Dragon Ball GT1.jpeg)
Dragon Ball GT (ドラゴンボールGTジーティー Doragon Bōru Jī Tī, GT standing for "Grand Tour", commonly abbreviated as DBGT) is one of two sequels to Dragon Ball Z, whose material is produced only by Toei Animation and is not adapted from a preexisting manga series. The Dragon Ball GT series is the shortest of the Dragon Ball series, consisting of only 64 episodes; as opposed to its predecessor, Dragon Ball Z, which consisted of 291 episodes, Dragon Ball, which consisted of 153, and its successor series Dragon Ball Super, with 131 episodes. The series spanned 64 episodes and concluded with the TV special Dragon Ball GT: A Hero's Legacy.
《龙珠GT》(DRAGON BALL GT)是根据漫画家鸟山明的超人气作品《龙珠》《龙珠Z》后,由东映动画公司原创制作的龙珠系列动画片,是龙珠超人气作品系列第三部。 故事发生于“龙珠Z”5年后的世界。这部作品的故事大纲非鸟山明本人创作,但其参与了部分角色设定和相关插画。东映动画公司得到集英社授权,由此制作播放了《龙珠Z》世界的续集,也即第三部龙珠动画,《龙珠GT》(日语:ドラゴンボールGT,英语:DragonBallGT),"GT"众多之意中最主要代表着“GrandTouring/グランド・ツーリング/壮大なる旅”(宏阔旅程)、“GreatTouring/グレート・ツーリング/伟大なる旅”(伟大旅程)、“GalaxyTouring/ギャラクシー・ツーリング/银河の旅”(银河之旅)之意。 随着龙珠的人气越来越高,东映决定于1996年开始原创制作播出龙珠第三部系列动画(龙珠GT)。从1996年2月7日到1997年11月19日在富士电视台播出。 共64集+特别篇1集。
Black-Star Dragon Ball Saga 黑星龙珠篇
Pilaf 皮拉夫
皮拉夫((ピラフ/Pilaf),肉饭之意(又译比拉夫、杂烩饭、炒饭大王 ),日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的男性角色。是怪物型地球人,名字来自法文的“炒饭”,身材矮小,蓝色肌肤,带着一个小圆帽。 皮拉夫是小悟空真正意义上的第一个敌人,妄图搜集龙珠成为世界之王,为此多次与小悟空斗争,有阿修和小舞两个手下。
Pilaf (ピラフ, Pirafu), Emperor Pilaf in the English anime dub, is a small impish blue creature who is the leader of the Pilaf Gang (ピラフ一味, Pirafu Ichimi) and dreams of ruling the world. He seeks the Dragon Balls to wish for world domination together with his two minions.
Shu 阿修
Shu (シュウ, Shū), a humanoid dog in a ninja outfit

Mai 小舞
Mai (マイ), a woman who resorts to weaponry and technology, and serves as a foil to the bumbling personalities of her colleagues.
Don Kee
Don Kee (ドン・キアー Don Kiā) is a pretty-boy tyrant of planet Imecka, who relies on his bodyguard Ledgic and his two commissioners Gale and Sheela to do all of his dirty work.
Gale (ゲール Gēru) is one of Don Kee's henchmen on the planet Imecka, along with his partner, Sheela, in Dragon Ball GT.
Sheela (シーラ Shīra) is a female Imeckian commissioner, along with her partner, Gale, in Dragon Ball GT.
Ledgic (レジック Rejikku) is the personal bodyguard of Don Kee, who lives on planet Imecka in Dragon Ball GT. He is a muscular blue alien with black spots on his chest and the top of head. His head is shaped in a similar form to that of a cobra snake. He wears purple pants with suspenders over his shoulders and a red jacket with spikes on his shoulders and chains on the cuffs.
Giant from Monmaasu
A giant who lives on Monmaasu. This character was designed by Akira Toriyama. He owns a hawk that he uses to hunt. One day, he eats an apple where the Four-Star Black Dragon Ball gets stuck and ends up with a toothache. To retrieve the Black Star Dragon Ball, Goku removes his tooth by firing a Kamehameha at it. This ends the giant's toothache. Later, the giant is shown contributing to Goku's Super Ultra Spirit Bomb to defeat Omega Shenron.
Doma (ドマ Doma) is the fiancé to Leena, the princess of a village on planet Gelbo. One day, the strange monster Zoonama came and demanded a bride, threatening to create earthquakes. The villagers agreed on Doma's fiancée being the creature's bride.

