Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Z is a Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation. Part of the Dragon Ball media franchise, it is the sequel to the 1986 Dragon Ball anime series and adapts the latter 325 chapters of the original Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. The series aired in Japan on Fuji TV from April 1989 to January 1996 and was later dubbed for broadcast in at least 81 countries worldwide. Dragon Ball Z continues the adventures of Goku in his adult life as he and his companions defend the Earth against villains including aliens (Vegeta, Frieza), androids (Cell), and magical creatures (Majin Buu). At the same time, the story parallels the life of his son, Gohan, as well as the development of his rivals, Piccolo and Vegeta. Due to the success of the anime in the United States, the manga chapters making up its story were initially released by Viz Media under the Dragon Ball Z title. The anime's popularity has also spawned numerous media and merchandise that has come to represent the majority of content within the Dragon Ball franchise. Dragon Ball Z remains a cultural icon through numerous adaptations and re-releases, including a remastered broadcast titled Dragon Ball Z Kai. Dragon Ball Z has since been followed by two sequel series: Dragon Ball GT (1996–1997) and Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018).
《龙珠Z》(日语:ドラゴンボールZ,英语:Dragon Ball Z)是改编自日本漫画家鸟山明漫画《龙珠》第195话至第519话的内容,并于1989年4月26日到1996年1月31日播放。由东映及东映动画制作《龙珠》的电视节目动画系列从1986年至1997年在日本的富士电视台长达11年播映期间,连续11年平均超过20%的收视率受到日本人喜爱,这个系列在全世界超过80个国家放映广受好评。
Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Z is a Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation. Part of the Dragon Ball media franchise, it is the sequel to the 1986 Dragon Ball anime series and adapts the latter 325 chapters of the original Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. The series aired in Japan on Fuji TV from April 1989 to January 1996 and was later dubbed for broadcast in at least 81 countries worldwide. Dragon Ball Z continues the adventures of Goku in his adult life as he and his companions defend the Earth against villains including aliens (Vegeta, Frieza), androids (Cell), and magical creatures (Majin Buu). At the same time, the story parallels the life of his son, Gohan, as well as the development of his rivals, Piccolo and Vegeta. Due to the success of the anime in the United States, the manga chapters making up its story were initially released by Viz Media under the Dragon Ball Z title. The anime's popularity has also spawned numerous media and merchandise that has come to represent the majority of content within the Dragon Ball franchise. Dragon Ball Z remains a cultural icon through numerous adaptations and re-releases, including a remastered broadcast titled Dragon Ball Z Kai. Dragon Ball Z has since been followed by two sequel series: Dragon Ball GT (1996–1997) and Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018).
《龙珠Z》(日语:ドラゴンボールZ,英语:Dragon Ball Z)是改编自日本漫画家鸟山明漫画《龙珠》第195话至第519话的内容,并于1989年4月26日到1996年1月31日播放。由东映及东映动画制作《龙珠》的电视节目动画系列从1986年至1997年在日本的富士电视台长达11年播映期间,连续11年平均超过20%的收视率受到日本人喜爱,这个系列在全世界超过80个国家放映广受好评。
Other World Saga
The Other World Saga or Anoyoichi Budokai Saga (あの世一武道会編 Ano-yo'ichi Budōkai Hen, lit. "Another World's Number One Martial Arts Gathering Arc") is the twelfth saga of Dragon Ball Z. It is entirely filler and thus does not appear in the manga. It is set between the Cell Games Saga and the Great Saiyaman Saga. Originally considered part of the Great Saiyaman Saga in Funimation's older releases, it is listed as its own saga in the Funimation Dragon Box Sets. It aired in Japan in 1993.
Other World Saga 那个世界的武道会
Pikkon 排骨
Pikkon, known as Paikuhan (パイクーハン Paikūhan) in the original Japanese version, is a fighter of the Other World who first appears as the main fighting antagonist of the Other World Saga. He does not appear in the original Dragon Ball manga. Acting as a substitute for Piccolo in terms of appearance, role, and personality, he is introduced in the filler episodes of Dragon Ball Z, and later appears in Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn.
