The Heaven Sword and the Dragon Saber
《倚天屠龙记》(英语:The Heaven Sword and the Dragon Saber)是一部中国大陆古装武侠剧集,根据金庸所著的武侠小说《倚天屠龙记》改编而拍摄制作。由蒋家骏、彭学字、杜渊和江洪敏执导,关展博编剧,由曾舜晞、陈钰琪及祝绪丹领衔主演;张超人、周海媚、曹曦月、黑子、宗峰岩、阮圣文、陈欣予、郭军、杨明娜、陈创、陶珞依、许雅婷、邬靖靖、王德顺、安泽豪、傅隽、师小红、贺刚及孙亦凡联合演出;李东学、赵樱子、樊少皇、宁文彤及于波特别出演;林雨申、李依晓、李解、沈保平、张弓、杜玉明、张春仲及邓立民友情主演。故事讲述了以张无忌的成长为线索,江湖上的各门各派、各种人物恩怨情仇的故事。《倚天屠龙记》是无线电视翡翠台2019年第2套于晚上黄金时段20:30播出的内地剧。台湾OTT平台LiTV 线上影视同步上架播出。
Heavenly Sword and Dragon Slaying Sabre is a 2019 Chinese wuxia television series adapted from the novel The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber by Jin Yong. Originally published in newspapers from 1961 to 1963, the story has been revised twice; once in 1979 and the second in 2005. This remake is primarily based on the third edition of the novel. The series is the first adaptation to be released as a web series and was first broadcast on Tencent in China on February 27, 2019.
In the late-Yuan dynasty of China, martial art sects and warriors fight for the lost Dragon Sabre which, according to legend, grants its possessor rulership of the world. Yu Daiyan retrieves the sword but Yin Yewang's sister, Yin Susu, poisons him. Susu arranges to transport the third brother home to be treated but an unknown mercenary cripples him. Zhang Cuishan watches the Heavenly Eagle Sect demonstrate the dragon sabre but Xie Xun snatches it away and takes Cuishan and Susu to a remote island but their ship sinks. Cuishan and Susu arrive at an island that they like to call Fire Ice Island and fall in love, and married each other there. Xie Xun arrives there the next day and the three of them decide to become a family disregarding their differences due to the birth of Cuishan and Susu's child, Zhang Wuji. The child is named Wuji in memory of Xie Xun's son Xie Wuji and names the Golden-Hair Lion King as her son's godfather. Ten years later, Cuishan, Susu, and young Wuji leave the island without Xie Xun, who chooses to stay on the island. Cuishan, Susu, and Wuji return to the mainland and travel to Wudang. During the journey, Wuji is kidnapped by one of the Xuan Ming Elders. At Wudang, Daiyan recognizes Susu's voice. Cuishan takes responsibility for the many murders Susu committed in the past and suicides in front of multiple sects to protect his new family. Sanfeng and Susu rescue Wuji then Susu kills herself to join Cuishan, leaving Wuji orphaned. Wuji is poisoned by the toxic chill of the Xuan Ming Divine Palm and collapses. Miejue and her Emei disciples attack Yang Xiao, who kidnaps Xiaofu. Yang Xiao asks Xiaofu to take care of an orphan girl named Yan'er who has endured abuse for one month. After one month, Xiaofu wants to return to Emei; Yang Xiao tells her Miejue will consider that she and he have something between them and must be killed. Xiaofu tells Yang Xiao the Heavenly Reliant Sword means a lot to her master Miejue and she tricks Yang Xiao into promising never