Dragon Ball: Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle
Dragon Ball: Curse of the Blood Rubies (ドラゴンボール ・ 神龍の伝説 Doragon Bōru Shenron no Densetsu, lit. "Dragon Ball: The Legend of Shenlong"), also known as Dragon Ball: The Legend of Shenron, is the first Dragon Ball film, originally premiering on December 20, 1986 at the Toei Cartoon Festival (along with GeGeGe no Kitarō and Kinnikuman series), between episodes 43 and 44. In its original theatrical run, it was just titled Dragon Ball, but for subsequent video releases in Japan, it was renamed. In specific, this movie is a heavily modified retelling of the gathering of the Dragon Balls in the Emperor Pilaf Saga, but with King Gurumes taking Emperor Pilaf's role as the center villain.
魔神城内的睡美人(英:Lord of the sleeping beauty、日:魔神の城内の眠り姫)是日本动漫《七龙珠》中第二部剧场版,主要讲述了悟空和克林来到武天老师的住处希望在此磨练武功,武天老师声称只有救出魔神城的睡美人才同意收他们为徒。他们信以为真,赶往魔神城,途中遭到恶魔袭击,而布玛也被俘虏。此时恶魔们正在进行一项邪恶的计划,悟空不得不全力拯救危机。原作者是鸟山明,于1986年12月20日公映。
魔神城内的睡美人(英:Lord of the sleeping beauty、日:魔神の城内の眠り姫)是日本动漫《七龙珠》中第二部剧场版,主要讲述了悟空和克林来到武天老师的住处希望在此磨练武功,武天老师声称只有救出魔神城的睡美人才同意收他们为徒。他们信以为真,赶往魔神城,途中遭到恶魔袭击,而布玛也被俘虏。此时恶魔们正在进行一项邪恶的计划,悟空不得不全力拯救危机。原作者是鸟山明,于1986年12月20日公映。
Timeline placement
The movie takes place at the start of Goku and Krillin's training under Master Roshi.
The movie takes place at the start of Goku and Krillin's training under Master Roshi.
Dragon Ball: Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle
Yamcha 饮茶
(日文名:ヤムチャ、英文名:Yamcha、又译:饮茶),日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的角色,Z战士之一。该角色根据中国饮品”饮茶“命名,由古谷彻配音。原为沙漠中的强盗,由于机缘巧合结识孙悟空与布尔玛等人,并改邪归正,且成为龟仙流的弟子之一。起初与布尔玛为男女朋友,后因花心与布尔玛分手。“比克大魔王篇”后,渐渐退居二线。后期则完全放弃武道家的身份,将兴趣转移至棒球之上。 Yamcha (ヤムチャ, Yamucha), known as Zedaki in the Harmony Gold dub, is introduced as a desert bandit alongside his companion Puar, trying to steal Goku and Bulma's Dragon Balls. He becomes nervous when near women. He eventually becomes Goku's ally, starts a relationship with Bulma, and later becomes a pupil of Master Roshi. His signature attack is the Rōgafūfūken (狼牙風風拳, "Fist of the Wolf Fang", renamed to "Wolf Fang Fist" in the Funimation dub), a physical barrage of punches and palm strikes, ending with a double palm strike. As a result of training under Master Roshi, Yamcha is able to perform the Kamehameha and develops the Sōkidan (繰気弾, "Spinning Chi Bullet"), an energy sphere directed by psychokinesis. He also later trains under Kami to prepare for the impending Saiyan invasion, but is killed by one of their Saibamen. Before being wished back to life by the Namekian Dragon Balls, he trained under King Kai in the afterlife. He remains as a regular member of the Dragon Team, but gradually becomes less active later in the series. Tien 天津饭 天津饭,日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的角色,Z战士之一。因为是宇宙人·三目人和地球人的混血后裔,所以他最显著的特征是有三只眼睛,这使得他可以看到最快的速度、魔族的气息和残像拳,孙悟空普通的龟派气功也对他没有效果。他也是许多招数的发明者,例如太阳拳和新气功炮。尽管在故事后期中他只是一个配角,也死过两次,但是他仍然是一个强大的战士,也拥有很独特的魅力。
Launch 兰琪
日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的女性角色。龟仙人对孙悟空和小林提出了拜师条件——找个漂亮女孩。于是兰琪闪亮登场,先是在酒馆打喷嚏大打出手(揭示出可爱的兰琪一打喷嚏性格就会变的狂暴,可以用头发的颜色来区分),之后是火箭炮炸火车窃取财物,正被警察追赶,被悟空搭救逃出生天。之后一直和龟仙人住在龟仙屋。在第二十三届武道会结束后,离开龟仙屋,去找天津饭,后来在悟空为了打败布欧的元气中贡献了自己的力量。 Lunch (ランチ, Ranchi), named Launch in the Funimation dub and Marilynn in the Harmony Gold dub, is a woman who Goku and Krillin rescue and bring to Master Roshi in exchange for him to train them. She has a split personality where she changes between a nice, polite, blue-haired woman and a trigger-happy blonde bad girl every time she sneezes. As her bad form is a known criminal, she decides to stay with Master Roshi, and becomes his maid. Launch's blonde persona develops an attraction towards Tien Shinhan's fierce attitude. She is not seen after the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament but is said to be chasing after Tien Shinhan. In the anime she is seen in a few Dragon Ball Z filler episodes during the fight with the Saiyans, and is seen again at the series' end helping contribute energy to Goku's Genki-Dama to defeat Buu.