West Kai 西界王
West Kai (西にしの界かい王おう Nishi no Kaiō, lit. "West King of Worlds") is the king of the West Area of the universe and North Kai's personal rival. West Kai is short in stature, being about half the size of North Kai, and wears a blue monocle (he is the only Kai without sunglasses).
South Kai 南界王
South Kai (南みなみの界かい王おう Minami no Kaiō, lit. "South King of Worlds") is the king of the South Area in Universe 7. He is tall, has light pink skin, and wears white Jackie Ohh sunglasses.
East Kai 東界王
East Kai (東ひがしの界かい王おう Higashi no Kaiō, lit. "East King of Worlds") is a short, dumpy Kai who rules over the East Area of the universe. East Kai wears red Jackie Ohh sunglasses. She has red hair but wears a blonde wig, as seen during the Other World Tournament.
Grand Kai 大界王
Grand Kai (大界王 Dai Kaiō, lit. "Great King of Worlds") is the king who oversees the four Kais, North Kai, West Kai, South Kai and East Kai, who rule over the four quadrants of the universe.
Olibu (オリブー Oribū) is a deceased Human-type Earthling fighter and hero from the North Area in the universe. He is King Kai's greatest fighter next to Goku. Olibu appears as a fair skinned man with long blonde hair and purple eyes. He is very tall, at least two feet taller than Goku, and has a large muscular body. He dons white Ancient Greek-style robes with brown suspenders and belt, wears white bands on his wrists and shins, and large light brown boots. He also wears an orange headband.
Maraikoh (マーライコー Māraikō) is an Other World fighter from the West Area of the universe. Maraikoh has an anthropomorphic dragon-like appearance. His design is similar to that of Giras, while his skin colors resemble Icarus. He wears a white belt and black underwear, as well as brown shoes of some sort over his clawed feet.
Arqua (アークア Ākua) is an Other World fighter from the East Area of the universe.
Froug (フーログ Fūrogu) is a humanoid frog-like alien fighter of the Other World, who is originally from the South Area.
Torbie (トルビー Torubī) is a powerful deceased fighter from the South Area in Universe 7 and one of South Kai's students.
Caterpy (キャタピー Kyatapī) is a caterpillar alien that fought in the Other World Tournament.
Chapuchai (チャプチャイ Chapuchai) is a deceased warrior from the East Quadrant of the universe. Chapuchai lost in the first round of the Other World Tournament against Olibu. He has speed so intense that it makes it appear that there are seven of him, and he actually has the ability to clone himself. During the final of the tournament, East Kai makes him run laps along with her other students for losing their fights.
Tapkar (タピカー Tapikā) is a fighter from the West Quadrant of the universe.
Mijorin (ミゴレン Migoren) is a deceased fighter from the North Area in the universe and one of King Kai's students.

Sarta (サーテ Sāte) is a character from the Other World who is a part of the North Area of the universe.

Gorilla is an Other World fighter that appears in Dragon Ball Z. He is named "Gorilla" in the Funimation dub's credits.
Zarbonesque Fighter
This Other World Fighter is a long-haired fighter from the East Quadrant of the universe. He is seen beating the Gorilla during the Other World Tournament, but did not make it to the final rounds. During the final of the tournament, East Kai makes him run laps along with her other students for losing their fights.
Alien Announcer
(あの世一武道会アナウンサー Anoyo Ichi Budōkai Anaunser) is the announcer of the Other World Tournament on Grand Kai's Planet.
(アックマン Akkuman) is a 200-year-old demon kid and the main protagonist in Akira Toriyama's Go! Go! Ackman manga. He also makes cameo in Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission.

