X-Men: The Last Stand
X-Men: The Last Stand (also marketed as X3: The Last Stand, or X-Men 3) is a 2006 superhero film based on the X-Men comic books published by Marvel Entertainment Group. It is the sequel to X2 (2003), as well as the third installment in the X-Men film series, and was directed by Brett Ratner. It features an ensemble cast including Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Ian McKellen, Famke Janssen, Anna Paquin, Kelsey Grammer, James Marsden, Rebecca Romijn, Shawn Ashmore, Aaron Stanford, Vinnie Jones and Patrick Stewart. Written by Simon Kinberg and Zak Penn, the film is loosely based on two X-Men comic book story arcs, "Gifted" and "The Dark Phoenix Saga", with a plot that revolves around a "mutant cure" that causes serious repercussions among mutants and humans, and on the resurrection of Jean Grey who unleashes a dark force. Bryan Singer, who had directed the two previous films, X-Men (2000) and X2, decided to leave the sequel to work on Superman Returns (2006). X2 composer and editor John Ottman and X2 writers Dan Harris and Michael Dougherty also left to work on Superman Returns, as did James Marsden, who had very limited screen time in The Last Stand before his character was killed off due to his departure from the film. Singer had not even defined the storyline for a third film. Matthew Vaughn, who was initially hired as the new director, left due to personal and professional issues, and was replaced with Ratner. Filming took place from August 2005 to January 2006 with a budget of $210 million, and was consequently the most expensive film made at the time of its release. It had extensive visual effects created by 11 different companies. X-Men: The Last Stand premiered in the Out of Competition section at the 2006 Cannes Film Festival,and was released theatrically in the United States on May 26 by 20th Century Fox. It grossed approximately $459 million worldwide, becoming the seventh-highest-grossing film of 2006; it was at the time the highest-grossing film in the series, and is currently the fourth-highest-grossing film of the franchise.
《X战警:背水一战》(英语:X-Men: The Last Stand)是一部于2006年上映的美国超级英雄电影,改编自漫威漫画旗下的超级英雄团体X战警的故事,本片是2003年电影《X战警2》的续集,亦是X战警电影系列的第三部电影作品,本片由布莱特·瑞纳执导,取代忙于拍摄《超人归来》的前两作的导演布莱恩·辛格,由西蒙·金伯格和塞克·潘撰写剧本,并由休·杰克曼、帕特里克·斯图尔特、伊恩·麦凯伦、法姆克·扬森、詹姆斯·马斯登、安娜·派昆、哈莉·贝瑞、丽贝卡·罗梅恩、尚恩·艾希摩和艾伦·史丹佛主演。 本片的主轴围绕在“变种人治疗”,导致变种人联盟与人类的战争,以及前作已死的琴·葛雷,如今复活重生为火凤凰。本片改编自两则《X战警》漫画故事,先于2006年5月25日在香港上映,然后在2006年5月26日在北美地区首映,尽管影迷的口碑和评价不佳,但仍创下了可观的票房。开影当日即开出四千五百五十万美元票房,成为影史上第四高,而周末票房高达一亿三百万美元,成为当年影史上第五高票房纪录。
Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Ian McKellen, Famke Janssen, Anna Paquin, Kelsey Grammer, James Marsden, Rebecca Romijn, Shawn Ashmore, Aaron Stanford, Vinnie Jones, Patrick Stewart
In 1986, Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr meet young Jean Grey at her parents' house to invite her to join their school, the X-Mansion. Ten years later, the industrialist Warren Worthington II discovers his son is a mutant as he tries to cut off his wings. In the present, Worthington Labs announces it has developed an inoculation to suppress the X-gene that gives mutants their abilities and offer the "cure" to any mutant who wants it. The cure is created from the genome of a young mutant named Jimmy, who lives at the Worthington facility on Alcatraz Island. While some mutants are interested in the cure, including Rogue, many others are horrified by the announcement. Magneto re-establishes his Brotherhood