Spider-Man: Far From Home
蜘蛛侠: 英雄远征
Spider-Man: Far From Home is a 2019 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man, co-produced by Columbia Pictures and Marvel Studios, and distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing. It is the sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) and the 23rd film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film was directed by Jon Watts, written by Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers, and stars Tom Holland as Peter Parker / Spider-Man, alongside Samuel L. Jackson, Zendaya, Cobie Smulders, Jon Favreau, J. B. Smoove, Jacob Batalon, Martin Starr, Tony Revolori, Marisa Tomei, and Jake Gyllenhaal. In the film, Parker is recruited by Nick Fury (Jackson) and Mysterio (Gyllenhaal) to face the Elementals while he is on a school trip to Europe. Discussions for a sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming began by October 2016, and the project was confirmed later that year. Holland, Watts, and the writers were all set to return by the end of 2017. In 2018, Jackson and Gyllenhaal joined the cast as Fury and Mysterio, respectively. Holland revealed the sequel's title ahead of filming, which began that July and took place in England, the Czech Republic, Italy, and the New York metropolitan area. Production wrapped in October 2018. The marketing campaign is one of the most expensive for a film ever and attempted to avoid revealing spoilers for Avengers: Endgame prior to its April 2019 release. Spider-Man: Far From Home premiered at the TCL Chinese Theatre on June 26, 2019, and was theatrically released in the United States on July 2, as the final film in Phase Three of the MCU. The film received positive reviews with praise for its humor, action sequences, visuals, and the performances of Holland and Gyllenhaal. It grossed over $1.1 billion worldwide, making it the first Spider-Man film to pass the billion-dollar mark, the fourth-highest-grossing film of 2019, and became Sony Pictures' highest-grossing film and the 24th-highest-grossing film of all time. A sequel, Spider-Man: No Way Home, was released in December 2021.
《蜘蛛侠:英雄远征》(英语:Spider-Man: Far From Home,中国大陆译《蜘蛛侠:英雄远征》,香港译《蜘蛛侠:决战千里》,台湾译《蜘蛛人:离家日》)是一部于2019年上映的美国超级英雄电影,改编自漫威漫画旗下的角色蜘蛛人的故事,本片由哥伦比亚影业和漫威影业共同制作,并由索尼影视娱乐负责发行。本片为2017年电影《蜘蛛侠:英雄回归》的续集和漫威电影宇宙的第二十三部电影作品,亦是漫威电影宇宙“无限传奇”的最后一部电影。本片由乔恩·沃茨执导,克里斯·麦肯纳和埃里克·桑默斯共同撰写剧本,并由汤姆·赫兰德、塞缪尔·杰逊、赞达亚、寇碧·史莫德斯、乔恩·法夫罗、J·B·史慕福、雅各布·贝塔隆、马丁·斯塔尔、玛丽莎·托梅和杰克·吉伦哈尔主演。本片为首部斯坦·李未有在漫威电影宇宙中客串的电影,亦是在《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》后首部重映的作品。 2016年10月,漫威影业和索尼影视娱乐已经开始为《蜘蛛侠:英雄回归》的续集进行讨论。2017年7月,汤姆·赫兰德确认回归饰演蜘蛛人。同年12月,乔恩·沃茨确认回归执导电影。主要摄影于2018年7月初在英格兰、捷克、威尼斯和纽约进行,并于2018年10月结束。 本片于2019年7月2日在美国以IMAX和3D形式发行。该电影的11.31亿美元票房超越了2007年电影《蜘蛛侠3》的8.9亿美元票房,在当时成为有史以来票房最高的蜘蛛人系列电影,并在续集《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》上映前成为索尼影视娱乐有史以来最卖座的电影。续集《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》于2021年12月17日在美国上映。
Tom Holland, Samuel L. Jackson, Zendaya, Cobie Smulders, Jon Favreau, J. B. Smoove, Jacob Batalon, Martin Starr, Tony Revolori, Marisa Tomei, Jake Gyllenhaal
