Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Z is a Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation. Part of the Dragon Ball media franchise, it is the sequel to the 1986 Dragon Ball anime series and adapts the latter 325 chapters of the original Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. The series aired in Japan on Fuji TV from April 1989 to January 1996 and was later dubbed for broadcast in at least 81 countries worldwide. Dragon Ball Z continues the adventures of Goku in his adult life as he and his companions defend the Earth against villains including aliens (Vegeta, Frieza), androids (Cell), and magical creatures (Majin Buu). At the same time, the story parallels the life of his son, Gohan, as well as the development of his rivals, Piccolo and Vegeta. Due to the success of the anime in the United States, the manga chapters making up its story were initially released by Viz Media under the Dragon Ball Z title. The anime's popularity has also spawned numerous media and merchandise that has come to represent the majority of content within the Dragon Ball franchise. Dragon Ball Z remains a cultural icon through numerous adaptations and re-releases, including a remastered broadcast titled Dragon Ball Z Kai. Dragon Ball Z has since been followed by two sequel series: Dragon Ball GT (1996–1997) and Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018).
《龙珠Z》(日语:ドラゴンボールZ,英语:Dragon Ball Z)是改编自日本漫画家鸟山明漫画《龙珠》第195话至第519话的内容,并于1989年4月26日到1996年1月31日播放。由东映及东映动画制作《龙珠》的电视节目动画系列从1986年至1997年在日本的富士电视台长达11年播映期间,连续11年平均超过20%的收视率受到日本人喜爱,这个系列在全世界超过80个国家放映广受好评。
Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Z is a Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation. Part of the Dragon Ball media franchise, it is the sequel to the 1986 Dragon Ball anime series and adapts the latter 325 chapters of the original Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. The series aired in Japan on Fuji TV from April 1989 to January 1996 and was later dubbed for broadcast in at least 81 countries worldwide. Dragon Ball Z continues the adventures of Goku in his adult life as he and his companions defend the Earth against villains including aliens (Vegeta, Frieza), androids (Cell), and magical creatures (Majin Buu). At the same time, the story parallels the life of his son, Gohan, as well as the development of his rivals, Piccolo and Vegeta. Due to the success of the anime in the United States, the manga chapters making up its story were initially released by Viz Media under the Dragon Ball Z title. The anime's popularity has also spawned numerous media and merchandise that has come to represent the majority of content within the Dragon Ball franchise. Dragon Ball Z remains a cultural icon through numerous adaptations and re-releases, including a remastered broadcast titled Dragon Ball Z Kai. Dragon Ball Z has since been followed by two sequel series: Dragon Ball GT (1996–1997) and Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018).
《龙珠Z》(日语:ドラゴンボールZ,英语:Dragon Ball Z)是改编自日本漫画家鸟山明漫画《龙珠》第195话至第519话的内容,并于1989年4月26日到1996年1月31日播放。由东映及东映动画制作《龙珠》的电视节目动画系列从1986年至1997年在日本的富士电视台长达11年播映期间,连续11年平均超过20%的收视率受到日本人喜爱,这个系列在全世界超过80个国家放映广受好评。
World Tournament Saga
World Tournament Saga (第25回天下一武道会編 Dai-Nijūgo Tenka-Ichi Budōkai Hen, lit. "The 25th Number One Under Heaven Martial Arts Gathering Arc") is the fourteenth saga in the Dragon Ball Z series. The manga volume that it is made up of is "Tournament of the Heavens". This saga consists of ten episodes which occur after the Great Saiyaman Saga and before the Babidi Saga. The saga follows the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, and concentrates on minor Dragon Ball Z characters along with some major ones competing in the tournament. The saga only shows about half the tournament with the rest seen in the following after Babidi Saga. This saga aired in Japan in 1993 and 1994. In the United States it aired in 2001.
World Tournament Saga 第25届天下第一武道会
Spopovich (スポポビッチ Supopobitchi) is a muscular competitor in several World Martial Arts Tournaments, a long-time rival of Mr. Satan, and one of the two Earthlings ensnared by the wizard Babidi's mind control.
Yamu (ヤムー Yamū) is a fighter in the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, and Spopovich's partner. They were both brought under the control of the evil wizard Babidi and used to accomplish his bidding.
Shin 東界王神
Shin (シン Shin) the East Supreme Kai (東ひがしの界かい王おう神しん Higashi no Kaiōshin, lit. "East God of Kings of Worlds"), primarily known just as Supreme Kai (界かい王おう神しん Kaiōshin, lit. "God of Kings of Worlds"), is the ruler of the eastern area of both the living world and Other World in the universe and the Supreme Kai of Universe 7.
Kibito 杰比特
Kibito (キビト Kibito) is the Attendant Supreme Kai of Universe 7. Kibito is a tall, blue-skinned Core Person (pink-skinned in the anime). He possesses white, long hair and a broad face. He wears the attire that of the Supreme Kais.
