July 21, 2022

功夫 Kung Fu Hustle (2004 Star Overseas Ltd)

Kung Fu Hustle

《功夫》(英语:Kung Fu Hustle)是一部于2004年上映的以中国功夫为主体的香港动作电影,由周星驰担任导演、监制、编剧、配乐和主演,钱昇玮执行导演,袁和平和洪金宝任动作设计。故事取景于1940年代的中国,周星驰饰演一位无所作为、想加入当时最大帮派斧头帮的小混混。该片的视觉效果受到广泛赞扬;特点是卡通的风格伴随着中国的传统音乐。 在《少林足球》取得商业成功后,暌违三年,其制作公司星辉海外有限公司于2002年起开始与哥伦比亚影业联合制作《功夫》。该片演员以许多70年代香港动作电影的退役演员为主,但也有当代有影响力的武术电影如《卧虎藏龙》和《英雄》等片的班底。 《功夫》于2004年12月23日在中国上映,2005年1月25日在美国上映。在北美地区累计收入1,700万美元,其他地区则收入8,400万美元。《功夫》一度是香港历史上票房最高的华语电影,直至2016年电影《寒战II》的上映才打破这项纪录;《功夫》也是美国历史上票房第十高的外语电影,也是2005年美国收入最高的外语片。《功夫》赢得了无数奖项,其中包括六项香港电影金像奖和五项金马奖。2014年10月,值电影上映10周年,在亚洲和美洲重新发行了3D版本。 2005年,周星驰接受BBC个人专访时,BBC称他是李小龙和成龙之后又一位华人国际巨星。不过,周星驰却很谦虚地回答:“有点不同,我更注重幕后的工作。”事实上,《功夫》共获得海内外22个电影奖项和33项提名,而海外奖项和海外票房一样占了8成以上。据美国哥伦比亚影业介绍,因为周星驰是《功夫》的作者,所以周星驰享有《功夫》17.5%的版税。换句话说,周星驰因《功夫》所得版税收益和《少林足球》一样都在2,000万美元以上。

Kung Fu Hustle (Chinese: 功夫; lit. 'Kung Fu') is a 2004 action-comedy film directed, produced, co-written by, and starring Stephen Chow. The film tells the story of a murderous neighborhood gang, a poor village with unlikely heroes, and an aspiring gangster's fierce journey to find his true self. Eva Huang, Yuen Wah, Yuen Qiu, Danny Chan Kwok-kwan, and Leung Siu-lung co-starred in prominent roles. The martial arts choreography is supervised by Yuen Woo-ping. Kung Fu Hustle was a co-production between Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese companies, filmed in Shanghai. After the commercial success of Shaolin Soccer, its production company, Star Overseas, began to develop the films with Columbia Pictures Asia in 2002. It features a number of retired actors famous for 1970s Hong Kong action cinema and has been compared to contemporary and influential wuxia films such as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Hero. The cartoon special effects in the film accompanied by traditional Chinese music are often cited as its most striking feature. The film was released on 23 December 2004 in China and on 25 January 2005 in the United States. The film received positive reviews and grossed US$17 million in North America and US$84 million in other regions. It was tenth on the list of highest-grossing foreign-language films in the United States as well as the highest-grossing foreign-language film in the country in 2005. Kung Fu Hustle won numerous awards, including six Hong Kong Film Awards and five Golden Horse Awards. The film was re-released in 3D in October 2014 across Asia and America, marking the tenth anniversary of the film.

周星驰Stephen Chow, 林子聪Lam Chi-chung, 陈国坤Danny Chan, 元华Yuen Wah, 元秋Yuen Qiu, 黄圣依Eva Huang, 释行宇Xing Yu, 董志华Dong Zhihua, 赵志凌Chiu Chi-ling, 梁小龙Leung Siu-lung, 冯小刚Feng Xiaogang, 林雪Lam Suet, 田启文Tin Kai-man, 贾康熙Gar Hong-hay, 冯克安Fung Hak-on, 袁祥仁Yuen Cheung-yan, 何文辉, 丁小龙, 陈凯师, 王仕颖, 阮昊天, 张明明, 杨能, 黄锐民, 冯勉恒, 任斯璐, 林子善, 洪维涛

