Spider-Man: No Way Home
蜘蛛侠: 英雄无归
Spider-Man: No Way Home is a 2021 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man, co-produced by Columbia Pictures and Marvel Studios and distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing. It is the sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) and Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), and the 27th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film was directed by Jon Watts and written by Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers. It stars Tom Holland as Peter Parker / Spider-Man alongside Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch, Jacob Batalon, Jon Favreau, Jamie Foxx, Willem Dafoe, Alfred Molina, Benedict Wong, Tony Revolori, Marisa Tomei, Andrew Garfield, and Tobey Maguire. In the film, Parker asks Dr. Stephen Strange (Cumberbatch) to use magic to make his identity as Spider-Man a secret again following the public revelation. When the spell goes wrong because of Parker's actions, the multiverse is broken open, which allows visitors from alternate realities to enter Parker's universe. A third MCU Spider-Man film was planned during the production of Homecoming in 2017. Negotiations between Sony and Marvel Studios to alter their deal—in which they produce the Spider-Man films together—ended with Marvel Studios leaving the project in August 2019, but a negative fan reaction led to a new deal between the companies a month later. Watts, McKenna, Sommers, and Holland were set to return, and filming took place from October 2020 to March 2021 in New York City and Atlanta. No Way Home features several actors reprising their roles from non-MCU Spider-Man films directed by Sam Raimi and Marc Webb, including previous Spider-Man actors Maguire and Garfield. The involvement of both actors was the subject of wide speculation and numerous leaks despite the efforts of Sony, Marvel, and the cast to conceal their involvement. Spider-Man: No Way Home premiered at the Fox Village Theatre in Los Angeles on December 13, 2021, and was theatrically released in the United States on December 17, as part of Phase Four of the MCU. It received praise from critics for the story, direction, action sequences, emotional weight, performances (particularly those of Holland, Dafoe, Molina, Foxx, Garfield, and Maguire), and the cast's chemistry. The film grossed over $1.9 billion worldwide, surpassing its predecessor as the highest-grossing film released by Sony Pictures. It became the highest-grossing film of 2021, the sixth-highest-grossing film of all time, the highest grossing Spider-Man film, and set several other box office records, including those for films released during the COVID-19 pandemic. The film received a nomination for Best Visual Effects at the 94th Academy Awards, among numerous other accolades. An extended version of the film, subtitled The More Fun Stuff Version, was theatrically released globally in September 2022. A sequel is in development.
《蜘蛛侠:不归之战》(英语:Spider-Man: No Way Home,中国大陆译《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》,香港译《蜘蛛侠:不战无归》,台湾译《蜘蛛人:无家日》)是一部于2021年上映的美国超级英雄电影,改编自漫威漫画旗下的同名超级英雄角色蜘蛛人,本片由哥伦比亚影业与漫威影业共同制作,并由索尼影视娱乐负责发行。本片为2019年电影《蜘蛛侠:决战千里》、2007年电影《蜘蛛侠3》、2014年电影《超凡蜘蛛侠2》的续集,亦是漫威电影宇宙的第27部电影,本片由乔恩·沃茨执导,克里斯·麦肯纳与埃里克·桑默斯共同编剧,并由汤姆·赫兰德、赞达亚、本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇、雅各布·贝塔隆、乔恩·法夫罗、杰米·福克斯、威廉·达福、艾佛烈·蒙利纳、玛丽莎·托梅、安德鲁·加菲尔德和托比·马奎尔等人主演。 2017年,《蜘蛛侠:英雄回归》的制作过程中就已经有计划把全新的蜘蛛人系列拍成三部曲。2019年8月,索尼影视娱乐和漫威影业谈判破局,导致漫威影业离开了该项目,但在同年9月,漫威和索尼达成协议,继续把蜘蛛人保留在漫威电影宇宙之中。汤姆·赫兰德和编剧克里斯·麦肯纳与埃里克·桑默斯回归执笔电影,主体拍摄于2020年10月在纽约开始进行。 电影上映后获得媒体与观众的一致好评,称赞其故事、执导、动作戏、演出及演员之间的互动。电影在全球获得19亿美元的票房,超越前作《蜘蛛侠:决战千里》成为索尼影视娱乐最卖座的电影,同时成为2021年票房最高的电影,以及在全球最高电影票房收入列表中排名第六,仅次于2018年上映的《复仇者联盟3:无限战争》,并成为史上票房收入最高的蜘蛛人系列电影,在全球最高电影票房收入列表中排名第七。电影同时荣获无数奖项与提名,并在第94届奥斯卡金像奖上入围最佳视觉效果奖。
Tom Holland, Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch, Jacob Batalon, Jon Favreau, Jamie Foxx, Willem Dafoe, Alfred Molina, Benedict Wong, Tony Revolori, Marisa Tomei, Andrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire
After Quentin Beck frames Peter Parker for his murder and reveals Parker's identity as Spider-Man, Parker, his girlfriend Michelle "MJ" Jones-Watson, best friend Ned Leeds, and aunt May are interrogated by the Department of Damage Control. Lawyer Matt Murdock gets Parker's charges dropped, but the group grapples with negative publicity. After Parker, MJ, and Ned's MIT applications are rejected, Parker goes to the New York Sanctum to ask Stephen Strange for help. Strange starts casting a spell that would make everyone forget Parker is Spider-Man, but it is corrupted when Parker repeatedly requests alterations to let his loved ones retain their memories, ultimately causing Strange to contain the spell to stop it. At Strange's suggestion, Parker tries to convince an MIT administrator to reconsider the applications of MJ and Ned, but is attacked by Otto Octavius. Octavius rips nanotechnology from Parker's Iron Spider suit, which bonds with his mechanical tentacles and allows Parker to control them. As Norman Osborn arrives and attacks, Strange teleports Parker back to the Sanctum and locks Octavius in a cell next to Curt Connors. Strange explains that the corrupted spell summoned people from other universes within the multiverse who know Spider-Man's identity. He orders Parker, MJ, and Ned to find and capture them; they locate and retrieve Max Dillon and Flint Marko at a military research facility. Osborn reclaims control of himself from his split Green Goblin personality and destroys the Goblin mask. He goes to a F.E.A.S.T. building, where May comforts him before Parker retrieves him. While discussing their battles with Spider-Man, Osborn, Octavius, and Dillon realize they were pulled from their universes just before their deaths. Strange prepares to reverse the contained spell and send the villains back to their respective universes, but Parker argues that they should first cure the villains of the insanity that would lead to their deaths, to possibly change their fates upon their return. When Strange refuses, Parker steals the spell, traps Strange in the Mirror Dimension, and, with May, takes the villains to Happy Hogan's apartment, where he uses Stark Industries technology to cure Octavius. Before Parker can cure anyone else, his spider-sense goes off. He then discovers that the Goblin persona retook control of Osborn, who convinces the uncured villains to betray Parker. As Dillon, Marko, and Connors escape, the Goblin fatally injures May. Before she dies, May tells Parker that "with great power, there must also come great responsibility". Ned discovers that he can create portals using Strange's sling ring, which he and MJ use to try to locate Parker. They instead find alternate versions of Parker from the villains' universes who were also summoned by Strange's spell and who are nicknamed "Peter-Two" and "Peter-Three". The group finds this universe's Parker, nicknamed "Peter-One", who is ready to give up and send the villains home to die. The alternate Parkers share stories of losing loved ones and encourage Peter-One to fight in May's honor, and the three Parkers develop cures for the villains. The group lure Dillon, Marko, and Connors to the Statue of Liberty. Peter-One and Peter-Two cure Connors and Marko, while Octavius arrives to help cure Dillon, and Ned frees Strange from the Mirror Dimension. The Goblin appears and unleashes the contained spell, which breaks apart the barriers between universes, pulling in countless others who know Parker's identity. Strange attempts to hold them off while an enraged Peter-One tries to kill the Goblin. Peter-Two stops him, but gets stabbed by the Goblin. Peter-Three helps Peter-One inject the Goblin with his cure, restoring Osborn's sanity. Peter-One realizes that the only way to protect the multiverse is to erase Peter Parker from everyone's memory and requests Strange to do so while promising MJ and Ned that he will find them again. Strange reluctantly casts the spell, and everyone returns to their respective universes—including Eddie Brock, who unknowingly leaves behind a piece of the Venom symbiote. Two weeks later, Parker visits MJ to reintroduce himself, but he decides against it. While mourning at May's grave, he has a conversation with Hogan and is inspired to carry on, making a new suit.