of Mutants with those who oppose the cure, warning his followers that the cure will be forcefully used to exterminate the mutant race. With help from Pyro, Magneto recruits Callisto and several other mutants. They attack the mobile prison holding Mystique to free her, also freeing Multiple Man and Juggernaut. Mystique, shielding Magneto from a cure dart, is hit by it and loses her mutant abilities. Magneto abandons her as a result. Meanwhile, Scott Summers, still distraught over the loss of his fiancée Jean Grey, drives to her resting location at Alkali Lake. Jean appears to Summers but, as the two kiss, Jean kills him. Sensing trouble, Xavier sends Logan and Storm to investigate. When they arrive, they find only telekinetically floating rocks, Summers' glasses, and an unconscious Jean. When Logan and Storm return to the X-Mansion, Xavier explains to Logan that when Jean sacrificed herself to save them, she also freed the "Phoenix", a dark and extremely powerful alternate personality which Xavier had telepathically repressed, aware of the Phoenix's godlike destructive potential. Logan is disgusted to learn of this psychic tampering with Jean's mind but, once she awakens, he discovers that she killed Summers and is not the Jean Grey he once knew. The Phoenix emerges, knocks out Logan, and escapes to her childhood home. Magneto learns of Jean's resurrection through Callisto, and the X-Men arrive at the Grey home at the same time as the Brotherhood. Magneto and Xavier go in, and both vie for Jean's loyalty until the Phoenix resurfaces. She destroys the house and kills Xavier by disintegrating him, before leaving with Magneto. After interrogating a depowered Mystique, the FBI discover Magneto's base in the woods. However, the life forms in the camp are all decoy copies of Multiple Man. Magneto and the Brotherhood have gone to storm Alcatraz by using his magnetic manipulation powers to reroute the Golden Gate Bridge. The remaining X-Men confront the Brotherhood, despite being significantly outnumbered, and arrive just as the military troops who thus far have been neutralizing the attacking mutants are overwhelmed by the Brotherhood. During the fight, Kitty Pryde saves Jimmy from Juggernaut, who had been sent to kill him by Magneto. Logan has Colossus throw him at Magneto and distract him long enough for Hank McCoy to inject Magneto with the "cure" and thus nullify his powers. The Phoenix is awakened and begins to destroy Alcatraz and anyone within range of her powers. Logan realizes that only he can stop the Phoenix due to his healing factor and adamantium skeleton. When Logan approaches her, Jean momentarily gains control and begs him to save her, and everyone else, by killing her. Logan fatally stabs Jean, killing the Phoenix, but mourns her death. Sometime later, mutant rights are finally obtained and Xavier's school is still operating with Storm as headmistress. The President of the United States appoints McCoy as ambassador to the United Nations. Rogue reveals to Bobby Drake that she has taken the cure, much to his disappointment, but they hold hands. Meanwhile, Magneto sits at a chessboard in San Francisco, seemingly human and weak. As Magneto gestures toward a metal chess piece, it wobbles slightly. Elsewhere, Moira MacTaggert checks on a comatose patient who greets her with Xavier's voice, leaving her startled.