Igor (執事 Shitsuji, "Butler") is a butler who works for Lucifer in Dragon Ball: Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle. Igor knows mostly everything about blood; he is shown recounting many details about blood to Bulma. He was supposed to take blood from Bulma for the celebration after the Sleeping Princess awakened and the Sun was destroyed, but instead he was defeated by Yamcha, who kicked him after he attacked Bulma with a hatchet.
Lucifer (ルシフェル Rushiferu) is the main antagonist of Dragon Ball: Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle. He is a demon with vampirish tendencies and who plotted to throw the world into eternal darkness and rule an Earth full of monsters. Lucifer is a vampire who is both the demon god (as referenced in the Japanese title of the movie) and demon king. He lives in the Devil's Castle - which he is lord of - on the Devil's Hand mountain range, where he leads an army of ogre demons completely loyal to him, including a powerful crimson demon named Ghastel and the hunchbacked butler Igor. Lucifer's exact age in the movie is unknown, but he hints that he is at least five million years old. Despite being ancient, Lucifer keeps up with the times and is quite modern; his castle contained much computer equipment, a giant laser cannon, and a television (this last is black-and-white, though it may be a stylistic choice).
Ghastel (ガステル Gasuteru) is the leader of Lucifer's ogre demons in Dragon Ball: Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle. Ghastel attacks Krillin and Goku when the two are inside the Devil's Castle. He makes mention of the fact that the Sleeping Princess was not a person, and eventually chases them through the cavernous area. He is killed when they trick him into being eaten by a swamp monster.
Little Pink Imp
Demons (鬼 Oni) are evil creatures who enjoy using their power to torment, torture, and/or kill those who are weaker than themselves. In the Dragon Ball series, demons usually are humanoid-shaped, bulky, gray/green/blue, and have three toes on each foot. Many of them live in the Demon Realm. In Dragon Ball Fusions, they are considered part of the Offworlder race.
Son Goku 孙悟空
(日语:孫悟空;英语:Son Goku),是鸟山明的原作漫画《龙珠》及其改编原作系列中登场的虚构角色与主角,名字来自中国古典神怪小说《西游记》的“孙悟空”。“孙”是姓,“悟空”是名。由养育之父孙悟饭授予,其赛亚人本名为:卡卡罗特。其他纯种赛亚人直接称之为卡卡罗特。名字的由来是从红萝卜(胡萝卜)。与他的爱妻琪琪一起生下的长子的名字,是当年拉拔悟空长大的爷爷,孙悟饭的名字。 Son Goku is a Saiyan raised on Earth and the overall main protagonist of the Dragon Ball series. He is Bardock and Gine's youngest son, the husband of Chi-Chi, and the father of Gohan and Goten. Son Goku is a fictional character and the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. He is based on Sun Wukong (known as Son Goku in Japan and Monkey King in the West), a main character of the classic 16th-century Chinese novel Journey to the West, combined with influences from the Hong Kong martial arts films of Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee. Originally sent to Earth by his parents as an infant, Kakarot was adopted by Grandpa Gohan and given the name Son Goku. A head injury at an early age altered Goku's memory, ridding him of his initial destructive nature and allowing him to grow up to become one of Earth's greatest defenders. Goku constantly strives and trains to be the greatest warrior possible, which has kept the Earth and the universe safe from destruction multiple times.