In Ixtenco, Mexico, Nick Fury and Maria Hill investigate an unnatural storm and encounter the Earth Elemental. Quentin Beck, a super-powered individual, arrives to defeat the creature, and is subsequently recruited by Fury and Hill. In New York City, the Midtown School of Science and Technology completes its year, which was restarted to accommodate the students who previously disintegrated five years earlier as a result of Thanos' actions. They had reappeared un-aged, thanks to the actions of the Avengers. The school organizes a two-week summer field trip to Europe, where Peter Parker—who is still mourning the death of his mentor Tony Stark—plans to reveal to classmate MJ his attraction to her. Happy Hogan informs Parker that Fury intends to contact him, but Parker ignores Fury's phone call. Parker and his classmates travel to Venice, Italy, where the Water Elemental attacks. Parker helps protect his classmates, while Beck arrives and defeats the creature. Fury meets with Parker and gives him Stark's glasses, which were meant for his successor. The glasses enable him to communicate with and take command of the artificial intelligence E.D.I.T.H., which has access to Stark Industries' databases and commands a large orbital weapons supply. Beck claims to have entered from an alternate reality within the multiverse, where the four Elementals killed his family and destroyed his civilization. With only the Fire Elemental left to destroy, Beck predicts it will attack Prague. Parker declines Fury's invitation to join the fight and returns to his class trip. Fury secretly changes the class's itinerary to divert the students to Prague. There, Parker is forced to help Beck fight the Fire Elemental to again protect his friends. Beck manages to destroy the creature with Parker's help. Fury and Hill invite Parker and Beck to Berlin to discuss the formation of a new superhero team, but Parker decides that Beck should go alone and transfers control of E.D.I.T.H. to him. Once Parker leaves, Beck celebrates alongside ex-Stark Industries employees, with whom he had been working to masquerade as a superhero. Beck, who was fired from his position as Stark's holographic-illusions specialist for his unstable nature, used advanced projectors to simulate his powers and the Elementals, and now hopes to use E.D.I.T.H.'s orbital weaponized drones to increase the scale of his illusions and fraudulently establish himself as an Avenger-level hero. After MJ tells Parker she knows he is Spider-Man, they discover that a piece of debris she retrieved during the battle with the Fire Elemental is a projector which shows the Air Elemental, leading them to realize Beck's deception. Parker travels to Berlin to warn Fury, only to be tricked by Beck with an illusory Fury into revealing the names of his friends who know about Beck's plan and is hit by a train. Left for dead by Beck, Parker contacts Hogan, who flies him to London, where his classmates are. Beck uses E.D.I.T.H. to orchestrate a fusion of all the Elementals, as a cover to kill Parker's friends. Parker is able to disrupt the illusions, so Beck attacks him with drones. Parker regains control of E.D.I.T.H. and defeats Beck, who is hit by a misfired gunshot from one of the drones; before he dies, Beck tells one of his associates to retrieve data from the drones. After returning to New York City, Parker begins a relationship with MJ. In a mid-credits scene, J. Jonah Jameson of TheDailyBugle.net broadcasts doctored footage of the London incident in which Beck frames Spider-Man for the drone attack and his death before exposing Spider-Man's secret identity to the world, much to Parker's shock. In a post-credits scene, Fury and Hill are revealed to be the Skrulls Talos and Soren in disguise, under orders from the real Fury while he is away commanding a Skrull spaceship.