Gelbo Elder
The Gelbo Elder (村長 Sonchō, lit. "Village Mayor") is the elder of a village on Gelbo, and the father of Leena. When the strange monster Zoonama comes to the village and demands a bride, threatening to create earthquakes, the elder decides to give his daughter Leena in marriage with Zoonama.

Leena (レーヌ Rēnu) is the daughter of the Gelbo Elder, and one of the prettiest girls on planet Gelbo. She had a Black Star Dragon Ball woven into her ponytail.
Zoonama (ズーナマ Zūnama) is a giant monster in Dragon Ball GT, living in an underground cave near a volcano on planet Gelbo.
Bon Para
Bon Para (ボンパラ Bonpara) is one of the three Para Brothers, along with Don Para and Son Para. After Goku, Pan and Trunks seemingly secure the Black Star Dragon Ball on planet Gelbo, Bon Para appears disguised as a Gelboian and steals the artifact from Pan's hands by using his telekinesis.
Don Para
Don Para (ダンパラ Danpara) is one of the three Para Brothers, along with Bon Para and Son Para.
Son Para
Son Para (ソンパラ Sonpara) is a character in the Dragon Ball series. He is one of the three Para Brothers, along with Bon Para and Don Para.
Para Brothers
Three Para Brothers; Bon Para, Son Para and Don Para.
Cardinal Mutchy Mutchy
Cardinal Mutchy Mutchy, known as Mutchy Motchy (ムッチー・モッチー Mutchī Motchī) in the original Japanese version, is the puppet leader of the Luud Cult, he is subservient to the Machine Mutant disguised as a whip: Mutchy.
Mouma (ムーマ) are giant worm-like creatures that infest Beehay. Mouma make their first appearance in "Lord Luud" when the Para Brothers lead Trunks, Pan, Goku and Giru into the tunnels of Beehay. The travelers from Earth soon lose track of the Para brothers, who escaped the asteroid and left their pursuers to be eaten by the Mouma. In short order, the Mouma attack the Earthlings' ship, forcing its crew to disembark and engage the creatures. While the Mouma prove resistant against energy attacks such as the Kamehameha, Goku is able to subdue one by grabbing its tail, thrashing it about and throwing it into the asteroid walls. Trunks and Pan pick up on this technique, and the three of them are able to rid the area of the Mouma threat, at least temporarily. Later, when the Para brothers return and perform their signature dance that enslaves nearby listeners, the Mouma are also affected. Startled by the Mouma who had been drawn close, the brothers discontinue their dance and are immediately dispatched by the freed Goku, Trunks and Pan. Oddly, the Mouma are not seen in the aftermath.
Leon (レーオン Rēon) is a lion Machine Mutant kept on Planet Luud. Leon is a giant machine mutant that resembles a lion. This robot has blue skin, a gold mane, and gold rings around its legs.
Mutchy (ムッチー Mutchī) is the true leader of the Luud Cult, tasked by Dr. Myuu with gathering energy for Luud.
Dolltaki (ドルタッキー Dorutakkī) is a villain who is at the service of Dr. Myuu. He is the chief leader of the Luud Cult and controls the giant Machine Mutant named Luud.
Luud (ルード Rūdo), also called Lord Luud or God of Destruction Luud (破壊神ルード Hakaishin Rūdo), is a Machine Mutant created by the evil scientist Dr. Myuu. This Machine Mutant is worshiped as a deity by the Luud Cult.
Dr. Myuu 缪博士
Dr. Myuu (Dr.ドクター・ミュー Dokutā Myū) is a Machine Mutant who first appears in Dragon Ball GT. His goal was the completion of the Total Galaxy Conquest Operation. He is the main antagonist of the Black Star Dragon Ball Saga and secondary antagonist of the Baby and Super 17 Sagas.
General Rilldo 利尔德
General Rilldo (リルド将軍しょうぐん Rirudo Shōgun) is an alien who was reconstructed into a Machine Mutant, and is Dr. Myuu's general, as well as the commander of planet M-2. He is an antagonist of the Baby Saga.
Commander Nezi
Commander Nezi (ネージ Nēji) is a Machine Mutant created by Dr. Myuu, and is the leader of the elite Sigma Force. Nezi, Natt, Ribet, and Bizu make up General Rilldo's top mercenary force, the Sigma Force. They are called upon when Dr. Myuu demands "results". Similar to the Pilaf Machine, Nezi and his elite have the ability to join their metal bodies into an even more powerful soldier, the Super Mega Cannon Sigma. This form is a fusion of the Sigma Force. They have a large variety of moves, such as eye beams and drills. They are easily beaten by Goku once he becomes serious.