In 1940s Shanghai, petty crooks Sing and Bone aspire to join the notorious Axe Gang under the leadership of the cold-blooded killer Brother Sum. The pair visit a rundown slum known as Pig Sty Alley to extort the residents by pretending to be Axe Gang members. Sing throws a firecracker that he claims will signal the rest of the Axe Gang, but his bluff backfires when the firecracker explodes next to a real Axe Gang underboss. Sing blames the residents for throwing the firecracker and the boss attacks them, but he is struck and killed by an unseen assailant. Gang reinforcements arrive but they are all quickly dealt with by three of the slum's tenants: Coolie, Tailor, and Donut, who reveal they are actually kung fu masters. However, fearing the Axe Gang's retaliation, the slum's Landlady evicts the trio. Brother Sum captures Sing and Bone, intending to kill them for posing as gang members. However, Sing uses his exceptional lock-picking skills to free himself and Bone before they are killed by thrown axes. The impressed Brother Sum allows them to join the gang on the condition that they kill someone. Sing laments being a failure in life. He recalls his childhood to Bone when he was tricked by a vagrant into buying a martial arts pamphlet with his meager saving because he was duped into thinking he was a natural-born kung fu master. After practicing the pamphlet's Buddhist Palm technique many times, Sing attempted to save a mute girl named Fong from bullies but was instead beaten and humiliated. Sing becomes adamant that heroes never win and resolves to be a villain. Sing and Bone return to Pig Sty Alley to kill the Landlady. However, their plan backfires as Sing is repeatedly stabbed by his and Bone's missed knife throws. He retreats to a traffic pulpit where his body rapidly heals from his deadly injuries. The pain causes him to strike the sides of the metal pulpit, covering the surface with hand-shaped impressions. Meanwhile, Brother Sum hires two Harpists that use a magical guzheng to kill their victims with sound. The assassins arrive at Pig Sty Alley just as the trio of kung fu masters is leaving. The Harpists kill Coolie and defeat Donut and Tailor with their magical instrument; however, they are defeated afterward by the Landlady and her husband the Landlord, who are revealed to be kung fu masters as well. The Landlady then warns Brother Sum, who watched the fight with his adviser, to stay away from Pig Sty Alley. A frustrated Sing attempts to rob an ice cream vendor but discovers that she is actually Fong. When she recognizes him and offers him a lollipop, he smashes it and leaves in shame; he also rebuffs Bone. Brother Sum offers to Sing immediate gang membership if he uses his lock-picking skills to free the Beast, a legendary kung fu assassin from a Shanghai mental asylum. Sing brings the Beast back to the Axe Gang's headquarters. Brother Sum is skeptical of the Beast's skills due to his flippant attitude and sloppy appearance. However, the Beast proves his kung fu prowess by stopping a bullet in midair with his fingers. When the Beast detects the kung fu presence of the Landlady and Landlord, he destroys the casino next door to confront the couple. A fight breaks out between the three and culminates in all of them being immobilized in an inter-joint lock. Brother Sum orders Sing to attack the Landlady and Landlord to help the Beast, but Sing has a change of heart and attacks the Beast instead. Infuriated, the Beast smashes Sing's head into the ground, but he is saved by the Landlady and Landlord. The trio flees and Brother Sum berates the Beast for letting them escape; the Beast kills Brother Sum in response. Back at Pig Sty Alley, the Landlady and Landlord treat Sing and are surprised by his quick recovery from his fatal injuries. Sing then treats the couple's wounds in return before confronting the Axe Gang. The Landlady deduces that the Beast's beating of Sing has realigned Sing's qi, metamorphosing him into a natural kung fu master. The new Sing effortlessly dispatches the Axe Gang before fighting the Beast, who initially appears to have the upper hand due to his "toad style". However, when Sing is sent flying into the sky by the Beast, he has a vision of Buddha in the clouds and completes his transformation. Sing uses the Buddhist Palm technique to defeat the Beast. Awestruck by Sing's power and prowess, the Beast tearfully bows to Sing and concedes defeat. Sing and Bone open a candy store with Fong's lollipop as their logo. Fong visits Sing at his store, and the pair embrace. Meanwhile, the same mysterious vagrant who sold Sing the martial arts pamphlet speaks to another child just outside the store, but this time he is selling multiple pamphlets teaching several different styles.

