因为与撒旦的相遇而开始改邪归正。将瘦布欧排斥出体外之后被对方反过来吸收。之后被贝吉塔在大布欧体内解除吸收,在界王神界被小布欧吐出体外,与小布欧搏斗不敌但争取了元气弹形成时间。原始布欧被消灭后,撒旦教会了他善与恶的衡量标准,改名为布欧先生,在撒旦家过着快乐的生活 。布欧可通过修炼提升实力同时会改变外型。
Good Buu (魔ま人じんブウ(善ぜん) Majin Bū (Zen), lit. "Demon Person Boo (Good)"), also known mainly as Majin Buu, is the result of the Innocent Buu using fission to split into good and evil halves. He would go on to become a member of the Z Fighters and live with Mr. Satan. After the battle against the pure Majin Buu, Buu is referred to as Buu instead of Majin Buu and to the world he becomes Mr. Buu. Good Buu possesses the Grand Supreme Kai (大だい界かい王おう神しん Dai Kaiōshin, lit. "Great God of the Kings of the Worlds*) as part of his being and eventually temporarily awakened this part of himself.
Evil Buu 瘦布欧
Evil Buu (魔ま人じんブウ (純じゅん粋すい悪あく) Majin Bū (Junsui Aku), lit. "Demon Person Boo (Pure Evil)") was a tall, thin, gray, emaciated creature which appeared after Majin Buu dispelled the evil from his body.
Old Witch
The Old Witch (魔法使いの老婆 Mahōtsukai no Rōba, lit. "Old Hag Witch") is an old woman who lived in the Other World and accidentally fused with an Eastern Supreme Kai from 15 generations prior to become Old Kai. Her name or position in Other World is unknown.
Potara Earrings Fusion - Goku + Dende

