Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2 is a 2018 American black comedy superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Deadpool. Distributed by 20th Century Fox, it is the sequel to Deadpool (2016) and the eleventh installment overall in the X-Men film series. The film was directed by David Leitch and written by Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick, and Ryan Reynolds, who stars in the title role alongside Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin, Julian Dennison, Zazie Beetz, T.J. Miller, Brianna Hildebrand, and Jack Kesy. In the film, Deadpool forms the X-Force to protect a young mutant from the time-traveling soldier Cable. Plans for a sequel to Deadpool began before the original film's release, and were confirmed in February 2016. Though the original creative team of Reynolds, Reese, Wernick, and director Tim Miller were quickly set to return for the second film, Miller left the project in October 2016 due to creative differences with Reynolds and was soon replaced by Leitch. An extensive casting search took place to fill the role of Cable, with Brolin ultimately cast. Filming took place in British Columbia from June to October 2017. The film is dedicated to the memory of stuntwoman Joi "SJ" Harris, who died in a motorcycle accident during filming. Deadpool 2 was released in the United States on May 18, 2018. The film outgrossed its predecessor, earning over $785 million worldwide, becoming the ninth-highest-grossing film of 2018, the highest-grossing film in the X-Men series, and the highest-grossing R-rated film at the time. The film received positive reviews from critics, with some considering it superior to the first film and praising its humor, cast performances, story, and action sequences, while others criticized its tone, script, and recycled jokes. A PG-13-rated version of the film, titled Once Upon a Deadpool, was released on December 12, 2018 to mixed reviews. Following Disney's acquisition of 21st Century Fox in March 2019, Deadpool's film rights reverted to Marvel Studios. A sequel, Deadpool 3, which will integrate the character into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), is set for release on November 8, 2024, as the first film in Phase Six of the MCU.
《死侍2》(英语:Deadpool 2)是一部于2018年上映的美国超级英雄电影,由大卫·雷奇执导。电影改编自漫威漫画的同名角色,为“X战警系列电影”的第十一部作品,2016年电影《死侍》的续集。由瑞安·雷诺兹、乔什·布洛林、莫莲娜·芭卡琳、朱利安·丹尼森、莎姬·贝兹、T·J·米拉、布莉安娜·海德布兰德和杰克·凯茜主演。 2016年2月确认推出《死侍》续集,虽然原来的创意团队蒂姆·米勒、雷特·瑞斯、保罗·韦尼克和雷诺兹确定回归参与续集,但在2016年10月,米勒因与雷诺兹产生创作分歧而退出电影,并改由大卫·雷奇接任导演。主体拍摄在2017年6月于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省进行。在拍摄期间,特技演员乔伊·哈里斯因摩托车事故身亡。 《死侍2》于2018年5月18日在美国上映。上映后,电影获得商业成功。在全球票房收入为7.85亿美元,成为2018年票房收入第九高的电影。 甚至是得到了评论家的普遍赞誉,其中赞扬了它的幽默、表演(尤其是雷诺兹、布洛林和毕兹的出色演出)以及动作片段,有些人称它比第一部电影更好,然而,电影剧情中的“愤世嫉俗的感觉”引起了一些批评。这部电影的数位版本于2018年8月7日于亚马逊影片与iTunes上架,蓝光影碟与DVD于2018年8月21日上市,其中除了剧院版之外,另附上了加长约15分钟的“超激版”。
Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin, Julian Dennison, Zazie Beetz, T.J. Miller, Brianna Hildebrand, Jack Kesy
