Dragon Ball GT1.jpeg)
Dragon Ball GT (ドラゴンボールGTジーティー Doragon Bōru Jī Tī, GT standing for "Grand Tour", commonly abbreviated as DBGT) is one of two sequels to Dragon Ball Z, whose material is produced only by Toei Animation and is not adapted from a preexisting manga series. The Dragon Ball GT series is the shortest of the Dragon Ball series, consisting of only 64 episodes; as opposed to its predecessor, Dragon Ball Z, which consisted of 291 episodes, Dragon Ball, which consisted of 153, and its successor series Dragon Ball Super, with 131 episodes. The series spanned 64 episodes and concluded with the TV special Dragon Ball GT: A Hero's Legacy.
《龙珠GT》(DRAGON BALL GT)是根据漫画家鸟山明的超人气作品《龙珠》《龙珠Z》后,由东映动画公司原创制作的龙珠系列动画片,是龙珠超人气作品系列第三部。 故事发生于“龙珠Z”5年后的世界。这部作品的故事大纲非鸟山明本人创作,但其参与了部分角色设定和相关插画。东映动画公司得到集英社授权,由此制作播放了《龙珠Z》世界的续集,也即第三部龙珠动画,《龙珠GT》(日语:ドラゴンボールGT,英语:DragonBallGT),"GT"众多之意中最主要代表着“GrandTouring/グランド・ツーリング/壮大なる旅”(宏阔旅程)、“GreatTouring/グレート・ツーリング/伟大なる旅”(伟大旅程)、“GalaxyTouring/ギャラクシー・ツーリング/银河の旅”(银河之旅)之意。 随着龙珠的人气越来越高,东映决定于1996年开始原创制作播出龙珠第三部系列动画(龙珠GT)。从1996年2月7日到1997年11月19日在富士电视台播出。 共64集+特别篇1集。
Baby Saga
The Baby Saga (スーパーベビー編 Sūpā Bebī Hen, lit. "Super Baby Arc") is the second saga of Dragon Ball GT. The first half of this saga covers the Dragon Team's battle against the Machine Mutants of Planet M-2, while the second half covers the evil Tuffle Baby's genocidal campaign against the Saiyans. In contrast to the previous 16 episodes, this saga has a more dramatic, action-oriented tone akin to that of Dragon Ball Z.
The Baby Saga (スーパーベビー編 Sūpā Bebī Hen, lit. "Super Baby Arc") is the second saga of Dragon Ball GT. The first half of this saga covers the Dragon Team's battle against the Machine Mutants of Planet M-2, while the second half covers the evil Tuffle Baby's genocidal campaign against the Saiyans. In contrast to the previous 16 episodes, this saga has a more dramatic, action-oriented tone akin to that of Dragon Ball Z.
Baby Saga 贝比篇
Baby Larval Form 贝比 胎儿形态
Baby Infant Form 贝比 幼年形态
Baby Infected Green boy
An unnamed alien boy (謎の少年 Nazo no Shōnen, lit. "Mysterious boy") whose body was possessed by Baby.

Baby Infected Planet Pital Doctor
The doctor from Planet Pital

Baby Child Form 贝比 少年形态
Baby Infected Trunks
Baby Infected Bulla
The Tuffle parasites exist essentially as clones of Baby infecting the minds and bodies of living organisms. Once infected, they take on the will and consciousness of Baby himself and will do whatever the latter orders them to do. This robs them of free will. Such as when Goku tried to talk to his lifelong friend Bulma, she merely regarded him as an enemy while infected and a Baby possessed Vegeta referred to Goku by his adopted name, something even the latter knows he wouldn't do. Baby himself said that as long as they are infected, they are one with him, suggesting they operate as a hive mind.