World Tournament Announcer
The World Tournament Announcer (天下一武道会アナウンサー Tenkaichi Budōkai Anaunsā, lit. "The Number One Under Heaven Martial Arts Gathering Announcer") is the man who hosts every World Martial Arts Tournament from the beginning of Dragon Ball to Dragon Ball GT. Along with commentating, he sometimes acts as a referee for tournament matches other than the preliminary matches, usually counting when a contestant is down.
Mighty Mask
Mighty Mask (マイティマスク Maiti Masuku) is one of the finalists in the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament. In the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, he never gets to fight as he is knocked out by Trunks before the tournament begins after being lured over with promises of an attractive woman waiting to see him. Trunks and Goten steal his costume and fight in the tournament as Mighty Mask (though they did not know who Mighty Mask was and first thought his name was "Spopovich"). When they end up fighting Android 18, they realize that she is more formidable than anticipated, and become Super Saiyans in hopes to turn the tide of the battle. However, this quickly becomes their downfall as Android 18 instantly recognizes them and uses a Destructo Disc to cut the costume in half, thus exposing them and disqualifying them from the tournament due to teams being forbidden in the tournament and Trunks and Goten are forced to flee from the tournament.
Trunks as Mighty Mask
Trunks (トランクス Torankusu) is a Human-type Earthling/Saiyan hybrid, the firstborn child and only son of Vegeta and Bulma and the older brother of Bulla.
Goten as Mighty Mask
孙悟天(Son Goten,そん ごてん),日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的角色。孙悟空和琪琪的次子、孙悟饭之弟,在沙鲁游戏出生,外貌和孙悟空小时候十分相似。和父亲孙悟空一样性格都很善良单纯、天赋异禀,在7岁那年他已能够变成超级赛亚人,使他的哥哥悟饭非常惊讶。他与特兰克斯融合成为悟天克斯时他们甚至能够变成超级赛亚人3。
Son Goten (孫そん悟ご天てん Son Goten, Japanese pronunciation: [sõŋgotẽ̞ɴ]) is the youngest son of Goku and his wife Chi-Chi, making him a Saiyan and Earthling hybrid. Goten is Gohan's younger brother and Trunks' best friend.
Pintar (プンター Puntā) is a large Arabic-looking competitor in the World Martial Arts Tournaments. In the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, Pintar faces Krillin in the first match of the Adult Division. Before the match, Pintar insults Krillin, who is much smaller and shorter of stature than he is. Pintar tells Krillin about how badly he is going to defeat him, and that it was not going to take him more than thirty seconds to win. Pintar's boasting annoys Krillin. When the match starts, Pintar jumps all over the ring showing off his speed, which is somewhat impressive for his size. Pintar then gives Krillin a free punch, and Krillin uses it to end the pointless fight quickly. Krillin punches him hard in the gut, then slaps him in the face repeatedly, and kicks him out of the ring. Krillin does all this (except the slapping bit) with his eyes closed and with nearly no effort at all.
Killa (キーラ Kīra) is a Martial Artist who was a contestant in several World Martial Arts Tournaments. Killa is a muscular, dark-skinned man with short black hair. He is seen wearing a dark green undershirt, light green pants with a yellow belt, and white bandages over his hands.
Jewel (ジュエール Juēru) is a quarter finalist in the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament. Jewel is shown to be a ladies' man, as he tries to invite Android 18 to a date (unaware that she is already married) during the Battle Royale in the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament. However, when he is rejected by 18, he hits on her and tries to get her to throw the match. He then gets angry and tries to attack her as the Battle Royal begins, but she kicks him effortlessly out of the ring.
Idasa (イダーサ Idāsa) is Trunks' first opponent in the junior division of the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament.
Ikose (イコーセ Ikōse) is a Martial Artist in the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament Junior Division.
Idasam (イダーサママ Idāsamama) is the mother of her two sons, Idasa and Ikose. Idasam attends the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, in which her two sons are contestants in the Junior Division. When she sees that Idasa is about to fight Trunks, she makes an arrogant and contemptuous remark by saying that Trunks would not even warm Idasa up (due to age difference), making Bulma loudly rooting for her son Trunks to break Idasa's face. This makes the mother remark how rude she is at which Bulma stick out her tongue to her. After witnessing Trunks as he succeeds in defeating Idasa, the mother goes wide in shock.

Spopovich (スポポビッチ Supopobitchi) is a muscular competitor in several World Martial Arts Tournaments, a long-time rival of Mr. Satan, and one of the two Earthlings ensnared by the wizard Babidi's mind control.
Yamu (ヤムー Yamū) is a fighter in the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, and Spopovich's partner. They were both brought under the control of the evil wizard Babidi and used to accomplish his bidding.