Master Roshi 龟仙人
龟仙人,日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的角色。曾是世界第一的武道家,被世人称为”武术之神“。武学流派龟仙流的创始者、龟派气功之父、武术宗师武泰斗的得意弟子。表面上是一位色眯眯的老头,但实际上却是位敢于为消灭邪恶而牺牲自身性命的战士。于”短笛大魔王篇“后完全退居三线、将未来托付于新时代的战士们。后期的龟仙人已失去天下第一的美名,但”武术之神“的称谓依然流传着。 Kame-Sen'nin (亀仙人, "Turtle Hermit"), also known as Muten-Rōshi (武天老師, lit "Martial Arts Genius Master"), which is rendered as "Master Roshi" in the English versions, is a lecherous elderly martial arts master instructor that lives on a small island and is the inventor of the Kamehameha technique. He trained Grandpa Gohan and Ox-King, Goku, and Krillin, and a few others. He is often accompanied by his talking sea turtle companion, Umigame (ウミガメ, "Sea Turtle"), who often tries to point out his flaws. Master Roshi was trained by Master Mutaito (武泰斗), who also trained his cohorts-turned-rival Tsuru-Sen'nin (鶴仙人, "Crane Hermit"); he has also received additional training from Korin. When he appears anonymously in the World Martial Arts Tournament, Master Roshi uses the name "Jackie Chun" (ジャッキー・チュン, Jakkī Chun), wears a wig, and discards his sunglasses.
Bulma 布马
龟仙人,日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的角色。曾是世界第一的武道家,被世人称为”武术之神“。武学流派龟仙流的创始者、龟派气功之父、武术宗师武泰斗的得意弟子。表面上是一位色眯眯的老头,但实际上却是位敢于为消灭邪恶而牺牲自身性命的战士。于”短笛大魔王篇“后完全退居三线、将未来托付于新时代的战士们。后期的龟仙人已失去天下第一的美名,但”武术之神“的称谓依然流传着。 Kame-Sen'nin (亀仙人, "Turtle Hermit"), also known as Muten-Rōshi (武天老師, lit "Martial Arts Genius Master"), which is rendered as "Master Roshi" in the English versions, is a lecherous elderly martial arts master instructor that lives on a small island and is the inventor of the Kamehameha technique. He trained Grandpa Gohan and Ox-King, Goku, and Krillin, and a few others. He is often accompanied by his talking sea turtle companion, Umigame (ウミガメ, "Sea Turtle"), who often tries to point out his flaws. Master Roshi was trained by Master Mutaito (武泰斗), who also trained his cohorts-turned-rival Tsuru-Sen'nin (鶴仙人, "Crane Hermit"); he has also received additional training from Korin. When he appears anonymously in the World Martial Arts Tournament, Master Roshi uses the name "Jackie Chun" (ジャッキー・チュン, Jakkī Chun), wears a wig, and discards his sunglasses.
Bulma 布马
Bulma (ブルマ, Buruma) first appears as a teenager using the Dragon Radar, a fictional device she created to detect the energy signal emitted by Dragon Balls. She is led to Goku's location by the signal emitted by the four-star ball in his possession and recruits him as a bodyguard while hoping to get his four-star ball to grant her wish for a boyfriend. She gives up on the wish after meeting Yamcha, and much later in the series, she marries Vegeta. Bulma has also assumed the role of inventor and has consistently provided critical tech support to Goku and his friends in their battles against various enemies and threats throughout the series. Some of her notable innovations include a microband that could make her shrink and a time machine that brought her son from an alternate future timeline, Trunks, to the past on multiple occasions.