1986年,查尔斯·賽维尔与埃里克·蓝歇尔共同来到郊区一所住家,会面心电感应能力深不可测的小女孩琴·葛雷,两人惧怕她将来会危害世界,将她的能力暂时控制下来后收纳进查尔斯的学校中。十年后,知名企业家之子华伦·沃辛顿三世的背部长出一对羽毛翅膀,其父为了帮儿子摆脱变种人的命运以继承家业,透过一位变种男孩吉米体内的基因组,花费十年的时间研究出一种能够抵制变种基因的“解药”,呼吁所有希望能恢复成人类的变种人前来注射。现时成年的华伦虽然准备好注射解药,但他在最后一刻决定不受父亲约束,张开翅膀自由飞翔离去。 解药在变种人群体中引发两极化争议;一小部分人选择注射解药得以回去家人身边,当中包含至今都无法触碰任何人的小淘气;但绝大部分人认为解药会导致变种人就此灭绝,领导变种人兄弟会的埃里克也准备抗击解药。在选择投靠他的火人帮助下,埃里克招募女变种人卡莉斯托以及她带领的欧米伽帮成员,劫下运送魔形女的囚车,其因为试图找出吉米的位置而被俘。埃里克同时释出囚车中的两名强大变种人红坦克与分身人,但魔形女为埃里克挡下警卫发射的解药针武器而失去能力、恢复成人类,埃里克便就此遗弃魔形女。 斯科特·桑玛斯至今仍因失去琴·葛雷而痛不欲生,他近期感觉到琴正在用心电感应来交谈,便立刻回到她当初牺牲的阿尔克莱湖边。本已死去的琴却出现在他面前,斯科特走上前拥抱她的一瞬间,琴却随着情绪变动而能力失控,不慎将斯科特以粉碎方式误杀。探测到危机的查尔斯让罗根和暴风女前去湖边调查,他们只找到斯科特的眼镜和昏迷的琴。两人紧急将她送回宅邸后,查尔斯坦白琴体内的黑暗内在人格以及深不可测的凤凰之力,认为琴当初牺牲的同时将能力完全释放出来。罗根一直心仪著琴而陪在她身边直到清醒,却发现她已经不是原来的她,甚至得知她杀死斯科特,琴击昏罗根后逃回她的老家。 埃里克得知琴已经释出能力后,认为她能助他们一臂之力而试图收纳她,但查尔斯、罗根和暴风女也同时赶到。当查尔斯试图抑制住琴的能力时,却因为埃里克的挑拨离间而使得琴被激怒,无法匹敌她的查尔斯最终被琴连同房子一同粉碎。埃里克将琴带走后全军撤退,罗根和暴风女发现查尔斯不见人影后,认为他已经丧生而绝望痛哭。查尔斯的死让所有X战警与学生们感到悲痛,小淘气注意到她的男友冰人与另一名女学生幻影猫走的很近,受悲伤与嫉妒驱使下决定前去注射解药。火人摧毁其中一处解药注射站点后,埃里克用直播呼吁所有变种人自行选择阵营;使大部分反解药的变种人集体加入兄弟会。 不甘心遭遗弃的魔形女向美国政府透漏埃里克位于红木森林中的营地,但政府派军队前去后却中计。埃里克得知吉米被关在位于旧金山阿尔卡特拉斯岛的实验室中后,带领兄弟会全员撑起整座金门大桥侵略岛屿。罗根带领剩余的X战警们,包括和查尔斯处于友好关系的汉克·马特考伊、以及前来投靠的华伦,开始尽全力抗击埃里克的军团。暴风女用高压电击败卡莉斯托,而火人与冰人在一场冰对火的斗争中最终落败。幻影猫靠穿墙进入实验室中救走吉米,独自打败红坦克。在楼顶,华伦看到他的父亲即将被几名变种人扔下楼后,飞过去营救父亲一命。罗根在野兽的协助下趁机对埃里克注射超过五针的解药,使他瞬间丧失能力。然而当军方前来介入时,琴感受到威胁而开始力量暴走,开始粉碎周围的一切,无以为继的埃里克只能与其他人溜之大吉。 罗根尽全力走向琴,而琴一度恢复意识后希望罗根能使她解脱,而罗根只好忍痛用金刚爪刺死琴,终结她体内的凤凰之力。灾难过后,查尔斯、斯科特和琴都被立下纪念碑,暴风女接替变种人学校的校长职位,收纳吉米等其他变种人小孩。野兽因为这次壮举而从政客被推选成为新联合国外交大使,让变种人的权利暂时保住。小淘气回到学校表示她已经注射解药,即便冰人对此感到失望。丧失能力的埃里克独自坐在一盘棋前,试图用手移动一下金属棋子时,棋子奇迹般地微动一下;暗示解药的作用疑似仅是暂时性,更是证明所有接受解药的变种人在未来都有可能恢复能力。 与此同时,一位名叫莫伊拉·玛塔格的女医师在照看一位陷入没有脑功能的病人时,突然从病人口中听见查尔斯喊她的声音,使她诧异地回应:“查尔斯……”
Cast and Character 演员阵容与角色
Hugh Jackman as Logan / Wolverine 金钢狼 / 詹姆斯·“罗根”·赫雷特
A Canadian mutant born with hyper-acute, animal-like senses, claws on his hands, and an accelerated healing factor that made it possible to implant a coating of the indestructible metal alloy adamantium on his skeleton.
Halle Berry as Ororo Munroe / Storm 暴风女 / 奥洛罗·梦洛
A mutant, who is one of Xavier's earlier students and the leader of the X-Men in Cyclops' absence. Storm is a woman with the ability to manipulate the weather.
Ian McKellen as Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto 万磁王 / 埃里克·蓝歇尔
Leader and founder of the Brotherhood, Magneto is a mutant Holocaust survivor who wages war against humanity in the name of mutant superiority. He has the ability to control and manipulate metal, making him one of the most powerful mutants.
Famke Janssen as Jean Grey / Phoenix 火凤凰 / 琴·葛雷
A mutant former member of the X-Men, a Class 5 mutant who possesses potentially limitless telepathic and telekinetic powers. The X-Men learn that she has survived the flooding dam from the previous film, but when the rest of the team finds her, Grey has given in completely to her aggressive alternate personality of her powers, the Phoenix. Her mutant powers rival those of Xavier.
Anna Paquin as Marie / Rogue 小淘气 / 梅莉
A young mutant woman whose power causes her to temporarily take on the powers of anyone she touches, leaving her victims (mutant or human) unconscious; Rogue's lack of control over her power causes a great deal of strain on her relationship with Iceman.
Kelsey Grammer as Dr. Henry "Hank" McCoy / Beast 野兽 / 汉克·马特考伊
A mutant former student of Xavier's Institute for Gifted Mutants who is now a member of the U.S. Cabinet as the Secretary of Mutant Affairs, Beast is a brilliant scientist and statesman. He is covered in blue fur and has heightened strength, reflexes and agility, as well as pointed fangs and a lion-like roar.