自从复仇者联盟成功捍卫宇宙且复活宇宙的一半生命过去八个月,尼克·弗瑞和玛丽亚·希尔来到墨西哥伊斯坦科调查“异常风暴”现象,两人目睹被称作元素怪之一的土元素以巨人的形态袭击村落,直到一名超能力者昆汀·贝克现身并施展强大的魔法消灭土元素。在美国纽约,彼得·帕克就读的中城科技高中为所有刚复活的学生展开新学年,但彼得当时正因导师托尼·斯塔克去世而陷入迷惘及悲伤,心神不宁的他于是决定暂时放下“蜘蛛人”使命,拒听近期一直试图联络他的福瑞来电,参加学校安排为期两周的欧洲夏季考察之旅作为散心,同时计划向心仪的女同学MJ表达自己的心意。 彼得一行人首先到达意大利威尼斯,彼得试图走近MJ却一直受情敌布莱德·戴维斯阻碍,此时水元素突然现身并破坏城市,彼得随手拿一副面具蒙着面营救市民。而贝克再度出现并消灭水元素,被各大媒体称为“神秘客”。福瑞亲自跟回到酒店的彼得秘密会面,把托尼生前留下的一副墨镜交托给彼得,当中装有名叫“伊蒂丝”(E.D.I.T.H.)的人工智能,其拥有读取斯塔克工业的所有数据和指挥任何太空武器的权限。在福瑞的地下据点中,彼得首次会见贝克,得知他来自多元宇宙中的平行世界“833号宇宙”,该世界已被元素怪摧毁;他因此决定保护彼得的世界以避免遭受相同的命运。随着贝克相继消灭风、土与水元素,只剩下最强的火元素。彼得不想打乱旅行而拒绝请求,隔天彼得准备陪同学准备前往法国巴黎时,却发现福瑞有意将他们的旅游路线更改至火元素将出现的捷克布拉格。 彼得到达布拉格后勉强参战,预先用伊蒂丝安排MJ等所有同学去看歌剧以远离室外,但MJ疑惑彼得的下落而偷跑出去。彼得换上福瑞提供的黑色战衣以防止暴露身份,在嘉年华上对决火元素,但由于火元素持续增大,贝克采取自我牺牲攻击才成功将其消灭,最后侥幸生还而平安拯救世界。彼得敬佩贝克的英勇壮举,心服口服地将伊蒂丝的控制权转让给他,让贝克接任复仇者的新领袖,同时受贝克的鼓励而回去准备向MJ提出约会。然而彼得却不知道自己中计,贝克其实曾是斯塔克工业的立体影像专家,不满自己的成果被托尼随意摆弄,之后还遭他以“精神不稳定”为由解雇。心生不满的贝克召集一群跟他有过相似经历的斯塔克工业前员工,每人各尽其责,利用加装全息投影仪的隐形战斗无人机,以扩增实境的形式展现元素怪与逼真的战斗场面,再将他完美塑造成世人眼中的新英雄。 MJ陪同彼得在查理大桥上散步时猜测出彼得就是蜘蛛人,表示是靠彼得屡次失踪加上她在嘉年华的战斗中捡到的碎片上粘著与蜘蛛人的相同蛛丝所判断,而该碎片实为其中一部投影仪,随即自启映现出神秘客对抗元素怪的影像。彼得这时才意识到贝克是骗子,于是只能让MJ和內德为自己打掩护,赶至德国柏林会面福瑞并交出证据。然而福瑞其实还不知情,彼得直接步入贝克的陷阱,困在逼真的幻象中晕头转向。贝克嘲讽彼得近来都在“自我欺骗”,随后用假象套问出彼得的朋友也知情真相,最后诱导彼得走上铁轨被城际快车撞上。撞伤幸存的彼得在列车上昏过去,醒来后发现自己身在荷兰,身无分文之下只能联络哈皮·霍根开飞机来接他。彼得承认自己这段时间一心思念著托尼,因此才会被贝克玩弄于股掌之间,但为了拯救朋友,彼得决定重新振作,用飞机上的技术为自己制造一件新战服。 贝克意图在英国伦敦制造出四种元素怪的混合体的最大幻象,引发出复仇者级别的巨灾再由自己上演英雄的角色来功名利禄,还打算借此机会铲除MJ、福瑞与所有会曝光他的证人。贝克于是将准备回纽约的MJ一行人改在伦敦转机,派人带领她们到伦敦塔桥上参观就万事俱备。贝克制造的混合元素怪现身,但彼得从高空跳下并用带电的蜘蛛丝使投影仪瘫痪,贝克便遥控所有无人机追杀彼得,而其中几架则飞去追杀MJ等人。彼得最终突围且突破幻象,最后使贝克被他自己的无人机上的枪械击伤。彼得夺回伊蒂丝的控制权,下令停止所有无人机,贝克很快便伤重断气,其部下威廉躲在远处复制完数据后逃离现场。 事件结束后,彼得一行人平安回到纽约,完成表白的彼得和MJ的感情也更上一层楼。但是不到一星期,争议新闻网《号角日报》的主播J·乔纳·詹姆森向各大新闻媒体公布他当日收到的一段“篡改”影片,内容为贝克死前诬陷蜘蛛人是策划伦敦袭击且杀害自己的主谋,甚至公开彼得就是蜘蛛人的事实,使彼得一瞬间陷入极大的困境。另一方面,在此次事件中出面的福瑞和希尔实为斯科鲁人夫妇塔罗斯和索伦变身而成,两人受福瑞本人委托在地球行动并协助彼得。而福瑞本人当时则身在外太空,指挥着一艘斯科鲁人的太空船。
蜘蛛侠: 英雄远征
Spider-Man: Far From Home is a 2019 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man, co-produced by Columbia Pictures and Marvel Studios, and distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing. It is the sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) and the 23rd film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film was directed by Jon Watts, written by Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers, and stars Tom Holland as Peter Parker / Spider-Man, alongside Samuel L. Jackson, Zendaya, Cobie Smulders, Jon Favreau, J. B. Smoove, Jacob Batalon, Martin Starr, Tony Revolori, Marisa Tomei, and Jake Gyllenhaal. In the film, Parker is recruited by Nick Fury (Jackson) and Mysterio (Gyllenhaal) to face the Elementals while he is on a school trip to Europe. Discussions for a sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming began by October 2016, and the project was confirmed later that year. Holland, Watts, and the writers were all set to return by the end of 2017. In 2018, Jackson and Gyllenhaal joined the cast