Baby Infected Bulma
The Tuffle parasites exist essentially as clones of Baby infecting the minds and bodies of living organisms. Once infected, they take on the will and consciousness of Baby himself and will do whatever the latter orders them to do. This robs them of free will. Such as when Goku tried to talk to his lifelong friend Bulma, she merely regarded him as an enemy while infected and a Baby possessed Vegeta referred to Goku by his adopted name, something even the latter knows he wouldn't do. Baby himself said that as long as they are infected, they are one with him, suggesting they operate as a hive mind.

Baby Infected Videl
The Tuffle parasites exist essentially as clones of Baby infecting the minds and bodies of living organisms. Once infected, they take on the will and consciousness of Baby himself and will do whatever the latter orders them to do. This robs them of free will. Such as when Goku tried to talk to his lifelong friend Bulma, she merely regarded him as an enemy while infected and a Baby possessed Vegeta referred to Goku by his adopted name, something even the latter knows he wouldn't do. Baby himself said that as long as they are infected, they are one with him, suggesting they operate as a hive mind.

Baby Infected Goten
Baby Infected Gohan
Great Ape Baby (大猿ベビー Ōzaru Bebi) is the form that Baby achieved after affected by Bulma's Blutz Wave Generator. Baby receiving 1,000 times the normal amount of Blutz Waves, allowing Vegeta's body to instantly regrow its tail. Baby transforms into a Golden Great Ape. This is his strongest form, as shown when he easily competes against Super Saiyan 4 Goku. Despite his immense size, he is surprisingly fast as he was able to keep up with the much smaller Goku for a time. Like Goku in this form, he has golden fur that covers most of his body but retains the "armor" that Baby naturally possesses.
Baby Perfect Form 贝比青年形态
Baby (ベビー Bebī) is the last survivor of the Tuffle race who is rebuilt by his creation, Dr. Myuu as a Machine Mutant to exterminate the Saiyans and restore his kind by controlling everyone on Earth. He is the main antagonist of the Baby Saga in Dragon Ball GT.
HWM 100 X
The HWM 100 X is a large robotic creature that appears in Dragon Ball GT. Goku doubts HWM 100 X could tear up a spaceship. Pan destroys the robot with a single ki blast.

Green boy
An unnamed alien boy (謎の少年 Nazo no Shōnen, lit. "Mysterious boy") whose body was possessed by Baby.
Giant Tiger
Giant Tiger is a large cat/tiger that lives on the planet Tigere. When Goku, Pan, and Trunks arrived on Planet Tigere while searching for the Black Star Dragon Balls, they discovered that one was under the tiger's gigantic whisker. When they moved the whisker, it woke up and attacked them, though it was quickly defeated when it ran off a cliff.
Valese (パレス Paresu, lit. "Palace") is Goten's girlfriend during Dragon Ball GT. She is a rich girl who has a strict upbringing and her parents spend little time with her. Even though Valese is a naïve, nice and a bit spacey girl at times, she is a good person who has true feelings for Goten.
Sugoro 五郎
Sugoro (スー五郎 Sūgorō) is a Space Lemur that was introduced in Dragon Ball GT. Sugoro and his son Shusugoro had been marooned in the Sugoroku Space region when their ship was destroyed. Assuming the shape of a bluish alien, Sugoro inhabited the region with his son secretly assuming the shape of a board game die. Both challenged visitors to a life-sized board game, with the promise that the visitor could leave Sugoroku Space if he or she won; but the game also carried the consequence of death to any visitor who lost.
Shusugoro 小五郎
Shusugoro (スー小五郎 Sū Kogorō) is a Space Lemur, and the son of Sugoro. He and his father were somehow trapped in Sugoroku Space when their ship was somehow destroyed, so he and his father cheated to win with him assuming the shape of a die. Goku saved him and his father, and the two of them later helped Goku regrow his tail on the Sacred World of the Kai.
King Furry
King Furry, known as the King (国王 Koku-Ō) in the Japanese version, is an anthropomorphic dog who is the current King of Earth during the Dragon Ball series. He assumed his position in Age 733. The king is described as a splendid person, and is one of the few citizens of Earth who knows that Goku is the planet's true hero rather than Mr. Satan.