After fighting organized crime as the wisecracking mercenary Deadpool for two years, Wade Wilson fails to kill one of his targets on his anniversary with his girlfriend Vanessa. That night, after the pair decides to start a family together, the target tracks Wade down and inadvertently kills Vanessa. Wade then kills him in revenge. Blaming himself for Vanessa's death, he attempts to die by suicide six weeks later by blowing himself up. Wade has a vision of her in the afterlife, but remains alive due to his healing abilities, and his body is restored by Colossus. Wade is left with only a Skee-Ball token, an anniversary gift, as a final memento of Vanessa. Recovering at the X-Mansion, Wade reluctantly agrees to join the X-Men because he believes Vanessa would have wanted him to. He, Colossus, and Negasonic Teenage Warhead respond to a standoff between authorities and the unstable young mutant Russell Collins at an orphanage owned by the Essex Corporation, labeled a "Mutant Re-education Center". Realizing that Russell has been abused by the orphanage staff, Deadpool kills one of the staff members before being restrained by Colossus, and both Wade and Russell are arrested. Fitted with power-suppressing collars, they are taken to the Ice Box, an isolated prison for mutant criminals. Meanwhile, Cable, a cybernetic soldier from the future, travels back in time to kill Russell. Cable storms the Ice Box and attacks Russell. Wade, whose collar breaks in the ensuing melee, attempts to protect Russell. After Cable takes Vanessa's token, Wade forces himself and Cable out of the prison, but not before Russell overhears Wade deny that he cares for the young mutant. Near death again, Wade has another vision of Vanessa in which she convinces him to help Russell. Deadpool organizes a team called X-Force to free Russell from a prison-transfer convoy and protect him from Cable. The team launches its assault on the convoy by parachute, but all members die during the landing except for Deadpool and the lucky Domino. While a fight with Cable distracts them, Russell frees fellow inmate Juggernaut, who agrees to help him kill the abusive orphanage headmaster. Juggernaut destroys the convoy, rips Deadpool in half, and escapes alongside Russell. While Deadpool recovers, Cable offers to work with Wade and Domino to stop Russell from killing the headmaster, as Russell will then become a serial killer who slaughtered his family. Wade accepts on condition that Cable give him a chance to talk Russell down. At the orphanage, they are overpowered by Juggernaut while Russell pursues the headmaster. Colossus, having initially refused to help due to Deadpool's murderous ways, arrives to distract Juggernaut. Deadpool fails to placate Russell, forcing Cable to shoot at the young mutant. Deadpool leaps in front of the bullet while wearing the Ice Box collar and dies, reuniting with Vanessa in the afterlife. Wade manages to stop Russell from killing the headmaster, and consequently saves Cable's family. Cable uses the last charge