Natt (ナット Natto) is one of the members of General Rilldo's top mercenary force, the Sigma Force, alongside Nezi, Bizu and Ribet. They are called upon when Dr. Myuu demands "results".
Ribet (リベト Ribeto) is a Machine Mutant who, along with his partners Nezi, Natt and Bizu, make up General Rilldo's top mercenary team, the Sigma Force.
Bizu (ビース Bīsu) is a Machine Mutant created by Dr. Myuu and part of the Sigma Force.
Super Mega Cannon Sigma
Super Mega Cannon Sigma (スーパーΣ Sūpā Shiguma, lit. "Super Sigma") is the fusion of the Machine Mutant robots Commander Nezi, Ribet and Bizu.
Pilaf 皮拉夫
皮拉夫((ピラフ/Pilaf),肉饭之意(又译比拉夫、杂烩饭、炒饭大王 ),日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的男性角色。是怪物型地球人,名字来自法文的“炒饭”,身材矮小,蓝色肌肤,带着一个小圆帽。 皮拉夫是小悟空真正意义上的第一个敌人,妄图搜集龙珠成为世界之王,为此多次与小悟空斗争,有阿修和小舞两个手下。
Pilaf (ピラフ, Pirafu), Emperor Pilaf in the English anime dub, is a small impish blue creature who is the leader of the Pilaf Gang (ピラフ一味, Pirafu Ichimi) and dreams of ruling the world. He seeks the Dragon Balls to wish for world domination together with his two minions.
Shu 阿修
Shu (シュウ, Shū), a humanoid dog in a ninja outfit

Mai 小舞
Mai (マイ), a woman who resorts to weaponry and technology, and serves as a foil to the bumbling personalities of her colleagues.
Don Kee
Don Kee (ドン・キアー Don Kiā) is a pretty-boy tyrant of planet Imecka, who relies on his bodyguard Ledgic and his two commissioners Gale and Sheela to do all of his dirty work.
Gale (ゲール Gēru) is one of Don Kee's henchmen on the planet Imecka, along with his partner, Sheela, in Dragon Ball GT.
Sheela (シーラ Shīra) is a female Imeckian commissioner, along with her partner, Gale, in Dragon Ball GT.
Ledgic (レジック Rejikku) is the personal bodyguard of Don Kee, who lives on planet Imecka in Dragon Ball GT. He is a muscular blue alien with black spots on his chest and the top of head. His head is shaped in a similar form to that of a cobra snake. He wears purple pants with suspenders over his shoulders and a red jacket with spikes on his shoulders and chains on the cuffs.
Giant from Monmaasu
A giant who lives on Monmaasu. This character was designed by Akira Toriyama. He owns a hawk that he uses to hunt. One day, he eats an apple where the Four-Star Black Dragon Ball gets stuck and ends up with a toothache. To retrieve the Black Star Dragon Ball, Goku removes his tooth by firing a Kamehameha at it. This ends the giant's toothache. Later, the giant is shown contributing to Goku's Super Ultra Spirit Bomb to defeat Omega Shenron.
Doma (ドマ Doma) is the fiancé to Leena, the princess of a village on planet Gelbo. One day, the strange monster Zoonama came and demanded a bride, threatening to create earthquakes. The villagers agreed on Doma's fiancée being the creature's bride.

Gelbo Elder
The Gelbo Elder (村長 Sonchō, lit. "Village Mayor") is the elder of a village on Gelbo, and the father of Leena. When the strange monster Zoonama comes to the village and demands a bride, threatening to create earthquakes, the elder decides to give his daughter Leena in marriage with Zoonama.

Leena (レーヌ Rēnu) is the daughter of the Gelbo Elder, and one of the prettiest girls on planet Gelbo. She had a Black Star Dragon Ball woven into her ponytail.
Zoonama (ズーナマ Zūnama) is a giant monster in Dragon Ball GT, living in an underground cave near a volcano on planet Gelbo.
Bon Para
Bon Para (ボンパラ Bonpara) is one of the three Para Brothers, along with Don Para and Son Para. After Goku, Pan and Trunks seemingly secure the Black Star Dragon Ball on planet Gelbo, Bon Para appears disguised as a Gelboian and steals the artifact from Pan's hands by using his telekinesis.