《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》(英语:Spider-Man: No Way Home,新加坡译《蜘蛛侠:不归之战》,香港译《蜘蛛侠:不战无归》,台湾译《蜘蛛人:无家日》)是一部于2021年上映的美国超级英雄电影,改编自漫威漫画旗下的同名超级英雄角色蜘蛛侠,本片由哥伦比亚影业与漫威影业共同制作,并由索尼影视娱乐负责发行。本片为2019年电影《蜘蛛侠:英雄远征》、2007年电影《蜘蛛侠3》、2014年电影《超凡蜘蛛侠2》的续集,亦是漫威电影宇宙的第27部电影,本片由乔恩·沃茨执导,克里斯·麦肯纳与埃里克·桑默斯共同编剧,并由汤姆·赫兰德、赞达亚、本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇、雅各布·贝塔隆、乔恩·法夫罗、杰米·福克斯、威廉·达福、艾佛烈·蒙利纳、玛丽莎·托梅、安德鲁·加菲尔德和托比·马奎尔等人主演。 2017年,《蜘蛛侠:英雄归来》的制作过程中就已经有计划把全新的蜘蛛侠系列拍成三部曲。2019年8月,索尼影视娱乐和漫威影业谈判破局,导致漫威影业离开了该项目,但在同年9月,漫威和索尼达成协议,继续把蜘蛛侠保留在漫威电影宇宙之中。汤姆·赫兰德和编剧克里斯·麦肯纳与埃里克·桑默斯回归执笔电影,主体拍摄于2020年10月在纽约开始进行。 电影上映后获得媒体与观众的一致好评,称赞其故事、执导、动作戏、演出及演员之间的互动。电影在全球获得19亿美元的票房,超越前作《蜘蛛侠:英雄远征》成为索尼影视娱乐最卖座的电影,同时成为2021年票房最高的电影,以及在全球最高电影票房收入列表中排名第六,仅次于2018年上映的《复仇者联盟3:无限战争》,并成为史上票房收入最高的蜘蛛侠系列电影,在全球最高电影票房收入列表中排名第七。电影同时荣获无数奖项与提名,并在第94届奥斯卡金像奖上入围最佳视觉效果奖。
Cast and Character 演员阵容与角色
Tom Holland as Peter Parker / Spider-Man “蜘蛛人”彼得·帕克
A teenager and Avenger who received spider-like abilities after being bitten by a radioactive spider.

蜘蛛侠: 英雄无归
Spider-Man: No Way Home is a 2021 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man, co-produced by Columbia Pictures and Marvel Studios and distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing. It is the sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) and Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), and the 27th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film was directed by Jon Watts and written by Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers. It stars Tom Holland as Peter Parker / Spider-Man alongside Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch, Jacob Batalon, Jon Favreau, Jamie Foxx, Willem Dafoe, Alfred Molina, Benedict Wong, Tony Revolori, Marisa Tomei, Andrew Garfield, and Tobey Maguire. In the film, Parker asks Dr. Stephen Strange (Cumberbatch) to use magic to make his identity as Spider-Man a secret again following the public revelation. When the spell goes wrong because of Parker's actions, the multiverse is broken open, which allows visitors from alternate realities to enter Parker's universe. A third MCU Spider-Man film was planned during the production of Homecoming in 2017. Negotiations between Sony and Marvel Studios to alter their deal—in which they produce the Spider-Man films together—ended with Marvel Studios leaving the project in August 2019, but a negative fan reaction led to a new deal between the companies a month later. Watts, McKenna, Sommers, and Holland were set to return, and filming took place from October 2020 to March 2021 in New York City and Atlanta. No Way Home features several actors reprising their roles from non-MCU Spider-Man films directed by Sam Raimi and Marc Webb, including previous Spider-Man actors Maguire and Garfield. The involvement of both actors was the subject of wide speculation and numerous leaks despite the efforts of Sony, Marvel, and the cast to conceal their involvement. Spider-Man: No Way Home premiered at the Fox Village Theatre in Los Angeles on December 13, 2021, and was theatrically released in the United States on December 17, as part of Phase Four of the MCU. It received praise from critics for the story, direction, action sequences, emotional weight, performances (particularly those of Holland, Dafoe, Molina, Foxx, Garfield, and Maguire), and the cast's chemistry. The film grossed over $1.9 billion worldwide, surpassing its predecessor as the highest-grossing film released by Sony Pictures. It became the highest-grossing film of 2021, the sixth-highest-grossing film of all time, the highest grossing Spider-Man film, and set several other box office records, including those for films released during the COVID-19 pandemic. The film received a nomination for Best Visual Effects at the 94th Academy Awards, among numerous other accolades. An extended version of the film, subtitled The More Fun Stuff Version, was theatrically released globally in September 2022. A sequel is in development.