Bora 勃拉
Bora (ボラ) is a tall, muscular man who resides in the Sacred Land of Korin with his son Upa, in a tepee at the base of the Korin Tower. Bora later appears with his tribe in the Kid Buu Saga, when he, Upa and other people give energy to Goku's Super Spirit Bomb. There is an implication that Bora or Upa has wed and had a child, as the woman by their side is holding an infant bearing a striking resemblance to Upa in his childhood.
Upa 乌帕
Upa (ウパ Upa) is a member of the native tribe whose members serve as the guardians of Korin Tower. His father, Bora, is the chief of the tribe. Upa and his father appear when they are giving energy for Goku's Super Spirit Bomb to defeat Kid Buu. During the Kid Buu Saga, a woman seen behind Upa is holding an infant that strongly resembles him as a child, possibly an indication he has married, or his father has re-married and had a baby. The same woman with a now teenage boy can be seen in Dragon Ball GT.

Nam (ナム Namu) is a warrior from a desert village that competes in World Martial Arts Tournaments. Nam is killed by Majin Buu but he is revived by Porunga and contributes to Goku's Super Spirit Bomb to defeat Buu.
Suno (スノ Suno) is a young girl who lives in Jingle Village. Goku met her while he was looking for the Dragon Balls after the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament.
Android 8 人造人8号
Android 8 (人造人間8号 Jinzōningen Hachi-Gō), who goes by the name Eighter (ハッチャン Hacchan) as suggested by Goku, is Dr. Gero's eighth Android creation. He is designed to serve the Red Ribbon Army but is seen as faulty because of his good-spirited nature.

Pilaf 皮拉夫
皮拉夫((ピラフ/Pilaf),肉饭之意(又译比拉夫、杂烩饭、炒饭大王 ),日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的男性角色。是怪物型地球人,名字来自法文的“炒饭”,身材矮小,蓝色肌肤,带着一个小圆帽。 皮拉夫是小悟空真正意义上的第一个敌人,妄图搜集龙珠成为世界之王,为此多次与小悟空斗争,有阿修和小舞两个手下。
Pilaf (ピラフ, Pirafu), Emperor Pilaf in the English anime dub, is a small impish blue creature who is the leader of the Pilaf Gang (ピラフ一味, Pirafu Ichimi) and dreams of ruling the world. He seeks the Dragon Balls to wish for world domination together with his two minions.
Shu 阿修
Shu (シュウ, Shū), a humanoid dog in a ninja outfit
Mai 小舞
Mai (マイ), a woman who resorts to weaponry and technology, and serves as a foil to the bumbling personalities of her colleagues.

Baby Larval Form 贝比 胎儿形态
Baby Infant Form 贝比 幼年形态
Baby Infected Green boy
An unnamed alien boy (謎の少年 Nazo no Shōnen, lit. "Mysterious boy") whose body was possessed by Baby.

Baby Infected Planet Pital Doctor
The doctor from Planet Pital

Baby Child Form 贝比 少年形态
Baby Infected Trunks
Shortly after he is revealed to have survived his first encounter with the three Saiyans, Baby invades Trunks' body for a brief period of time, attacking Goku and Pan, before separating, having implanted a mind-controlling egg within Trunks. The only physical change is his eyes are outlined in black.

Baby Infected Bulla
The Tuffle parasites exist essentially as clones of Baby infecting the minds and bodies of living organisms. Once infected, they take on the will and consciousness of Baby himself and will do whatever the latter orders them to do. This robs them of free will. Such as when Goku tried to talk to his lifelong friend Bulma, she merely regarded him as an enemy while infected and a Baby possessed Vegeta referred to Goku by his adopted name, something even the latter knows he wouldn't do. Baby himself said that as long as they are infected, they are one with him, suggesting they operate as a hive mind.

