Big White Duel 2
《白色强人II》(英语:Big White Duel II),由电视广播有限公司与优酷信息技术(北京)有限公司联合发行的时装医务、爱情、商战电视剧,为《白色强人》续集。此剧由郭晋安、马国明、陈豪、胡定欣、唐诗咏及张曦雯领衔主演,并由蒋志光、韦家雄、徐肇平、姜丽文、刘温馨及张达伦联合演出。编审黄伟强,监制罗永贤,出品人为孟钧及曾励珍。[3] 此剧是TVB节目巡礼2021十四部剧集之一、TVB携手创无限节目博览2022十四部剧集之一,亦是2021年和2022年中国香港国际影视展推介剧集之一,以及周年庆典节目巡礼2022十二部剧集之一。台湾由OTT平台LiTV 线上影视、MyVideo、KKTV、HamiVideo跟播。本剧由“康业信贷快递”赞助。
Big White Duel II (Chinese: 白色強人II) is a Hong Kong television medical drama produced by TVB. It stars Roger Kwok, Kenneth Ma, Moses Chan, Nancy Wu, Natalie Tong and Kelly Cheung.[1] Marco Law serves as the producer. It is the sequel to the 2019 drama Big White Duel. The drama made its premiere on Youku on 22 June 2022.
马国明KennethMa,郭晋安RogerKowk,胡定欣Nancy Wu,张曦雯KellyCheung,韦家雄WillieWai,徐肇平,姜丽文Lesley Chiang,蒋志光RamChiang,唐诗咏NatalieTong,陈豪Moses Chan,王菲Wong Fei,张达伦MaxCheung
PlotIt centers on Dr. YT Yeung (Roger Kwok), the Deputy Chief Executive of Marshall Paxton Hospital and his radical proposal to completely change the hospital’s bureaucratic model by privatizing the public hospitals and raise capital by the means of public listing to maintain hospital operations, but is met with opposition from Dr. Tong Ming (Kenneth Ma), who was placed by the Chief Executive of Marshal Paxton to be the head of the hospital’s cardiology department. Tong Ming believed that YT Yeung’s proposed changes could affect the poor’s accessibility to healthcare has a totally different ideology compared to YT's. He has fought alongside his apprentice Dr. Max Poon (Matthew Ho) in accordance with the life-saving principle that is to hold human life above the healthcare system, but they are instead dragged into the power struggle initiated by Dr. Lui Chung-hok, CE of Marshal Paxton. In Marshall Paxton Hospital, Tong Ming is reunited with A&E's Dr. Zoe So (Natalie Tong) who is his ex-wife.
Cast and Character 演员阵容与角色
(MPH-Marshall Paxton Hospital)
管理层 Management
郭晋安Roger Kowk 饰演 杨逸滔YT
马国明Kenneth Ma 饰演 唐明
胡定欣Nancy Wu 饰演 叶晴
脑神经外科 NES/Neuro-Neuroendovascular Surgery
张曦雯Kelly Cheung 饰演 吕霭宁Yan
林溥来 饰演 凌伟康Ben
心胸肺外科 CTS-Cardiothoracic Surgery
韦家雄Willie Wai 饰演 何秉光Hugo
徐肇平 饰演 阮振辉
姜丽文Lesley Chiang 饰演 范慧珊Rachel

急症室 A&E-Accident & Emergency
蒋志光Ram Chiang 饰演 余湛琛
唐诗咏Natalie Tong 饰演 苏怡Zoe
陈豪Moses Chan 饰演 李文信Vincent
肿瘤科 Oncology
王菲Wong Fei 饰演 徐晓韵Wendy
护理科 Nursing
胡美贻Elizabeth Wu 饰演 刘琪琪
其他 Others
张达伦Max Cheung 饰演 温铭章

林景程 饰演 吴永康

TNN电视台 Television Network News
刘温馨Virginia Lau 饰演 张庭
病人 Patient
郭柏妍Rosita Kwok 饰演 程可欣
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