《蜘蛛侠:不归之战》(英语:Spider-Man: No Way Home,中国大陆译《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》,香港译《蜘蛛侠:不战无归》,台湾译《蜘蛛人:无家日》)是一部于2021年上映的美国超级英雄电影,改编自漫威漫画旗下的同名超级英雄角色蜘蛛人,本片由哥伦比亚影业与漫威影业共同制作,并由索尼影视娱乐负责发行。本片为2019年电影《蜘蛛侠:决战千里》、2007年电影《蜘蛛侠3》、2014年电影《超凡蜘蛛侠2》的续集,亦是漫威电影宇宙的第27部电影,本片由乔恩·沃茨执导,克里斯·麦肯纳与埃里克·桑默斯共同编剧,并由汤姆·赫兰德、赞达亚、本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇、雅各布·贝塔隆、乔恩·法夫罗、杰米·福克斯、威廉·达福、艾佛烈·蒙利纳、玛丽莎·托梅、安德鲁·加菲尔德和托比·马奎尔等人主演。 2017年,《蜘蛛侠:英雄回归》的制作过程中就已经有计划把全新的蜘蛛人系列拍成三部曲。2019年8月,索尼影视娱乐和漫威影业谈判破局,导致漫威影业离开了该项目,但在同年9月,漫威和索尼达成协议,继续把蜘蛛人保留在漫威电影宇宙之中。汤姆·赫兰德和编剧克里斯·麦肯纳与埃里克·桑默斯回归执笔电影,主体拍摄于2020年10月在纽约开始进行。 电影上映后获得媒体与观众的一致好评,称赞其故事、执导、动作戏、演出及演员之间的互动。电影在全球获得19亿美元的票房,超越前作《蜘蛛侠:决战千里》成为索尼影视娱乐最卖座的电影,同时成为2021年票房最高的电影,以及在全球最高电影票房收入列表中排名第六,仅次于2018年上映的《复仇者联盟3:无限战争》,并成为史上票房收入最高的蜘蛛人系列电影,在全球最高电影票房收入列表中排名第七。电影同时荣获无数奖项与提名,并在第94届奥斯卡金像奖上入围最佳视觉效果奖。
Tom Holland, Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch, Jacob Batalon, Jon Favreau, Jamie Foxx, Willem Dafoe, Alfred Molina, Benedict Wong, Tony Revolori, Marisa Tomei, Andrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire
After Quentin Beck frames Peter Parker for his murder and reveals Parker's identity as Spider-Man, Parker, his girlfriend Michelle "MJ" Jones-Watson, best friend Ned Leeds, and aunt May are interrogated by the Department of Damage Control. Lawyer Matt Murdock gets Parker's charges dropped, but the group grapples with negative publicity. After Parker, MJ, and Ned's MIT applications are rejected, Parker goes to the New York Sanctum to ask Stephen Strange for help. Strange starts casting a spell that would make everyone forget Parker is Spider-Man, but it is corrupted when Parker repeatedly requests alterations to let his loved ones retain their memories, ultimately causing Strange to contain the spell to stop it. At Strange's suggestion, Parker tries to convince an MIT administrator to reconsider the applications of MJ and Ned, but is attacked by Otto Octavius. Octavius rips nanotechnology from Parker's Iron Spider suit, which bonds with his mechanical tentacles and allows Parker to control them. As Norman Osborn arrives and attacks, Strange teleports Parker back to the Sanctum and locks Octavius in a cell next to Curt Connors. Strange explains that the corrupted spell summoned people from other universes within the multiverse who know Spider-Man's identity. He orders Parker, MJ, and Ned to find and capture them; they locate and retrieve Max Dillon and Flint Marko at a military research facility. Osborn reclaims control of himself from his split Green Goblin personality and destroys the Goblin mask. He goes to a F.E.A.S.T. building, where May comforts him before Parker retrieves him. While discussing