Baby Infected Bulma
The Tuffle parasites exist essentially as clones of Baby infecting the minds and bodies of living organisms. Once infected, they take on the will and consciousness of Baby himself and will do whatever the latter orders them to do. This robs them of free will. Such as when Goku tried to talk to his lifelong friend Bulma, she merely regarded him as an enemy while infected and a Baby possessed Vegeta referred to Goku by his adopted name, something even the latter knows he wouldn't do. Baby himself said that as long as they are infected, they are one with him, suggesting they operate as a hive mind.

Baby Infected Videl
The Tuffle parasites exist essentially as clones of Baby infecting the minds and bodies of living organisms. Once infected, they take on the will and consciousness of Baby himself and will do whatever the latter orders them to do. This robs them of free will. Such as when Goku tried to talk to his lifelong friend Bulma, she merely regarded him as an enemy while infected and a Baby possessed Vegeta referred to Goku by his adopted name, something even the latter knows he wouldn't do. Baby himself said that as long as they are infected, they are one with him, suggesting they operate as a hive mind.

Baby Infected Goten
Upon becoming a teenager, Baby takes control of Goten, who he is content with possessing until Gohan appears. Baby does not hesitate to take action, and engages Gohan in battle, during which he is successful in passing into Gohan's body, but not before leaving a mind-controlling egg within Goten's body. The only physical change is his eyes are outlined in black.
Baby Infected Gohan
While in possession of Gohan's body, Baby briefly fights Piccolo. Defeating the Super Namekian with a Super Kamehameha. Baby seems confident when he engages Vegeta in battle and was winning. Then a possessed Goten shows up, and he and Gohan overpower Vegeta allowing Baby to take control of Vegeta, though Baby leaves an egg planted within Gohan. The power of Baby Gohan is second only to the parasite's Baby Vegeta transformations. The only physical change in his eyes is outlined in black.
Baby Vegeta Super Saiyan 1
After Baby Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan, he has red lines across his face, crosshair-like lines on his eyes (a common trait among Machine Mutants), his hair and eyebrows are silvery white instead of golden blonde, and his pupils are black instead of green. By combining the power of Vegeta with the energy he has absorbed from his former hosts, Baby's strength becomes even greater, and he is able to fight on par with the tailless Super Saiyan 3 kid Goku.
Super Baby Vegeta
In this form, Baby is known as Super Baby Vegeta or Super Baby (スーパーベビー). It is also called Super Baby (Strongest Form 1) in the Dragon Ball GT: Perfect File. Once Baby Vegeta gathers energy from Gohan, Goten, Trunks and Bulla, Vegeta's body goes through further developments. These include an increase of muscle mass that rips apart his shirt, his eyes becoming blue-colored visors, red lines sprawling across his chest and forehead, the acquiring of large metallic shoulder pads, and Vegeta's hair returning to its original length. Upon reaching this form, Baby says he is now the strongest being in the universe, a claim which is confirmed by Goku. Baby does not assume this form for long, as he soon gains enough energy from his followers to prompt a further transformation.
Super Baby Vegeta 2