as Fury and Mysterio, respectively. Holland revealed the sequel's title ahead of filming, which began that July and took place in England, the Czech Republic, Italy, and the New York metropolitan area. Production wrapped in October 2018. The marketing campaign is one of the most expensive for a film ever and attempted to avoid revealing spoilers for Avengers: Endgame prior to its April 2019 release. Spider-Man: Far From Home premiered at the TCL Chinese Theatre on June 26, 2019, and was theatrically released in the United States on July 2, as the final film in Phase Three of the MCU. The film received positive reviews with praise for its humor, action sequences, visuals, and the performances of Holland and Gyllenhaal. It grossed over $1.1 billion worldwide, making it the first Spider-Man film to pass the billion-dollar mark, the fourth-highest-grossing film of 2019, and became Sony Pictures' highest-grossing film and the 24th-highest-grossing film of all time. A sequel, Spider-Man: No Way Home, was released in December 2021.
《蜘蛛侠:英雄远征》(英语:Spider-Man: Far From Home,中国大陆译《蜘蛛侠:英雄远征》,香港译《蜘蛛侠:决战千里》,台湾译《蜘蛛人:离家日》)是一部于2019年上映的美国超级英雄电影,改编自漫威漫画旗下的角色蜘蛛人的故事,本片由哥伦比亚影业和漫威影业共同制作,并由索尼影视娱乐负责发行。本片为2017年电影《蜘蛛侠:英雄回归》的续集和漫威电影宇宙的第二十三部电影作品,亦是漫威电影宇宙“无限传奇”的最后一部电影。本片由乔恩·沃茨执导,克里斯·麦肯纳和埃里克·桑默斯共同撰写剧本,并由汤姆·赫兰德、塞缪尔·杰逊、赞达亚、寇碧·史莫德斯、乔恩·法夫罗、J·B·史慕福、雅各布·贝塔隆、马丁·斯塔尔、玛丽莎·托梅和杰克·吉伦哈尔主演。本片为首部斯坦·李未有在漫威电影宇宙中客串的电影,亦是在《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》后首部重映的作品。 2016年10月,漫威影业和索尼影视娱乐已经开始为《蜘蛛侠:英雄回归》的续集进行讨论。2017年7月,汤姆·赫兰德确认回归饰演蜘蛛人。同年12月,乔恩·沃茨确认回归执导电影。主要摄影于2018年7月初在英格兰、捷克、威尼斯和纽约进行,并于2018年10月结束。 本片于2019年7月2日在美国以IMAX和3D形式发行。该电影的11.31亿美元票房超越了2007年电影《蜘蛛侠3》的8.9亿美元票房,在当时成为有史以来票房最高的蜘蛛人系列电影,并在续集《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》上映前成为索尼影视娱乐有史以来最卖座的电影。续集《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》于2021年12月17日在美国上映。
Tom Holland, Samuel L. Jackson, Zendaya, Cobie Smulders, Jon Favreau, J. B. Smoove, Jacob Batalon, Martin Starr, Tony Revolori, Marisa Tomei, Jake Gyllenhaal
In Ixtenco, Mexico, Nick Fury and Maria Hill investigate an unnatural storm and encounter the Earth Elemental. Quentin Beck, a super-powered individual, arrives to defeat the creature, and is subsequently recruited by Fury and Hill. In New York City, the Midtown School of Science and Technology completes its year, which was restarted to accommodate the students who previously disintegrated five years earlier as a result of Thanos' actions. They had reappeared un-aged, thanks to the actions of the Avengers. The school organizes a two-week summer field trip to Europe, where Peter Parker—who is still mourning the death of his mentor Tony Stark—plans to reveal to classmate MJ his attraction to her. Happy Hogan informs Parker that Fury intends to contact him, but Parker ignores Fury's phone call. Parker and his classmates travel to Venice, Italy, where the Water Elemental attacks. Parker helps protect his classmates, while