Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Ball Super (ドラゴンボール超スーパー Doragon Bōru Sūpā) (commonly abbreviated as DBS) is the fourth anime installment in the Dragon Ball franchise, which ran from July 5th, 2015 to March 25th, 2018. It is set between Dragon Ball Z episodes 288 and 289 and is the first Dragon Ball television series featuring a new storyline in 18 years since the final episode of Dragon Ball GT in 1997. A Dragon Ball Super manga was being produced alongside the anime. The series is developed by Toei, in a similar process to the Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT animes and Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods and Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ films. The series plot takes place after the Kid Buu Saga, in between the ten-year gap towards the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament.
《龙珠超》(日文:ドラゴンボール超,英文:Dragon Ball Super)是根据日本漫画家鸟山明的代表作《龙珠》改编而成的电视动画,由原作者鸟山明担当原案,描述孙悟空等人与魔人布欧的战斗结束后的故事。 《龙珠超》在《龙珠改魔人布欧篇》播放完毕后,于2015年7月5日开始每周日上午9:00(日本时间)在日本的富士电视台等频道播出。
《龙珠超》(日文:ドラゴンボール超,英文:Dragon Ball Super)是根据日本漫画家鸟山明的代表作《龙珠》改编而成的电视动画,由原作者鸟山明担当原案,描述孙悟空等人与魔人布欧的战斗结束后的故事。 《龙珠超》在《龙珠改魔人布欧篇》播放完毕后,于2015年7月5日开始每周日上午9:00(日本时间)在日本的富士电视台等频道播出。
Golden Frieza Saga 弗利萨复活篇
The Golden Frieza Saga (ゴールデンフリーザ編 Gōruden Furīza Hen), also known as the Resurrection ‘F’ Saga (復活の「F」編 Fukkatsu no 'F' Hen), Frieza Reborn Saga, Revival of Frieza Saga, or simply the Frieza Saga, is the second saga in the Dragon Ball Super anime. This saga is based around the events depicted in the movie Resurrection ‘F’. It depicts the revival of Frieza by his subordinates and his training to defeat Goku, in order to seek vengeance against Goku for previously defeating him. This ultimately leads to the confrotational battle between Frieza, in his newly acquired Golden form, against the Saiyans, Goku and Vegeta, in their newly acquired Super Saiyan Blue forms, once Frieza travels to Earth with his subordinates to exact his revenge.
在与破坏神比鲁斯的战斗六个月(漫画版、电影动画)之后,地球再度迎来和平,但弗利萨军残存的索鲁贝为了寻找七龙珠而逼近地球。其目的是为了让军团再起而令弗利萨复活。宇宙史上最邪恶的这一愿望终于实现,复活的弗利萨计划着向孙悟空这些赛亚人复仇……。可参阅《龙珠Z 复活的弗利萨》
Frieza 弗利沙
Frieza (フリーザ Furīza) is the main antagonist of the Dragon Ball series. He is the descendant of Chilled, the youngest son of King Cold, the younger brother of Cooler and the father of Kuriza. After inheriting Cold's imperialist army and rising to power as the emperor of Universe 7, Frieza quickly established himself as a cruel and ruthless tyrant, feared for his immense power. Ever since his invasion of Namek, Frieza has been the series' most recurring villain, clashing with his archnemesis Goku and his allies on several occasions, becoming even more powerful every time.
Golden Frieza 黄金弗利沙
Golden Frieza (ゴールデンフリーザ Gōruden Furīza) is the Ultimate Evolution (究極進化 Kyūkyoku Shinka) of the Frieza Race. It was first created and named by Frieza himself. This transformation is achieved by Frieza through vigorous training methods due to his obsessive need for revenge against Goku, as Frieza is a natural prodigy in terms of power, he never trained prior to his endeavor to defeat Goku. Unlike the other forms that are able to be used constantly and are for power-suppression, this form is an acquired, non-permanent transformation used to power up.
Sorbet 索尔贝
Sorbet (ソルベ Sorube) is a loyal subject of the emperor, Frieza. He is a member of Frieza's support staff in the Third Stellar Region. He later became the commander of the Frieza Force after Frieza's demise. Sorbet is the secondary antagonist of the Golden Frieza Saga. Sorbet is a short blue alien with a large black nose giving him an anthropomorphic koala like look. He wears a new type of Battle Armor which is colored green and black and has a red cape. He also wears black head apparel with an orange stripe down the middle and has a blue scouter. He has slitted pupils like a reptile or a feline. Oddly, while Sorbet has four fingers in Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ and other media, he has five fingers in the anime, Dragon Ball Super.