Don Para
Don Para (ダンパラ Danpara) is one of the three Para Brothers, along with Bon Para and Son Para.
Son Para
Son Para (ソンパラ Sonpara) is a character in the Dragon Ball series. He is one of the three Para Brothers, along with Bon Para and Don Para.
Para Brothers
Three Para Brothers; Bon Para, Son Para and Don Para.
Cardinal Mutchy Mutchy
Cardinal Mutchy Mutchy, known as Mutchy Motchy (ムッチー・モッチー Mutchī Motchī) in the original Japanese version, is the puppet leader of the Luud Cult, he is subservient to the Machine Mutant disguised as a whip: Mutchy.
Mouma (ムーマ) are giant worm-like creatures that infest Beehay. Mouma make their first appearance in "Lord Luud" when the Para Brothers lead Trunks, Pan, Goku and Giru into the tunnels of Beehay. The travelers from Earth soon lose track of the Para brothers, who escaped the asteroid and left their pursuers to be eaten by the Mouma. In short order, the Mouma attack the Earthlings' ship, forcing its crew to disembark and engage the creatures. While the Mouma prove resistant against energy attacks such as the Kamehameha, Goku is able to subdue one by grabbing its tail, thrashing it about and throwing it into the asteroid walls. Trunks and Pan pick up on this technique, and the three of them are able to rid the area of the Mouma threat, at least temporarily. Later, when the Para brothers return and perform their signature dance that enslaves nearby listeners, the Mouma are also affected. Startled by the Mouma who had been drawn close, the brothers discontinue their dance and are immediately dispatched by the freed Goku, Trunks and Pan. Oddly, the Mouma are not seen in the aftermath.
Leon (レーオン Rēon) is a lion Machine Mutant kept on Planet Luud. Leon is a giant machine mutant that resembles a lion. This robot has blue skin, a gold mane, and gold rings around its legs.
Mutchy (ムッチー Mutchī) is the true leader of the Luud Cult, tasked by Dr. Myuu with gathering energy for Luud.
Dolltaki (ドルタッキー Dorutakkī) is a villain who is at the service of Dr. Myuu. He is the chief leader of the Luud Cult and controls the giant Machine Mutant named Luud.
Luud (ルード Rūdo), also called Lord Luud or God of Destruction Luud (破壊神ルード Hakaishin Rūdo), is a Machine Mutant created by the evil scientist Dr. Myuu. This Machine Mutant is worshiped as a deity by the Luud Cult.
Dr. Myuu 缪博士
Dr. Myuu (Dr.ドクター・ミュー Dokutā Myū) is a Machine Mutant who first appears in Dragon Ball GT. His goal was the completion of the Total Galaxy Conquest Operation. He is the main antagonist of the Black Star Dragon Ball Saga and secondary antagonist of the Baby and Super 17 Sagas.
General Rilldo 利尔德
General Rilldo (リルド将軍しょうぐん Rirudo Shōgun) is an alien who was reconstructed into a Machine Mutant, and is Dr. Myuu's general, as well as the commander of planet M-2. He is an antagonist of the Baby Saga.
Commander Nezi
Commander Nezi (ネージ Nēji) is a Machine Mutant created by Dr. Myuu, and is the leader of the elite Sigma Force. Nezi, Natt, Ribet, and Bizu make up General Rilldo's top mercenary force, the Sigma Force. They are called upon when Dr. Myuu demands "results". Similar to the Pilaf Machine, Nezi and his elite have the ability to join their metal bodies into an even more powerful soldier, the Super Mega Cannon Sigma. This form is a fusion of the Sigma Force. They have a large variety of moves, such as eye beams and drills. They are easily beaten by Goku once he becomes serious.
Natt (ナット Natto) is one of the members of General Rilldo's top mercenary force, the Sigma Force, alongside Nezi, Bizu and Ribet. They are called upon when Dr. Myuu demands "results".
Ribet (リベト Ribeto) is a Machine Mutant who, along with his partners Nezi, Natt and Bizu, make up General Rilldo's top mercenary team, the Sigma Force.
Bizu (ビース Bīsu) is a Machine Mutant created by Dr. Myuu and part of the Sigma Force.
Super Mega Cannon Sigma
Super Mega Cannon Sigma (スーパーΣ Sūpā Shiguma, lit. "Super Sigma") is the fusion of the Machine Mutant robots Commander Nezi, Ribet and Bizu.
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