Beck arrives and defeats the creature. Fury meets with Parker and gives him Stark's glasses, which were meant for his successor. The glasses enable him to communicate with and take command of the artificial intelligence E.D.I.T.H., which has access to Stark Industries' databases and commands a large orbital weapons supply. Beck claims to have entered from an alternate reality within the multiverse, where the four Elementals killed his family and destroyed his civilization. With only the Fire Elemental left to destroy, Beck predicts it will attack Prague. Parker declines Fury's invitation to join the fight and returns to his class trip. Fury secretly changes the class's itinerary to divert the students to Prague. There, Parker is forced to help Beck fight the Fire Elemental to again protect his friends. Beck manages to destroy the creature with Parker's help. Fury and Hill invite Parker and Beck to Berlin to discuss the formation of a new superhero team, but Parker decides that Beck should go alone and transfers control of E.D.I.T.H. to him. Once Parker leaves, Beck celebrates alongside ex-Stark Industries employees, with whom he had been working to masquerade as a superhero. Beck, who was fired from his position as Stark's holographic-illusions specialist for his unstable nature, used advanced projectors to simulate his powers and the Elementals, and now hopes to use E.D.I.T.H.'s orbital weaponized drones to increase the scale of his illusions and fraudulently establish himself as an Avenger-level hero. After MJ tells Parker she knows he is Spider-Man, they discover that a piece of debris she retrieved during the battle with the Fire Elemental is a projector which shows the Air Elemental, leading them to realize Beck's deception. Parker travels to Berlin to warn Fury, only to be tricked by Beck with an illusory Fury into revealing the names of his friends who know about Beck's plan and is hit by a train. Left for dead by Beck, Parker contacts Hogan, who flies him to London, where his classmates are. Beck uses E.D.I.T.H. to orchestrate a fusion of all the Elementals, as a cover to kill Parker's friends. Parker is able to disrupt the illusions, so Beck attacks him with drones. Parker regains control of E.D.I.T.H. and defeats Beck, who is hit by a misfired gunshot from one of the drones; before he dies, Beck tells one of his associates to retrieve data from the drones. After returning to New York City, Parker begins a relationship with MJ. In a mid-credits scene, J. Jonah Jameson of TheDailyBugle.net broadcasts doctored footage of the London incident in which Beck frames Spider-Man for the drone attack and his death before exposing Spider-Man's secret identity to the world, much to Parker's shock. In a post-credits scene, Fury and Hill are revealed to be the Skrulls Talos and Soren in disguise, under orders from the real Fury while he is away commanding a Skrull spaceship.