James Marsden as Scott Summers / Cyclops 镭射眼 / 斯科特·萨默斯
A mutant, who is X-Men's field leader, Cyclops emits powerful energy blasts from his eyes, and must wear specially made glasses to prevent the destruction of anything he looks at. Although he is in a committed relationship with Jean Grey, her Phoenix persona kills him early in the film.
Rebecca Romijn as Raven Darkholme / Mystique 魔形女 / 瑞雯·多克伦
A blue-skinned mutant who possesses the ability to shape-shift to mimic anyone's appearance, as well as fight with incredible agility, reflexes and strength. She is also a woman of few words. She jumps in front of cure darts intended for Magneto and, after she loses her mutant abilities as a result, Magneto abandons her.
Shawn Ashmore as Bobby Drake / Iceman 冰人 / 鲍比·杜瑞克
A young mutant, Iceman can create constructs of ice or blasts of cold.
Aaron Stanford as John Allerdyce / Pyro 火人 / 约翰·艾勒戴斯
A mutant who was a student of Xavier's School for Gifted Mutants with a grudge against his former friend Bobby Drake, Pyro has the ability to manipulate fire, generated through wrist-mounted lighters. Stanford stated that with the Brotherhood, Pyro "is allowed to fully explore his power" for lacking moral restraints.
Vinnie Jones as Cain Marko / Juggernaut 红坦克 / 凯恩·马可
A mutant criminal recruited by the Brotherhood in a prison truck, Juggernaut is incredibly strong, fast and, once he gains momentum, he is nearly unstoppable.
Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier / Professor X X教授 / 查尔斯·賽维尔
A mutant with uncharted telepathic powers, and founder of Xavier's Institute for Gifted Mutants. Xavier is an authority on genetic mutation and an advocate of peaceful relations between human and mutant kind.
Elliot Page appears as Kitty Pryde / Shadowcat 幻影猫 / 琪蒂·普莱德
A mutant with the ability to phase through matter and walk through solid objects, her clear affection for Iceman further adds to the tension already present between Iceman and Rogue.
Daniel Cudmore appears as Peter Rasputin / Colossus 钢人 / 彼得·拉斯普廷
A mutant with the ability to transform his body into an organic steel, while also granting him superhuman strength and a resistance to physical damage while in that form.
Ben Foster appears as Warren Worthington III / Angel 天使 / 沃伦·沃辛顿三世
The mutant son of an industrialist, who has feathered wings which allow him to fly.
Cayden Boyd appears as young Angel
Dania Ramirez appears as Callisto
The leader of the Omegas, Callisto is a mutant with enhanced superhumanly acute senses, who senses mutants and their powers, and possesses superhuman speed and an expert hand-to-hand combatant.
Eric Dane appears as James Madrox / Multipleman
A mutant and thief recruited by the Brotherhood in a prison truck, Madrox has the ability to create a very large number of copies of himself.
Meiling Melançon as Psylocke
A mutant with the ability to teleport herself through areas of shadow, although that depiction differs significantly from the comics
Omahyra Mota as Arclight
A mutant who has the ability to generate shock waves of concussive force
Ken Leung as Kid Omega (Quill)
A mutant with the ability to eject spikes from his body, most notably his face (though the character resembles the comic books' character Quill and was later confirmed as such however, the official cast credits erroneously read "Kid Omega")
Cameron Bright as Jimmy / Leech
A mutant who has the ability to neutralize the powers of nearby mutants.
Via Saleaumua as Phat large mode
A mutant that is a very large man who can slim down to fit in a smaller space
Richard Yee as Phat small mode
X-Men: The Last Stand (also marketed as X3: The Last Stand, or X-Men 3) is a 2006 superhero film based on the X-Men comic books published by Marvel Entertainment Group. It is the sequel to X2 (2003), as well as the third installment in the X-Men film series, and was directed by Brett Ratner. It features an ensemble cast including Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Ian McKellen, Famke Janssen, Anna Paquin, Kelsey Grammer, James Marsden, Rebecca Romijn, Shawn Ashmore, Aaron Stanford, Vinnie Jones and Patrick Stewart. Written by Simon Kinberg and Zak Penn, the film is loosely based on two X-Men comic book story arcs, "Gifted" and "The Dark Phoenix Saga", with a plot that revolves around a "mutant cure" that causes serious repercussions among mutants and humans, and on the resurrection of Jean Grey who unleashes a dark force. Bryan Singer, who had directed the two previous films, X-Men (2000) and X2, decided to leave the sequel to work on Superman Returns (2006). X2 composer and editor John Ottman and X2 writers Dan Harris and Michael Dougherty also left to work on Superman Returns, as did James Marsden, who had very limited screen time in The Last Stand before his character was killed off due to his departure from the film. Singer had not even defined the storyline for a third film. Matthew Vaughn, who was initially hired as the new director, left due to personal and professional issues, and was replaced with Ratner. Filming took place from August 2005 to January 2006 with a budget of $210 million, and was consequently the most expensive film made at the time of its release. It had extensive visual effects created by 11 different companies. X-Men: The Last Stand premiered in the Out of Competition section at the 2006 Cannes Film Festival,and was released theatrically in the United States on May 26 by 20th Century Fox. It grossed approximately $459 million worldwide, becoming the seventh-highest-grossing film of 2006; it was at the time the highest-grossing film in the series, and is currently the fourth-highest-grossing film of the franchise.