In this form Baby is known as Super Baby Vegeta 2 or Super Baby 2 (スーパーベビー2).[2][6] It is also called Super Baby (Strongest Form 2) in the Dragon Ball GT: Perfect File. It is arguably the most well-known incarnation of Baby; After sapping his mind slaves of their energies worldwide, Baby again transforms, his being dominating Vegeta's body so much that it bears a great resemblance to his real form. He now wears a black bodysuit with red and gold-colored gloves, boots and shoulder pads. His physical structure also has been completely altered, now bearing almost no resemblance to Vegeta, but rather mimicking a humanoid version of Baby's adult form. With this new strength, he defeats Uub both before and after the fusion with Majin Buu, as well as Super Saiyan 3 Goku with a tail. However, Baby soon finds himself at the mercy of Super Saiyan 4 Goku. This is until the possessed Bulma is able to target Baby with the Blutz Wave Generator.
Baby Vegeta Golden Oozaru 贝比贝吉塔 黄金巨猿超级赛亚人1贝比成功附身在贝吉塔后变成的,头发呈现出银色;额头、下巴与眼球与少年形态有相似线条的特征;瞳孔变成红色。实力极其强悍,孙悟空就算变超3也打不过。
After Baby Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan, he has red lines across his face, crosshair-like lines on his eyes (a common trait among Machine Mutants), his hair and eyebrows are silvery white instead of golden blonde, and his pupils are black instead of green. By combining the power of Vegeta with the energy he has absorbed from his former hosts, Baby's strength becomes even greater, and he is able to fight on par with the tailless Super Saiyan 3 kid Goku.
Super Baby Vegeta
In this form, Baby is known as Super Baby Vegeta or Super Baby (スーパーベビー). It is also called Super Baby (Strongest Form 1) in the Dragon Ball GT: Perfect File. Once Baby Vegeta gathers energy from Gohan, Goten, Trunks and Bulla, Vegeta's body goes through further developments. These include an increase of muscle mass that rips apart his shirt, his eyes becoming blue-colored visors, red lines sprawling across his chest and forehead, the acquiring of large metallic shoulder pads, and Vegeta's hair returning to its original length. Upon reaching this form, Baby says he is now the strongest being in the universe, a claim which is confirmed by Goku. Baby does not assume this form for long, as he soon gains enough energy from his followers to prompt a further transformation.
Super Baby Vegeta 2
In this form Baby is known as Super Baby Vegeta 2 or Super Baby 2 (スーパーベビー2).[2][6] It is also called Super Baby (Strongest Form 2) in the Dragon Ball GT: Perfect File. It is arguably the most well-known incarnation of Baby; After sapping his mind slaves of their energies worldwide, Baby again transforms, his being dominating Vegeta's body so much that it bears a great resemblance to his real form. He now wears a black bodysuit with red and gold-colored gloves, boots and shoulder pads. His physical structure also has been completely altered, now bearing almost no resemblance to Vegeta, but rather mimicking a humanoid version of Baby's adult form. With this new strength, he defeats Uub both before and after the fusion with Majin Buu, as well as Super Saiyan 3 Goku with a tail. However, Baby soon finds himself at the mercy of Super Saiyan 4 Goku. This is until the possessed Bulma is able to target Baby with the Blutz Wave Generator.
Great Ape Baby (大猿ベビー Ōzaru Bebi) is the form that Baby achieved after affected by Bulma's Blutz Wave Generator. Baby receiving 1,000 times the normal amount of Blutz Waves, allowing Vegeta's body to instantly regrow its tail. Baby transforms into a Golden Great Ape. This is his strongest form, as shown when he easily competes against Super Saiyan 4 Goku. Despite his immense size, he is surprisingly fast as he was able to keep up with the much smaller Goku for a time. Like Goku in this form, he has golden fur that covers most of his body but retains the "armor" that Baby naturally possesses.
Baby Perfect Form 贝比青年形态
Baby (ベビー Bebī) is the last survivor of the Tuffle race who is rebuilt by his creation, Dr. Myuu as a Machine Mutant to exterminate the Saiyans and restore his kind by controlling everyone on Earth. He is the main antagonist of the Baby Saga in Dragon Ball GT.
HWM 100 X
The HWM 100 X is a large robotic creature that appears in Dragon Ball GT. Goku doubts HWM 100 X could tear up a spaceship. Pan destroys the robot with a single ki blast.

