Logan is a 2017 American superhero film starring Hugh Jackman as the titular character. It is the tenth film in the X-Men film series and the third and final installment in the Wolverine trilogy following X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) and The Wolverine (2013). The film, which takes inspiration from the "Old Man Logan" comics storyline by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven, follows an aged Wolverine and an extremely ill Charles Xavier who defends a young mutant named Laura from the villainous Reavers led by Donald Pierce and Zander Rice. The film is produced by 20th Century Fox, Marvel Entertainment, TSG Entertainment and The Donners' Company, and distributed by 20th Century Fox. It is directed by James Mangold, who co-wrote the screenplay with Michael Green and Scott Frank, from a story by Mangold. In addition to Jackman, the film also stars Patrick Stewart, Richard E. Grant, Boyd Holbrook, Stephen Merchant, and introducing Dafne Keen in her film debut as Laura. Principal photography began in Louisiana on May 2, 2016, and wrapped on August 13, 2016, in New Mexico. The locations used for Logan were mainly in Louisiana, New Mexico, and Mississippi. Logan premiered at the 67th Berlin International Film Festival on February 17, 2017, and was theatrically released in the United States on March 3, 2017, in IMAX and standard formats. The film received critical acclaim, with strong praise for its emotional depth, Mangold’s direction, action sequences, screenplay, uncompromising tone, thematic profundity, and the performances of Jackman, Keen and Stewart. It became the best-reviewed film in the X-Men franchise, with many critics calling it one of the greatest superhero films ever made, and it was selected by the National Board of Review as one of the top ten films of 2017. It was nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay at the 90th Academy Awards, becoming the first live-action superhero film to be nominated for screenwriting. It grossed $619.2 million worldwide and became the third-highest-grossing R-rated film at the time of its release.
《金刚狼3:殊死一战》(英语:Logan,香港译《卢根》,台湾译《罗根》)是一部于2017年上映的美国超级英雄电影,改编自漫威漫画旗下的同名超级英雄金钢狼的故事,本片由漫威娱乐、TSG娱乐与The Donners' Company制作,并由二十世纪福克斯负责发行[9][10]。本片为X战警系列电影的第十部作品,但故事发生于一个独立的宇宙,与系列中的其他作品无关;本片亦是2013年电影《金刚狼2》的续集,《金钢狼》三部曲中的最后一部[11][12]。剧情的灵感来自马克·米拉和史提夫·马特尼文所创作的漫画《暮狼归乡》。本片由詹姆斯·曼高德执导,与迈克尔·葛林及斯科特·法兰克根据大卫·詹姆斯·凯利和曼高德所提供的故事撰写剧本[13],并由休·杰克曼、帕特里克·斯图尔特、理查·E·格兰特、波伊德·霍布鲁克、史蒂芬·默钱特、达芙妮·基恩、艾瑞奇·拉·塞拉、伊莉斯·尼尔和伊丽莎白·罗里奎兹等人主演[14][15]。 主体摄影于2016年5月2日在路易斯安那州开始,同年8月19日于新墨西哥杀青[16][17][18],取景地点主要在路易斯安那州、新墨西哥州以及密西西比州[19][20][21]。 该片最先于2017年2月的第67届柏林电影节上首映,并定于2017年3月3日在美国上映(含3D和IMAX版)。 该片入围2018年第90届奥斯卡金像奖奥斯卡最佳改编剧本奖。
Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Richard E. Grant, Boyd Holbrook, Stephen Merchant, Dafne Keen
In 2029, no mutants have been born in 25 years, and an aging Logan suffers as his healing ability is failing. Working as a limousine driver in El Paso, Texas, he and mutant tracker Caliban take care of 97-year-old Charles Xavier, founder of the X-Men, in an abandoned smelting plant in northern Mexico. Xavier suffers from dementia that causes him to have destructive telepathic seizures, one of which injured 600 people and killed several X-Men the year prior. Logan reluctantly agrees to escort Gabriela López, a former nurse for biotechnology corporation