《X战警:背水一战》(英语:X-Men: The Last Stand)是一部于2006年上映的美国超级英雄电影,改编自漫威漫画旗下的超级英雄团体X战警的故事,本片是2003年电影《X战警2》的续集,亦是X战警电影系列的第三部电影作品,本片由布莱特·瑞纳执导,取代忙于拍摄《超人归来》的前两作的导演布莱恩·辛格,由西蒙·金伯格和塞克·潘撰写剧本,并由休·杰克曼、帕特里克·斯图尔特、伊恩·麦凯伦、法姆克·扬森、詹姆斯·马斯登、安娜·派昆、哈莉·贝瑞、丽贝卡·罗梅恩、尚恩·艾希摩和艾伦·史丹佛主演。 本片的主轴围绕在“变种人治疗”,导致变种人联盟与人类的战争,以及前作已死的琴·葛雷,如今复活重生为火凤凰。本片改编自两则《X战警》漫画故事,先于2006年5月25日在香港上映,然后在2006年5月26日在北美地区首映,尽管影迷的口碑和评价不佳,但仍创下了可观的票房。开影当日即开出四千五百五十万美元票房,成为影史上第四高,而周末票房高达一亿三百万美元,成为当年影史上第五高票房纪录。
Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Ian McKellen, Famke Janssen, Anna Paquin, Kelsey Grammer, James Marsden, Rebecca Romijn, Shawn Ashmore, Aaron Stanford, Vinnie Jones, Patrick Stewart
In 1986, Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr meet young Jean Grey at her parents' house to invite her to join their school, the X-Mansion. Ten years later, the industrialist Warren Worthington II discovers his son is a mutant as he tries to cut off his wings. In the present, Worthington Labs announces it has developed an inoculation to suppress the X-gene that gives mutants their abilities and offer the "cure" to any mutant who wants it. The cure is created from the genome of a young mutant named Jimmy, who lives at the Worthington facility on Alcatraz Island. While some mutants are interested in the cure, including Rogue, many others are horrified by the announcement. Magneto re-establishes his Brotherhood of Mutants with those who oppose the cure, warning his followers that the cure will be forcefully used to exterminate the mutant race. With help from Pyro, Magneto recruits Callisto and several other mutants. They attack the mobile prison holding Mystique to free her, also freeing Multiple Man and Juggernaut. Mystique, shielding Magneto from a cure dart, is hit by it and loses her mutant abilities. Magneto abandons her as a result. Meanwhile, Scott Summers, still distraught over the loss of his fiancée Jean Grey, drives to her resting location at Alkali Lake. Jean appears to Summers but, as the two kiss, Jean kills him. Sensing trouble, Xavier sends Logan and Storm to investigate. When they arrive, they find only telekinetically floating rocks, Summers' glasses, and an unconscious Jean. When Logan and Storm return to the X-Mansion, Xavier explains to Logan that when Jean sacrificed herself to save them, she also freed the "Phoenix", a dark and extremely powerful alternate personality which Xavier had telepathically repressed, aware of the Phoenix's godlike destructive potential. Logan is disgusted to learn of this psychic tampering with Jean's mind but, once she awakens, he discovers that she killed Summers and is not the Jean Grey he once knew. The Phoenix emerges, knocks out Logan, and escapes to her childhood home. Magneto learns of Jean's resurrection through Callisto, and the X-Men arrive at the Grey home at the same time as the Brotherhood. Magneto and Xavier go in, and both vie for Jean's loyalty until the Phoenix resurfaces. She destroys the house and kills Xavier by disintegrating him, before leaving with Magneto. After interrogating a depowered Mystique, the FBI discover Magneto's base in the woods. However, the life forms in the camp are all decoy copies of Multiple Man. Magneto and the Brotherhood have gone to storm Alcatraz by using his magnetic manipulation powers to reroute the Golden Gate Bridge. The remaining X-Men confront the Brotherhood, despite being significantly outnumbered, and arrive just as the military troops who thus far have been neutralizing the attacking mutants are overwhelmed by the Brotherhood. During the fight, Kitty Pryde saves Jimmy from Juggernaut, who had been sent to kill him by Magneto. Logan has Colossus throw him at Magneto and distract him long enough for Hank McCoy to inject Magneto with the "cure" and thus nullify his powers. The Phoenix is awakened and begins to destroy Alcatraz and anyone within range of her powers. Logan realizes that only he can stop the Phoenix due to his healing factor and adamantium skeleton. When Logan approaches her, Jean momentarily gains control and begs him to save her, and everyone else, by killing her. Logan fatally stabs Jean, killing the Phoenix, but mourns her death. Sometime later, mutant rights are finally obtained and Xavier's school is still operating with Storm as headmistress. The President of the United States appoints McCoy as ambassador to the United Nations. Rogue reveals to Bobby Drake that she has taken the cure, much to his disappointment, but they hold hands. Meanwhile, Magneto sits at a chessboard in San Francisco, seemingly human and weak. As Magneto gestures toward a metal chess piece, it wobbles slightly. Elsewhere, Moira MacTaggert checks on a comatose patient who greets her with Xavier's voice, leaving her startled.
