The Invisibles
《隐形战队》(英语: The Invisibles),香港电视广播有限公司拍摄的时装警匪电视剧,由马国明、唐诗咏、陈山聪、刘颖镟、刘佩玥及江美仪领衔主演,由林子善、欧瑞伟、樊亦敏、郭子豪、阮浩棕、伍乐怡、赵希洛及吴家乐联合演出,并由陈展鹏特别演出,武术指导黄剑伟,监制文伟鸿。 此剧是《TVB携手创无限节目博览2022》十四部剧集之一,亦是2022年香港国际影视展推介剧集之一,亦是TVB传承·狂欢55节目博览2023八部剧集之一。第十六集起由“大栈秘鲁黑玛卡”赞助。 北美OTT由TVBAnywhere North America 2023年3月6日起同步更新[4]。台湾OTT由LiTV 线上影视、MyVideo、KKTV同步跟播上架。
The story revolves around the lives of four HK policemen in their intertwined careers and personal life: Kan Yiu Yeung (Kenneth Ma), Chan Yan Bo (Natalie Tong), San Si Lam (Alex Lam), and Koo Ka Keung (Joel Chan). The four of them were best of friends in their early days, but a fateful decision would haunt Yiu Yeung’s (aka Ocean) life for the next several years. During one mission, a gunman was about to shoot Si Lam (aka Nui-Nui) and Ocean decided to shoot Nui-Nui’s leg to forcefully lower him enough to take out the gunman. While the tactic worked, Ocean miscalculated the severity of the injury he caused and doctors had to amputate Nui-Nui’s leg. Although Nui-Nui forgave Ocean, Yan Bo (Niu-Nui’s little sister and girlfriend to Ocean) and Ka Keung never forgave him as both believed Ocean treated Nui-Hui as a pawn to help him advance his career. The incident would separate them and cause Ocean to suffer PTSD over the matter until his return to HKPD.
Cast and Character 演员阵容与角色
隐形任务战略部队(Phantom Operation and Tactic Team)
江美仪Elena Kong 饰演 方国希Hilda
马国明Kenneth Ma 饰演 简曜洋Ocean
刘佩玥Moon Lau 饰演 杜小婕Shadow
唐诗咏Natalie Tong 饰演 乔宝宝Madam Q
林子善 饰演 乔带囡女女
吴家乐 饰演 辛晓明
赵希洛 饰演 刘美欣Yan
反恐特勤队(Counter Terrorism Response Unit)
欧瑞伟Jimmy Au 饰演 张克健Gordon
陈山聪Joel Chan 饰演 顾家强Cool Sir
刘颖镟Tiffany Lau 饰演 邢风
杨证桦 饰演 徐登 登神
郭子豪 饰演 周大力
胡诺言 饰演 岑浩斌Ben Sir
樊亦敏 饰演 顾晨丽Morning
伍乐怡 饰演 沈颖珊 珊珊
阮浩棕 饰演 霍展铿 铿少
关嘉敏 饰演 辛芷瑶 瑶瑶
黄子恒 饰演 沈永基
赵璧渝 饰演 詹筱柔 小柔
林凯恩 饰演 马诗婷 Pink婷
陈展鹏Ruco Chan 饰演 匡胜天
"Diversionofours" is a hobby of mine back in 2009, where I started posting about my interests; entertainment, media and NBA. From TV dramas and variety shows to movies, later to sports coverage. In my near 30s, I would like to slow down the pace and reignite my passion to share. I'll be posting stuff that interests and entertains me. You're welcome to enjoy your stay here!
April 22, 2023
隐形战队 The Invisibles (2023 TVB)
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