to see her again. Yang Xiao steals the Heavenly Reliant Sword from its Mongolian owner and returns it to Emei. Xiaofu leaves Emei and gives birth to a girl named Yang Buhui in honour of her love for Yang Xiao. Wuji leaves a note to Sanfeng stating the god of mercy admires him and will cure him, and then he runs away. Wuji prepares to die but a girl named Zhou Zhiruo saves his life. Zhiruo's father looks for Yuchun. The next day, Zhiruo's father is ambushed, captured, and taken to a market where Wuji and Zhiruo were selling oranges. The soldiers force Zhirou's father to tell them the whereabouts of Chang Yuchun but he tells them he does not know. Sanfeng arrives but Zhiruo's father dies. Sanfeng returns to Wudang with Zhiruo to take care of her for Wuji while Yuchun takes Wuji to see Divine Physician Hu Qingniu at the Butterfly valley, who does not want to treat Wuji's cold poison. He feels Wuji's pulse and changes his mind. Wuji studies Qingniu's books and acquires some medical skills. Sanfeng brings Zhiruo back to Wudang but recommends she would join the Emei sect as Miejue took her in as an Emei disciple. Miejue finds Xiaofu in the Butterfly Valley and defeats Golden Flower Granny who is trying to take Wuji and Xiaofu to Divine Snake island. Later, Miejue kills Xiaofu in grief with her palm strike for choosing Yang Xiao over Emei and this is witnessed by Wuji and Buhui. Before Xiaofu died, she asked Wuji to send Buhui to her father Yang Xiao, and then returns to Wudang. On the way home, Wuji rescues a monkey from some dogs and is injured. The Zhu family tricks him to reveal Xie Xun's location. Wuji jumps off a cliff and Mr Zhu saves him but they are trapped on a small ledge. Wuji crawls through a narrow tunnel and finds the Nine Yang Divine manual from a white ape and masters it. The Nine Yang Divine Skill allows Wuji to cure his cold poison. Mr Zhu kicks Wuji off the ledge. Wuji lands in a house and breaks both legs. Zhu'er helps him and attacks Jiuzhen with her spider poison as a result of killing the victim. Emei's disciples are guests at Jiuzhen's home. Emei disciples capture Zhu'er and Wuji. Zhu'er and Wuji escape but Emei's disciples take them prisoners on their way to Bright Light Peak to exterminate Ming Cult. Wuji has an opportunity to privately speak to Zhiruo when looking for a herb. Wuji receives three powerful punches from Miejue to save the lives and limbs of Ming Cult's Five-Colored Flags residents. Shuo Bude captures Wuji and takes him to the throne room. Wuji unintentionally masters the Ming Cult's most powerful martial art of Heaven and Earth Great Shift and saves the cult from extermination by the Great Six sects, nearly losing his life in the Bright Light Peak battle but not until revealing his true identity to his family who is the opposing sects by his deceased parents. The Great Six sects keep their word not to bother Ming Cult to Wuji