1986年,查尔斯·賽维尔与埃里克·蓝歇尔共同来到郊区一所住家,会面心电感应能力深不可测的小女孩琴·葛雷,两人惧怕她将来会危害世界,将她的能力暂时控制下来后收纳进查尔斯的学校中。十年后,知名企业家之子华伦·沃辛顿三世的背部长出一对羽毛翅膀,其父为了帮儿子摆脱变种人的命运以继承家业,透过一位变种男孩吉米体内的基因组,花费十年的时间研究出一种能够抵制变种基因的“解药”,呼吁所有希望能恢复成人类的变种人前来注射。现时成年的华伦虽然准备好注射解药,但他在最后一刻决定不受父亲约束,张开翅膀自由飞翔离去。 解药在变种人群体中引发两极化争议;一小部分人选择注射解药得以回去家人身边,当中包含至今都无法触碰任何人的小淘气;但绝大部分人认为解药会导致变种人就此灭绝,领导变种人兄弟会的埃里克也准备抗击解药。在选择投靠他的火人帮助下,埃里克招募女变种人卡莉斯托以及她带领的欧米伽帮成员,劫下运送魔形女的囚车,其因为试图找出吉米的位置而被俘。埃里克同时释出囚车中的两名强大变种人红坦克与分身人,但魔形女为埃里克挡下警卫发射的解药针武器而失去能力、恢复成人类,埃里克便就此遗弃魔形女。 斯科特·桑玛斯至今仍因失去琴·葛雷而痛不欲生,他近期感觉到琴正在用心电感应来交谈,便立刻回到她当初牺牲的阿尔克莱湖边。本已死去的琴却出现在他面前,斯科特走上前拥抱她的一瞬间,琴却随着情绪变动而能力失控,不慎将斯科特以粉碎方式误杀。探测到危机的查尔斯让罗根和暴风女前去湖边调查,他们只找到斯科特的眼镜和昏迷的琴。两人紧急将她送回宅邸后,查尔斯坦白琴体内的黑暗内在人格以及深不可测的凤凰之力,认为琴当初牺牲的同时将能力完全释放出来。罗根一直心仪著琴而陪在她身边直到清醒,却发现她已经不是原来的她,甚至得知她杀死斯科特,琴击昏罗根后逃回她的老家。 埃里克得知琴已经释出能力后,认为她能助他们一臂之力而试图收纳她,但查尔斯、罗根和暴风女也同时赶到。当查尔斯试图抑制住琴的能力时,却因为埃里克的挑拨离间而使得琴被激怒,无法匹敌她的查尔斯最终被琴连同房子一同粉碎。埃里克将琴带走后全军撤退,罗根和暴风女发现查尔斯不见人影后,认为他已经丧生而绝望痛哭。查尔斯的死让所有X战警与学生们感到悲痛,小淘气注意到她的男友冰人与另一名女学生幻影猫走的很近,受悲伤与嫉妒驱使下决定前去注射解药。火人摧毁其中一处解药注射站点后,埃里克用直播呼吁所有变种人自行选择阵营;使大部分反解药的变种人集体加入兄弟会。 不甘心遭遗弃的魔形女向美国政府透漏埃里克位于红木森林中的营地,但政府派军队前去后却中计。埃里克得知吉米被关在位于旧金山阿尔卡特拉斯岛的实验室中后,带领兄弟会全员撑起整座金门大桥侵略岛屿。罗根带领剩余的X战警们,包括和查尔斯处于友好关系的汉克·马特考伊、以及前来投靠的华伦,开始尽全力抗击埃里克的军团。暴风女用高压电击败卡莉斯托,而火人与冰人在一场冰对火的斗争中最终落败。幻影猫靠穿墙进入实验室中救走吉米,独自打败红坦克。在楼顶,华伦看到他的父亲即将被几名变种人扔下楼后,飞过去营救父亲一命。罗根在野兽的协助下趁机对埃里克注射超过五针的解药,使他瞬间丧失能力。然而当军方前来介入时,琴感受到威胁而开始力量暴走,开始粉碎周围的一切,无以为继的埃里克只能与其他人溜之大吉。 罗根尽全力走向琴,而琴一度恢复意识后希望罗根能使她解脱,而罗根只好忍痛用金刚爪刺死琴,终结她体内的凤凰之力。灾难过后,查尔斯、斯科特和琴都被立下纪念碑,暴风女接替变种人学校的校长职位,收纳吉米等其他变种人小孩。野兽因为这次壮举而从政客被推选成为新联合国外交大使,让变种人的权利暂时保住。小淘气回到学校表示她已经注射解药,即便冰人对此感到失望。丧失能力的埃里克独自坐在一盘棋前,试图用手移动一下金属棋子时,棋子奇迹般地微动一下;暗示解药的作用疑似仅是暂时性,更是证明所有接受解药的变种人在未来都有可能恢复能力。 与此同时,一位名叫莫伊拉·玛塔格的女医师在照看一位陷入没有脑功能的病人时,突然从病人口中听见查尔斯喊她的声音,使她诧异地回应:“查尔斯……”
Cast and Character 演员阵容与角色
Hugh Jackman as Logan / Wolverine 金钢狼 / 詹姆斯·“罗根”·赫雷特
A Canadian mutant born with hyper-acute, animal-like senses, claws on his hands, and an accelerated healing factor that made it possible to implant a coating of the indestructible metal alloy adamantium on his skeleton.
Halle Berry as Ororo Munroe / Storm 暴风女 / 奥洛罗·梦洛
A mutant, who is one of Xavier's earlier students and the leader of the X-Men in Cyclops' absence. Storm is a woman with the ability to manipulate the weather.
Ian McKellen as Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto 万磁王 / 埃里克·蓝歇尔
Leader and founder of the Brotherhood, Magneto is a mutant Holocaust survivor who wages war against humanity in the name of mutant superiority. He has the ability to control and manipulate metal, making him one of the most powerful mutants.