Alkali-Transigen, and a young girl named Laura to Eden, a supposed refuge near the American-Canadian border. After finding Gabriela dead, Logan is confronted by her killer Donald Pierce, who is Transigen's cyborg chief of security. Pierce is looking for Laura, who has stowed away in Logan's limo and has powers similar to his. She, Logan, and Xavier escape Pierce and his Reavers, but Caliban is captured. Pierce tortures Caliban into tracking Laura. Xavier and Logan watch a video on Gabriela's phone, revealing that Transigen created Laura and other children from mutant DNA to become weapons. The children proved challenging to control and were to be executed, but Gabriela and other nurses helped some escape. Xavier reveals to Logan that Laura was created from Logan's DNA and calls her Logan's daughter. In Oklahoma City, Logan discovers that Eden appears in Laura's X-Men comic and tells her it is fictional. The Reavers arrive, but Xavier has a seizure that incapacitates everyone except Logan and Laura, who kill the attackers and inject Xavier with his medication. As they flee, Dr. Zander Rice, the head of Transigen, arrives to help Pierce. Logan, Laura, and Xavier help farmer Will Munson and his family after a traffic incident, accepting an offer of dinner at their home, where Logan drives off enforcers from a corporate farm. Rice unleashes X-24, a mindless clone of Logan in his prime created as Transigen's ultimate weapon. X-24 murders Will's family and Xavier before capturing Laura. Caliban sets off grenades, killing himself and several Reavers but only injuring Pierce. Logan is outmatched by X-24, but Will pins X-24 with his truck before dying from his injuries. Logan and Laura escape with Xavier's body. After burying Xavier, Logan passes out. Laura takes him to a doctor and persuades him to prove that the site in North Dakota is not Eden. There, they find Rictor and other Transigen children preparing to cross into Canada. Laura finds an adamantium bullet that Logan has kept since he escaped from the Weapon X facility, which he once considered using to commit suicide. Logan decides not to accompany them, to Laura's dismay. When the Reavers ambush the children, Logan takes an overdose of a serum given to him by Rictor that temporarily enhances his healing abilities and boosts his strength. With Laura's help, he slaughters most of the Reavers before the serum wears off. As Pierce holds Rictor at gunpoint, Rice tells Logan, who killed Rice's father years ago at the Weapon X facility,[a] that no new mutants have been born due to genetically engineered crops created by Transigen and distributed through the world's food supply. Logan, having found a gun, shoots Rice dead and injures Pierce. X-24 fights Logan as the children combine their powers to kill Pierce and the remaining Reavers. Rictor uses his powers to flip a truck onto X-24, but he frees himself and impales Logan on a large tree branch. Laura loads Logan's revolver with the adamantium bullet and shoots X-24 in the head, killing him. Near death, Logan tells Laura not to become the weapon that she was made to be, and after she tearfully acknowledges him as her father, Logan dies peacefully in Laura's arms. She and the children bury Logan, and before they depart, Laura tilts the cross on his grave marker to create an X, honoring him as the last of the X-Men.