Green boy
An unnamed alien boy (謎の少年 Nazo no Shōnen, lit. "Mysterious boy") whose body was possessed by Baby.
Giant Tiger
Giant Tiger is a large cat/tiger that lives on the planet Tigere. When Goku, Pan, and Trunks arrived on Planet Tigere while searching for the Black Star Dragon Balls, they discovered that one was under the tiger's gigantic whisker. When they moved the whisker, it woke up and attacked them, though it was quickly defeated when it ran off a cliff.
Valese (パレス Paresu, lit. "Palace") is Goten's girlfriend during Dragon Ball GT. She is a rich girl who has a strict upbringing and her parents spend little time with her. Even though Valese is a naïve, nice and a bit spacey girl at times, she is a good person who has true feelings for Goten.
Sugoro 五郎
Sugoro (スー五郎 Sūgorō) is a Space Lemur that was introduced in Dragon Ball GT. Sugoro and his son Shusugoro had been marooned in the Sugoroku Space region when their ship was destroyed. Assuming the shape of a bluish alien, Sugoro inhabited the region with his son secretly assuming the shape of a board game die. Both challenged visitors to a life-sized board game, with the promise that the visitor could leave Sugoroku Space if he or she won; but the game also carried the consequence of death to any visitor who lost.
Shusugoro 小五郎
Shusugoro (スー小五郎 Sū Kogorō) is a Space Lemur, and the son of Sugoro. He and his father were somehow trapped in Sugoroku Space when their ship was somehow destroyed, so he and his father cheated to win with him assuming the shape of a die. Goku saved him and his father, and the two of them later helped Goku regrow his tail on the Sacred World of the Kai.
King Furry
King Furry, known as the King (国王 Koku-Ō) in the Japanese version, is an anthropomorphic dog who is the current King of Earth during the Dragon Ball series. He assumed his position in Age 733. The king is described as a splendid person, and is one of the few citizens of Earth who knows that Goku is the planet's true hero rather than Mr. Satan.

Bora 勃拉
Bora (ボラ) is a tall, muscular man who resides in the Sacred Land of Korin with his son Upa, in a tepee at the base of the Korin Tower. Bora later appears with his tribe in the Kid Buu Saga, when he, Upa and other people give energy to Goku's Super Spirit Bomb. There is an implication that Bora or Upa has wed and had a child, as the woman by their side is holding an infant bearing a striking resemblance to Upa in his childhood.
Upa 乌帕
Upa (ウパ Upa) is a member of the native tribe whose members serve as the guardians of Korin Tower. His father, Bora, is the chief of the tribe. Upa and his father appear when they are giving energy for Goku's Super Spirit Bomb to defeat Kid Buu. During the Kid Buu Saga, a woman seen behind Upa is holding an infant that strongly resembles him as a child, possibly an indication he has married, or his father has re-married and had a baby. The same woman with a now teenage boy can be seen in Dragon Ball GT.

Nam (ナム Namu) is a warrior from a desert village that competes in World Martial Arts Tournaments. Nam is killed by Majin Buu but he is revived by Porunga and contributes to Goku's Super Spirit Bomb to defeat Buu.
Suno (スノ Suno) is a young girl who lives in Jingle Village. Goku met her while he was looking for the Dragon Balls after the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament.
Android 8 人造人8号
Android 8 (人造人間8号 Jinzōningen Hachi-Gō), who goes by the name Eighter (ハッチャン Hacchan) as suggested by Goku, is Dr. Gero's eighth Android creation. He is designed to serve the Red Ribbon Army but is seen as faulty because of his good-spirited nature.

Pilaf 皮拉夫
皮拉夫((ピラフ/Pilaf),肉饭之意(又译比拉夫、杂烩饭、炒饭大王 ),日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的男性角色。是怪物型地球人,名字来自法文的“炒饭”,身材矮小,蓝色肌肤,带着一个小圆帽。 皮拉夫是小悟空真正意义上的第一个敌人,妄图搜集龙珠成为世界之王,为此多次与小悟空斗争,有阿修和小舞两个手下。
Pilaf (ピラフ, Pirafu), Emperor Pilaf in the English anime dub, is a small impish blue creature who is the leader of the Pilaf Gang (ピラフ一味, Pirafu Ichimi) and dreams of ruling the world. He seeks the Dragon Balls to wish for world domination together with his two minions.
Shu 阿修
Shu (シュウ, Shū), a humanoid dog in a ninja outfit
Mai 小舞
Mai (マイ), a woman who resorts to weaponry and technology, and serves as a foil to the bumbling personalities of her colleagues.

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