Famke Janssen as Jean Grey / Phoenix 火凤凰 / 琴·葛雷
A mutant former member of the X-Men, a Class 5 mutant who possesses potentially limitless telepathic and telekinetic powers. The X-Men learn that she has survived the flooding dam from the previous film, but when the rest of the team finds her, Grey has given in completely to her aggressive alternate personality of her powers, the Phoenix. Her mutant powers rival those of Xavier.
Anna Paquin as Marie / Rogue 小淘气 / 梅莉
A young mutant woman whose power causes her to temporarily take on the powers of anyone she touches, leaving her victims (mutant or human) unconscious; Rogue's lack of control over her power causes a great deal of strain on her relationship with Iceman.
Kelsey Grammer as Dr. Henry "Hank" McCoy / Beast 野兽 / 汉克·马特考伊
A mutant former student of Xavier's Institute for Gifted Mutants who is now a member of the U.S. Cabinet as the Secretary of Mutant Affairs, Beast is a brilliant scientist and statesman. He is covered in blue fur and has heightened strength, reflexes and agility, as well as pointed fangs and a lion-like roar.
James Marsden as Scott Summers / Cyclops 镭射眼 / 斯科特·萨默斯
A mutant, who is X-Men's field leader, Cyclops emits powerful energy blasts from his eyes, and must wear specially made glasses to prevent the destruction of anything he looks at. Although he is in a committed relationship with Jean Grey, her Phoenix persona kills him early in the film.
Rebecca Romijn as Raven Darkholme / Mystique 魔形女 / 瑞雯·多克伦
A blue-skinned mutant who possesses the ability to shape-shift to mimic anyone's appearance, as well as fight with incredible agility, reflexes and strength. She is also a woman of few words. She jumps in front of cure darts intended for Magneto and, after she loses her mutant abilities as a result, Magneto abandons her.
Shawn Ashmore as Bobby Drake / Iceman 冰人 / 鲍比·杜瑞克
A young mutant, Iceman can create constructs of ice or blasts of cold.
Aaron Stanford as John Allerdyce / Pyro 火人 / 约翰·艾勒戴斯
A mutant who was a student of Xavier's School for Gifted Mutants with a grudge against his former friend Bobby Drake, Pyro has the ability to manipulate fire, generated through wrist-mounted lighters. Stanford stated that with the Brotherhood, Pyro "is allowed to fully explore his power" for lacking moral restraints.
Vinnie Jones as Cain Marko / Juggernaut 红坦克 / 凯恩·马可
A mutant criminal recruited by the Brotherhood in a prison truck, Juggernaut is incredibly strong, fast and, once he gains momentum, he is nearly unstoppable.
Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier / Professor X X教授 / 查尔斯·賽维尔
A mutant with uncharted telepathic powers, and founder of Xavier's Institute for Gifted Mutants. Xavier is an authority on genetic mutation and an advocate of peaceful relations between human and mutant kind.
Elliot Page appears as Kitty Pryde / Shadowcat 幻影猫 / 琪蒂·普莱德
A mutant with the ability to phase through matter and walk through solid objects, her clear affection for Iceman further adds to the tension already present between Iceman and Rogue.
Daniel Cudmore appears as Peter Rasputin / Colossus 钢人 / 彼得·拉斯普廷
A mutant with the ability to transform his body into an organic steel, while also granting him superhuman strength and a resistance to physical damage while in that form.
Ben Foster appears as Warren Worthington III / Angel 天使 / 沃伦·沃辛顿三世
The mutant son of an industrialist, who has feathered wings which allow him to fly.
Cayden Boyd appears as young Angel
Dania Ramirez appears as Callisto
The leader of the Omegas, Callisto is a mutant with enhanced superhumanly acute senses, who senses mutants and their powers, and possesses superhuman speed and an expert hand-to-hand combatant.
Eric Dane appears as James Madrox / Multipleman
A mutant and thief recruited by the Brotherhood in a prison truck, Madrox has the ability to create a very large number of copies of himself.
Meiling Melançon as Psylocke
A mutant with the ability to teleport herself through areas of shadow, although that depiction differs significantly from the comics
Omahyra Mota as Arclight
A mutant who has the ability to generate shock waves of concussive force
Ken Leung as Kid Omega (Quill)
A mutant with the ability to eject spikes from his body, most notably his face (though the character resembles the comic books' character Quill and was later confirmed as such however, the official cast credits erroneously read "Kid Omega")
Cameron Bright as Jimmy / Leech
A mutant who has the ability to neutralize the powers of nearby mutants.
Via Saleaumua as Phat large mode
A mutant that is a very large man who can slim down to fit in a smaller space
Richard Yee as Phat small mode
A mutant that is a very large man who can slim down to fit in a smaller space
Lance Gibson as Spike
A mutant who battles Wolverine in the forest by extruding bony spikes from his flesh
Mark Helfrich as unnamed mutant with ash-gray skin
Shauna Kain as Siryn
Kea Wong as Jubilee
Lloyd Adams as Anole
Lloyd Adams portrays the green-skinned mutant that climbs the guard tower on Alcatraz. Many fans believed this was Toad; however, the credits list him as lizard man and Brett Ratner confirmed it was Anole
Michael Murphy appears as Warren Worthington II
The head of Worthington Labs, the corporation developing the "cure", Worthington expects to rid his son of his mutant abilities.
Shohreh Aghdashloo appears as Dr. Kavita Rao
A scientist who works at Worthington Labs on the mutant cure, she is killed by Kid Omega.
Josef Sommer appears as the President
The President of the United States is tolerant of mutants, but fearful of the Brotherhood's threats.
Bill Duke appears as Trask
The head of the Department of Homeland Security, Trask aids the president of the United States during the war against the mutants.
Haley Ramm plays a young Jean Grey
Adrian Hough, who previously voiced Nightcrawler in X-Men appears as John Grey, Jean's father
Stan Lee cameo
X-Men co-creator Stan Lee and writer Chris Claremont have cameos in the film's opening scene as the neighbors of young Jean Grey.
Lance Gibson as Spike
A mutant who battles Wolverine in the forest by extruding bony spikes from his flesh
Mark Helfrich as unnamed mutant with ash-gray skin
Shauna Kain as Siryn
Kea Wong as Jubilee
Lloyd Adams as Anole
Lloyd Adams portrays the green-skinned mutant that climbs the guard tower on Alcatraz. Many fans believed this was Toad; however, the credits list him as lizard man and Brett Ratner confirmed it was Anole
Michael Murphy appears as Warren Worthington II
The head of Worthington Labs, the corporation developing the "cure", Worthington expects to rid his son of his mutant abilities.
Shohreh Aghdashloo appears as Dr. Kavita Rao
A scientist who works at Worthington Labs on the mutant cure, she is killed by Kid Omega.
Josef Sommer appears as the President
The President of the United States is tolerant of mutants, but fearful of the Brotherhood's threats.
Bill Duke appears as Trask
The head of the Department of Homeland Security, Trask aids the president of the United States during the war against the mutants.
Haley Ramm plays a young Jean Grey
Adrian Hough, who previously voiced Nightcrawler in X-Men appears as John Grey, Jean's father
Stan Lee cameo
X-Men co-creator Stan Lee and writer Chris Claremont have cameos in the film's opening scene as the neighbors of young Jean Grey.
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