reserved for his return to warp back several minutes, strapping Vanessa's token in front of Wade's heart so he survives the bullet. Afterward, the headmaster is run over and killed by Wade's taxi driver friend Dopinder. In a mid-credits sequence, Negasonic Teenage Warhead and her girlfriend Yukio repair Cable's time-traveling device for Deadpool. He uses it to save the lives of Vanessa and X-Force member Peter, as well as to kill both an alternate version of Deadpool and Ryan Reynolds after he finishes reading the screenplay for Green Lantern. He then contemplates killing an infant Adolf Hitler off-camera.
韦德·威尔逊化身成“死侍”并成为一名国际雇佣兵的两年后,在跟他的心爱女友瓦妮莎的周年纪念日当天,两人计划组建一个家庭并生小孩。然而不久,他们的住处遭到某次韦德未能成功杀死的一位俄国毒枭带人前来寻仇,瓦妮莎当场中枪身亡,韦德便杀光在场的敌人和毒枭本人。之后的六个星期下来,悲痛的韦德开始自怨自艾乃至产生自杀的念头,在住处里堆满油桶,本来想炸死自己,却因自身的能力而未能成功。他粉碎的身体最后被钢人拼凑回去痊愈,其将韦德接回X宅邸并命令他接受X战警的训练。而韦德对瓦妮莎的回忆仅剩下一个铅制的投分球台游戏币,作为瓦妮莎死前送给他的周年纪念礼物。 韦德作为X战警的实习生期间参与钢人和黑后的一场任务,试图制止一名在变种人教养院门口放火的变种人少年罗素·柯林斯。韦德刚制止罗素却突然发现他其实曾经遭受过教养院的职员虐待,于是枪杀一位工作人员直到被钢人制止,其也决定放弃维护韦德。韦德和罗素两人被捕送入专门关押变种人的“冰盒监狱”(Ice Box),两人的脖子上均戴上抑制变种能力的束能项圈,让韦德的身体再次被癌症侵蚀,还在狱中受到恶霸黑汤姆·卡西迪殴打。与此同时,一位来自未来的半人半机械士兵电索,他的妻小均被在未来变成邪恶暴君的罗素所杀,因此通过时光表回到现今并打算杀死年轻的罗素。 电索闯入监狱打算杀死罗素却屡次受韦德阻止,韦德因项圈受损而恢复能力,但随身的游戏币却被电索抢走。韦德声称他完全不在乎罗素的死活,通过手榴弹使他和电索均飞出监狱,落入水中的韦德浮现出瓦妮莎的幻觉,其指引他一定要保护并帮助罗素。留在监狱里的罗素因听到韦德的话而感到失望,于是找到监狱里最强大的变种人来结盟。韦德回去后决心救出罗素,得知罗素即将被囚车移送出监狱后,和黄鼠狼组建由喧嚣、碎星、消影人、时代精神、多米诺以及一位普通人彼得组成“X特攻队”去劫持囚车。行动当天,特攻队通过高空跳伞接近囚车过程中,因韦德忽视强风预警,导致除了韦德和多米诺以外的成员全军覆没。多米诺靠她与生俱来的运气进入囚车,电索不久后也赶到而和尾随的韦德搏斗,但罗素释放出他结交的红坦克,其一拳摧毁囚车后还将韦德撕成两半。 韦德无功而返回到盲妇爱儿的住处,开始长回下半身期间,电索亲自前来提出合作,解释罗素即将去杀死教养院的校长,其随后便嗜杀成性乃至未来变成一位暴君。韦德答应跟电索合作,前提是给他时间说服罗素,韦德随后还跑回X宅邸向钢人认错并道歉,但钢人还是拒绝帮助他。这时,罗素回到教养院并开始追杀校长,韦德、电索和多米诺即使联合起来也无法对抗强大的红坦克,直到钢人网开一面带领黑后和其女友雪绪前来援助,合作将红坦克击倒进游泳池里电昏。韦德无法说服罗素,便载上束能项圈表达诚意。电索对罗素射出最后一颗子弹时,韦德舍命为罗素挡下子弹,不但成功感化了罗素的心灵,电索也透过他随身带着本应损坏的女儿的泰迪熊恢复原状得知他的家人被成功拯救。因项圈失去能力的韦德为罗素交代完遗愿,并经过一连串嘲讽后安详死去,在来世里跟瓦妮莎团聚。 电索决定拯救韦德,透过时光表回到他们进教养院作战之前,其过程用掉本要将他送回未来的最后能源。这次,电索事先将游戏币塞进韦德的中枪处,重演一遍战斗后让韦德避免死亡。罗素随后加入韦德的大家庭里,教养院的其他变种小孩也被钢人等人接回X宅邸。仅幸存的校长仍然是一副死不悔改的嚣张态度,最后被韦德召来的计程车司机阿杜当场撞死。后来,韦德瞒着电索拜托黑后和雪绪修复好时光表,马上穿越回到过去拯救瓦妮莎和彼得,让两人均避免死亡,接着相继枪杀《金刚狼》里的死侍“十一号武器”以及打算签约参演《绿灯侠》的演员瑞安·雷诺兹。
Cast and Character 演员阵容与角色
Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson / Deadpool “死侍”韦德·威爾遜
A wisecracking mercenary with accelerated healing but severe scarring over his body after undergoing an experimental regenerative mutation.
Morena Baccarin as Vanessa 凡妮莎·卡莱尔
Wilson's fiancée.
T.J. Miller as Weasel 黄鼠狼
Wilson's best friend and the owner of a bar frequented by mercenaries.
Brianna Hildebrand as Negasonic Teenage Warhead "青少女彈頭" 黑后
A teenage X-Man with the mutant power to detonate atomic bursts from her body, she is now a "new level of X-Men" after being a trainee in the first film.
Stefan Kapičić provides the voice of Colossus 钢人
Member of the X-Men with the mutant ability to transform his entire body into organic steel.
Leslie Uggams portrays Blind Al 盲妇爱儿
Deadpool's blind elderly roommate.
Karan Soni appears as Dopinder 阿杜
Deadpool's admirer and taxi driver, serving as Deadpool's de facto chauffeur.
