The Monkey King
《西游记之大闹天宫》(英语:The Monkey King)是一部2014年中国神话古装电影,由甄子丹、周润发、郭富城、何润东、夏梓桐、陈乔恩、张梓琳、陈慧琳、梁咏琪、刘桦、张兆辉、海一天领衔主演。 本片幕后全是好莱坞一级班底。摄影总监由拍摄《加勒比海盗:幽灵海》的Daniel Symmes负责,孙悟空、玉皇大帝、牛魔王等所有神、魔特效化妆总监为《斯巴达:300壮士》的Shaun Smith。视觉效果总监由《魔镜梦游》的David Ebner操刀,所有CGI动作效果总监是参与《阿凡达》的Reuben Langdon负责,特效布景也是由《指环王》和《金刚》系列的好莱坞工作人员负责搭建。服装指导则是一线大明星御用服装造型大师郭培担当。据出品公司星皓娱乐介绍,本片的大部分成本都用在好莱坞特效团队,所有演员的片酬总和为7000万元港币。 该片于2014年1月31日,即春节当日开始上映,3月21日,影片《西游记之大闹天宫》正式下档,上映50天累计票房10.43亿。成为中国电影史上第三部票房过十亿元的华语电影。《大闹天宫》首映日票房高达1.25亿,刷新了华语电影首日和单日这两项票房纪录,仅次于去年5月1日上片当日就豪取1.3亿的《钢铁侠3》。
The Monkey King is a 2014 Hong Kong-Chinese action-fantasy film directed by Soi Cheang and starring Donnie Yen as the titular protagonist Sun Wukong. Donnie Yen also serves as the film's action director. The film co-stars Donald Chow, Aaron Kwok, Joe Chen and Peter Ho. Production began in Beijing on 18 October 2010 and was filmed in 3D. The plot is based on an episode of Journey to the West, a 16th-century Chinese literary classic written in the Ming Dynasty by Wu Cheng'en. It was released on 31 January 2014 and received mixed reviews from critics. A sequel, titled The Monkey King 2, was released in February 2016.3.png)
甄子丹 Donnie Yen, 周润发 Chow Yun-fat, 郭富城 Aaron Kwok, 何润东 Peter Ho, 海一天, 夏梓桐, 陈乔恩 Joe Chen, 陈慧琳 Kelly Chen, 梁咏琪 Gigi Leung, 张梓琳, 刘桦, 莫文蔚 Monica Mok, 巩俐, 王菲, 郑家星, 张兆辉 Eddie Cheung, 罗仲谦 Him Law, 李菁, 汪圆圆, 梁雨恩, 樊少皇 Louis Fan, 刘双宁, 古天乐
During an attack on Heaven, the Bull Demon King battles and loses against the Jade Emperor, the ruler of Heaven. The Emperor's sister and Bull Demon King's lover, Princess Iron Fan, convinces the Emperor to spare him and banishes him, Princess Iron Fan, and the rest of the demons to Flaming Mountain. The goddess Nüwa sacrifices her body to rebuild Heaven with crystals. The Jade Emperor appoints his nephew Erlang Shen to guard the Southern Gate, despite Erlang's resentment of the task. One of the crystals falls to Mount Huaguo, taking the form of a monkey over time. A nine-tailed fox is scarred after touching the crystal and whisked away by a mysterious force. Years later, the monkey is taken in and trained by Subhuti, naming him Sun Wukong. The Bull Demon King plans to invade heaven again by using Wukong and preying on Erlang's anger towards the Jade Emperor. Erlang agrees to help the Demon King in exchange for getting to kill his uncle and take Heaven's throne. The plan is kept secret from Princess Iron Fan, who is pregnant with the Demon King's child. Wukong travels to the palace of the Dragon King to find weapons for the Mount Huaguo monkeys. After defeating the Dragon King, Wukong becomes intrigued by a staff planted in the sea. He removes it, causing a violent storm. The Bull Demon King asks a young Vixen if she'd like to meet her old friend again. She is revealed to be the nine-tailed fox and the Demon King as the force that whisked her away, claiming to have saved her life. After the Dragon King informs Heaven of Wukong's destruction, Erlang sends Nezha to arrest him. The Vixen, who reveals her name to be Ruxue, reunites with her old friend, Wukong. He promises to make her immortal after learning she will die when she turns 200 years old. The pair are attacked by Nezha, but is killed by the Bull Demon King. Wukong befriends the Demon King, who appeals to Wukong's ego and tempts him with Heaven's treasures, including immortality. Wukong journeys to Heaven and learn the secret to immortality. The Demon King and Erlang conspire further, revealing that if Wukong consumes the Emperor's elixir, it will increase his power. Erlang tries to convince the Jade Emperor that Wukong is a demon but Subhuti intervenes, explaining Wukong is not evil. Wukong meets the Emperor, and is given a position caring for the stables. Princess Iron Fan learns of the Demon King's plan, who justifies his attack as destiny. Wukong comes across a large kiln. Erlang, disguised as a maiden, tempts him by revealing that the Emperor's elixir is made there. Wukong is restrained by Subhuti and told to leave but Erlang challenges him to take the Elixir. Wukong consumes the elixir and battles Erlang until he flees. Ashamed, Wukong leaves Heaven and returns to find Mount Huaguo destroyed and all his friends dead, including Ruxue who has a dark substance around her neck. Enraged, Wukong returns to Heaven after the Bull Demon King convinces him that they were responsible. Wukong attacks Heaven's armies and the Emperor. Suhuti battles the Demon King but is defeated. Wukong notices the Demon King conjure the same dark substance he found on Ruxue and realizes he was the one that killed his friends. Wukong attacks the Demon King but is defeated. Through a vision, the goddess Guan Yin helps Wukong realize his mistakes. The Demon King defeats the Emperor and kills Erlang, taking the throne. Wukong battles the Demon King once more, sending him crashing to Earth. Later, Princess Iron Fan gives birth to Red Boy. They find the Bull Demon King who, having lost all his power, has been turned into a regular bull. Iron Fan explains that this is the fate of evil men but continues to care for the bull, regardless. Wukong wishes to help the Emperor rebuild Heaven, but he is stopped by Buddha. Buddha reveals that Wukong's chance for atonement will arrive in 500 years, but must sleep inside Buddha's hand-turned-mountain until then. Wukong agrees and is sealed by Buddha. 500 years later, Tang Sanzang approaches the mountain.
Cast and Character 演员阵容与角色
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