Red Cliff II
Red Cliff or Chibi (Chinese: 赤壁) is a 2008–2009 Chinese epic war film, based on the Battle of Red Cliffs (208–209 AD) and the events at the end of the Han dynasty and immediately prior to the Three Kingdoms period in Imperial China. The film was directed by John Woo and stars Tony Leung, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Zhang Fengyi, Chang Chen, Zhao Wei, Hu Jun, and Lin Chi-ling. It is Woo's first major film since 2003's Paycheck and his first Chinese-language feature since 1992's Hard Boiled, also starring Leung. In China and much of Asia, Red Cliff was released in two parts, totaling over four hours in length (288 minutes). The first part (146 minutes) premiered in Beijing on 2 July 2008 and the second (142 minutes) was released in China on 7 January 2009. Outside Asia, a cut-down single 148-minute version was released in 2009. However, the full-length two-part version was released on DVD and Blu-ray in the United Kingdom on 5 October 2009, and in the United States and Canada on 23 March 2010. The first part of the film grossed over US$127 million internationally and broke the Chinese
box office record previously held by Titanic in mainland China.
梁朝伟Tony Leung, 金城武Takeshi Kaneshiro, 林志玲Lin Chi-ling, 张丰毅Zhang Fengyi, 赵薇Zhao Wei, 张震Chang Chen, 胡军Hu Jun, 中村狮童Shidō Nakamura, 尤勇You Yong, 巴森Batdorj-in Baasanjab, 臧金生, 宋佳, 侯勇, 佟大为, 张山, 王辉, 谢钢, 师小红, 徐丰年, 郭超, 胡晓光, 崔玉贵, 姜彤, 马京, 一真, 贾宏伟, 赵成顺, 王早来, 王宁, 王庆祥, 李鸿, 何音, 王玉璋, 孟和乌力吉, 孙鑫钰, 马精武, 叶华, 陈长海, 张毅, 吴旗, 傅祥瑞, 何丰, 李洪臣
梁朝伟Tony Leung 饰演 周瑜
林志玲Lin Chi-ling 饰演 小乔
尤勇You Yong 饰演 刘备
巴森Batdorj-in Baasanjab 饰演 关羽
臧金生 饰演 张飞
胡军Hu Jun 饰演 赵云
张震Chang Chen 饰演 孙权
赵薇Zhao Wei 饰演 孙尚香
中村狮童Shidō Nakamura 饰演 甘兴
侯勇 饰演 鲁肃
张山 饰演 黄盖
王玉璋 饰演 程普
张丰毅Zhang Fengyi 饰演 曹操
王辉 饰演 曹洪
宋佳 饰演 骊姬
徐丰年 饰演 张辽
胡晓光 饰演 夏侯隽
一真 饰演 蔡瑁
贾宏伟 饰演 张允
赵成顺 饰演 荀攸
师小红 饰演 蒋干
何丰 饰演 满囤
谢钢 饰演 华佗
佟大为 饰演 孙叔才
叶华 饰演 田田
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