Yamcha 饮茶
(日文名:ヤムチャ、英文名:Yamcha、又译:饮茶),日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的角色,Z战士之一。该角色根据中国饮品”饮茶“命名,由古谷彻配音。原为沙漠中的强盗,由于机缘巧合结识孙悟空与布尔玛等人,并改邪归正,且成为龟仙流的弟子之一。起初与布尔玛为男女朋友,后因花心与布尔玛分手。“比克大魔王篇”后,渐渐退居二线。后期则完全放弃武道家的身份,将兴趣转移至棒球之上。 Yamcha (ヤムチャ, Yamucha), known as Zedaki in the Harmony Gold dub, is introduced as a desert bandit alongside his companion Puar, trying to steal Goku and Bulma's Dragon Balls. He becomes nervous when near women. He eventually becomes Goku's ally, starts a relationship with Bulma, and later becomes a pupil of Master Roshi. His signature attack is the Rōgafūfūken (狼牙風風拳, "Fist of the Wolf Fang", renamed to "Wolf Fang Fist" in the Funimation dub), a physical barrage of punches and palm strikes, ending with a double palm strike. As a result of training under Master Roshi, Yamcha is able to perform the Kamehameha and develops the Sōkidan (繰気弾, "Spinning Chi Bullet"), an energy sphere directed by psychokinesis. He also later trains under Kami to prepare for the impending Saiyan invasion, but is killed by one of their Saibamen. Before being wished back to life by the Namekian Dragon Balls, he trained under King Kai in the afterlife. He remains as a regular member of the Dragon Team, but gradually becomes less active later in the series. Tien 天津饭 天津饭,日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的角色,Z战士之一。因为是宇宙人·三目人和地球人的混血后裔,所以他最显著的特征是有三只眼睛,这使得他可以看到最快的速度、魔族的气息和残像拳,孙悟空普通的龟派气功也对他没有效果。他也是许多招数的发明者,例如太阳拳和新气功炮。尽管在故事后期中他只是一个配角,也死过两次,但是他仍然是一个强大的战士,也拥有很独特的魅力。
Puar 普尔
Pu'ar (プーアル, Pūaru), Puar in the Funimation anime dub, Pu-erh in their subtitles, and named Squeakers in the Harmony Gold dub, is a soft-spoken blue creature and Yamcha's companion. Puar's abilities consist of levitation and shapeshifting. He and Oolong went to the same shapeshifting school together, where he was constantly mocked by Oolong. When first introduced, he and Yamcha operate as bandits in a desert, where they encounter Goku, Bulma, and Oolong. At first they tail and assist the group in order to steal the Dragon Balls they are collecting, though they later reform and befriend the trio. When Goku transforms into a giant ape for the first time in the series, Puar transforms into a pair of scissors and cuts off his tail to turn him back to his regular state. Together with Upa, Puar defeats Dracula Man while competing in Baba Uranai's tournament. The character's name is a pun on pu'er tea and was designed to slightly resemble a cat.
Oolong 乌龙
Oolong (ウーロン, Ūron), named Mao-Mao in the Harmony Gold dub, is a shapeshifting, anthropomorphic pig that uses his abilities for his greedy desires. He and Puar went to the same shapeshifting school together before he was expelled for stealing the teacher's panties; as such, he can only change his form for five minutes at a time, requiring a one-minute break afterwards. Oolong joins Goku and Bulma to search for the Dragon Balls and eventually steal them but abandons this plan. He makes the first shown wish with the Dragon Balls: a pair of panties. Oolong plays a minor role as the series progresses, where he is often in the company of Master Roshi.