自从复仇者联盟成功捍卫宇宙且复活宇宙的一半生命过去八个月,尼克·弗瑞和玛丽亚·希尔来到墨西哥伊斯坦科调查“异常风暴”现象,两人目睹被称作元素怪之一的土元素以巨人的形态袭击村落,直到一名超能力者昆汀·贝克现身并施展强大的魔法消灭土元素。在美国纽约,彼得·帕克就读的中城科技高中为所有刚复活的学生展开新学年,但彼得当时正因导师托尼·斯塔克去世而陷入迷惘及悲伤,心神不宁的他于是决定暂时放下“蜘蛛人”使命,拒听近期一直试图联络他的福瑞来电,参加学校安排为期两周的欧洲夏季考察之旅作为散心,同时计划向心仪的女同学MJ表达自己的心意。 彼得一行人首先到达意大利威尼斯,彼得试图走近MJ却一直受情敌布莱德·戴维斯阻碍,此时水元素突然现身并破坏城市,彼得随手拿一副面具蒙着面营救市民。而贝克再度出现并消灭水元素,被各大媒体称为“神秘客”。福瑞亲自跟回到酒店的彼得秘密会面,把托尼生前留下的一副墨镜交托给彼得,当中装有名叫“伊蒂丝”(E.D.I.T.H.)的人工智能,其拥有读取斯塔克工业的所有数据和指挥任何太空武器的权限。在福瑞的地下据点中,彼得首次会见贝克,得知他来自多元宇宙中的平行世界“833号宇宙”,该世界已被元素怪摧毁;他因此决定保护彼得的世界以避免遭受相同的命运。随着贝克相继消灭风、土与水元素,只剩下最强的火元素。彼得不想打乱旅行而拒绝请求,隔天彼得准备陪同学准备前往法国巴黎时,却发现福瑞有意将他们的旅游路线更改至火元素将出现的捷克布拉格。 彼得到达布拉格后勉强参战,预先用伊蒂丝安排MJ等所有同学去看歌剧以远离室外,但MJ疑惑彼得的下落而偷跑出去。彼得换上福瑞提供的黑色战衣以防止暴露身份,在嘉年华上对决火元素,但由于火元素持续增大,贝克采取自我牺牲攻击才成功将其消灭,最后侥幸生还而平安拯救世界。彼得敬佩贝克的英勇壮举,心服口服地将伊蒂丝的控制权转让给他,让贝克接任复仇者的新领袖,同时受贝克的鼓励而回去准备向MJ提出约会。然而彼得却不知道自己中计,贝克其实曾是斯塔克工业的立体影像专家,不满自己的成果被托尼随意摆弄,之后还遭他以“精神不稳定”为由解雇。心生不满的贝克召集一群跟他有过相似经历的斯塔克工业前员工,每人各尽其责,利用加装全息投影仪的隐形战斗无人机,以扩增实境的形式展现元素怪与逼真的战斗场面,再将他完美塑造成世人眼中的新英雄。 MJ陪同彼得在查理大桥上散步时猜测出彼得就是蜘蛛人,表示是靠彼得屡次失踪加上她在嘉年华的战斗中捡到的碎片上粘著与蜘蛛人的相同蛛丝所判断,而该碎片实为其中一部投影仪,随即自启映现出神秘客对抗元素怪的影像。彼得这时才意识到贝克是骗子,于是只能让MJ和內德为自己打掩护,赶至德国柏林会面福瑞并交出证据。然而福瑞其实还不知情,彼得直接步入贝克的陷阱,困在逼真的幻象中晕头转向。贝克嘲讽彼得近来都在“自我欺骗”,随后用假象套问出彼得的朋友也知情真相,最后诱导彼得走上铁轨被城际快车撞上。撞伤幸存的彼得在列车上昏过去,醒来后发现自己身在荷兰,身无分文之下只能联络哈皮·霍根开飞机来接他。彼得承认自己这段时间一心思念著托尼,因此才会被贝克玩弄于股掌之间,但为了拯救朋友,彼得决定重新振作,用飞机上的技术为自己制造一件新战服。 贝克意图在英国伦敦制造出四种元素怪的混合体的最大幻象,引发出复仇者级别的巨灾再由自己上演英雄的角色来功名利禄,还打算借此机会铲除MJ、福瑞与所有会曝光他的证人。贝克于是将准备回纽约的MJ一行人改在伦敦转机,派人带领她们到伦敦塔桥上参观就万事俱备。贝克制造的混合元素怪现身,但彼得从高空跳下并用带电的蜘蛛丝使投影仪瘫痪,贝克便遥控所有无人机追杀彼得,而其中几架则飞去追杀MJ等人。彼得最终突围且突破幻象,最后使贝克被他自己的无人机上的枪械击伤。彼得夺回伊蒂丝的控制权,下令停止所有无人机,贝克很快便伤重断气,其部下威廉躲在远处复制完数据后逃离现场。 事件结束后,彼得一行人平安回到纽约,完成表白的彼得和MJ的感情也更上一层楼。但是不到一星期,争议新闻网《号角日报》的主播J·乔纳·詹姆森向各大新闻媒体公布他当日收到的一段“篡改”影片,内容为贝克死前诬陷蜘蛛人是策划伦敦袭击且杀害自己的主谋,甚至公开彼得就是蜘蛛人的事实,使彼得一瞬间陷入极大的困境。另一方面,在此次事件中出面的福瑞和希尔实为斯科鲁人夫妇塔罗斯和索伦变身而成,两人受福瑞本人委托在地球行动并协助彼得。而福瑞本人当时则身在外太空,指挥着一艘斯科鲁人的太空船。
Cast and Character 演员阵容与角色
Tom Holland as Peter Parker / Spider-Man “蜘蛛人”彼得·帕克
A high-school junior and Avenger who received spider-like abilities after being bitten by a radioactive spider.

Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury 尼克·弗瑞
The former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., who is now in a situation where he does not have the level of control he is used to having.

Zendaya as Michelle "MJ" Jones-Watson 米歇尔·“MJ”·琼斯
Parker's classmate and love interest
Cobie Smulders as Maria Hill 玛丽亚·希尔