and reluctantly becomes the cult's leader. Wuji and Ming Cult set out to bring Xie Xun from the remote island. On the way, they come across Wuji's sixth uncle, Yin Liting, whose joints are broken by Shao Lin's people, who turned out to be Zhao Min's subordinates. The Ming Cult people go to Shao Lin but nobody is there. Wuji rushes to Wu Dang to save Wu Dang from extermination and then uses Taiji Fist and Taiji Swordplay on the Mongolian princess Zhao Min's people. Prior to the attack on Wudang, Zhao Min had already successfully captured and kept the Great Six sects in Wan An Si. A Ming Cult member and a spy within Zhao Min's people, Fan Yao, saves the sects. However, Miejue, still believing that the Ming Cult is evil and that Wuji has malicious intentions when saving the sects, refuses to accept Wuji's help and plunges to her death. When Emei's disciples discuss whether Zhiruo or Minjun should be the next sect leader, Golden Flower Granny captures Zhiruo and takes her to Divine Snake Island. Zhao Min ensures she and Wuji are on the same ship as Golden Flower Granny. On Divine Snake Island, Wuji delays his reunion with Xie Xun. Persian Ming Cult attacks them. Xiao Zhao and her mother leave for Persia with the Persian Ming Cult people. One morning, Wuji wakes to find Zhu'er dead and that Zhao Min, the Heavenly Sword, and the Dragon Saber are missing. Wuji agrees to marry Zhiruo. Wuji, Xie Xun, and Zhiruo return to the mainland. Mo Shenggu sees Qingshu's attempt to rape Zhiruo and tries to kill him. Due to intervention from Youliang, it results in his own death. At Youliang's urging, Qingshu tries but fails to poison Sanfeng and is banished from Wu Dang. Zhao Min lures Wuji away from his own wedding with Zhiruo. Qingshu had been secretly following Zhiruo for some time and Zhiruo confronts him. She brings him back to Emei. Wuji goes to Shao Lin to rescue Xie Xun but Xie Xun refuses to leave. All sects go to Shao Lin for an event. Zhiruo almost kills Wuji and emerges as the champion. Zhao Min's father surrounds Shao Lin to exterminate the sects. Zhiruo gives the Book of Wumu to Wuji, who wins a few battles, but the tide turns after Zhao Min is killed by her father. Wuji mourns at Zhao Min's tombstone. Many people die, including Qingshu, Minjun, Yin Tianzheng, Xie Xun, many different cult disciples, and many Mongolian soldiers. Shao Lin's siege ends when the Ming Cult army from Hao Zhou arrives. It is revealed that Zhao Min is still alive. Her brother persuades her father to spare her and sends her back to Mongolia. But she returns for Zhang Wuji as she tells him she cannot live without him. Zhang Wuji and Zhao Min meet her father and brother for a peace treaty. The meeting goes well until Zhu Yuanzheng kills Zhao Min's father. Zhao Min leaves Zhang Wuji when he chooses his country over her but says he still cares for her and vows to go to Mongolia and find her. The