Josh Brolin as Cable / Nathan Summers “电索”纳森·桑玛斯
Deadpool 2 is a 2018 American black comedy superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Deadpool. Distributed by 20th Century Fox, it is the sequel to Deadpool (2016) and the eleventh installment overall in the X-Men film series. The film was directed by David Leitch and written by Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick, and Ryan Reynolds, who stars in the title role alongside Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin, Julian Dennison, Zazie Beetz, T.J. Miller, Brianna Hildebrand, and Jack Kesy. In the film, Deadpool forms the X-Force to protect a young mutant from the time-traveling soldier Cable. Plans for a sequel to Deadpool began before the original film's release, and were confirmed in February 2016. Though the original creative team of Reynolds, Reese, Wernick, and director Tim Miller were quickly set to return for the second film, Miller left the project in October 2016 due to creative differences with Reynolds and was soon replaced by Leitch. An extensive casting search took place to fill the role of Cable, with Brolin ultimately cast. Filming took place in British Columbia from June to October 2017. The film is dedicated to the memory of stuntwoman Joi "SJ" Harris, who died in a motorcycle accident during filming. Deadpool 2 was released in the United States on May 18, 2018. The film outgrossed its predecessor, earning over $785 million worldwide, becoming the ninth-highest-grossing film of 2018, the highest-grossing film in the X-Men series, and the highest-grossing R-rated film at the time. The film received positive reviews from critics, with some considering it superior to the first film and praising its humor, cast performances, story, and action sequences, while others criticized its tone, script, and recycled jokes. A PG-13-rated version of the film, titled Once Upon a Deadpool, was released on December 12, 2018 to mixed reviews. Following Disney's acquisition of 21st Century Fox in March 2019, Deadpool's film rights reverted to Marvel Studios. A sequel, Deadpool 3, which will integrate the character into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), is set for release on November 8, 2024, as the first film in Phase Six of the MCU.
《死侍2》(英语:Deadpool 2)是一部于2018年上映的美国超级英雄电影,由大卫·雷奇执导。电影改编自漫威漫画的同名角色,为“X战警系列电影”的第十一部作品,2016年电影《死侍》的续集。由瑞安·雷诺兹、乔什·布洛林、莫莲娜·芭卡琳、朱利安·丹尼森、莎姬·贝兹、T·J·米拉、布莉安娜·海德布兰德和杰克·凯茜主演。 2016年2月确认推出《死侍》续集,虽然原来的创意团队蒂姆·米勒、雷特·瑞斯、保罗·韦尼克和雷诺兹确定回归参与续集,但在2016年10月,米勒因与雷诺兹产生创作分歧而退出电影,并改由大卫·雷奇接任导演。主体拍摄在2017年6月于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省进行。在拍摄期间,特技演员乔伊·哈里斯因摩托车事故身亡。 《死侍2》于2018年5月18日在美国上映。上映后,电影获得商业成功。在全球票房收入为7.85亿美元,成为2018年票房收入第九高的电影。 甚至是得到了评论家的普遍赞誉,其中赞扬了它的幽默、表演(尤其是雷诺兹、布洛林和毕兹的出色演出)以及动作片段,有些人称它比第一部电影更好,然而,电影剧情中的“愤世嫉俗的感觉”引起了一些批评。这部电影的数位版本于2018年8月7日于亚马逊影片与iTunes上架,蓝光影碟与DVD于2018年8月21日上市,其中除了剧院版之外,另附上了加长约15分钟的“超激版”。
Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin, Julian Dennison, Zazie Beetz, T.J. Miller, Brianna Hildebrand, Jack Kesy