Tagoma 塔格玛
塔格玛(タゴマ,Tagoma),是《龙珠Z:复活的F》中的角色。是弗利萨军团的一名重要将领, 他与同伴索尔贝一起来到地球并集齐龙珠复活了弗利萨。弗利萨复活后,他劝阻弗利萨不要去招惹赛亚人,结果被弗利萨丢出宇宙飞船。 在TV版的《龙珠超》中,塔格玛与索尔贝复活了弗利萨之后,由于塔格玛劝阻弗利萨不要招惹赛亚人,愤怒的弗利萨打断了他的四肢。 在索尔贝的求情下,塔格玛成为了弗利萨修炼期间的陪练者,并从此经历了冷酷残忍,生不如死的特训, 使他的性格大变。 塔格玛修炼后的战斗力可以在偷袭的情况下一招重创常态孙悟饭,甚至能将实力不亚于人造人17号的Z战士——比克的胳膊轻易打断。
Tagoma (タゴマ Tagoma) is one of the elite soldiers working under Sorbet, functioning as his bodyguard. Tagoma is a tall purple-grey humanoid alien. He wears a new type of Battle Armor colored black, green, and red. He also has black armbands around his wrists and has a visor-like scouter that covers both his eyes.
Shisami (シサミ Shisami) is an elite soldier serving Sorbet in the Frieza Force.Shisami is a tall, red humanoid alien with brown horns and a brown nose. Shisami has a bulky build. He wears a new type of Battle Armor which is colored green and black with a blue piece in the middle. In addition, Shisami wears black and white wristbands. He does not wear any lower garments but black underwear. He has long thick horns on his head.
Frieza Force Officer
A character only referred to as Officer is a Third Stellar Region soldier, who acts as an adviser to Sorbet. His appearance is of a humanoid frog small in stature, he is the same race as Burpman.He is shown to be the most out-speaking character in the early scenes on Sorbet's Spaceship in Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’, where he shares his concerns with his boss about the revolt on Planet Frieza 448 and about Frieza's Revival, however he can't manage to talk Sorbet out of going with Tagoma on a risking mission to collect Earth's Dragon Balls. Later on that movie he's seen in the Medical Machine room where the newly revived Frieza is being treated, after the tyrant wakes up he blasts Tagoma into outer-space and causes Sorbet's Adviser to fall to space as well, before Sorbet commands his men to deploy the force field shield and the adviser is helped by his comrades back to the ship.
Jaco 加克
Jaco Teirimentenpibosshi (ジャコ・ティリメンテンピボッシ Jako Tirimentenpibosshi) is a klutzy expendable member of the Galactic Patrol who claims to be a super elite. To the public on Earth, Jaco was initially known as Mask Man (a name which he personally detested), but later convinced them to refer to him as Super Elite. He is the protagonist of the eponymous manga Jaco the Galactic Patrolman by Akira Toriyama.
Frieza (フリーザ Furīza) is the main antagonist of the Dragon Ball series. He is the descendant of Chilled, the youngest son of King Cold, the younger brother of Cooler and the father of Kuriza. After inheriting Cold's imperialist army and rising to power as the emperor of Universe 7, Frieza quickly established himself as a cruel and ruthless tyrant, feared for his immense power. Ever since his invasion of Namek, Frieza has been the series' most recurring villain, clashing with his archnemesis Goku and his allies on several occasions, becoming even more powerful every time.
Golden Frieza 黄金弗利沙
Golden Frieza (ゴールデンフリーザ Gōruden Furīza) is the Ultimate Evolution (究極進化 Kyūkyoku Shinka) of the Frieza Race. It was first created and named by Frieza himself. This transformation is achieved by Frieza through vigorous training methods due to his obsessive need for revenge against Goku, as Frieza is a natural prodigy in terms of power, he never trained prior to his endeavor to defeat Goku. Unlike the other forms that are able to be used constantly and are for power-suppression, this form is an acquired, non-permanent transformation used to power up.
Sorbet 索尔贝
Sorbet (ソルベ Sorube) is a loyal subject of the emperor, Frieza. He is a member of Frieza's support staff in the Third Stellar Region. He later became the commander of the Frieza Force after Frieza's demise. Sorbet is the secondary antagonist of the Golden Frieza Saga. Sorbet is a short blue alien with a large black nose giving him an anthropomorphic koala like look. He wears a new type of Battle Armor which is colored green and black and has a red cape. He also wears black head apparel with an orange stripe down the middle and has a blue scouter. He has slitted pupils like a reptile or a feline. Oddly, while Sorbet has four fingers in Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ and other media, he has five fingers in the anime, Dragon Ball Super.