Shin 東界王神
Shin (シン Shin) the East Supreme Kai (東ひがしの界かい王おう神しん Higashi no Kaiōshin, lit. "East God of Kings of Worlds"), primarily known just as Supreme Kai (界かい王おう神しん Kaiōshin, lit. "God of Kings of Worlds"), is the ruler of the eastern area of both the living world and Other World in the universe and the Supreme Kai of Universe 7.
Kibito 杰比特
Kibito (キビト Kibito) is the Attendant Supreme Kai of Universe 7. Kibito is a tall, blue-skinned Core Person (pink-skinned in the anime). He possesses white, long hair and a broad face. He wears the attire that of the Supreme Kais.
World Tournament Announcer
The World Tournament Announcer (天下一武道会アナウンサー Tenkaichi Budōkai Anaunsā, lit. "The Number One Under Heaven Martial Arts Gathering Announcer") is the man who hosts every World Martial Arts Tournament from the beginning of Dragon Ball to Dragon Ball GT. Along with commentating, he sometimes acts as a referee for tournament matches other than the preliminary matches, usually counting when a contestant is down.
Mighty Mask
Mighty Mask (マイティマスク Maiti Masuku) is one of the finalists in the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament. In the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, he never gets to fight as he is knocked out by Trunks before the tournament begins after being lured over with promises of an attractive woman waiting to see him. Trunks and Goten steal his costume and fight in the tournament as Mighty Mask (though they did not know who Mighty Mask was and first thought his name was "Spopovich"). When they end up fighting Android 18, they realize that she is more formidable than anticipated, and become Super Saiyans in hopes to turn the tide of the battle. However, this quickly becomes their downfall as Android 18 instantly recognizes them and uses a Destructo Disc to cut the costume in half, thus exposing them and disqualifying them from the tournament due to teams being forbidden in the tournament and Trunks and Goten are forced to flee from the tournament.
Trunks as Mighty Mask
Trunks (トランクス Torankusu) is a Human-type Earthling/Saiyan hybrid, the firstborn child and only son of Vegeta and Bulma and the older brother of Bulla.
Goten as Mighty Mask
孙悟天(Son Goten,そん ごてん),日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的角色。孙悟空和琪琪的次子、孙悟饭之弟,在沙鲁游戏出生,外貌和孙悟空小时候十分相似。和父亲孙悟空一样性格都很善良单纯、天赋异禀,在7岁那年他已能够变成超级赛亚人,使他的哥哥悟饭非常惊讶。他与特兰克斯融合成为悟天克斯时他们甚至能够变成超级赛亚人3。
Son Goten (孫そん悟ご天てん Son Goten, Japanese pronunciation: [sõŋgotẽ̞ɴ]) is the youngest son of Goku and his wife Chi-Chi, making him a Saiyan and Earthling hybrid. Goten is Gohan's younger brother and Trunks' best friend.
Pintar (プンター Puntā) is a large Arabic-looking competitor in the World Martial Arts Tournaments. In the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, Pintar faces Krillin in the first match of the Adult Division. Before the match, Pintar insults Krillin, who is much smaller and shorter of stature than he is. Pintar tells Krillin about how badly he is going to defeat him, and that it was not going to take him more than thirty seconds to win. Pintar's boasting annoys Krillin. When the match starts, Pintar jumps all over the ring showing off his speed, which is somewhat impressive for his size. Pintar then gives Krillin a free punch, and Krillin uses it to end the pointless fight quickly. Krillin punches him hard in the gut, then slaps him in the face repeatedly, and kicks him out of the ring. Krillin does all this (except the slapping bit) with his eyes closed and with nearly no effort at all.
Killa (キーラ Kīra) is a Martial Artist who was a contestant in several World Martial Arts Tournaments. Killa is a muscular, dark-skinned man with short black hair. He is seen wearing a dark green undershirt, light green pants with a yellow belt, and white bandages over his hands.
Jewel (ジュエール Juēru) is a quarter finalist in the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament. Jewel is shown to be a ladies' man, as he tries to invite Android 18 to a date (unaware that she is already married) during the Battle Royale in the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament. However, when he is rejected by 18, he hits on her and tries to get her to throw the match. He then gets angry and tries to attack her as the Battle Royal begins, but she kicks him effortlessly out of the ring.
Idasa (イダーサ Idāsa) is Trunks' first opponent in the junior division of the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament.
Ikose (イコーセ Ikōse) is a Martial Artist in the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament Junior Division.
Idasam (イダーサママ Idāsamama) is the mother of her two sons, Idasa and Ikose. Idasam attends the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, in which her two sons are contestants in the Junior Division. When she sees that Idasa is about to fight Trunks, she makes an arrogant and contemptuous remark by saying that Trunks would not even warm Idasa up (due to age difference), making Bulma loudly rooting for her son Trunks to break Idasa's face. This makes the mother remark how rude she is at which Bulma stick out her tongue to her. After witnessing Trunks as he succeeds in defeating Idasa, the mother goes wide in shock.

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