1940年代的上海正值社会动荡、黑帮横行的时期,其中以鳄鱼帮和斧头帮两大黑帮最为猖狂,于上海欺行霸市。某日,斧头帮终于消灭对手鳄鱼帮,夺下其所有财富和权力,且收买当地警察逃脱指控。一名默默无闻的街头混混阿星整日梦想成为黑帮人物,但意志不坚、无所作为不被他人看好,只好与最好同伴排骨冒充斧头帮,跑到黑帮无暇顾及的贫民窟“猪笼城寨”敲诈钱财。不料,城寨的老百姓都身怀绝技,阿星敲诈不成反被村民暴打一通,恰好斧头帮路过城寨门口,副首领被阿星的假斧头帮信号鞭炮炸伤,阿星把此事嫁祸城寨村民。帮众随即进入城寨寻事打斗,然而三名隐居在城寨里的武功高手,分别以十二路谭腿、洪家铁线拳、五郎八卦棍三大功夫出手相救,使斧头帮全员大挫锐气、大失颜面之下败阵而退。 斧头帮因惨败而准备找阿星和排骨解气时,阿星由于身怀神速开锁绝技而被斧头帮首领琛哥宽恕,同时给予证明实力的机会。两人回街上计划回去对付满是功夫高手的城寨,过程让阿星回想起自己童年时,曾经花十块钱在一名骗钱乞丐手上买过一本名为《如来神掌》的“失传武功秘笈”而开始习武,一日试图见义勇为而解救一位受人欺负、不能说话的小女孩,但学到的武功不但没奏效,反而被他们击倒并侮辱一番,甚至被告知自己买的秘笈才值两分钱。哑女欲把手中的棒棒糖送给阿星作为答谢,但阿星觉得深受侮辱而哭着离去,自暴自弃的他认为做坏人才能出人头地。 斧头帮仍不打算放过城寨,请来一对以暗杀闻名的琴魔兄弟前去铲除城寨中的三名武功高手。当时三名高手刚好因违反“禁武令”而被勒令搬离此地,但离开时分别遭遇琴魔兄弟俩弹奏古琴发出音波攻击,最终敌不过而惨死在其手中。然而,城寨的包租公和包租婆夫妻俩终于忍无可忍,露出神雕侠侣的真正身份以及暗藏已久的太极拳和狮吼功两大功夫,不但将琴魔兄弟打得落花流水、武功尽失之下狼狈逃走,并威胁在一边看戏的琛哥不准再来闹事。夫妻俩对村民坦白隐瞒身份只是想安享晚年,虽然替三大英雄报仇雪恨,但也命令全村人为了自身安全而尽快迁离。 斧头帮从琴魔兄弟口中得知“终极杀人王”火云邪神的存在后,决定拉拢阿星并活用他的高超开锁技巧,从精神病院将他释放出来。此时包租公和包租婆也恰巧前来找斧头帮算账,而看似年老的火云邪神不负斧头帮所期望,靠压倒性实力、以一敌二击倒包租公和包租婆。就在夫妻二人情况危急之际,良心未泯的阿星在关键时候叛离斧头帮、救出包租公和包租婆,却也导致自己被火云邪神痛打地半死不活。包租婆和包租公趁乱救走阿星后撤回城寨,目标逃跑使火云邪神震怒之下一拳将琛哥的脖子打扭致死。然而,火云邪神的几拳碰巧打通阿星的任督二脉,加上阿星年幼时练习的如来神掌功夫,让阿星脱胎换骨、迅速复原伤势,并具有震撼无比的武功。 火云邪神率领斧头帮全员前往城寨寻人,康复后的阿星及时出现,斧头帮全员也群起而攻之。然而阿星单枪匹马、展现强大武功直接让斧头帮全军覆没,接着随即与火云邪神展开最终决战。虽然一度因火云邪神的蛤蟆功一筹莫展,但却在关键时刻使出失传的“如来神掌”让他无法还击,并拿走其暗器“莲花毒箭”,将其变为竹蜻蜓般飞至天空,火云邪神最后也无计可施,在阿星面前下跪认输。一阵子后,阿星找回排骨一起开一家糖果店,而他小时候遇见的哑女推著冰淇淋车出现在店门口,和阿星再次相遇后,两人一起进去分享糖果与童年回忆。而阿星童年时遇见的乞丐,正在店旁边将好几本失传武功秘笈骗卖给另外一个小孩,启发这位小孩的“功夫梦”。

Cast and Character 演员阵容与角色 

周星驰Stephen Chow 饰演 阿星


元华Yuen Wah 饰演 包租公


元秋Yuen Qiu 饰演 包租婆


释行宇Xing Yu 饰演 苦力强


董志华Dong Zhihua 饰演 油炸鬼


赵志凌Chiu Chi-ling 饰演 裁缝胜



陈国坤Danny Chan 饰演 琛哥


梁小龙Leung Siu-lung 饰演 火云邪神


林雪Lam Suet 饰演 斧头帮二当


田启文Tin Kai-man 饰演 斧头帮师爷



贾康熙Gar Hong-hay 饰演 天残


冯克安Fung Hak-on 饰演 地缺


丁小龙 饰演 琛哥跟班


林子聪Lam Chi-chung 饰演 排骨


黄圣依Eva Huang 饰演 阿芳


冯小刚Feng Xiaogang 饰演 鳄鱼帮首领


任斯璐 饰演 鳄鱼棒首领老婆

袁祥仁Yuen Cheung-yan 饰演 乞丐


何文辉 饰演 酱爆


陈凯师 饰演 哨牙珍

 饰演 猪笼城寨居民

黄锐民 饰演 探长

冯勉恒 饰演 四眼文员

阮昊天 饰演 少时小星

王仕颖 饰演 少时小芳

林子善 饰演 恶霸顽童


洪维涛 饰演 猪笼城寨健美先生



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