(クリリン;英语:Kuririn),是日本漫画作家鸟山明在集英社《周刊少年Jump》连载的《龙珠》虚构角色。一颗光头,没有鼻子,矮小的身材,克林是一个造型简单的人物。作者的创作初衷似乎在设计一位标准的小和尚,向功夫的泰斗少林寺致敬。初登场的克林是悟空在龟仙流的同门师兄弟,也可以说是竞争对手。当时他给人的印象是坏坏的,老是想歪点子赢过悟空,而且还有些好色,和师傅龟仙人臭味相投。不过随着故事的发展,克林的性格逐渐变得和悟空一样正义而单纯(据声优推测是受悟空的影响吧),并且是在爱情上专一的好男人。他被弗利萨杀害时,悟空极度愤怒而变身为传说中的战士超级赛亚人。他在爱情上的付出也有所回报,娶到了心目中的女神18号。雅木茶则认为克林是最强的地球人。以上种种,均可见作者对这一角色之青睐。 Krillin (クリリン, Kuririn) is a bald martial artist and one of Goku's best friends and classmates. He and Goku are under the tutelage of Master Roshi; initially his rival but later a friend, and a loyal companion in adventures thereafter. He is killed by King Piccolo's spawn Tambourine, but is later revived by Shenron. After the fight with the Saiyans, he travels to Planet Namek, where he is killed by Frieza. After being brought back to life again by the Namekian Dragon Balls, he helps out during the Android and Cell arcs. He is married to Android 18 and has a daughter, Marron (マーロン, Māron).
Launch 兰琪
日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的女性角色。龟仙人对孙悟空和小林提出了拜师条件——找个漂亮女孩。于是兰琪闪亮登场,先是在酒馆打喷嚏大打出手(揭示出可爱的兰琪一打喷嚏性格就会变的狂暴,可以用头发的颜色来区分),之后是火箭炮炸火车窃取财物,正被警察追赶,被悟空搭救逃出生天。之后一直和龟仙人住在龟仙屋。在第二十三届武道会结束后,离开龟仙屋,去找天津饭,后来在悟空为了打败布欧的元气中贡献了自己的力量。 Lunch (ランチ, Ranchi), named Launch in the Funimation dub and Marilynn in the Harmony Gold dub, is a woman who Goku and Krillin rescue and bring to Master Roshi in exchange for him to train them. She has a split personality where she changes between a nice, polite, blue-haired woman and a trigger-happy blonde bad girl every time she sneezes. As her bad form is a known criminal, she decides to stay with Master Roshi, and becomes his maid. Launch's blonde persona develops an attraction towards Tien Shinhan's fierce attitude. She is not seen after the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament but is said to be chasing after Tien Shinhan. In the anime she is seen in a few Dragon Ball Z filler episodes during the fight with the Saiyans, and is seen again at the series' end helping contribute energy to Goku's Genki-Dama to defeat Buu.
Igor (執事 Shitsuji, "Butler") is a butler who works for Lucifer in Dragon Ball: Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle. Igor knows mostly everything about blood; he is shown recounting many details about blood to Bulma. He was supposed to take blood from Bulma for the celebration after the Sleeping Princess awakened and the Sun was destroyed, but instead he was defeated by Yamcha, who kicked him after he attacked Bulma with a hatchet.
Lucifer (ルシフェル Rushiferu) is the main antagonist of Dragon Ball: Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle. He is a demon with vampirish tendencies and who plotted to throw the world into eternal darkness and rule an Earth full of monsters. Lucifer is a vampire who is both the demon god (as referenced in the Japanese title of the movie) and demon king. He lives in the Devil's Castle - which he is lord of - on the Devil's Hand mountain range, where he leads an army of ogre demons completely loyal to him, including a powerful crimson demon named Ghastel and the hunchbacked butler Igor. Lucifer's exact age in the movie is unknown, but he hints that he is at least five million years old. Despite being ancient, Lucifer keeps up with the times and is quite modern; his castle contained much computer equipment, a giant laser cannon, and a television (this last is black-and-white, though it may be a stylistic choice).
Ghastel (ガステル Gasuteru) is the leader of Lucifer's ogre demons in Dragon Ball: Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle. Ghastel attacks Krillin and Goku when the two are inside the Devil's Castle. He makes mention of the fact that the Sleeping Princess was not a person, and eventually chases them through the cavernous area. He is killed when they trick him into being eaten by a swamp monster.
Little Pink Imp
Demons (鬼 Oni) are evil creatures who enjoy using their power to torment, torture, and/or kill those who are weaker than themselves. In the Dragon Ball series, demons usually are humanoid-shaped, bulky, gray/green/blue, and have three toes on each foot. Many of them live in the Demon Realm. In Dragon Ball Fusions, they are considered part of the Offworlder race.
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