their battles with Spider-Man, Osborn, Octavius, and Dillon realize they were pulled from their universes just before their deaths. Strange prepares to reverse the contained spell and send the villains back to their respective universes, but Parker argues that they should first cure the villains of the insanity that would lead to their deaths, to possibly change their fates upon their return. When Strange refuses, Parker steals the spell, traps Strange in the Mirror Dimension, and, with May, takes the villains to Happy Hogan's apartment, where he uses Stark Industries technology to cure Octavius. Before Parker can cure anyone else, his spider-sense goes off. He then discovers that the Goblin persona retook control of Osborn, who convinces the uncured villains to betray Parker. As Dillon, Marko, and Connors escape, the Goblin fatally injures May. Before she dies, May tells Parker that "with great power, there must also come great responsibility". Ned discovers that he can create portals using Strange's sling ring, which he and MJ use to try to locate Parker. They instead find alternate versions of Parker from the villains' universes who were also summoned by Strange's spell and who are nicknamed "Peter-Two" and "Peter-Three". The group finds this universe's Parker, nicknamed "Peter-One", who is ready to give up and send the villains home to die. The alternate Parkers share stories of losing loved ones and encourage Peter-One to fight in May's honor, and the three Parkers develop cures for the villains. The group lure Dillon, Marko, and Connors to the Statue of Liberty. Peter-One and Peter-Two cure Connors and Marko, while Octavius arrives to help cure Dillon, and Ned frees Strange from the Mirror Dimension. The Goblin appears and unleashes the contained spell, which breaks apart the barriers between universes, pulling in countless others who know Parker's identity. Strange attempts to hold them off while an enraged Peter-One tries to kill the Goblin. Peter-Two stops him, but gets stabbed by the Goblin. Peter-Three helps Peter-One inject the Goblin with his cure, restoring Osborn's sanity. Peter-One realizes that the only way to protect the multiverse is to erase Peter Parker from everyone's memory and requests Strange to do so while promising MJ and Ned that he will find them again. Strange reluctantly casts the spell, and everyone returns to their respective universes—including Eddie Brock, who unknowingly leaves behind a piece of the Venom symbiote. Two weeks later, Parker visits MJ to reintroduce himself, but he decides against it. While mourning at May's grave, he has a conversation with Hogan and is inspired to carry on, making a new suit.