King Yemma 閻魔大王
King Yemma (閻えん魔ま大だい王おう Enma Daiō) is the king of all ogres who judge the dead. A line of souls leads to his office where he decides whether a soul goes to Heaven or Hell. Compared to the other ogres, King Yemma is of a different color, he has a beard, he has a helmet with two horns, and he is colossal in size; even his desk is at least three times taller than Goku, who is able to fit in one drawer. King Yemma is strong enough to stay in control in any situation and can easily overpower Raditz. Later in the series, when the power of the villains increases, this becomes less impressive. King Yemma is very impatient, and easily angered by the smallest of things (just like when screaming at Piccolo when he was ruining heaven), but is willing to listen to people's problems if he needs to. He also dislikes it when people hold up the line at the Check-In Station yelling at Kami to leave when he held up the line while deep in thought and even jokingly threatened to send the pure hearted Guardian to Hell just to scare him when he overheard Kami revealing to Goku that King Kai was stronger than him, showing he is not above using his position to threaten people. Though he might not seem like it, he is highly intelligent as shown when he recovered Vegeta's body and sent Dabura to heaven instead of hell. He is also good natured as was shown by his kind treatment of Goku and his tolerance of Goku's lack of manners. He also fulfilled Goku's wish that Kid Buu be reincarnated as a good person, resulting in the latter's reincarnation into Uub.
Goz and Mez
Goz and Mez are two watch-keepers of Hell. Goz is the second strongest Ogre after King Yemma, and Mez is the second fastest Ogre after King Yemma. Mez looks just like the guide Ogre, but his skin is red and he is much more buff (but still wears glasses). They wear T-shirts with "HELL" label on them in matching color. In the Ocean Group dubs edited version, the 'HELL' label is airbrushed into reading 'HFIL', which additionally is worked into the plot of the episode as being an acronym for "Home for Infinite Losers". Very much like the Sweeper oni, Goz and Mez speak with おに (oni) in every phrase.
Goz resembles Man-Wolf's human form
Mez resembles "Hero" (the human body Kami used at the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament).
Cell 塞鲁
Cell (セル Seru) is the ultimate creation of Dr. Gero, designed via cell recombination using the genetics of the greatest fighters that the remote tracking device could find on Earth. The result was a "perfect warrior", possessing numerous favorable genetic traits and special abilities from Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Frieza and King Cold. He was one of the few Red Ribbon Androids not directly completed by Dr. Gero, instead being completed by Dr. Gero's Supercomputer in an alternate timeline. After achieving perfection, he sought to dominate the world through fear of his incredible power. He is the main antagonist of the overarching Cell Saga.
Frieza 弗利沙
Frieza (フリーザ Furīza) is the main antagonist of the Dragon Ball series. He is the descendant of Chilled, the youngest son of King Cold, the younger brother of Cooler and the father of Kuriza. After inheriting Cold's imperialist army and rising to power as the emperor of Universe 7, Frieza quickly established himself as a cruel and ruthless tyrant, feared for his immense power. Ever since his invasion of Namek, Frieza has been the series' most recurring villain, clashing with his archnemesis Goku and his allies on several occasions, becoming even more powerful every time.
King Cold 库尔德王
库尔德王(コルド大王、King Cold),日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的角色。宇宙最强大的战士之一,属于超级稀有的战斗种族,是古拉(不存在于正史)与弗利萨的父亲。那美克星大战之际,及时救回濒临死亡的弗利萨。一年后,和弗利萨一起到地球找超级赛亚人孙悟空报仇,却双双被未来特兰克斯杀死。
King Cold (コルド大だい王おう Korudo Daiō, lit. "Great King Cold") is the king and former emperor of Universe 7 as well as a shadow member of his family organization, the Frieza Force, leading it when it was known as the Cold Force. He is the father of Cooler and Frieza, as well as the grandfather of Kuriza. King Cold is the secondary antagonist of the Trunks Saga.
Ginyu Force (Jeice 吉斯, Burter 巴特, Recoome 利库姆, Guldo 古杜)
The Ginyu Force (ギニュー特とく戦せん隊たい Ginyū Tokusentai, lit. "Ginyu Special Squadron") are an elite group of mercenaries employed by Frieza to conquer planets as a part of his army. The members of the Ginyu Force were all special troops of a "High-Level Executive Class" within the Frieza Force, with Ginyu himself acting as captain of the force and also Frieza's right-hand man.
Pikkon 排骨
Pikkon, known as Paikuhan (パイクーハン Paikūhan) in the original Japanese version, is a fighter of the Other World who first appears as the main fighting antagonist of the Other World Saga. He does not appear in the original Dragon Ball manga. Acting as a substitute for Piccolo in terms of appearance, role, and personality, he is introduced in the filler episodes of Dragon Ball Z, and later appears in Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn.