Ming Cult army has recovered most of China and Yuan emperor Toghon Temür flees to the Eurasian Steppe, where the Yuan remnants establish the Northern Yuan dynasty. Wuji, not wanting to be a sovereign for fear of being corrupted by power, chooses to remain in a righteous path and charges his followers to carry on protecting China against tyranny, injustice, and other threats. Off-screen, Zhu Yuanzhang, having earned a heroic reputation that rivals Wuji's from his battles against the Yuan forces, wins support from his subordinates and allies, and becomes the Ming dynasty's founder, the Hongwu Emperor. In Mongolia, Wuji gets to be together with Zhao Min.
Cast and Character 演员阵容与角色
达摩堂长老,也是辈份最高的三大高僧之首,论武功仅逊武当派开山祖师张三丰、明教第33代及34代教主阳顶天和张无忌而已。数十年前曾与明教教主阳顶天大战,落败且左目因此失明,后来闭关修练,潜心报仇,三十年来未尝少忘左眼失明之怨恨。 渡厄在明教教主张无忌初战“金刚伏魔圈”时,出手阻止张无忌营救明教四大护教法王之一“金毛狮王”谢逊,张无忌眼见不敌,便出言告知真相,渡厄听得真相,比渡劫、渡难更早相信张无忌,所以是最早收敛攻势之人。张无忌再战“金刚伏魔圈”时,明教“光明左使”杨逍及明教四大护教法王之一“白眉鹰王”殷天正出手相助,初时以三敌三,及后演变为张无忌以一敌二战渡厄、渡劫,渡难以一敌二战杨殷二人的局面,渡劫险败于杨逍的智计之下,幸得渡厄相助方保不失。 张无忌第三次战“金刚伏魔圈”时,渡厄与之相斗到最后,和平收场,更于结局收谢逊为徒。谢逊本因为空见神僧的缘故而未敢拜师,渡厄一言道破,仍旧收他为徒,并以“谢逊”作为谢逊的法名。
邓立民 饰演 渡劫
张春仲 饰演 渡难
达摩堂长老,渡难在明教第三十四代教主张无忌初战“金刚伏魔圈”时出手阻止张无忌营救明教四大护教法王之一“金毛狮王”谢逊,在他一掌打在张无忌肩上时,被张无忌借力推石,同时围攻渡难的“河间双煞”之一卜泰亦趁这个机会乘虚而入,幸张无忌出手相助,渡难专心对付卜泰,三僧方得保全。 张无忌再战“金刚伏魔圈”时,“光明左使”杨逍及明教四大护教法王之一“白眉鹰王”殷天正出手相助,初时以三敌三,及后演变为张无忌以一敌二战渡厄、渡劫,渡难以一敌二战杨殷二人的局面,渡难以“金刚伏魔圈”战杨逍,以“须弥山掌”战殷天正,此战之后,殷天正因耗尽真元而亡。
沈保平 饰演 空见
空见是少林派“空”字辈弟子之一,是“少林四大神僧”之一,空见为人大智大慧,内力与外功都是当世绝顶,深得人心,名扬四海。空见为求感化明教四大护教法王之一“金毛狮王”谢逊,前往洛阳找到谢逊,自愿被他以拳殴一十三拳。空见因修得少林七十二绝技之一“金刚不坏体”而毫髪无损,“七伤拳”对于空见神僧却没有一点作用,谢逊歹念陡生,刻意装做自杀之状,引空见跃将过来救他,趁其毫无防备之际,全力以“七伤拳”打在空见胸腹之间;空见全无提防,连运神功的念头也没生,血肉之躯登时内脏震裂,摔倒在地。死前仍不放弃点化谢逊,令谢逊大感惭恨,成为其一生当中做过最后悔的一件事。 原是下一任少林寺方丈的人选,因空见舍身成仁之故,而由空闻接掌门户。少林三渡乃至寺中上下对此既感痛心、又加深了对明教的深痛恶绝,致使十余年后的屠狮大会上,务要杀谢逊夺屠龙刀。

徐鸣 饰演 空闻
少林派方丈,“空”字辈弟子之一,“少林四大神僧”之一,“见闻智性”中的第二高手。空闻方丈修为日久,城府极深,喜怒哀乐不显于面。为人着眼于大局,曾为过去武当派与少林派有嫌隙,且避免武当派名声盖过少林派,而不愿意救性命垂危的张无忌,自言:“武当派武功,源出少林,今日若是双方交换武学,日后江湖上 不明真相之人,便会说武当派固然祖述少林,但少林派却也从张真人手上得到了好处。小僧忝为少林掌门,这般的流言却是担代不起。” 六大派远征光明顶一战后,蒙古军攻入嵩山少林寺,空闻率众僧抵抗,敌不过人数众多的蒙古军,双方互有死伤,与众僧一同被抓去万安寺幽禁,被逼服下“十香软筋散”,以致使不出武功,最后连同六大派被明教第三十四代教主张无忌解救出。 屠狮英雄会中,受成崑诱惑,而与师弟空智谋划杀谢逊夺屠龙刀,以此号令天下,领袖武林未果,被“混元霹雳手”成崑挟持;幸得明教“光明右使”范遥和明教厚土旗旗主颜坦救助,方才脱困,得以免难于火光当中。屠狮英雄会过后不久,适逢元朝“汝阳王”察罕帖木儿率二万蒙古军攻来,十万火急下,在少室山协助明教迎战敌人,最终屏弃旧恶,服于张无忌。

武净 饰演 空智
空智是少林派“空”字辈弟子之一。“少林四大神僧”之一,“见闻智性”中排行第三,少林派七十二绝学得其十一,内外功俱臻上乘,是寺内数一数二的高手。为人气量狭小、睚眦必报,对武当派极度不满,认为张三丰是当年从少林寺偷学武功,所以武当派才能有今天的成就,又对身为孩童的张无忌袖手旁观,冷眼放任其受寒毒肆虐,濒临生不如死之苦。 曾率少林众僧参与六大派远征光明顶一战,力战明教五行旗,与明教四大护教法王之一“白眉鹰王”殷天正交手,最后被挫败。下山时,少林派和六大派被蒙古军抓去万安寺幽禁,各人被逼服下“十香软筋散”,以致使不出武功,最后连同六大派被明教第三十四代教主张无忌解救出,却仍旧对明教记恨,不领张无忌相救之情。平生之愿是让少林派领袖武林,因在万安寺受囚禁喂药之辱,而在屠狮大会上以言语冷嘲热讽,激得本在汝阳王府底伪装的“光明右使”范遥不下场参战,致使“白眉鹰王”殷天正力竭去世。

于爱群 饰演 空性
四大神僧之一,年纪最幼者,个性天真浪漫、不懂俗务,参与六大派远征光明顶一战,力战明教五行旗,杀上光明顶后,使出少林七十二绝技之一“龙爪手”与张无忌对战,虽然落败于自己的“龙爪手”下,两人却英雄重英雄、竟尔结为忘年之交。 下山时少林派被元军伏撃,空性以“龙爪手”绝艺和汝阳王府旗下、西域金刚门僧人“阿三”的“大力金刚指”比拼,指力斗指力,结果不敌被杀,使日后得知噩耗的张无忌大感惋惜。
樊少皇 饰演 成崑
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