The Challenge 谁与争锋
A 2001 TV Drama series by Mediacorp, on Channel 8, which was then called 第八波道
Starring: Vincent Wong 翁清海, Terence Cao 曹国辉, Robin Leong 梁侠儿, Wong Li Lin 黄丽玲, Xiang Yun 向云, Carol Tham 谭淑君, 翁燕燕, 张艳冰, 李文海, 严丙量, 刘谦益, 吴云峰, 林道庆, 周全喜.
I remember vividly when it was airing in 2001, I would always sit in front of my television at 9pm sharp and go to bed at 10pm after it ends. That's when I realised I had a burning passion for martial arts I guess. The very first time I learned about the word "武" is a combination of "止" and "戈", which means to end the war. Violence is never an option, all martial arts practitioner is all about martial arts virtue.
My Summary
The story includes love, brotherhood, and martial arts, where it revolves around a fight competition named "The Challenge" (谁与争锋). Main lead Li Zi Long(黎子龙), played by Vincent Wong 翁清海, is a young, righteous, and impulsive boy who gets tangled in a love triangle with his fellow best friend and senior Xiao Tian Xing (大师兄 萧天星), played by Terence Cao 曹国辉, and reporter Bai Zheng Yu (白正宇), played by Wong Li Lin 黄丽玲. Both Zi Long and Tian Xing represented the martial arts school Si Hai (四海), which is usually tagged in 四海之内皆兄弟, refers to all men within the four seas are brothers, a heavily righteous meaning. Si Hai Wushu school later welcomes the 3rd male lead Sean(谢崇恩), played by Robin Leong 梁侠儿, who is a US Chinatown martial arts multi-winner and nutritionist who returns from America to further his martial arts path. The 3 men would later represent Si Hai Wushu and fly over to China to attend a Wushu summit hosted by Shaolin, along with reporter Zhengyu, where they would meet Wang Song(王颂), a Chinese sword champion played by 张艳冰, who is also their tour guide.
Through thick and thin, Zi Long eventually got together with long-time admirer Feng Xiao-Ji (冯晓吉), portrayed by 翁燕燕. Sean eventually got hurt and was forced to rehabilitate from his long-term usage of performance-enhancing drugs and supplements but achieved the love of his life and got married to Wang Song. In the end, Zheng Yu acknowledged Tian Xing's love for her despite Tian Xing turning evil and killing many people, including her father Bai Ji Xiong (白继雄), portrayed by 李文海, as Tian Xing sacrifices himself to save Zheng Yu from a murdering car crash by Naya (娜娅), a Muay Thai fighter who loves Tian Xing, portrayed by Carol Tham 谭淑君. The show ends off showing Zi Long supervising and leading Si Hai Wushu.
黎子龙, 白正宇和萧天星的友情 |
黎子龙, 萧天星和谢崇恩的兄弟情 |
黎子龙, 萧天星和谢崇恩在少林寺受方丈的指导 |
黎子龙, 萧天星,谢崇恩,白正宇和王颂在中国告别此行 |
谁与争锋杯就是武术的最高荣誉,黎子龙得到了冯晓吉的支持参加 |
简 介: 黎子龙、萧天星与谢崇恩三位好友同是爱好武术的人,还不远千里赴中国少林寺习武并参加武术观摩大会,同时约定一同参加一年后在新加坡举行谁与争锋武术锦标大赛。憨厚重感情的子龙因为与天星同时喜欢上记者白正宇,而陷入痛苦纠缠不清的三角漩涡中,加上事业与家庭的困扰,软化了他的斗志。好胜的天星为了得到正宇而不择手段,并与子龙交恶反目。万众瞩目的武术锦标大赛也将两位好友变成仇敌,天星甚至为了夺标而误入歧途。急进的崇恩也为了夺标而积极锻练身体,他甚至服用药物与利用科技器材以达到目标,无奈最终弄巧反拙而不能参赛。锦标大赛迫在眉睫,这三位好友是否能夺得梦寐以求的锦标?是否能找到心中的爱?他们能否重修旧好?
Official English Synopsis
Synopsis: Discover the world of kung-fu in this action-packed serial. The story depicts the trials and tribulations of 3 friends, who got together because of their common interest in martial arts. While they come from different backgrounds, they have the same goal: to emerge as the champion of the Shaolin Kung-fu competition in China. See how these three lads pursue their dreams and goals, how their friendship is put to the test when 2 of them fall for the same girl and how they overcome various obstacles to learn the most important lesson in their life.