West Kai 西界王
West Kai (西にしの界かい王おう Nishi no Kaiō, lit. "West King of Worlds") is the king of the West Area of the universe and North Kai's personal rival. West Kai is short in stature, being about half the size of North Kai, and wears a blue monocle (he is the only Kai without sunglasses).
South Kai 南界王
South Kai (南みなみの界かい王おう Minami no Kaiō, lit. "South King of Worlds") is the king of the South Area in Universe 7. He is tall, has light pink skin, and wears white Jackie Ohh sunglasses.
East Kai 東界王
East Kai (東ひがしの界かい王おう Higashi no Kaiō, lit. "East King of Worlds") is a short, dumpy Kai who rules over the East Area of the universe. East Kai wears red Jackie Ohh sunglasses. She has red hair but wears a blonde wig, as seen during the Other World Tournament.
Grand Kai 大界王
Grand Kai (大界王 Dai Kaiō, lit. "Great King of Worlds") is the king who oversees the four Kais, North Kai, West Kai, South Kai and East Kai, who rule over the four quadrants of the universe.
Olibu (オリブー Oribū) is a deceased Human-type Earthling fighter and hero from the North Area in the universe. He is King Kai's greatest fighter next to Goku. Olibu appears as a fair skinned man with long blonde hair and purple eyes. He is very tall, at least two feet taller than Goku, and has a large muscular body. He dons white Ancient Greek-style robes with brown suspenders and belt, wears white bands on his wrists and shins, and large light brown boots. He also wears an orange headband.
Maraikoh (マーライコー Māraikō) is an Other World fighter from the West Area of the universe. Maraikoh has an anthropomorphic dragon-like appearance. His design is similar to that of Giras, while his skin colors resemble Icarus. He wears a white belt and black underwear, as well as brown shoes of some sort over his clawed feet.
Arqua (アークア Ākua) is an Other World fighter from the East Area of the universe.
Froug (フーログ Fūrogu) is a humanoid frog-like alien fighter of the Other World, who is originally from the South Area.
Torbie (トルビー Torubī) is a powerful deceased fighter from the South Area in Universe 7 and one of South Kai's students.
Caterpy (キャタピー Kyatapī) is a caterpillar alien that fought in the Other World Tournament.
Chapuchai (チャプチャイ Chapuchai) is a deceased warrior from the East Quadrant of the universe. Chapuchai lost in the first round of the Other World Tournament against Olibu. He has speed so intense that it makes it appear that there are seven of him, and he actually has the ability to clone himself. During the final of the tournament, East Kai makes him run laps along with her other students for losing their fights.
Tapkar (タピカー Tapikā) is a fighter from the West Quadrant of the universe.
Mijorin (ミゴレン Migoren) is a deceased fighter from the North Area in the universe and one of King Kai's students.

Sarta (サーテ Sāte) is a character from the Other World who is a part of the North Area of the universe.

Gorilla is an Other World fighter that appears in Dragon Ball Z. He is named "Gorilla" in the Funimation dub's credits.
Zarbonesque Fighter
This Other World Fighter is a long-haired fighter from the East Quadrant of the universe. He is seen beating the Gorilla during the Other World Tournament, but did not make it to the final rounds. During the final of the tournament, East Kai makes him run laps along with her other students for losing their fights.
Alien Announcer
(あの世一武道会アナウンサー Anoyo Ichi Budōkai Anaunser) is the announcer of the Other World Tournament on Grand Kai's Planet.
(アックマン Akkuman) is a 200-year-old demon kid and the main protagonist in Akira Toriyama's Go! Go! Ackman manga. He also makes cameo in Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission.