2029年,变种人已经濒临绝种,过去25年来没有诞生过任何变种人。如今生无可恋的罗根在美国德州艾尔帕索当一名加长轿车司机,不但因自愈因子衰退而导致岁月苍老,他体内的亚德曼金属也开始毒害身体。罗根和卡利班以及90岁的查尔斯·賽维尔隐居在靠近美墨边境的废弃冶炼厂中,而查尔斯患上失智症导致心电感应能力日渐不稳定,一旦出现癫痫则会对周围人带来毁灭性的精神压迫,也是因此在一年前造成数百名平民与几名X战警丧生,他自己却记不清事情经过。罗根从此日复一日地陷在恶梦里无法自拔、借酒消愁,一心想筹钱买游艇来带查尔斯远离一切。 一名来自跨国生技企业“亚克莱基因公司”(Alkali Transigen)的墨裔护士嘉布拉突然向罗根求助,希望罗根能载她和身边的11岁女孩劳拉,前往北达科他州的一个称作“伊甸园”的避难所。罗根原本不情愿帮助她,但看在丰厚酬金之下勉强答应送她们一程,但早晨回旅馆接人时却发现嘉布拉已经被杀,只能拿走她的手机和酬金后打道回府。然而,由亚克莱公司指派的保全主管唐诺·皮尔斯尾随罗根到工厂,打算要回嘉布拉身边的劳拉。躲在罗根车后箱跟来的劳拉扔铁棍打昏皮尔斯,而查尔斯交代他其实近来都用心电感应和劳拉交谈,但罗根对她的存在感到不解。而皮尔斯清醒后带来他的私人军队掠夺者与警察队伍,将卡利班抓为人质后攻占工厂。罗根和查尔斯无路可走时,劳拉突然展现出与罗根相似的金刚爪与自愈能力,与罗根共同杀死多数敌人后一起坐车逃出工厂。 罗根通过嘉布拉手机中的自白录影得知,亚克莱靠多数变种人DNA哺育出一系列变种实验小孩,而劳拉是由罗根的DNA所哺育,因而身为罗根的女儿;由于公司发现所有实验小孩太难控制,因此开始着手另一项神秘高阶的项目,正准备一并清除所有小孩,她和其他护士抢先将所有变种小孩释出实验室。之后,罗根一行人躲进奥克拉荷马市一家酒店,罗根换车过程中发现伊甸园出现在劳拉掌有的几本《X战警》漫画中,认为这是嘉布拉对劳拉脑子里灌输的无稽之谈。掠夺者强制卡利班追踪到他们藏身的酒店,闯进去时却导致查尔斯癫痫发作,使整间酒店住户遭受精神压迫。罗根忍着痛苦杀光周围敌军后带劳拉和查尔斯逃出酒店,上路期间下车帮助负责农务的威尔·孟森一家,因此得到他们的晚餐和留宿款待,罗根还帮他们打跑长期敲诈他们一家的本地恶霸。 留宿晚间,亚克莱的主管桑德·莱斯前来援助皮尔斯并释出“X-24”:基因公司由罗根为蓝本做出的复制体。X-24将查尔斯重伤、还杀死威尔的妻儿后将劳拉带走,罗根抢救不及就目睹查尔斯表示忏悔后逝世。遭囚禁的卡利班受不了掠夺者的残酷,偷拿并拉响手榴弹炸毁整辆车而牺牲。当时,刚被打跑的恶霸因不甘心而带人回来算账,使X-24转身过去杀他们。罗根同一时间和X-24对打,却因体质衰老而处于下风。伤重的威尔开车将X-24撞至干草车上,弹药用尽之下也一同身亡。罗根带着劳拉继续逃亡,清晨时将查尔斯安葬在林中的湖边。伤重的罗根被劳拉送去兽医诊所包扎伤势,劳拉坚持要去伊甸园,而罗根不相信地方存在,跟劳拉经过激烈争吵过后决定去看看。经过两天驾驶,两人到达靠近美加边境的伊甸园,里面都是从亚克莱实验室中逃跑的小孩。 罗根得知变种小孩齐聚一堂是为了穿越边境到加拿大以远离亚克莱的地盘,他决定就此跟他们分道扬镳。隔天,所有小孩离开小屋踏上旅程,但掠夺者却通过劳拉留在孟森家中的合照背面的座标,找到伊甸园后展开围捕。罗根发现他们遭追杀后,立即注射他们所留下能够暂时性提升他的自愈能力的血清,恢复体能后跑去援助。罗根很快因药效消失而恢复苍老,莱斯现身向罗根表示其父当初在X武器研究基地中被罗根所杀,从此便致力于将扼杀变种基因的元素藏于水源和食物中,对人类无害的同时也导致变种人几近灭绝。罗根趁隙枪杀莱斯,劳拉释放她的朋友们后歼灭掠夺者军团。 穷途末路的皮尔斯释出X-24,刚想趁他跟罗根与劳拉恶战时开车逃跑,但变种小孩集体用各自的能力将皮尔斯杀死并活埋。当罗根被重伤后,劳拉拿枪发射出罗根随身多年的的亚德曼金属制子弹才杀死X-24。临死前的罗根在劳拉陪伴下,首次体验到家人陪伴以及做父亲的感觉后安详离世,结束他悲壮漫长的一生。最后,劳拉和伙伴们将罗根埋葬在湖边,劳拉引用电影《原野奇侠》里的对白[注 3]作为悼念词后,大家便继续上路穿越边境。对父亲恋恋不舍的劳拉,走前将罗根墓前的十字架放置成X状,借此永远纪念她的父亲,并是最后一位X战警。
Cast and Character 演员阵容与角色
Hugh Jackman as James Howlett / Logan / Wolverine “金钢狼”詹姆斯·“罗根”·赫利特
The X-Man and a physically enhanced mutant with accelerated healing. Charles Xavier's former pupil and Laura's biological father, dealing with his age and ailment. He is one of Charles Xavier's caregivers, alongside Caliban.
Hugh Jackman portrays Logan's clone, X-24
Dafne Keen as Laura / X-23 “X-23”劳拉·金尼
A mysterious young girl, who is "very much" like Logan as well as Logan's biological daughter. She is also subject "X-23".
Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier / Professor X “X教授”查尔斯·賽维尔
A mutant who is the world's most powerful telepath, who is founder and former leader of the now-defunct X-Men and formerly known as Professor X. Charles's telepathic abilities have become unstable due to age (over 90 years) and an unknown brain disease, and at times, he does not recognize Logan.
Richard E. Grant as Dr. Zander Rice
The surgical head of Transigen, whose father was killed by Logan during his escape from Weapon X Headquarters at Alkali Lake.
Boyd Holbrook as Pierce
Transigen's relentless, calculating, and intense head of security and leader of the militant Reavers, who is sent to retrieve Laura, which brings him into conflict with Wolverine.
Stephen Merchant as Caliban 卡利班
An albino mutant who can sense and track other mutants, who is helping Logan take care of Xavier.
Eriq La Salle as Will Munson
Elise Neal as Kathryn Munson
Elizabeth Rodriguez as Gabriela
Krzysztof Soszynski as Mohawk
A militant Reaver who was killed by X-23 during a pursuit
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