After fighting organized crime as the wisecracking mercenary Deadpool for two years, Wade Wilson fails to kill one of his targets on his anniversary with his girlfriend Vanessa. That night, after the pair decides to start a family together, the target tracks Wade down and inadvertently kills Vanessa. Wade then kills him in revenge. Blaming himself for Vanessa's death, he attempts to die by suicide six weeks later by blowing himself up. Wade has a vision of her in the afterlife, but remains alive due to his healing abilities, and his body is restored by Colossus. Wade is left with only a Skee-Ball token, an anniversary gift, as a final memento of Vanessa. Recovering at the X-Mansion, Wade reluctantly agrees to join the X-Men because he believes Vanessa would have wanted him to. He, Colossus, and Negasonic Teenage Warhead respond to a standoff between authorities and the unstable young mutant Russell Collins at an orphanage owned by the Essex Corporation, labeled a "Mutant Re-education Center". Realizing that Russell has been abused by the orphanage staff, Deadpool kills one of the staff members before being restrained by Colossus, and both Wade and Russell are arrested. Fitted with power-suppressing collars, they are taken to the Ice Box, an isolated prison for mutant criminals. Meanwhile, Cable, a cybernetic soldier from the future, travels back in time to kill Russell. Cable storms the Ice Box and attacks Russell. Wade, whose collar breaks in the ensuing melee, attempts to protect Russell. After Cable takes Vanessa's token, Wade forces himself and Cable out of the prison, but not before Russell overhears Wade deny that he cares for the young mutant. Near death again, Wade has another vision of Vanessa in which she convinces him to help Russell. Deadpool organizes a team called X-Force to free Russell from a prison-transfer convoy and protect him from Cable. The team launches its assault on the convoy by parachute, but all members die during the landing except for Deadpool and the lucky Domino. While a fight with Cable distracts them, Russell frees fellow inmate Juggernaut, who agrees to help him kill the abusive orphanage headmaster. Juggernaut destroys the convoy, rips Deadpool in half, and escapes alongside Russell. While Deadpool recovers, Cable offers to work with Wade and Domino to stop Russell from killing the headmaster, as Russell will then become a serial killer who slaughtered his family. Wade accepts on condition that Cable give him a chance to talk Russell down. At the orphanage, they are overpowered by Juggernaut while Russell pursues the headmaster. Colossus, having initially refused to help due to Deadpool's murderous ways, arrives to distract Juggernaut. Deadpool fails to placate Russell, forcing Cable to shoot at the young mutant. Deadpool leaps in front of the bullet while wearing the Ice Box collar and dies, reuniting with Vanessa in the afterlife. Wade manages to stop Russell from killing the