Official Introduction on meWATCH
Discover the world of kung-fu in this action-packed serial. The story depicts the trials and tribulations of 3 friends, who got together because of their common interest in martial arts. While they come from different backgrounds, they have the same goal: to emerge as the champion of the Shaolin Kung-fu competition in China. See how these three lads pursue their dreams and goals, how their friendship is put to the test when 2 of them fall for the same girl and how they overcome various obstacles to learn the most important lesson in their life.
Besides the explosion between Chinese Wushu and Muay Thai, there's an underground fight scene where the then good 萧天星 needed cash to help pay his master's loan shark debt. It reminded me of the first film I've watched Wu Jing 吴京 starred in; Fatal Contact 黑拳 (2006).
The romance between 黎子龙 (Vincent Wong翁清海) and 冯晓吉(翁燕燕)is too unrealistic! Her selfless love and courage to pursue her love gave her a super sweet ending.
冯晓吉陪着黎子龙去少林寻医,治脊椎伤 |
巅峰的翁清海, 我当时很迷他,我知道他是新加坡代表的武术冠军。 在我眼里,他是我们的骄傲。是他让我迷上中国武术。 我也很喜欢他在东游记的孙悟空演出,虽然我眼里只有一个美猴王,就是张卫健演的孙悟空 |
Cast 演员阵容
最考曹国辉演技的角色,萧天星从正义的大师兄逐渐步上家父黑化的道路。从师父的背叛,到最好朋友和最爱的女友的不信任与不理解导致他一路无法挽回。他以一个错误来掩盖另一个错误,从打黑拳,打伤冯猜,让娜娅沉下海,打死白继雄,打残卡蓬,挟持晓吉,一路的错都是他在黑化中的成果。如少林寺方丈说的有些真相真的不知道更好。临走少林时,方丈赐他一个“仁”字,他却没能记住。 |
谢崇恩 - Robin Leong 梁侠儿
从讨人厌的美国华侨,发现Sean的细腻和义气,谢崇恩慢慢开始接受了流在的血里的文化和接受他。他为了武术和武官的荣耀而战到了最后,感动了很多人,也得到了很多敬佩。虽然因为想要速进而服用进化素而后的了肌肉萎缩症,其任然不放弃,持续的锻炼坚持打谁与争锋杯。在擂台上虽败犹荣。后参透临走少林时得到方丈赐予的“缓”字,欲速则不达。 |
白正宇应该除了萧天星最虐的一个角色了。她从一开始很快乐的跟两位男主角的好友晴相处着过后在三角恋中选择了萧天星却不想失去黎子龙这位好友而好不容易经历了调解回到三人行。享受着友情和爱情是短暂的,萧天星打黑拳后一切就蹦跶了。发现男友出轨,打黑拳,叛师然后丧父,还发现杀了父亲的就是自己的男友,这个人设很虐。黄丽玲在学剑的时候,耍的很到位,和她本身功底有很大的帮助。 |
冯人錾就是那个总是担心女儿晓吉的父亲。其员工子龙是爱女晓吉所暗恋之人,而子龙非常冲动,时常惹事闯祸,让其非常担心。当子龙受伤无法行动时,他以如果子龙不好起来就不让女儿和他在一起为由,间接鼓励子龙振作起来,成为有担当的男人。 |
袁老演绎的就是大多数剧中的高地位却很糊涂的长老,四海武术馆元老级别的人物,因信任罗金权而间接导致天星步入黑暗。Sean的表舅。当Sean被天星在背后动手脚时,糊涂的把接班职权转给天星。 |
罗金权就是一个奸角色,他贪财又贪名利,赌博输了借高利贷无法偿还然后被毒打被爱徒天星见到。因为当年的养育和教育之恩,爱徒天星为其帮忙筹钱,去打了地下黑拳。后来为了名利和在武术界的面子和地位,不愿意承认错误,让天星当替死鬼,还落井下石陷天星为不义,导致天星步入黑暗邪恶。刘谦益当年以“你没吃饭啊”在梁志强的电影里闯出一片天,现今还是很活跃演艺圈,是个很敬业的资深绿叶。 |
白继雄是个很厉害的武术家。当年身为武痴的他忽略了老婆,其后因为了妻子难产过世放弃谁与争锋杯的决赛,后为四海主教练,最终被黑化的天星所杀。 |
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