A former high-ranking S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who works closely with Nick Fury
Jon Favreau as Happy Hogan 哈罗德斯·“快乐”·霍根
The head of security for Stark Industries and former driver and bodyguard of Tony Stark who looks after Parker.
Numan Acar as Fury's associate Dimitri
J. B. Smoove as Julius Dell
Parker's teacher and a chaperone on his school trip to Europe.
Jacob Batalon as Ned Leeds 內德·利兹
Parker's best friend
Angourie Rice as Betty Brant
Ned's on-and-off girlfriend
Martin Starr as Roger Harrington
Parker's academic decathlon teacher and a chaperone on his school trip to Europe

Tony Revolori as Eugene "Flash" Thompson 尤金·“闪电”·汤普森
Parker's rival
Marisa Tomei as May Parker
Parker's aunt who is aware of his secret identity and wants him to be Spider-Man more so he can help with charitable causes.
Jake Gyllenhaal as Quentin Beck / Mysterio “神秘客”昆汀·贝克
A former Stark Industries employee and holographic-illusions specialist who masquerades as a superhero from Earth-833 in the multiverse. He is recruited by Nick Fury to help Spider-Man stop the Elementals.
Peter Billingsley as William Ginter Riva
Peter Billingsley reprises his Iron Man (2008) role of scientist William Ginter Riva, a former employee of Stark Industries who now works with Beck.
J. K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson
Marking the first time an actor has reprised a non-MCU role in an MCU film after Simmons portrayed a different incarnation of Jameson in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man film trilogy.

Ben Mendelsohn as Skrulls Talos and Soren 塔罗

Sharon Blynn as the Skrulls Soren 索伦
Uncredited cameo appearances in the post-credits scene as the Skrulls Talos and Soren, reprising their roles from Captain Marvel (2019)

The Elementals
The Elementals (based on the Marvel Comics team of the same name) are a series of illusions created by the use of projectors and drones utilized by Quentin Beck to wreak havoc across the world. To mask their nature, Beck claimed that the Elementals were superpowered entities from Earth-833 that emerged from an inter-dimensional rift caused by the Snap. This iteration consists of the Wind, Earth, Fire, and Water Elementals; who are modeled after Cyclone, Sandman, Molten Man, and Hydro-Man respectively.

Wind Elementals (Cyclone)
Earth Elementals (Sandman)
Fire Elementals (Molten Man)
Water Elementals (Hydro-Man)
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