《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》(英语:Spider-Man: No Way Home,新加坡译《蜘蛛侠:不归之战》,香港译《蜘蛛侠:不战无归》,台湾译《蜘蛛人:无家日》)是一部于2021年上映的美国超级英雄电影,改编自漫威漫画旗下的同名超级英雄角色蜘蛛侠,本片由哥伦比亚影业与漫威影业共同制作,并由索尼影视娱乐负责发行。本片为2019年电影《蜘蛛侠:英雄远征》、2007年电影《蜘蛛侠3》、2014年电影《超凡蜘蛛侠2》的续集,亦是漫威电影宇宙的第27部电影,本片由乔恩·沃茨执导,克里斯·麦肯纳与埃里克·桑默斯共同编剧,并由汤姆·赫兰德、赞达亚、本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇、雅各布·贝塔隆、乔恩·法夫罗、杰米·福克斯、威廉·达福、艾佛烈·蒙利纳、玛丽莎·托梅、安德鲁·加菲尔德和托比·马奎尔等人主演。 2017年,《蜘蛛侠:英雄归来》的制作过程中就已经有计划把全新的蜘蛛侠系列拍成三部曲。2019年8月,索尼影视娱乐和漫威影业谈判破局,导致漫威影业离开了该项目,但在同年9月,漫威和索尼达成协议,继续把蜘蛛侠保留在漫威电影宇宙之中。汤姆·赫兰德和编剧克里斯·麦肯纳与埃里克·桑默斯回归执笔电影,主体拍摄于2020年10月在纽约开始进行。 电影上映后获得媒体与观众的一致好评,称赞其故事、执导、动作戏、演出及演员之间的互动。电影在全球获得19亿美元的票房,超越前作《蜘蛛侠:英雄远征》成为索尼影视娱乐最卖座的电影,同时成为2021年票房最高的电影,以及在全球最高电影票房收入列表中排名第六,仅次于2018年上映的《复仇者联盟3:无限战争》,并成为史上票房收入最高的蜘蛛侠系列电影,在全球最高电影票房收入列表中排名第七。电影同时荣获无数奖项与提名,并在第94届奥斯卡金像奖上入围最佳视觉效果奖。
Cast and Character 演员阵容与角色
Tom Holland as Peter Parker / Spider-Man “蜘蛛人”彼得·帕克
A teenager and Avenger who received spider-like abilities after being bitten by a radioactive spider.

Zendaya as Michelle "MJ" Jones-Watson 米歇尔·“MJ”·琼斯
Parker's classmate and girlfriend.
Jon Favreau as Happy Hogan 哈罗德斯·“快乐”·霍根
The head of security for Stark Industries and former driver and bodyguard of Tony Stark who looks after Parker.

Jacob Batalon as Ned Leeds 內德·利兹
Parker's best friend
Marisa Tomei as May Parker
Parker's aunt who is aware of his secret identity and wants him to be Spider-Man more so he can help with charitable causes.
Benedict Cumberbatch as Dr. Stephen Strange 斯蒂芬·斯特兰奇/奇异博士
A neurosurgeon who became a Master of the Mystic Arts following a career-ending car accident.
Jamie Foxx as Max Dillon / Electro 麦克斯·狄伦/电光人
An Oscorp electrical engineer from an alternate reality who gained electric powers after an accident involving genetically modified electric eels. Foxx reprises his role from Marc Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014).
Willem Dafoe as Norman Osborn / Green Goblin 诺曼·奥斯本 /绿魔
A scientist and the CEO of Oscorp from an alternate reality who tested an unstable strength enhancer on himself. He developed an insane split personality as a result and uses advanced Oscorp armor and equipment. Dafoe reprises his role from Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy.
Alfred Molina as Otto Octavius / Doctor Octopus 奥托·奥克塔维斯/章鱼博士
A scientist from an alternate reality with four artificially intelligent mechanical tentacles fused to his body after an accident. Molina reprises his role from Raimi's Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Rhys Ifans reprises his role as Dr. Curt Connors / Lizard 柯特·康纳斯/蜥蜴人
An Oscorp scientist from Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) who transformed into a large reptilian monster while trying to regrow his missing arm.
Thomas Haden Church reprises his role as Flint Marko / Sandman 佛林特·马可/沙人
A small-time thief from Raimi's Spider-Man 3 who received the ability to transform into living sand.
Benedict Wong as Wong 王/至尊魔法师
Strange's mentor and friend who became the new Sorcerer Supreme during Strange's absence in the Blip
Tony Revolori as Eugene "Flash" Thompson 尤金·“闪电”·汤普森
Parker's rival
Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker / Spider-Man 彼得·帕克/蜘蛛侠
An alternate version of Parker who is haunted by his failure to save his deceased girlfriend, Gwen Stacy. Garfield reprises his role from Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man films.
Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker / Spider-Man 彼得·帕克/蜘蛛侠
An alternate version of Parker who utilizes organic webbing instead of web shooters like his alternate counterparts. Maguire reprises his role from Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy.
Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock / Daredevil 马特·梅铎 / 夜魔侠
Charlie Cox reprises his role as Matt Murdock / Daredevil from Marvel Television's Netflix series
Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock / Venom 艾迪·布洛克/毒液
Tom Hardy reprises his roles as Eddie Brock / Venom from Sony's Spider-Man Universe (SSU) in an uncredited cameo appearance in the post-credits scene.
J. B. Smoove as Julius Dell
Parker's teacher and a chaperone on his school trip to Europe.
Martin Starr as Roger Harrington
Parker's academic decathlon teacher and a chaperone on his school trip to Europe
Hannibal Buress as Coach Wilson
The school's gym teacher, who he described as "one of the dumbass characters that don't realize Parker is Spider-Man"

Arian Moayed as Department of Damage Control (DODC) agent Cleary
Parker's classmate and girlfriend.
Jon Favreau as Happy Hogan 哈罗德斯·“快乐”·霍根
The head of security for Stark Industries and former driver and bodyguard of Tony Stark who looks after Parker.

Jacob Batalon as Ned Leeds 內德·利兹
Parker's best friend
Marisa Tomei as May Parker
Parker's aunt who is aware of his secret identity and wants him to be Spider-Man more so he can help with charitable causes.
Benedict Cumberbatch as Dr. Stephen Strange 斯蒂芬·斯特兰奇/奇异博士
A neurosurgeon who became a Master of the Mystic Arts following a career-ending car accident.
Jamie Foxx as Max Dillon / Electro 麦克斯·狄伦/电光人
An Oscorp electrical engineer from an alternate reality who gained electric powers after an accident involving genetically modified electric eels. Foxx reprises his role from Marc Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014).
Willem Dafoe as Norman Osborn / Green Goblin 诺曼·奥斯本 /绿魔
A scientist and the CEO of Oscorp from an alternate reality who tested an unstable strength enhancer on himself. He developed an insane split personality as a result and uses advanced Oscorp armor and equipment. Dafoe reprises his role from Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy.
Alfred Molina as Otto Octavius / Doctor Octopus 奥托·奥克塔维斯/章鱼博士
A scientist from an alternate reality with four artificially intelligent mechanical tentacles fused to his body after an accident. Molina reprises his role from Raimi's Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Rhys Ifans reprises his role as Dr. Curt Connors / Lizard 柯特·康纳斯/蜥蜴人
An Oscorp scientist from Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) who transformed into a large reptilian monster while trying to regrow his missing arm.
Thomas Haden Church reprises his role as Flint Marko / Sandman 佛林特·马可/沙人
A small-time thief from Raimi's Spider-Man 3 who received the ability to transform into living sand.
Benedict Wong as Wong 王/至尊魔法师
Strange's mentor and friend who became the new Sorcerer Supreme during Strange's absence in the Blip
Tony Revolori as Eugene "Flash" Thompson 尤金·“闪电”·汤普森
Parker's rival
Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker / Spider-Man 彼得·帕克/蜘蛛侠
An alternate version of Parker who is haunted by his failure to save his deceased girlfriend, Gwen Stacy. Garfield reprises his role from Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man films.
Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker / Spider-Man 彼得·帕克/蜘蛛侠
An alternate version of Parker who utilizes organic webbing instead of web shooters like his alternate counterparts. Maguire reprises his role from Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy.
Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock / Daredevil 马特·梅铎 / 夜魔侠
Charlie Cox reprises his role as Matt Murdock / Daredevil from Marvel Television's Netflix series
Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock / Venom 艾迪·布洛克/毒液
Tom Hardy reprises his roles as Eddie Brock / Venom from Sony's Spider-Man Universe (SSU) in an uncredited cameo appearance in the post-credits scene.
J. B. Smoove as Julius Dell
Parker's teacher and a chaperone on his school trip to Europe.
Martin Starr as Roger Harrington
Parker's academic decathlon teacher and a chaperone on his school trip to Europe
Hannibal Buress as Coach Wilson
The school's gym teacher, who he described as "one of the dumbass characters that don't realize Parker is Spider-Man"

Arian Moayed as Department of Damage Control (DODC) agent Cleary
J. K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson
The host of The Daily Bugle
Angourie Rice as Betty Brant

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