headmaster, and consequently saves Cable's family. Cable uses the last charge reserved for his return to warp back several minutes, strapping Vanessa's token in front of Wade's heart so he survives the bullet. Afterward, the headmaster is run over and killed by Wade's taxi driver friend Dopinder. In a mid-credits sequence, Negasonic Teenage Warhead and her girlfriend Yukio repair Cable's time-traveling device for Deadpool. He uses it to save the lives of Vanessa and X-Force member Peter, as well as to kill both an alternate version of Deadpool and Ryan Reynolds after he finishes reading the screenplay for Green Lantern. He then contemplates killing an infant Adolf Hitler off-camera.
韦德·威尔逊化身成“死侍”并成为一名国际雇佣兵的两年后,在跟他的心爱女友瓦妮莎的周年纪念日当天,两人计划组建一个家庭并生小孩。然而不久,他们的住处遭到某次韦德未能成功杀死的一位俄国毒枭带人前来寻仇,瓦妮莎当场中枪身亡,韦德便杀光在场的敌人和毒枭本人。之后的六个星期下来,悲痛的韦德开始自怨自艾乃至产生自杀的念头,在住处里堆满油桶,本来想炸死自己,却因自身的能力而未能成功。他粉碎的身体最后被钢人拼凑回去痊愈,其将韦德接回X宅邸并命令他接受X战警的训练。而韦德对瓦妮莎的回忆仅剩下一个铅制的投分球台游戏币,作为瓦妮莎死前送给他的周年纪念礼物。 韦德作为X战警的实习生期间参与钢人和黑后的一场任务,试图制止一名在变种人教养院门口放火的变种人少年罗素·柯林斯。韦德刚制止罗素却突然发现他其实曾经遭受过教养院的职员虐待,于是枪杀一位工作人员直到被钢人制止,其也决定放弃维护韦德。韦德和罗素两人被捕送入专门关押变种人的“冰盒监狱”(Ice Box),两人的脖子上均戴上抑制变种能力的束能项圈,让韦德的身体再次被癌症侵蚀,还在狱中受到恶霸黑汤姆·卡西迪殴打。与此同时,一位来自未来的半人半机械士兵电索,他的妻小均被在未来变成邪恶暴君的罗素所杀,因此通过时光表回到现今并打算杀死年轻的罗素。 电索闯入监狱打算杀死罗素却屡次受韦德阻止,韦德因项圈受损而恢复能力,但随身的游戏币却被电索抢走。韦德声称他完全不在乎罗素的死活,通过手榴弹使他和电索均飞出监狱,落入水中的韦德浮现出瓦妮莎的幻觉,其指引他一定要保护并帮助罗素。留在监狱里的罗素因听到韦德的话而感到失望,于是找到监狱里最强大的变种人来结盟。韦德回去后决心救出罗素,得知罗素即将被囚车移送出监狱后,和黄鼠狼组建由喧嚣、碎星、消影人、时代精神、多米诺以及一位普通人彼得组成“X特攻队”去劫持囚车。行动当天,特攻队通过高空跳伞接近囚车过程中,因韦德忽视强风预警,导致除了韦德和多米诺以外的成员全军覆没。多米诺靠她与生俱来的运气进入囚车,电索不久后也赶到而和尾随的韦德搏斗,但罗素释放出他结交的红坦克,其一拳摧毁囚车后还将韦德撕成两半。 韦德无功而返回到盲妇爱儿的住处,开始长回下半身期间,电索亲自前来提出合作,解释罗素即将去杀死教养院的校长,其随后便嗜杀成性乃至未来变成一位暴君。韦德答应跟电索合作,前提是给他时间说服罗素,韦德随后还跑回X宅邸向钢人认错并道歉,但钢人还是拒绝帮助他。这时,罗素回到教养院并开始追杀校长,韦德、电索和多米诺即使联合起来也无法对抗强大的红坦克,直到钢人网开一面带领黑后和其女友雪绪前来援助,合作将红坦克击倒进游泳池里电昏。韦德无法说服罗素,便载上束能项圈表达诚意。电索对罗素射出最后一颗子弹时,韦德舍命为罗素挡下子弹,不但成功感化了罗素的心灵,电索也透过他随身带着本应损坏的女儿的泰迪熊恢复原状得知他的家人被成功拯救。因项圈失去能力的韦德为罗素交代完遗愿,并经过一连串嘲讽后安详死去,在来世里跟瓦妮莎团聚。 电索决定拯救韦德,透过时光表回到他们进教养院作战之前,其过程用掉本要将他送回未来的最后能源。这次,电索事先将游戏币塞进韦德的中枪处,重演一遍战斗后让韦德避免死亡。罗素随后加入韦德的大家庭里,教养院的其他变种小孩也被钢人等人接回X宅邸。仅幸存的校长仍然是一副死不悔改的嚣张态度,最后被韦德召来的计程车司机阿杜当场撞死。后来,韦德瞒着电索拜托黑后和雪绪修复好时光表,马上穿越回到过去拯救瓦妮莎和彼得,让两人均避免死亡,接着相继枪杀《金刚狼》里的死侍“十一号武器”以及打算签约参演《绿灯侠》的演员瑞安·雷诺兹。
Cast and Character 演员阵容与角色
Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson / Deadpool “死侍”韦德·威爾遜
A wisecracking mercenary with accelerated healing but severe scarring over his body after undergoing an experimental regenerative mutation.
Morena Baccarin as Vanessa 凡妮莎·卡莱尔
Wilson's fiancée.
T.J. Miller as Weasel 黄鼠狼
Wilson's best friend and the owner of a bar frequented by mercenaries.
Brianna Hildebrand as Negasonic Teenage Warhead "青少女彈頭" 黑后
A teenage X-Man with the mutant power to detonate atomic bursts from her body, she is now a "new level of X-Men" after being a trainee in the first film.
Stefan Kapičić provides the voice of Colossus 钢人
Member of the X-Men with the mutant ability to transform his entire body into organic steel.
Leslie Uggams portrays Blind Al 盲妇爱儿
Deadpool's blind elderly roommate.