King Yemma 閻魔大王
King Yemma (閻えん魔ま大だい王おう Enma Daiō) is the king of all ogres who judge the dead. A line of souls leads to his office where he decides whether a soul goes to Heaven or Hell. Compared to the other ogres, King Yemma is of a different color, he has a beard, he has a helmet with two horns, and he is colossal in size; even his desk is at least three times taller than Goku, who is able to fit in one drawer. King Yemma is strong enough to stay in control in any situation and can easily overpower Raditz. Later in the series, when the power of the villains increases, this becomes less impressive. King Yemma is very impatient, and easily angered by the smallest of things (just like when screaming at Piccolo when he was ruining heaven), but is willing to listen to people's problems if he needs to. He also dislikes it when people hold up the line at the Check-In Station yelling at Kami to leave when he held up the line while deep in thought and even jokingly threatened to send the pure hearted Guardian to Hell just to scare him when he overheard Kami revealing to Goku that King Kai was stronger than him, showing he is not above using his position to threaten people. Though he might not seem like it, he is highly intelligent as shown when he recovered Vegeta's body and sent Dabura to heaven instead of hell. He is also good natured as was shown by his kind treatment of Goku and his tolerance of Goku's lack of manners. He also fulfilled Goku's wish that Kid Buu be reincarnated as a good person, resulting in the latter's reincarnation into Uub.
Goz and Mez
Goz and Mez are two watch-keepers of Hell. Goz is the second strongest Ogre after King Yemma, and Mez is the second fastest Ogre after King Yemma. Mez looks just like the guide Ogre, but his skin is red and he is much more buff (but still wears glasses). They wear T-shirts with "HELL" label on them in matching color. In the Ocean Group dubs edited version, the 'HELL' label is airbrushed into reading 'HFIL', which additionally is worked into the plot of the episode as being an acronym for "Home for Infinite Losers". Very much like the Sweeper oni, Goz and Mez speak with おに (oni) in every phrase.
Goz resembles Man-Wolf's human form
Mez resembles "Hero" (the human body Kami used at the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament).
Cell 塞鲁
Cell (セル Seru) is the ultimate creation of Dr. Gero, designed via cell recombination using the genetics of the greatest fighters that the remote tracking device could find on Earth. The result was a "perfect warrior", possessing numerous favorable genetic traits and special abilities from Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Frieza and King Cold. He was one of the few Red Ribbon Androids not directly completed by Dr. Gero, instead being completed by Dr. Gero's Supercomputer in an alternate timeline. After achieving perfection, he sought to dominate the world through fear of his incredible power. He is the main antagonist of the overarching Cell Saga.
Frieza 弗利沙
Frieza (フリーザ Furīza) is the main antagonist of the Dragon Ball series. He is the descendant of Chilled, the youngest son of King Cold, the younger brother of Cooler and the father of Kuriza. After inheriting Cold's imperialist army and rising to power as the emperor of Universe 7, Frieza quickly established himself as a cruel and ruthless tyrant, feared for his immense power. Ever since his invasion of Namek, Frieza has been the series' most recurring villain, clashing with his archnemesis Goku and his allies on several occasions, becoming even more powerful every time.
King Cold 库尔德王
库尔德王(コルド大王、King Cold),日本经典动漫《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的角色。宇宙最强大的战士之一,属于超级稀有的战斗种族,是古拉(不存在于正史)与弗利萨的父亲。那美克星大战之际,及时救回濒临死亡的弗利萨。一年后,和弗利萨一起到地球找超级赛亚人孙悟空报仇,却双双被未来特兰克斯杀死。
King Cold (コルド大だい王おう Korudo Daiō, lit. "Great King Cold") is the king and former emperor of Universe 7 as well as a shadow member of his family organization, the Frieza Force, leading it when it was known as the Cold Force. He is the father of Cooler and Frieza, as well as the grandfather of Kuriza. King Cold is the secondary antagonist of the Trunks Saga.
Ginyu Force (Jeice 吉斯, Burter 巴特, Recoome 利库姆, Guldo 古杜)
The Ginyu Force (ギニュー特とく戦せん隊たい Ginyū Tokusentai, lit. "Ginyu Special Squadron") are an elite group of mercenaries employed by Frieza to conquer planets as a part of his army. The members of the Ginyu Force were all special troops of a "High-Level Executive Class" within the Frieza Force, with Ginyu himself acting as captain of the force and also Frieza's right-hand man.
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