Tagoma 塔格玛
塔格玛(タゴマ,Tagoma),是《龙珠Z:复活的F》中的角色。是弗利萨军团的一名重要将领, 他与同伴索尔贝一起来到地球并集齐龙珠复活了弗利萨。弗利萨复活后,他劝阻弗利萨不要去招惹赛亚人,结果被弗利萨丢出宇宙飞船。 在TV版的《龙珠超》中,塔格玛与索尔贝复活了弗利萨之后,由于塔格玛劝阻弗利萨不要招惹赛亚人,愤怒的弗利萨打断了他的四肢。 在索尔贝的求情下,塔格玛成为了弗利萨修炼期间的陪练者,并从此经历了冷酷残忍,生不如死的特训, 使他的性格大变。 塔格玛修炼后的战斗力可以在偷袭的情况下一招重创常态孙悟饭,甚至能将实力不亚于人造人17号的Z战士——比克的胳膊轻易打断。
Tagoma (タゴマ Tagoma) is one of the elite soldiers working under Sorbet, functioning as his bodyguard. Tagoma is a tall purple-grey humanoid alien. He wears a new type of Battle Armor colored black, green, and red. He also has black armbands around his wrists and has a visor-like scouter that covers both his eyes.
Shisami (シサミ Shisami) is an elite soldier serving Sorbet in the Frieza Force.Shisami is a tall, red humanoid alien with brown horns and a brown nose. Shisami has a bulky build. He wears a new type of Battle Armor which is colored green and black with a blue piece in the middle. In addition, Shisami wears black and white wristbands. He does not wear any lower garments but black underwear. He has long thick horns on his head.
Frieza Force Officer
A character only referred to as Officer is a Third Stellar Region soldier, who acts as an adviser to Sorbet. His appearance is of a humanoid frog small in stature, he is the same race as Burpman.He is shown to be the most out-speaking character in the early scenes on Sorbet's Spaceship in Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’, where he shares his concerns with his boss about the revolt on Planet Frieza 448 and about Frieza's Revival, however he can't manage to talk Sorbet out of going with Tagoma on a risking mission to collect Earth's Dragon Balls. Later on that movie he's seen in the Medical Machine room where the newly revived Frieza is being treated, after the tyrant wakes up he blasts Tagoma into outer-space and causes Sorbet's Adviser to fall to space as well, before Sorbet commands his men to deploy the force field shield and the adviser is helped by his comrades back to the ship.
Jaco 加克
Jaco Teirimentenpibosshi (ジャコ・ティリメンテンピボッシ Jako Tirimentenpibosshi) is a klutzy expendable member of the Galactic Patrol who claims to be a super elite. To the public on Earth, Jaco was initially known as Mask Man (a name which he personally detested), but later convinced them to refer to him as Super Elite. He is the protagonist of the eponymous manga Jaco the Galactic Patrolman by Akira Toriyama.
Captain Ginyu 基纽
基纽,日本漫画《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的角色,他是弗利萨手下的基纽特种部队的队长,战斗力有120000,还拥有交换身体的绝招。那美克星龙珠争夺战时,基纽特种部队奉弗利萨之命抵达那美克星,先后与贝吉塔、孙悟空等交战, 结果却全军覆没。古杜被贝吉塔所杀,利库姆、巴特、吉斯也先后被孙悟空打倒、被贝吉塔杀死。基纽队长也因为孙悟空的捣乱,不小心与青蛙交换了身体。
Ginyu (ギニュー Ginyū), referred to as Captain Ginyu (ギニュー隊長 Ginyū-taichō) by his subordinates, is the strict but loyal captain of the elite mercenary platoon, the eponymous Ginyu Force. Ginyu is an honorable, yet merciless fighter who constantly strikes poses. He possesses the ability to swap bodies.
Angels of Hell
The Angels of Hell (妖精たち Yōsei-tachi) are a group of five angels, fairies, and stuffed animals that watch over the evil spirits in Earth's Hell.
Dodoria 多多利亚
Dodoria (ドドリア Dodoria) is a member of the Frieza Force. He is a ruthless warrior that serves alongside Zarbon as one of Frieza's top two highest ranking Generals and right-hand men. Dodoria is a large and pink alien warrior with protruding spikes on his arms and head. He also wears a blue variant of the common Battle Armor that most of Frieza's men have, including the brown colored shoulder pads and a green scouter. In the manga, Dodoria has only three fingers per hand while he has more human-like four fingers and a thumb in the anime.
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