Karan Soni appears as Dopinder 阿杜
Deadpool's admirer and taxi driver, serving as Deadpool's de facto chauffeur.
Josh Brolin as Cable / Nathan Summers “电索”纳森·桑玛斯
A time-traveling cybernetic soldier, "in many ways the opposite of Deadpool".
Julian Dennison as Russell Collins / Firefist “火拳”罗素·柯林斯
A young mutant with pyrokinetic abilities who is being hunted by Cable.
Zazie Beetz as Domino 多米诺
A mercenary with the mutant ability to manipulate luck, who joins Deadpool's X-Force team.
Ryan Reynolds provided the voice for the Juggernaut 红坦克
Eddie Marsan as the Headmaster 校长
The brutal headmaster of the Essex Home for Mutant Rehabilitation, an orphanage.

Shioli Kutsuna as Yukio 雪绪
Negasonic Teenage Warhead's girlfriend and fellow X-Men.
Randal Reeder as Buck
A huge "biker-type" who hangs out at Weasel's bar, whom Deadpool only allows to have one line.

Jack Kesy as Black Tom Cassidy
A mutant inmate of the facility where Deadpool and Firefist are imprisoned.
Robert Maillet briefly appears as Sluggo
An inmate of the Ice Box

Terry Crews as Bedlam 喧嚣
Lewis Tan as Shatterstar 碎星
Bill Skarsgård as Zeitgeist 时代精神
Rob Delaney as Peter
Brad Pitt as Vanisher 消影人
Reprising their roles as the X-Men for a brief cameo are James McAvoy as Professor X, Nicholas Hoult as Beast, Evan Peters as Quicksilver, Tye Sheridan as Cyclops, Alexandra Shipp as Storm, and Kodi Smit-McPhee as Nightcrawler

Hugh Jackman as Logan / Wolverine 金钢狼
Archive footage of Hugh Jackman as Logan / Wolverine from X-Men Origins: Wolverine is used in the mid-credits sequence, with Jackman's permission
Stan Lee cameo
Stan Lee was unable to cameo in the sequel, as he did in the first film and the short No Good Deed, but his likeness was used for a bust in the X-Mansion and for graffiti on a wall.

Julian Dennison as Russell Collins / Firefist “火拳”罗素·柯林斯
A young mutant with pyrokinetic abilities who is being hunted by Cable.
Zazie Beetz as Domino 多米诺
A mercenary with the mutant ability to manipulate luck, who joins Deadpool's X-Force team.
Ryan Reynolds provided the voice for the Juggernaut 红坦克
Eddie Marsan as the Headmaster 校长
The brutal headmaster of the Essex Home for Mutant Rehabilitation, an orphanage.

Shioli Kutsuna as Yukio 雪绪
Negasonic Teenage Warhead's girlfriend and fellow X-Men.
Randal Reeder as Buck
A huge "biker-type" who hangs out at Weasel's bar, whom Deadpool only allows to have one line.

Jack Kesy as Black Tom Cassidy
A mutant inmate of the facility where Deadpool and Firefist are imprisoned.
Robert Maillet briefly appears as Sluggo
An inmate of the Ice Box

Terry Crews as Bedlam 喧嚣
Lewis Tan as Shatterstar 碎星
Bill Skarsgård as Zeitgeist 时代精神
Rob Delaney as Peter
Brad Pitt as Vanisher 消影人
Reprising their roles as the X-Men for a brief cameo are James McAvoy as Professor X, Nicholas Hoult as Beast, Evan Peters as Quicksilver, Tye Sheridan as Cyclops, Alexandra Shipp as Storm, and Kodi Smit-McPhee as Nightcrawler

Hugh Jackman as Logan / Wolverine 金钢狼
Archive footage of Hugh Jackman as Logan / Wolverine from X-Men Origins: Wolverine is used in the mid-credits sequence, with Jackman's permission
Stan Lee cameo
Stan Lee was unable to cameo in the sequel, as he did in the first film and the short No Good Deed, but his likeness was used for a bust in the X-Mansion and for graffiti on a wall.

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