Potara Earrings Fusion - Goku + Mr. Satan

Super Buu 大布欧魔人布欧
Super Buu (超ブウ Chō Bū), also called Majin Buu (Evil) (魔ま人じんブウ (悪あく) Majin Bū (Aku)), is the result of Evil Buu eating Good Buu in a chocolate form. This new Majin Buu has tremendously more power and increased mental capacity than the previous incarnation. In this form, Buu has very little patience and extremely dangerous fits of anger, even possessing the power to rip through dimensional walls if angered enough. He is the main antagonist for the Fusion Saga.
Fusion Buu 悟天克斯布欧
When Super Buu realized he was unable to defeat Gohan, he absorbed Gotenks in order to make himself much more powerful. In terms of appearence, Buu gained more defined facial features (such as a nose for the first time), a much longer antenna, and gaining Gotenks' jacket. He even learned some of Gotenks' techniques as well. This form of Buu only lasted for half an hour though, due to the fusion of Gotenks separating inside of him.
Piccolo Buu 比克布欧
Gotenks separated half an hour after being absorbed by Buu, leaving the monster to decrease in power and revert to this form, where Piccolo was the most dominant of his absorbed victims. The only difference for the way Buu looks here is that his fusion jacket has been exchanged for Piccolo's cape.
Ultimate Buu 悟饭布欧
The most powerful form of Majin Buu ever created, this is after Super Buu managed to absorb Gohan, and became too powerful for Goku and Vegeta to handle without fusing into Vegito.
South Supreme Kai Buu 南界王神布欧
When Kid Buu invaded the Other World, he later absorbed the South Supreme Kai, transforming him into a tall adult Buu with extremely huge muscles. He gained a lot of power in comparison to his previous, genuine form.
Gotenks 悟天克斯
Gotenks (ゴテンクス Gotenkusu), previously known as Trunkten, is the immensely powerful fusion of Goten and Trunks successfully using the Fusion Dance, and the first successful fusion dance character to be seen in the Dragon Ball series. He likes to call himself, "The Hero of Justice", "Mack Daddy of Justice"', or "Grim Reaper of Justice". Gotenks is a fusion taught to Goten and Trunks by Goku and is later trained by Piccolo. He is one of the fusions performed through the use of the Fusion Dance technique. The dance is a special type of fusion ability, a connection through the fusees fingers. The fusees need to perform a special type of pose, then connect their index fingers evenly to produce a perfect fusion. He, like Gogeta, is summoned out of desperation to defeat powerful enemies. In Gotenks' case, this enemy is Majin Buu and later in the saga, he is to be used by Super Buu as his main power source when Gotenks is absorbed.
Fat Gotenks 肥悟天克斯
Gotenks (ゴテンクス Gotenkusu), previously known as Trunkten, is the immensely powerful fusion of Goten and Trunks successfully using the Fusion Dance, and the first successful fusion dance character to be seen in the Dragon Ball series. He likes to call himself, "The Hero of Justice", "Mack Daddy of Justice"', or "Grim Reaper of Justice". Gotenks is a fusion taught to Goten and Trunks by Goku and is later trained by Piccolo. He is one of the fusions performed through the use of the Fusion Dance technique. The dance is a special type of fusion ability, a connection through the fusees fingers. The fusees need to perform a special type of pose, then connect their index fingers evenly to produce a perfect fusion. He, like Gogeta, is summoned out of desperation to defeat powerful enemies. In Gotenks' case, this enemy is Majin Buu and later in the saga, he is to be used by Super Buu as his main power source when Gotenks is absorbed.
Skinny Gotenks 瘦悟天克斯
Gotenks (ゴテンクス Gotenkusu), previously known as Trunkten, is the immensely powerful fusion of Goten and Trunks successfully using the Fusion Dance, and the first successful fusion dance character to be seen in the Dragon Ball series. He likes to call himself, "The Hero of Justice", "Mack Daddy of Justice"', or "Grim Reaper of Justice". Gotenks is a fusion taught to Goten and Trunks by Goku and is later trained by Piccolo. He is one of the fusions performed through the use of the Fusion Dance technique. The dance is a special type of fusion ability, a connection through the fusees fingers. The fusees need to perform a special type of pose, then connect their index fingers evenly to produce a perfect fusion. He, like Gogeta, is summoned out of desperation to defeat powerful enemies. In Gotenks' case, this enemy is Majin Buu and later in the saga, he is to be used by Super Buu as his main power source when Gotenks is absorbed.
Kibito Kai 杰比特神
Kibito Kai (キビト神 Kibitoshin) is a result of Potara Fusion between Shin and his servant Kibito.
Good Buu 胖布欧
胖布欧 亦正亦邪,后期(纯粹善)。吸收了南界王神和大界王神后的形态。衣着与体型呈现的是大界王神的特征。之后被比比迪封印,但多年后被巴比迪利用孙悟空和贝吉塔战斗的能量唤醒。幼稚天真,知识与认知能力有限,贪吃贪玩,没有善恶的判断力与倾向,凭着单纯的取乐心态去战斗与破坏。因为与撒旦的相遇而开始改邪归正。将瘦布欧排斥出体外之后被对方反过来吸收。之后被贝吉塔在大布欧体内解除吸收,在界王神界被小布欧吐出体外,与小布欧搏斗不敌但争取了元气弹形成时间。原始布欧被消灭后,撒旦教会了他善与恶的衡量标准,改名为布欧先生,在撒旦家过着快乐的生活 。布欧可通过修炼提升实力同时会改变外型。
Good Buu (魔ま人じんブウ(善ぜん) Majin Bū (Zen), lit. "Demon Person Boo (Good)"), also known mainly as Majin Buu, is the result of the Innocent Buu using fission to split into good and evil halves. He would go on to become a member of the Z Fighters and live with Mr. Satan. After the battle against the pure Majin Buu, Buu is referred to as Buu instead of Majin Buu and to the world he becomes Mr. Buu. Good Buu possesses the Grand Supreme Kai (大だい界かい王おう神しん Dai Kaiōshin, lit. "Great God of the Kings of the Worlds*) as part of his being and eventually temporarily awakened this part of himself.
Evil Buu 瘦布欧
Evil Buu (魔ま人じんブウ (純じゅん粋すい悪あく) Majin Bū (Junsui Aku), lit. "Demon Person Boo (Pure Evil)") was a tall, thin, gray, emaciated creature which appeared after Majin Buu dispelled the evil from his body.
Old Witch
The Old Witch (魔法使いの老婆 Mahōtsukai no Rōba, lit. "Old Hag Witch") is an old woman who lived in the Other World and accidentally fused with an Eastern Supreme Kai from 15 generations prior to become Old Kai. Her name or position in Other World is unknown.
Potara Earrings Fusion - Goku + Dende

Potara Earrings Fusion - Goku + Mr. Satan

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